
Module for handling OpenStack Neutron calls

  • neutronclient Python module

This module is not usable until the user, password, tenant, and auth URL are specified either in a pillar or in the minion's config file. For example:

keystone.user: 'admin'
keystone.password: 'password'
keystone.tenant: 'admin'
keystone.auth_url: ''
keystone.region_name: 'RegionOne'
keystone.service_type: 'network'

If configuration for multiple OpenStack accounts is required, they can be set up as different configuration profiles: For example:

  keystone.user: 'admin'
  keystone.password: 'password'
  keystone.tenant: 'admin'
  keystone.auth_url: ''
  keystone.region_name: 'RegionOne'
  keystone.service_type: 'network'

  keystone.user: 'admin'
  keystone.password: 'password'
  keystone.tenant: 'admin'
  keystone.auth_url: ''
  keystone.region_name: 'RegionOne'
  keystone.service_type: 'network'

With this configuration in place, any of the neutron functions can make use of a configuration profile by declaring it explicitly. For example:

salt '*' neutron.network_list profile=openstack1
salt.modules.neutron.add_gateway_router(router, ext_network, profile=None)

Adds an external network gateway to the specified router

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.add_gateway_router router-name ext-network-name
  • router -- ID or name of the router
  • ext_network -- ID or name of the external network the gateway
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Added Gateway router information

salt.modules.neutron.add_interface_router(router, subnet, profile=None)

Adds an internal network interface to the specified router

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.add_interface_router router-name subnet-name
  • router -- ID or name of the router
  • subnet -- ID or name of the subnet
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Added interface information

salt.modules.neutron.create_floatingip(floating_network, port=None, profile=None)

Creates a new floatingIP

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.create_floatingip network-name port-name
  • floating_network -- Network name or ID to allocate floatingIP from
  • port -- Of the port to be associated with the floatingIP (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Created floatingIP information

salt.modules.neutron.create_ikepolicy(name, profile=None, **kwargs)

Creates a new IKEPolicy

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.create_ikepolicy ikepolicy-name
        phase1_negotiation_mode=main auth_algorithm=sha1
        encryption_algorithm=aes-128 pfs=group5
  • name -- Name of the IKE policy
  • phase1_negotiation_mode -- IKE Phase1 negotiation mode in lowercase, default: main (Optional)
  • auth_algorithm -- Authentication algorithm in lowercase, default: sha1 (Optional)
  • encryption_algorithm -- Encryption algorithm in lowercase. default:aes-128 (Optional)
  • pfs -- Prefect Forward Security in lowercase, default: group5 (Optional)
  • units -- IKE lifetime attribute. default: seconds (Optional)
  • value -- IKE lifetime attribute. default: 3600 (Optional)
  • ike_version -- IKE version in lowercase, default: v1 (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
  • kwargs --

Created IKE policy information

salt.modules.neutron.create_ipsec_site_connection(name, ipsecpolicy, ikepolicy, vpnservice, peer_cidrs, peer_address, peer_id, psk, admin_state_up=True, profile=None, **kwargs)

Creates a new IPsecSiteConnection

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_ipsec_site_connection connection-name
        ipsec-policy-name ikepolicy-name vpnservice-name
        192.168.XXX.XXX/24 192.168.XXX.XXX 192.168.XXX.XXX secret
  • name -- Set friendly name for the connection
  • ipsecpolicy -- IPSec policy ID or name associated with this connection
  • ikepolicy -- IKE policy ID or name associated with this connection
  • vpnservice -- VPN service instance ID or name associated with this connection
  • peer_cidrs -- Remote subnet(s) in CIDR format
  • peer_address -- Peer gateway public IPv4/IPv6 address or FQDN
  • peer_id -- Peer router identity for authentication Can be IPv4/IPv6 address, e-mail address, key id, or FQDN
  • psk -- Pre-shared key string
  • initiator -- Initiator state in lowercase, default:bi-directional
  • admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default: True (Optional)
  • mtu -- size for the connection, default:1500 (Optional)
  • dpd_action -- Dead Peer Detection attribute: hold/clear/disabled/ restart/restart-by-peer (Optional)
  • dpd_interval -- Dead Peer Detection attribute (Optional)
  • dpd_timeout -- Dead Peer Detection attribute (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Created IPSec site connection information

salt.modules.neutron.create_ipsecpolicy(name, profile=None, **kwargs)

Creates a new IPsecPolicy

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.create_ipsecpolicy ipsecpolicy-name
        transform_protocol=esp auth_algorithm=sha1
        encapsulation_mode=tunnel encryption_algorithm=aes-128
  • name -- Name of the IPSec policy
  • transform_protocol -- Transform protocol in lowercase, default: esp (Optional)
  • auth_algorithm -- Authentication algorithm in lowercase, default: sha1 (Optional)
  • encapsulation_mode -- Encapsulation mode in lowercase, default: tunnel (Optional)
  • encryption_algorithm -- Encryption algorithm in lowercase, default:aes-128 (Optional)
  • pfs -- Prefect Forward Security in lowercase, default: group5 (Optional)
  • units -- IPSec lifetime attribute. default: seconds (Optional)
  • value -- IPSec lifetime attribute. default: 3600 (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Created IPSec policy information

salt.modules.neutron.create_network(name, router_ext=None, admin_state_up=True, network_type=None, physical_network=None, segmentation_id=None, shared=None, profile=None)

Creates a new network

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.create_network network-name
salt '*' neutron.create_network network-name profile=openstack1
  • name -- Name of network to create
  • admin_state_up -- should the state of the network be up? default: True (Optional)
  • router_ext -- True then if create the external network (Optional)
  • network_type -- the Type of network that the provider is such as GRE, VXLAN, VLAN, FLAT, or LOCAL (Optional)
  • physical_network -- the name of the physical network as neutron knows it (Optional)
  • segmentation_id -- the vlan id or GRE id (Optional)
  • shared -- is the network shared or not (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Created network information

salt.modules.neutron.create_port(name, network, device_id=None, admin_state_up=True, profile=None)

Creates a new port

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.create_port network-name port-name
  • name -- Name of port to create
  • network -- Network name or ID
  • device_id -- ID of device (Optional)
  • admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default: true (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Created port information

salt.modules.neutron.create_router(name, ext_network=None, admin_state_up=True, profile=None)

Creates a new router

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.create_router new-router-name
  • name -- Name of router to create (must be first)
  • ext_network -- ID or name of the external for the gateway (Optional)
  • admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default:true (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Created router information

salt.modules.neutron.create_security_group(name=None, description=None, profile=None)

Creates a new security group

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.create_security_group security-group-name                 description='Security group for servers'
  • name -- Name of security group (Optional)
  • description -- Description of security group (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Created security group information

salt.modules.neutron.create_security_group_rule(security_group, remote_group_id=None, direction='ingress', protocol=None, port_range_min=None, port_range_max=None, ethertype='IPv4', profile=None)

Creates a new security group rule

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_security_group_rule security-group-rule-id
  • security_group -- Security group name or ID to add rule
  • remote_group_id -- Remote security group name or ID to apply rule (Optional)
  • direction -- Direction of traffic: ingress/egress, default: ingress (Optional)
  • protocol -- Protocol of packet: null/icmp/tcp/udp, default: null (Optional)
  • port_range_min -- Starting port range (Optional)
  • port_range_max -- Ending port range (Optional)
  • ethertype -- IPv4/IPv6, default: IPv4 (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Created security group rule information

salt.modules.neutron.create_subnet(network, cidr, name=None, ip_version=4, profile=None)

Creates a new subnet

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.create_subnet network-name
  • network -- Network ID or name this subnet belongs to
  • cidr -- CIDR of subnet to create (Ex. '')
  • name -- Name of the subnet to create (Optional)
  • ip_version -- Version to use, default is 4(IPv4) (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Created subnet information

salt.modules.neutron.create_vpnservice(subnet, router, name, admin_state_up=True, profile=None)

Creates a new VPN service

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.create_vpnservice router-name name
  • subnet -- Subnet unique identifier for the VPN service deployment
  • router -- Router unique identifier for the VPN service
  • name -- Set a name for the VPN service
  • admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default:True (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Created VPN service information

salt.modules.neutron.delete_floatingip(floatingip_id, profile=None)

Deletes the specified floating IP

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.delete_floatingip floatingip-id
  • floatingip_id -- ID of floatingIP to delete
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.delete_ikepolicy(ikepolicy, profile=None)

Deletes the specified IKEPolicy

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.delete_ikepolicy ikepolicy-name
  • ikepolicy -- ID or name of IKE policy to delete
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.delete_ipsec_site_connection(ipsec_site_connection, profile=None)

Deletes the specified IPsecSiteConnection

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.delete_ipsec_site_connection connection-name
  • ipsec_site_connection -- ID or name of ipsec site connection to delete
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.delete_ipsecpolicy(ipsecpolicy, profile=None)

Deletes the specified IPsecPolicy

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.delete_ipsecpolicy ipsecpolicy-name
  • ipsecpolicy -- ID or name of IPSec policy to delete
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.delete_network(network, profile=None)

Deletes the specified network

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.delete_network network-name
salt '*' neutron.delete_network network-name profile=openstack1
  • network -- ID or name of network to delete
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.delete_port(port, profile=None)

Deletes the specified port

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.delete_network port-name
salt '*' neutron.delete_network port-name profile=openstack1
  • port -- port name or ID
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.delete_quota(tenant_id, profile=None)

Delete the specified tenant's quota value

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.update_quota tenant-id
salt '*' neutron.update_quota tenant-id profile=openstack1
  • tenant_id -- ID of tenant to quota delete
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Delete succeed) or False(Delete failed)

salt.modules.neutron.delete_router(router, profile=None)

Delete the specified router

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.delete_router router-name
  • router -- ID or name of router to delete
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.delete_security_group(security_group, profile=None)

Deletes the specified security group

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.delete_security_group security-group-name
  • security_group -- ID or name of security group to delete
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.delete_security_group_rule(security_group_rule_id, profile=None)

Deletes the specified security group rule

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.delete_security_group_rule security-group-rule-id
  • security_group_rule_id -- ID of security group rule to delete
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.delete_subnet(subnet, profile=None)

Deletes the specified subnet

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.delete_subnet subnet-name
salt '*' neutron.delete_subnet subnet-name profile=openstack1
  • subnet -- ID or name of subnet to delete
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.delete_vpnservice(vpnservice, profile=None)

Deletes the specified VPN service

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.delete_vpnservice vpnservice-name
  • vpnservice -- ID or name of vpn service to delete
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False


Fetches tenant info in server's context for following quota operation

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.get_quotas_tenant
salt '*' neutron.get_quotas_tenant profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:Quotas information

Fetches a list of all extensions on server side

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_extensions
salt '*' neutron.list_extensions profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of extensions

Fetch a list of all floatingIPs for a tenant

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_floatingips
salt '*' neutron.list_floatingips profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of floatingIP

Fetches a list of all configured IKEPolicies for a tenant

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_ikepolicies
salt '*' neutron.list_ikepolicies profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of IKE policy

Fetches all configured IPsec Site Connections for a tenant

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_ipsec_site_connections
salt '*' neutron.list_ipsec_site_connections profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of IPSec site connection

Fetches a list of all configured IPsecPolicies for a tenant

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_ipsecpolicies ipsecpolicy-name
salt '*' neutron.list_ipsecpolicies ipsecpolicy-name profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of IPSec policy

Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_networks
salt '*' neutron.list_networks profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of network

Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_ports
salt '*' neutron.list_ports profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of port

Fetches all tenants quotas

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_quotas
salt '*' neutron.list_quotas profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of quotas

Fetches a list of all routers for a tenant

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_routers
salt '*' neutron.list_routers profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of router

Fetches a list of all security group rules for a tenant

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_security_group_rules
salt '*' neutron.list_security_group_rules profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of security group rule

Fetches a list of all security groups for a tenant

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_security_groups
salt '*' neutron.list_security_groups profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of security group

Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_subnets
salt '*' neutron.list_subnets profile=openstack1
Parameters:profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
Returns:List of subnet
salt.modules.neutron.list_vpnservices(retrieve_all=True, profile=None, **kwargs)

Fetches a list of all configured VPN services for a tenant

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.list_vpnservices
  • retrieve_all -- True or False, default: True (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

List of VPN service

salt.modules.neutron.remove_gateway_router(router, profile=None)

Removes an external network gateway from the specified router

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.remove_gateway_router router-name
  • router -- ID or name of router
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.remove_interface_router(router, subnet, profile=None)

Removes an internal network interface from the specified router

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.remove_interface_router router-name subnet-name
  • router -- ID or name of the router
  • subnet -- ID or name of the subnet
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

True(Succeed) or False

salt.modules.neutron.show_floatingip(floatingip_id, profile=None)

Fetches information of a certain floatingIP

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_floatingip floatingip-id
  • floatingip_id -- ID of floatingIP to look up
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Floating IP information

salt.modules.neutron.show_ikepolicy(ikepolicy, profile=None)

Fetches information of a specific IKEPolicy

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_ikepolicy ikepolicy-name
  • ikepolicy -- ID or name of ikepolicy to look up
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

IKE policy information

salt.modules.neutron.show_ipsec_site_connection(ipsec_site_connection, profile=None)

Fetches information of a specific IPsecSiteConnection

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_ipsec_site_connection connection-name
  • ipsec_site_connection -- ID or name of ipsec site connection to look up
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

IPSec site connection information

salt.modules.neutron.show_ipsecpolicy(ipsecpolicy, profile=None)

Fetches information of a specific IPsecPolicy

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_ipsecpolicy ipsecpolicy-name
  • ipsecpolicy -- ID or name of IPSec policy to look up
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

IPSec policy information

salt.modules.neutron.show_network(network, profile=None)

Fetches information of a certain network

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_network network-name
salt '*' neutron.show_network network-name profile=openstack1
  • network -- ID or name of network to look up
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Network information

salt.modules.neutron.show_port(port, profile=None)

Fetches information of a certain port

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_port port-id
salt '*' neutron.show_port port-id profile=openstack1
  • port -- ID or name of port to look up
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Port information

salt.modules.neutron.show_quota(tenant_id, profile=None)

Fetches information of a certain tenant's quotas

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_quota tenant-id
salt '*' neutron.show_quota tenant-id profile=openstack1
  • tenant_id -- ID of tenant
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Quota information

salt.modules.neutron.show_router(router, profile=None)

Fetches information of a certain router

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_router router-name
  • router -- ID or name of router to look up
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Router information

salt.modules.neutron.show_security_group(security_group, profile=None)

Fetches information of a certain security group

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_security_group security-group-name
  • security_group -- ID or name of security group to look up
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Security group information

salt.modules.neutron.show_security_group_rule(security_group_rule_id, profile=None)

Fetches information of a certain security group rule

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_security_group_rule security-group-rule-id
  • security_group_rule_id -- ID of security group rule to look up
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Security group rule information

salt.modules.neutron.show_subnet(subnet, profile=None)

Fetches information of a certain subnet

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_subnet subnet-name
  • subnet -- ID or name of subnet to look up
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Subnet information

salt.modules.neutron.show_vpnservice(vpnservice, profile=None, **kwargs)

Fetches information of a specific VPN service

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.show_vpnservice vpnservice-name
  • vpnservice -- ID or name of vpn service to look up
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

VPN service information

salt.modules.neutron.update_floatingip(floatingip_id, port, profile=None)

Updates a floatingIP

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.update_floatingip network-name port-name
  • floatingip_id -- ID of floatingIP
  • port -- ID or name of port
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Value of updated floating IP information

salt.modules.neutron.update_network(network, name, profile=None)

Updates a network

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.update_network network-name new-network-name
  • network -- ID or name of network to update
  • name -- Name of this network
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Value of updated network information

salt.modules.neutron.update_port(port, name, admin_state_up=True, profile=None)

Updates a port

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.update_port port-name network-name new-port-name
  • port -- Port name or ID
  • name -- Name of this port
  • admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default: true (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Value of updated port information

salt.modules.neutron.update_quota(tenant_id, subnet=None, router=None, network=None, floatingip=None, port=None, security_group=None, security_group_rule=None, profile=None)

Update a tenant's quota

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.update_quota tenant-id subnet=40 router=50
                            network=10 floatingip=30 port=30
  • tenant_id -- ID of tenant
  • subnet -- Value of subnet quota (Optional)
  • router -- Value of router quota (Optional)
  • network -- Value of network quota (Optional)
  • floatingip -- Value of floatingip quota (Optional)
  • port -- Value of port quota (Optional)
  • security_group -- Value of security group (Optional)
  • security_group_rule -- Value of security group rule (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Value of updated quota

salt.modules.neutron.update_router(router, name=None, admin_state_up=None, profile=None, **kwargs)

Updates a router

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.update_router router_id name=new-router-name
  • router -- ID or name of router to update
  • name -- Name of this router
  • ext_network -- ID or name of the external for the gateway (Optional)
  • admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default: true (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
  • kwargs --

Value of updated router information

salt.modules.neutron.update_security_group(security_group, name=None, description=None, profile=None)

Updates a security group

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.update_security_group security-group-name                 new-security-group-name
  • security_group -- ID or name of security group to update
  • name -- Name of this security group (Optional)
  • description -- Description of security group (Optional)
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Value of updated security group information

salt.modules.neutron.update_subnet(subnet, name, profile=None)

Updates a subnet

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.update_subnet subnet-name new-subnet-name
  • subnet -- ID or name of subnet to update
  • name -- Name of this subnet
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Value of updated subnet information

salt.modules.neutron.update_vpnservice(vpnservice, desc, profile=None)

Updates a VPN service

CLI Example:

salt '*' neutron.update_vpnservice vpnservice-name desc='VPN Service1'
  • vpnservice -- ID or name of vpn service to update
  • desc -- Set a description for the VPN service
  • profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)

Value of updated VPN service information