swi_update.h File Reference

This API provides functionalities to control an update process in the Agent context. More...

#include "returncodes.h"

Include dependency graph for swi_update.h:

Data Structures

struct  swi_update_Notification
 This struct contains the update process notification. More...


typedef enum swi_update_Event swi_update_Event_t
 This enum lists the events that will notified by the Agent while an update process is running.
typedef struct
 This struct contains the update process notification.
typedef rc_ReturnCode_t(* swi_update_StatusNotifictionCB_t )(swi_update_Notification_t *indPtr)
 Callback to receive to receive update process notification.
typedef enum swi_update_Request swi_update_Request_t
 This enum is used to send requests to the Agent in order to change the update process.


enum  swi_update_Event {
 This enum lists the events that will notified by the Agent while an update process is running. More...
enum  swi_update_Request {
 This enum is used to send requests to the Agent in order to change the update process. More...


rc_ReturnCode_t swi_update_Init ()
 Initializes the module.
rc_ReturnCode_t swi_update_Destroy ()
 Destroys the Update library.
rc_ReturnCode_t swi_update_RegisterStatusNotification (swi_update_StatusNotifictionCB_t cb)
 Registers to receive notification about update process.
rc_ReturnCode_t swi_update_Request (swi_update_Request_t req)
 Requests to act on update process.

Detailed Description

This API provides functionalities to control an update process in the Agent context.

Agent update process is working with the AirVantage services platform. The basic concepts are:

Here are some details on the update package:

The functionalities provided by this library are available for both applications that are targeted by an update request and for applications that only want to monitor and control the update process.

The API to deal with application/asset update request is documented here: swi_av_RegisterUpdateNotification function and related definitions in swi_airvantage.h API.

For more details on the update process, please read the Agent product documentation.

Typedef Documentation

This struct contains the update process notification.

Event Event Details
SWI_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS Download percentage (e.g.: "15%")
SWI_UPDATE_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Cell Name of the current component being updated (e.g.: "someasset.foo.bar")
SWI_UPDATE_FAILED Failure details (e.g. "CRC failed")
SWI_UPDATE_PAUSED Current update step that will be resumed when SWI_UPDATE_REQ_RESUME is received

Callback to receive to receive update process notification.

indPtr [IN] Update process event notification. The indication data will be released when the callback returns
RC_OK on success, other value will be interpreted has error and will trigger callback unregister.

Enumeration Type Documentation

This enum lists the events that will notified by the Agent while an update process is running.

SWI_UPDATE_NEW  A new update process is started, the update request from the AirVantage platform has been validated.
SWI_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS  The download of the update package is in progress, this event will be sent for each download progression notification.
SWI_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_OK  The download of the update package is successful.
SWI_UPDATE_CRC_OK  The checking of the package is successful.
SWI_UPDATE_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS  The update is being dispatched to each component. This event will be sent for each component to be updated by the update package.
SWI_UPDATE_FAILED  The update process has failed, the cause of the failure will be given in event details: e.g.

CRC failure, download failure, aborted. When this event is received, no more update is in progress until the event SWI_UPDATE_NEW is received again.

SWI_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL  The whole update progress is successful, the new software state is saved.

When this event is received, no more update is in progress until the event SWI_UPDATE_NEW is received again.

SWI_UPDATE_PAUSED  The update is paused.

Note that there is no specific resume event, on resume, the emitted event will be the one related to the step starting after the resume.

This enum is used to send requests to the Agent in order to change the update process.

SWI_UPDATE_REQ_PAUSE  Request to pause the current update.
SWI_UPDATE_REQ_RESUME  Request to resume the current update.
SWI_UPDATE_REQ_ABORT  Request to abort the current update. (The update will be set as failed).

Function Documentation

rc_ReturnCode_t swi_update_Destroy (  ) 

Destroys the Update library.

RC_OK on success

rc_ReturnCode_t swi_update_Init (  ) 

Initializes the module.

A call to init is mandatory to enable Update library APIs.

RC_OK on success

rc_ReturnCode_t swi_update_RegisterStatusNotification ( swi_update_StatusNotifictionCB_t  cb  ) 

Registers to receive notification about update process.

The callback will be called in a new pthread.

RC_OK on success
cb  [IN] callback to register to receive software update, previous value is replaced. NULL value for the callback is interpreted as unregister request.

Requests to act on update process.

If called within a swi_update_StatusNotifictionCB_t, then a Pause/Abort request will be processed right after the swi_update_StatusNotifictionCB_t has returned. Otherwise, a Pause/Abort request will be processed when the next update interruptible step will start.

RC_OK on success

RC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE if no update was in progress

RC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR if the action can not be performed, e.g. trying to resume an update that is already running.

req  [IN] the request to send to the Agent in order to change the update process.

Generated on Fri Aug 23 11:52:05 2013 for Mihini agent libraries by  doxygen 1.5.6