If you wish to help translate the Salt documentation to your language, please head over to the Transifex website and signup for an account.
Once registered, head over to the Salt Translation Project, and either click on Request Language if you can't find yours, or, select the language for which you wish to contribute and click Join Team.
Transifex provides some useful reading resources on their support domain, namely, some useful articles directed to translators.
While you're working on your translation on Transifex, you might want to have a look at how it's rendering.
To interact with the Transifex web service you will need to install the transifex-client:
pip install transifex-client
Once installed, you will need to set it up on your computer. We created a script to help you with that:
There's a little script which simplifies the download process of the
translations(which isn't that complicated in the first place).
So, let's assume you're translating pt_PT
, Portuguese(Portugal). To
download the translations, execute from the doc/
directory of your Salt
make download-translations SPHINXLANG=pt_PT
To download pt_PT
, Portuguese(Portugal), and nl
, Dutch, you can use the
helper script directly:
.scripts/download-translation-catalog pt_PT nl
After the download process finishes, which might take a while, the next step is
to build a localized version of the documentation.
Following the pt_PT
example above:
make html SPHINXLANG=pt_PT
Open your browser, point it to the local documentation path and check the localized output you've just build.