Getting Started With Proxmox

Proxmox Virtual Environment is a complete server virtualization management solution, based on LXC and full virtualization with KVM. Further information can be found at:


  • IPy >= 0.81
  • requests >= 2.2.1

Please note: This module allows you to create both OpenVZ and KVM but installing Salt on it will only be done when the VM is an OpenVZ container rather than a KVM virtual machine.

  • Set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/proxmox.conf:
  # Set up the location of the salt master

  # Set the PROXMOX access credentials (see below)
  user: myuser@pve
  password: badpass

  # Set the access URL for your PROXMOX host
  driver: proxmox


Changed in version 2015.8.0.

The provider parameter in cloud provider definitions was renamed to driver. This change was made to avoid confusion with the provider parameter that is used in cloud profile definitions. Cloud provider definitions now use driver to refer to the Salt cloud module that provides the underlying functionality to connect to a cloud host, while cloud profiles continue to use provider to refer to provider configurations that you define.

Access Credentials

The user, password, and url will be provided to you by your cloud host. These are all required in order for the PROXMOX driver to work.

Cloud Profiles

Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/proxmox.conf:

  • Configure a profile to be used:
    provider: my-proxmox-config
    image: local:vztmpl/ubuntu-12.04-standard_12.04-1_amd64.tar.gz
    technology: openvz

    # host needs to be set to the configured name of the proxmox host
    # and not the ip address or FQDN of the server
    host: myvmhost
    password: topsecret

The profile can be realized now with a salt command:

# salt-cloud -p proxmox-ubuntu myubuntu

This will create an instance named myubuntu on the cloud host. The minion that is installed on this instance will have a hostname of myubuntu. If the command was executed on the salt-master, its Salt key will automatically be signed on the master.

Once the instance has been created with salt-minion installed, connectivity to it can be verified with Salt:

# salt myubuntu

Required Settings

The following settings are always required for PROXMOX:

  • Using the new cloud configuration format:
  driver: proxmox
  user: saltcloud@pve
  password: xyzzy

Optional Settings

Unlike other cloud providers in Salt Cloud, Proxmox does not utilize a size setting. This is because Proxmox allows the end-user to specify a more detailed configuration for their instances, than is allowed by many other cloud providers. The following options are available to be used in a profile, with their default settings listed.

# Description of the instance.
desc: <instance_name>

# How many CPU cores, and how fast they are (in MHz)
cpus: 1
cpuunits: 1000

# How many megabytes of RAM
memory: 256

# How much swap space in MB
swap: 256

# Whether to auto boot the vm after the host reboots
onboot: 1

# Size of the instance disk (in GiB)
disk: 10

# Host to create this vm on
host: myvmhost

# Nameservers. Defaults to host

# Username and password
ssh_username: root
password: <value from PROXMOX.password>

# The name of the image, from ``salt-cloud --list-images proxmox``
image: local:vztmpl/ubuntu-12.04-standard_12.04-1_amd64.tar.gz