Getting Started With VMware

New in version 2015.5.4.

Author: Nitin Madhok <>

The VMware cloud module allows you to manage VMware ESX, ESXi, and vCenter.


The vmware module for Salt Cloud requires the pyVmomi package, which is available at PyPI:

This package can be installed using pip or easy_install:

pip install pyvmomi
easy_install pyvmomi


Version 6.0 of pyVmomi has some problems with SSL error handling on certain versions of Python. If using version 6.0 of pyVmomi, the machine that you are running the proxy minion process from must have either Python 2.7.9 or newer This is due to an upstream dependency in pyVmomi 6.0 that is not supported in Python version 2.6 to 2.7.8. If the version of Python running the salt-cloud command is not in the supported range, you will need to install an earlier version of pyVmomi. See Issue #29537 for more information.


The VMware cloud module needs the vCenter URL, username and password to be set up in the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/vmware.conf:

  driver: vmware
  user: 'DOMAIN\user'
  password: 'verybadpass'
  url: ''

  driver: vmware
  user: 'DOMAIN\user'
  password: 'verybadpass'
  url: ''
  protocol: 'https'
  port: 443

  driver: vmware
  user: 'DOMAIN\user'
  password: 'verybadpass'
  url: ''
  protocol: 'http'
  port: 80


Optionally, protocol and port can be specified if the vCenter server is not using the defaults. Default is protocol: https and port: 443.


Changed in version 2015.8.0.

The provider parameter in cloud provider definitions was renamed to driver. This change was made to avoid confusion with the provider parameter that is used in cloud profile definitions. Cloud provider definitions now use driver to refer to the Salt cloud module that provides the underlying functionality to connect to a cloud host, while cloud profiles continue to use provider to refer to provider configurations that you define.


Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/vmware.conf:

  provider: vcenter01
  clonefrom: test-vm

  ## Optional arguments
  num_cpus: 4
  memory: 8GB
      CD/DVD drive 1:
        device_type: datastore_iso_file
        iso_path: "[nap004-1] vmimages/tools-isoimages/linux.iso"
      CD/DVD drive 2:
        device_type: client_device
        mode: atapi
      CD/DVD drive 3:
        device_type: client_device
        mode: passthrough
      Hard disk 1:
        size: 30
      Hard disk 2:
        size: 20
      Hard disk 3:
        size: 5
      Network adapter 1:
        name: 10.20.30-400-Test
        switch_type: standard
        gateway: []
      Network adapter 2:
        name: 10.30.40-500-Dev-DHCP
        adapter_type: e1000
        switch_type: distributed
      Network adapter 3:
        name: 10.40.50-600-Prod
        adapter_type: vmxnet3
        switch_type: distributed
        gateway: []
      SCSI controller 1:
        type: lsilogic
      SCSI controller 2:
        type: lsilogic_sas
        bus_sharing: virtual
      SCSI controller 3:
        type: paravirtual
        bus_sharing: physical


  # If cloning from template, either resourcepool or cluster MUST be specified!
  resourcepool: Resources
  cluster: Prod

  datastore: HUGE-DATASTORE-Cluster
  folder: Development
  datacenter: DC1
  template: False
  power_on: True
    mem.hotadd: 'yes' bar
    guestinfo.customVariable: customValue

  deploy: True
  private_key: /root/.ssh/mykey.pem
  ssh_username: cloud-user
  password: veryVeryBadPassword

    /path/to/local/custom/script: /path/to/remote/script
    /path/to/local/file: /path/to/remote/file
    /srv/salt/yum/epel.repo: /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo

  hardware_version: 10
Enter the name that was specified when the cloud provider config was created.
Enter the name of the VM/template to clone from.
Enter the number of vCPUS that you want the VM/template to have. If not specified, the current VM/template's vCPU count is used.
Enter the memory size (in MB or GB) that you want the VM/template to have. If not specified, the current VM/template's memory size is used. Example memory: 8GB or memory: 8192MB.

Enter the device specifications here. Currently, the following devices can be created or reconfigured:


Enter the CD/DVD drive specification here. If the CD/DVD drive doesn't exist, it will be created with the specified configuration. If the CD/DVD drive already exists, it will be reconfigured with the specifications. The following options can be specified per CD/DVD drive:

Specify how the CD/DVD drive should be used. Currently supported types are client_device and datastore_iso_file. Default is device_type: client_device
Enter the path to the iso file present on the datastore only if device_type: datastore_iso_file. The syntax to specify this is iso_path: "[datastoreName] vmimages/tools-isoimages/linux.iso". This field is ignored if device_type: client_device
Enter the mode of connection only if device_type: client_device. Currently supported modes are passthrough and atapi. This field is ignored if device_type: datastore_iso_file. Default is mode: passthrough
Enter the disk specification here. If the hard disk doesn't exist, it will be created with the provided size. If the hard disk already exists, it will be expanded if the provided size is greater than the current size of the disk.

Enter the network adapter specification here. If the network adapter doesn't exist, a new network adapter will be created with the specified network name, type and other configuration. If the network adapter already exists, it will be reconfigured with the specifications. The following additional options can be specified per network adapter (See example above):

Enter the network name you want the network adapter to be mapped to.
Enter the network adapter type you want to create. Currently supported types are vmxnet, vmxnet2, vmxnet3, e1000 and e1000e. If no type is specified, by default vmxnet3 will be used.
Enter the type of switch to use. This decides whether to use a standard switch network or a distributed virtual portgroup. Currently supported types are standard for standard portgroups and distributed for distributed virtual portgroups.
Enter the static IP you want the network adapter to be mapped to. If the network specified is DHCP enabled, you do not have to specify this.
Enter the gateway for the network as a list. If the network specified is DHCP enabled, you do not have to specify this.
Enter the subnet mask for the network. If the network specified is DHCP enabled, you do not have to specify this.
Enter the domain to be used with the network adapter. If the network specified is DHCP enabled, you do not have to specify this.

Enter the SCSI adapter specification here. If the SCSI adapter doesn't exist, a new SCSI adapter will be created of the specified type. If the SCSI adapter already exists, it will be reconfigured with the specifications. The following additional options can be specified per SCSI adapter:

Enter the SCSI adapter type you want to create. Currently supported types are lsilogic, lsilogic_sas and paravirtual. Type must be specified when creating a new SCSI adapter.

Specify this if sharing of virtual disks between virtual machines is desired. The following can be specified:

Virtual disks can be shared between virtual machines on the same server.
Virtual disks can be shared between virtual machines on any server.
Virtual disks cannot be shared between virtual machines.
Enter the global domain name to be used for DNS. If not specified and if the VM name is a FQDN, domain is set to the domain from the VM name. Default is local.
Enter the list of DNS servers to use in order of priority.

Enter the name of the resourcepool to which the new virtual machine should be attached. This determines what compute resources will be available to the clone.


  • For a clone operation from a virtual machine, it will use the same resourcepool as the original virtual machine unless specified.
  • For a clone operation from a template to a virtual machine, specifying either this or cluster is required. If both are specified, the resourcepool value will be used.
  • For a clone operation to a template, this argument is ignored.

Enter the name of the cluster whose resource pool the new virtual machine should be attached to.


  • For a clone operation from a virtual machine, it will use the same cluster's resourcepool as the original virtual machine unless specified.
  • For a clone operation from a template to a virtual machine, specifying either this or resourcepool is required. If both are specified, the resourcepool value will be used.
  • For a clone operation to a template, this argument is ignored.

Enter the name of the datastore or the datastore cluster where the virtual machine should be located on physical storage. If not specified, the current datastore is used.


  • If you specify a datastore cluster name, DRS Storage recommendation is automatically applied.
  • If you specify a datastore name, DRS Storage recommendation is disabled.

Enter the name of the folder that will contain the new virtual machine.


  • For a clone operation from a VM/template, the new VM/template will be added to the same folder that the original VM/template belongs to unless specified.
  • If both folder and datacenter are specified, the folder value will be used.

Enter the name of the datacenter that will contain the new virtual machine.


  • For a clone operation from a VM/template, the new VM/template will be added to the same folder that the original VM/template belongs to unless specified.
  • If both folder and datacenter are specified, the folder value will be used.

Enter the name of the target host where the virtual machine should be registered.

If not specified:


  • If resource pool is not specified, current host is used.
  • If resource pool is specified, and the target pool represents a stand-alone host, the host is used.
  • If resource pool is specified, and the target pool represents a DRS-enabled cluster, a host selected by DRS is used.
  • If resource pool is specified and the target pool represents a cluster without DRS enabled, an InvalidArgument exception be thrown.
Specifies whether the new virtual machine should be marked as a template or not. Default is template: False.
Specifies whether the new virtual machine should be powered on or not. If template: True is set, this field is ignored. Default is power_on: True.
Specifies the additional configuration information for the virtual machine. This describes a set of modifications to the additional options. If the key is already present, it will be reset with the new value provided. Otherwise, a new option is added. Keys with empty values will be removed.
Specifies if salt should be installed on the newly created VM. Default is True so salt will be installed using the bootstrap script. If template: True or power_on: False is set, this field is ignored and salt will not be installed.
Specify the path to the private key to use to be able to ssh to the VM.
Specify the username to use in order to ssh to the VM. Default is root
Specify a password to use in order to ssh to the VM. If private_key is specified, you do not need to specify this.
Specify custom minion configuration you want the salt minion to have. A good example would be to specify the master as the IP/DNS name of the master.
Specify file/files you want to copy to the VM before the bootstrap script is run and salt is installed. A good example of using this would be if you need to put custom repo files on the server in case your server will be in a private network and cannot reach external networks.
Specify the virtual hardware version for the vm/template that is supported by the host.
Specify whether the new virtual machine should be customized or not. If customization: False is set, the new virtual machine will not be customized. Default is customization: True.