Getting Started With SoftLayer

SoftLayer is a public cloud host, and baremetal hardware hosting service.


The SoftLayer driver for Salt Cloud requires the softlayer package, which is available at PyPI:

This package can be installed using pip or easy_install:

# pip install softlayer
# easy_install softlayer


Set up the cloud config at /etc/salt/cloud.providers:

# Note: These examples are for /etc/salt/cloud.providers

    # Set up the location of the salt master

    # Set the SoftLayer access credentials (see below)
    user: MYUSER1138
    apikey: 'e3b68aa711e6deadc62d5b76355674beef7cc3116062ddbacafe5f7e465bfdc9'

    driver: softlayer

    # Set up the location of the salt master

    # Set the SoftLayer access credentials (see below)
    user: MYUSER1138
    apikey: 'e3b68aa711e6deadc62d5b76355674beef7cc3116062ddbacafe5f7e465bfdc9'

    driver: softlayer_hw


Changed in version 2015.8.0.

The provider parameter in cloud provider definitions was renamed to driver. This change was made to avoid confusion with the provider parameter that is used in cloud profile definitions. Cloud provider definitions now use driver to refer to the Salt cloud module that provides the underlying functionality to connect to a cloud host, while cloud profiles continue to use provider to refer to provider configurations that you define.

Access Credentials

The user setting is the same user as is used to log into the SoftLayer Administration area. The apikey setting is found inside the Admin area after logging in:

  • Hover over the Account menu item.
  • Click the Users link.
  • Find the API Key column and click View.


Cloud Profiles

Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles:

  provider: my-softlayer
  cpu_number: 1
  ram: 1024
  disk_size: 100
  local_disk: True
  hourly_billing: True
  location: sjc01
  # Optional
  max_net_speed: 1000
  private_vlan: 396
  private_network: True
  private_ssh: True
  # May be used _instead_of_ image
  global_identifier: 320d8be5-46c0-dead-cafe-13e3c51

Most of the above items are required; optional items are specified below.


Images to build an instance can be found using the --list-images option:

# salt-cloud --list-images my-softlayer

The setting used will be labeled as template.


This is the number of CPU cores that will be used for this instance. This number may be dependent upon the image that is used. For instance:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (64 bit) (1 - 4 Core):
        Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (64 bit) (1 - 4 Core)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (64 bit) (5 - 100 Core):
        Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (64 bit) (5 - 100 Core)

Note that the template (meaning, the image option) for both of these is the same, but the names suggests how many CPU cores are supported.


This is the amount of memory, in megabytes, that will be allocated to this instance.


The amount of disk space that will be allocated to this image, in gigabytes.

  disk_size: 100

Using Multiple Disks

New in version 2015.8.1.

SoftLayer allows up to 5 disks to be specified for a virtual machine upon creation. Multiple disks can be specified either as a list or a comma-delimited string. The first disk_size specified in the string or list will be the first disk size assigned to the VM.

List Example: .. code-block:: yaml

disk_size: ['100', '20', '20']

String Example: .. code-block:: yaml

disk_size: '100, 20, 20'


When true the disks for the computing instance will be provisioned on the host which it runs, otherwise SAN disks will be provisioned.


When true the computing instance will be billed on hourly usage, otherwise it will be billed on a monthly basis.


The domain name that will be used in the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) for this instance. The domain setting will be used in conjunction with the instance name to form the FQDN.


Images to build an instance can be found using the --list-locations option:

# salt-cloud --list-location my-softlayer


Specifies the connection speed for the instance's network components. This setting is optional. By default, this is set to 10.


Specifies the uri location of the script to be downloaded and run after the instance is provisioned.

New in version 2015.8.1.

Example: .. code-block:: yaml

post_uri: 'https://SOMESERVERIP:8000/'


If it is necessary for an instance to be created within a specific frontend VLAN, the ID for that VLAN can be specified in either the provider or profile configuration.

This ID can be queried using the list_vlans function, as described below. This setting is optional.


If it is necessary for an instance to be created within a specific backend VLAN, the ID for that VLAN can be specified in either the provider or profile configuration.

This ID can be queried using the list_vlans function, as described below. This setting is optional.


If a server is to only be used internally, meaning it does not have a public VLAN associated with it, this value would be set to True. This setting is optional. The default is False.


Whether to run the deploy script on the server using the public IP address or the private IP address. If set to True, Salt Cloud will attempt to SSH into the new server using the private IP address. The default is False. This settiong is optional.


When creating an instance using a custom template, this option is set to the corresponding value obtained using the list_custom_images function. This option will not be used if an image is set, and if an image is not set, it is required.

The profile can be realized now with a salt command:

# salt-cloud -p base_softlayer_ubuntu myserver

Using the above configuration, this will create

Once the instance has been created with salt-minion installed, connectivity to it can be verified with Salt:

# salt ''

Cloud Profiles

Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles:

  provider: my-softlayer-hw
  # CentOS 6.0 - Minimal Install (64 bit)
  image: 13963
  # 2 x 2.0 GHz Core Bare Metal Instance - 2 GB Ram
  size: 1921
  # 500GB SATA II
  hdd: 1267
  # San Jose 01
  location: 168642
  # Optional
  vlan: 396
  port_speed: 273
  banwidth: 248

Most of the above items are required; optional items are specified below.


Images to build an instance can be found using the --list-images option:

# salt-cloud --list-images my-softlayer-hw

A list of id`s and names will be provided. The `name will describe the operating system and architecture. The id will be the setting to be used in the profile.


Sizes to build an instance can be found using the --list-sizes option:

# salt-cloud --list-sizes my-softlayer-hw

A list of id`s and names will be provided. The `name will describe the speed and quantity of CPU cores, and the amount of memory that the hardware will contain. The id will be the setting to be used in the profile.


There is currently only one size of hard disk drive (HDD) that is available for hardware instances on SoftLayer:

1267: 500GB SATA II

The hdd setting in the profile should be 1267. Other sizes may be added in the future.


Locations to build an instance can be found using the --list-images option:

# salt-cloud --list-locations my-softlayer-hw

A list of IDs and names will be provided. The location will describe the location in human terms. The id will be the setting to be used in the profile.


The domain name that will be used in the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) for this instance. The domain setting will be used in conjunction with the instance name to form the FQDN.


If it is necessary for an instance to be created within a specific VLAN, the ID for that VLAN can be specified in either the provider or profile configuration.

This ID can be queried using the list_vlans function, as described below.


Specifies the speed for the instance's network port. This setting refers to an ID within the SoftLayer API, which sets the port speed. This setting is optional. The default is 273, or, 100 Mbps Public & Private Networks. The following settings are available:

  • 273: 100 Mbps Public & Private Networks
  • 274: 1 Gbps Public & Private Networks
  • 21509: 10 Mbps Dual Public & Private Networks (up to 20 Mbps)
  • 21513: 100 Mbps Dual Public & Private Networks (up to 200 Mbps)
  • 2314: 1 Gbps Dual Public & Private Networks (up to 2 Gbps)
  • 272: 10 Mbps Public & Private Networks


Specifies the network bandwidth available for the instance. This setting refers to an ID within the SoftLayer API, which sets the bandwidth. This setting is optional. The default is 248, or, 5000 GB Bandwidth. The following settings are available:

  • 248: 5000 GB Bandwidth
  • 129: 6000 GB Bandwidth
  • 130: 8000 GB Bandwidth
  • 131: 10000 GB Bandwidth
  • 36: Unlimited Bandwidth (10 Mbps Uplink)
  • 125: Unlimited Bandwidth (100 Mbps Uplink)


The following actions are currently supported by the SoftLayer Salt Cloud driver.


This action is a thin wrapper around --full-query, which displays details on a single instance only. In an environment with several machines, this will save a user from having to sort through all instance data, just to examine a single instance.

$ salt-cloud -a show_instance myinstance


The following functions are currently supported by the SoftLayer Salt Cloud driver.


This function lists all VLANs associated with the account, and all known data from the SoftLayer API concerning those VLANs.

$ salt-cloud -f list_vlans my-softlayer
$ salt-cloud -f list_vlans my-softlayer-hw

The id returned in this list is necessary for the vlan option when creating an instance.


This function lists any custom templates associated with the account, that can be used to create a new instance.

$ salt-cloud -f list_custom_images my-softlayer

The globalIdentifier returned in this list is necessary for the global_identifier option when creating an image using a custom template.

Optional Products for SoftLayer HW

The softlayer_hw driver supports the ability to add optional products, which are supported by SoftLayer's API. These products each have an ID associated with them, that can be passed into Salt Cloud with the optional_products option:

  provider: my-softlayer-hw
  # CentOS 6.0 - Minimal Install (64 bit)
  image: 13963
  # 2 x 2.0 GHz Core Bare Metal Instance - 2 GB Ram
  size: 1921
  # 500GB SATA II
  hdd: 1267
  # San Jose 01
  location: 168642
    # MySQL for Linux
    - id: 28
    # Business Continuance Insurance
    - id: 104

These values can be manually obtained by looking at the source of an order page on the SoftLayer web interface. For convenience, many of these values are listed here:

Public Secondary IP Addresses

  • 22: 4 Public IP Addresses
  • 23: 8 Public IP Addresses

Primary IPv6 Addresses

  • 17129: 1 IPv6 Address

Public Static IPv6 Addresses

  • 1481: /64 Block Static Public IPv6 Addresses

OS-Specific Addon

  • 17139: XenServer Advanced for XenServer 6.x
  • 17141: XenServer Enterprise for XenServer 6.x
  • 2334: XenServer Advanced for XenServer 5.6
  • 2335: XenServer Enterprise for XenServer 5.6
  • 13915: Microsoft WebMatrix
  • 21276: VMware vCenter 5.1 Standard

Control Panel Software

  • 121: cPanel/WHM with Fantastico and RVskin
  • 20778: Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Linux) 100 Domain w/ Power Pack
  • 20786: Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Windows) 100 Domain w/ Power Pack
  • 20787: Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Linux) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack
  • 20792: Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Windows) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack
  • 2340: Parallels Plesk Panel 10 (Linux) 100 Domain w/ Power Pack
  • 2339: Parallels Plesk Panel 10 (Linux) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack
  • 13704: Parallels Plesk Panel 10 (Windows) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack

Database Software

  • 29: MySQL 5.0 for Windows
  • 28: MySQL for Linux
  • 21501: Riak 1.x
  • 20893: MongoDB
  • 30: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express
  • 92: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Workgroup
  • 90: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard
  • 94: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise
  • 1330: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express
  • 1340: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Web
  • 1337: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Workgroup
  • 1334: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard
  • 1331: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise
  • 2179: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express R2
  • 2173: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Web R2
  • 2183: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Workgroup R2
  • 2180: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard R2
  • 2176: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise R2

Anti-Virus & Spyware Protection

  • 594: McAfee VirusScan Anti-Virus - Windows
  • 414: McAfee Total Protection - Windows


  • 104: Business Continuance Insurance


  • 55: Host Ping
  • 56: Host Ping and TCP Service Monitoring


  • 57: Email and Ticket

Advanced Monitoring

  • 2302: Monitoring Package - Basic
  • 2303: Monitoring Package - Advanced
  • 2304: Monitoring Package - Premium Application


  • 58: Automated Notification
  • 59: Automated Reboot from Monitoring
  • 60: 24x7x365 NOC Monitoring, Notification, and Response

Intrusion Detection & Protection

  • 413: McAfee Host Intrusion Protection w/Reporting

Hardware & Software Firewalls

  • 411: APF Software Firewall for Linux
  • 894: Microsoft Windows Firewall
  • 410: 10Mbps Hardware Firewall
  • 409: 100Mbps Hardware Firewall
  • 408: 1000Mbps Hardware Firewall