LXC Management with Salt


This walkthrough assumes basic knowledge of Salt. To get up to speed, check out the Salt Walkthrough.


Manipulation of LXC containers in Salt requires the minion to have an LXC version of at least 1.0 (an alpha or beta release of LXC 1.0 is acceptable). The following distributions are known to have new enough versions of LXC packaged:

  • RHEL/CentOS 6 and later (via EPEL)
  • Fedora (All non-EOL releases)
  • Debian 8.0 (Jessie)
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and later (LXC templates are packaged separately as lxc-templates, it is recommended to also install this package)
  • openSUSE 13.2 and later


Profiles allow for a sort of shorthand for commonly-used configurations to be defined in the minion config file, grains, pillar, or the master config file. The profile is retrieved by Salt using the config.get function, which looks in those locations, in that order. This allows for profiles to be defined centrally in the master config file, with several options for overriding them (if necessary) on groups of minions or individual minions.

There are two types of profiles:

  • One for defining the parameters used in container creation/clone.
  • One for defining the container's network interface(s) settings.

Container Profiles

LXC container profiles are defined defined underneath the lxc.container_profile config option:

    template: centos
    backing: lvm
    vgname: vg1
    lvname: lxclv
    size: 10G
    template: centos
    backing: lvm
    vgname: vg1
    lvname: lxclv
    size: 20G

Profiles are retrieved using the config.get function, with the recurse merge strategy. This means that a profile can be defined at a lower level (for example, the master config file) and then parts of it can be overridden at a higher level (for example, in pillar data). Consider the following container profile data:

In the Master config file:

    template: centos
    backing: lvm
    vgname: vg1
    lvname: lxclv
    size: 10G

In the Pillar data

    size: 20G

Any minion with the above Pillar data would have the size parameter in the centos profile overridden to 20G, while those minions without the above Pillar data would have the 10G size value. This is another way of achieving the same result as the centos_big profile above, without having to define another whole profile that differs in just one value.


In the 2014.7.x release cycle and earlier, container profiles are defined under lxc.profile. This parameter will still work in version 2015.5.0, but is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please note however that the profile merging feature described above will only work with profiles defined under lxc.container_profile, and only in versions 2015.5.0 and later.

Additionally, in version 2015.5.0 container profiles have been expanded to support passing template-specific CLI options to lxc.create. Below is a table describing the parameters which can be configured in container profiles:

Parameter 2015.5.0 and Newer 2014.7.x and Earlier
template1 Yes Yes
options1 Yes No
image1 Yes Yes
backing Yes Yes
snapshot2 Yes Yes
lvname1 Yes Yes
fstype1 Yes Yes
size Yes Yes
  1. Parameter is only supported for container creation, and will be ignored if the profile is used when cloning a container.
  2. Parameter is only supported for container cloning, and will be ignored if the profile is used when not cloning a container.

Network Profiles

LXC network profiles are defined defined underneath the lxc.network_profile config option. By default, the module uses a DHCP based configuration and try to guess a bridge to get connectivity.


on pre 2015.5.2, you need to specify explicitly the network bridge

      link: br0
      type: veth
      flags: up
      link: lxcbr0
      type: veth
      flags: up

As with container profiles, network profiles are retrieved using the config.get function, with the recurse merge strategy. Consider the following network profile data:

In the Master config file:

      link: br0
      type: veth
      flags: up

In the Pillar data

      link: lxcbr0

Any minion with the above Pillar data would use the lxcbr0 interface as the bridge interface for any container configured using the centos network profile, while those minions without the above Pillar data would use the br0 interface for the same.


In the 2014.7.x release cycle and earlier, network profiles are defined under lxc.nic. This parameter will still work in version 2015.5.0, but is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please note however that the profile merging feature described above will only work with profiles defined under lxc.network_profile, and only in versions 2015.5.0 and later.

The following are parameters which can be configured in network profiles. These will directly correspond to a parameter in an LXC configuration file (see man 5 lxc.container.conf).

  • type - Corresponds to lxc.network.type
  • link - Corresponds to lxc.network.link
  • flags - Corresponds to lxc.network.flags

Interface-specific options (MAC address, IPv4/IPv6, etc.) must be passed on a container-by-container basis, for instance using the nic_opts argument to lxc.create:

salt myminion lxc.create container1 profile=centos network_profile=centos nic_opts='{eth0: {ipv4:, gateway:}}'


The ipv4, ipv6, gateway, and link (bridge) settings in network profiles / nic_opts will only work if the container doesn't redefine the network configuration (for example in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<interface_name> on RHEL/CentOS, or /etc/network/interfaces on Debian/Ubuntu/etc.). Use these with caution. The container images installed using the download template, for instance, typically are configured for eth0 to use DHCP, which will conflict with static IP addresses set at the container level.


For LXC < 1.0.7 and DHCP support, set ipv4.gateway: 'auto' is your network profile, ie.:

      link: lxcbr0
      ipv4.gateway: 'auto'

Old lxc support (<1.0.7)

With saltstack 2015.5.2 and above, normally the setting is autoselected, but before, you'll need to teach your network profile to set lxc.network.ipv4.gateway to auto when using a classic ipv4 configuration.

Thus you'll need

    link: lxcbr0
    ipv4.gateway: auto

Tricky network setups Examples

This example covers how to make a container with both an internal ip and a public routable ip, wired on two veth pairs.

The another interface which receives directly a public routable ip can't be on the first interface that we reserve for private inter LXC networking.

  eth0: {gateway: null, bridge: lxcbr0}
    # replace that by your main interface
    'link': 'br0'
    'mac': '00:16:5b:01:24:e1'
    'gateway': ''
    'ipv4': ''

Creating a Container on the CLI

From a Template

LXC is commonly distributed with several template scripts in /usr/share/lxc/templates. Some distros may package these separately in an lxc-templates package, so make sure to check if this is the case.

There are LXC template scripts for several different operating systems, but some of them are designed to use tools specific to a given distribution. For instance, the ubuntu template uses deb_bootstrap, the centos template uses yum, etc., making these templates impractical when a container from a different OS is desired.

The lxc.create function is used to create containers using a template script. To create a CentOS container named container1 on a CentOS minion named mycentosminion, using the centos LXC template, one can simply run the following command:

salt mycentosminion lxc.create container1 template=centos

For these instances, there is a download template which retrieves minimal container images for several different operating systems. To use this template, it is necessary to provide an options parameter when creating the container, with three values:

  1. dist - the Linux distribution (i.e. ubuntu or centos)
  2. release - the release name/version (i.e. trusty or 6)
  3. arch - CPU architecture (i.e. amd64 or i386)

The lxc.images function (new in version 2015.5.0) can be used to list the available images. Alternatively, the releases can be viewed on http://images.linuxcontainers.org/images/. The images are organized in such a way that the dist, release, and arch can be determined using the following URL format: http://images.linuxcontainers.org/images/dist/release/arch. For example, http://images.linuxcontainers.org/images/centos/6/amd64 would correspond to a dist of centos, a release of 6, and an arch of amd64.

Therefore, to use the download template to create a new 64-bit CentOS 6 container, the following command can be used:

salt myminion lxc.create container1 template=download options='{dist: centos, release: 6, arch: amd64}'


These command-line options can be placed into a container profile, like so:

  template: download
    dist: centos
    release: 6
    arch: amd64

The options parameter is not supported in profiles for the 2014.7.x release cycle and earlier, so it would still need to be provided on the command-line.

Cloning an Existing Container

To clone a container, use the lxc.clone function:

salt myminion lxc.clone container2 orig=container1

Using a Container Image

While cloning is a good way to create new containers from a common base container, the source container that is being cloned needs to already exist on the minion. This makes deploying a common container across minions difficult. For this reason, Salt's lxc.create is capable of installing a container from a tar archive of another container's rootfs. To create an image of a container named cent6, run the following command as root:

tar czf cent6.tar.gz -C /var/lib/lxc/cent6 rootfs


Before doing this, it is recommended that the container is stopped.

The resulting tarball can then be placed alongside the files in the salt fileserver and referenced using a salt:// URL. To create a container using an image, use the image parameter with lxc.create:

salt myminion lxc.create new-cent6 image=salt://path/to/cent6.tar.gz


Making images of containers with LVM backing

For containers with LVM backing, the rootfs is not mounted, so it is necessary to mount it first before creating the tar archive. When a container is created using LVM backing, an empty rootfs dir is handily created within /var/lib/lxc/container_name, so this can be used as the mountpoint. The location of the logical volume for the container will be /dev/vgname/lvname, where vgname is the name of the volume group, and lvname is the name of the logical volume. Therefore, assuming a volume group of vg1, a logical volume of lxc-cent6, and a container name of cent6, the following commands can be used to create a tar archive of the rootfs:

mount /dev/vg1/lxc-cent6 /var/lib/lxc/cent6/rootfs
tar czf cent6.tar.gz -C /var/lib/lxc/cent6 rootfs
umount /var/lib/lxc/cent6/rootfs


One caveat of using this method of container creation is that /etc/hosts is left unmodified. This could cause confusion for some distros if salt-minion is later installed on the container, as the functions that determine the hostname take /etc/hosts into account.

Additionally, when creating an rootfs image, be sure to remove /etc/salt/minion_id and make sure that id is not defined in /etc/salt/minion, as this will cause similar issues.

Initializing a New Container as a Salt Minion

The above examples illustrate a few ways to create containers on the CLI, but often it is desirable to also have the new container run as a Minion. To do this, the lxc.init function can be used. This function will do the following:

  1. Create a new container
  2. Optionally set password and/or DNS
  3. Bootstrap the minion (using either salt-bootstrap or a custom command)

By default, the new container will be pointed at the same Salt Master as the host machine on which the container was created. It will then request to authenticate with the Master like any other bootstrapped Minion, at which point it can be accepted.

salt myminion lxc.init test1 profile=centos
salt-key -a test1

For even greater convenience, the LXC runner contains a runner function of the same name (lxc.init), which creates a keypair, seeds the new minion with it, and pre-accepts the key, allowing for the new Minion to be created and authorized in a single step:

salt-run lxc.init test1 host=myminion profile=centos

Running Commands Within a Container

For containers which are not running their own Minion, commands can be run within the container in a manner similar to using (cmd.run <salt.modules.cmdmod.run). The means of doing this have been changed significantly in version 2015.5.0 (though the deprecated behavior will still be supported for a few releases). Both the old and new usage are documented below.

2015.5.0 and Newer

New functions have been added to mimic the behavior of the functions in the cmd module. Below is a table with the cmd functions and their lxc module equivalents:

Description cmd module lxc module
Run a command and get all output cmd.run lxc.run
Run a command and get just stdout cmd.run_stdout lxc.run_stdout
Run a command and get just stderr cmd.run_stderr lxc.run_stderr
Run a command and get just the retcode cmd.retcode lxc.retcode
Run a command and get all information cmd.run_all lxc.run_all

2014.7.x and Earlier

Earlier Salt releases use a single function (lxc.run_cmd) to run commands within containers. Whether stdout, stderr, etc. are returned depends on how the function is invoked.

To run a command and return the stdout:

salt myminion lxc.run_cmd web1 'tail /var/log/messages'

To run a command and return the stderr:

salt myminion lxc.run_cmd web1 'tail /var/log/messages' stdout=False stderr=True

To run a command and return the retcode:

salt myminion lxc.run_cmd web1 'tail /var/log/messages' stdout=False stderr=False

To run a command and return all information:

salt myminion lxc.run_cmd web1 'tail /var/log/messages' stdout=True stderr=True

Container Management Using salt-cloud

Salt cloud uses under the hood the salt runner and module to manage containers, Please look at this chapter

Container Management Using States

Several states are being renamed or otherwise modified in version 2015.5.0. The information in this tutorial refers to the new states. For 2014.7.x and earlier, please refer to the documentation for the LXC states.

Ensuring a Container Is Present

To ensure the existence of a named container, use the lxc.present state. Here are some examples:

# Using a template
    - template: download
    - options:
        dist: centos
        release: 6
        arch: amd64

# Cloning
    - clone_from: web-base

# Using a rootfs image
    - image: salt://path/to/cent6.tar.gz

# Using profiles
    - profile: centos_web
    - network_profile: centos


The lxc.present state will not modify an existing container (in other words, it will not re-create the container). If an lxc.present state is run on an existing container, there will be no change and the state will return a True result.

The lxc.present state also includes an optional running parameter which can be used to ensure that a container is running/stopped. Note that there are standalone lxc.running and lxc.stopped states which can be used for this purpose.

Ensuring a Container Does Not Exist

To ensure that a named container is not present, use the lxc.absent state. For example:


Ensuring a Container is Running/Stopped/Frozen

Containers can be in one of three states:

  • running - Container is running and active
  • frozen - Container is running, but all process are blocked and the container is essentially non-active until the container is "unfrozen"
  • stopped - Container is not running

Salt has three states (lxc.running, lxc.frozen, and lxc.stopped) which can be used to ensure a container is in one of these states:


# Restart the container if it was already running
    - restart: True


# Explicitly kill all tasks in container instead of gracefully stopping
    - kill: True


# If container is stopped, do not start it (in which case the state will fail)
    - start: False