libgimpui-2_0-0-2.10.12-lp152.2.6.1<>,@aDm/=„T0=tnGCaҏT#ڼB&hT1i*3:Ŵ"D?W<\jj"+?XMK;Xy|q(kLz )fGAtLaV c(L#uGy3sVSߎ:F'*a0V%~yKNIڏF ~ڤHإ-HLq? -zb4iJf4m\ڱ@l@D?4d & X 04GPa z     4Rp0(8#9#: #> @/F>GXHpIXY\]^bc7defluvwxy.z0Clibgimpui-2_0-02.10.12lp152.2.6.1The GNU Image Manipulation Program - UI LibrariesThe GIMP is an image composition and editing program. GIMP offers many tools and filters, and provides a large image manipulation toolbox and scripting. This package provides GIMP UI libraries.aDmobs-power8-03TopenSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSEGPL-3.0-or-laterhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Libraries    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/$@_=]\@\@\[v[@[~[?Y[?Y[>@[Z@Z@Z@Zb@Zb@ZZ%ZR ZP@Y.@YXqX+XYX@XpX{d@W@Wk@VbVY@U%@Michael Gorse Michael Gorse Bjørn Lie ecsos@opensuse.orgMarcus Rueckert mvetter@suse.comsean@suspend.netecsos@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.comecsos@opensuse.orgmrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.deplinnell@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combadshah400@gmail.comjweberhofer@weberhofer.atjweberhofer@weberhofer.atmrueckert@suse.debjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comzaitor@opensuse.orgplinnell@opensuse.org Recurse directories when looking for python plugins (boo#1180362).- Add gimp-fix-issue-3630-postscript-plugin-crashes.patch: gsapi_new_instance() now expects a pointer to a NULL-initialized pointer. Initialize "void *instance" with NULL. Found by massimo (bsc#1180770 bsc#1178726, glgo#GNOME/GIMP#3630).- Update to version 2.10.12: + Core: - Add an "Incremental" option to the Dodge/Burn tool, which, similarly to the Paintbrush, Pencil, and Eraser tools, applies the effect incrementally as the pointer moves. - Curves now have a concept of smooth vs corner points: smooth points produce a smooth curve, while corner points produce a sharp curve (previously, all points were smooth). - Search the user font directory path on Windows (since Windows 10, non-admin users have the ability to install fonts). This is only a temporary hack until fontconfig adds proper upstream support. - In gimp_brush_core_get_paint_buffer(), when allocating a new paint buffer, clear the old buffer *before* allocating the new one, to reduce the amount of simultaneously allocated memory. - In GimpPaintbrush, avoid refilling the paint buffer at each dab if the paint color/pixmap hasn't changed, hence allowing faster painting in some specific cases. - Add hygon cpu detection and enable MMX/SSE support. - Add a GimpSymmetry::get_transform() virtual function and a corresponding gimp_symmetry_get_transform() function which return the brush transform corresponding to a given symmetry stroke in terms of the rotation angle and reflection flag (in contrast to gimp_symmetry_get_operation() which returns the same transforation in terms of a GeglNode). This allows us to simplify, fix (artifact bugs, etc.), and improve the painting-code performance for several symmetry painting cases. - New gimp-brush-pipe-spacing parasite set by core code to preserve GIH brush's spacing across reloads. - Add a new Offset filter tool, as a front-end to gimp:offset. The tool replaces, and provides the same interface as the drawable-offset dialog while also providing live preview and on-canvas interaction. + Plug-ins: - Exported profile and data format strategy updated in several file plug-ins. - When not saving a profile, we always export as sRGB data, as most viewers would not display the image properly otherwise. - When saving a profile: . If a profile was manually assigned, we always export to the assigned format, hence pixel data is converted accordingly, whatever the work format. - If no profile was assigned: . If the export format support high-bit depth, we export the work format as-is. . If the export format is 8-bit max, we convert the work format to sRGB, except if the work format is 8-bit linear. + The following plug-ins were updated: JPEG, PNG, TIFF and WebP. + Tools: - Add input/output spin-buttons to the Curves tool, which allow setting the selected point's coordinates numerically. When the image precision is greater than 8-bpc, use a 0.00-100.00 range for the point-coordinate spin-buttons instead of a 0-255 range. - In the Curves tool, allow changing the curve's point types (cf. new curve corner points in Core section). Corner points are displayed with a diamond shape instead of a circle. - Free Select tool now creates a selection as soon as the polygon is closed. This selection is updated when the polygon, or the relevant tool-options, change, similarly to GimpRectangleSelectTool. - Derive GimpEraser from GimpPaintbrush, instead of directly from GimpBrushCore. This allows GimpEraser to reuse the paint-buffer content across dabs, improving performance. - Allow moving an intersecting pair of guides with the Move tool. + User interface: - In GimpCurveView, when dragging an existing curve point, don't immediately move the point to the cursor position upon button press, but rather move it relative to its current position as the cursor moves. This allows selecting a point without moving it, and adjusting its position more easily. - When the cursor hovers above a point in GimpCurveView, or when dragging a point, have the coordinate indicator show the point's position, rather than the cursor's. - In GimpCurveView, when holding down Ctrl while adding/dragging a point, snap the y-coordinate to the original curve (at the start of the drag). This is particularly useful for adding points along the curve. - In GimpDashboard, don't show legend for groups with no meter. - Add a tile-alloc-total variable to the dashboard's memory and misc groups, showing the total amount of memory used by the tile allocator. - Add a "Save Keyboard Shortcuts Now" button to the Configure Keyboard Shortcuts dialog. + Updated translations.- No more need pkgconfig(glib-2.0) >= 2.56.0 for build. pkgconfig(glib-2.0) >= 2.54.2 is enough.- Update to version 2.10.10: - Core: - Add gimp-scratch allocator, a fast memory allocator (on the order of magnitude of alloca()), suitable for small (up to a few megabytes), short-lived (usually, bound to the current stack-frame) allocations. Unlike alloca(), gimp-scratch doesn't use the stack, and is therefore safer, and will also serve bigger requests, by falling-back to malloc(). - In gimp_drawable_transform_buffer_affine(), avoid modifying the clipping mode when transforming layer masks, since this function is used (among other things) to transform layer masks together with their layer, in which case they should use the same clipping mode as the layer. This fixes a regression introduced by commit 2ae823ba, causing layer masks to be transformed with a mismatched clipping mode during layer transforms, leading to discrepencies between the transformed layer and the transformed mask. - Moved swap/cache and temporary files out the GIMP user config dir and added new config file substitutions ${gimp_cache_dir} and ${gimp_temp_dir}. - Pass the GEGL tile-cache size, swap path, and thread-count to plug-ins as part of their config, and have libgimp set the plug-in's GeglConfig accordingly upon initialization. - Layer groups are now rendered in bigger chunks rather than tile-by-tile (which used to pretty much eliminate multithreading for groups), which improves the rendering speed. - Make saving/exporting files more robust to errors. In particular if an error occurs during the process (be it a bug, a memory error, or anything else), GIMP won't overwrite anymore any existing file with incomplete contents, so that you won't end up with no valid files at all. - Fix a regression on support of various graphics tablet. - Remove the "Edit -> Fade..." feature: it makes GIMP use two buffers instead of one (east into system resources), it's broken in 2.10, and we can make the UX better for filters. - New generic canvas modifier 'Alt + middle click' allowing to pick layers by clicking on pixels. The available layers will be looped through (starting from the upper one) while Alt key is hold and the picked layer name will be temporarily displayed in the status bar. - When clearing a channel, do nothing if the channel is already empty; otherwise, align the cleared rectangle to the channel buffer's tile grid, so that all affected tiles are dropped, rather than zeroed. Furthermore, only update the affected region of the channel. - Brush and pattern saving logics has been moved to core code (instead of plug-in). - Clipboard brushes and pattern can now be duplicated. - Parametric brushes are now 32-bit float to avoid posterization on large brushes. Note: raster brushes are still 8-bit and plug-ins only have access to 8-bit versions of high-precision brushes/patterns. New API will be required to handle high-precision data. - On-canvas preview while editing a color in the colormap of an indexed image. - User interface: - Enabled HiDPI/Retina support for the GTK2/OSX build, fixes blurry icons. - Add a tooltip to the "better compression" checkbox in save dialog to make it clearer it does not mean that the file size is necessarily smaller in every cases. In particular some best/worst case are possible when an algorithm less efficient in general may end up better on a particular image. - Add basic support for cursors with a scale factor of 2 for HiDPI (artwork to be updated). - Foreground and background color icons, as well as color history will now display out-of-gamut warning on indexed images for colors outside of the palette, as well as on grayscale images, for non-gray colors. - Pack color picker and hexadecimal entry on same line in Color dock. - Add an "Open as Image" button to the brushes dialog. - Usability: - Attempting to transform locked layers or paint on them now results in blinking around the status bar (where the warning message is displayed) and around the toolbar where lock toggles are. The same applies to attempting to move a selection where there is none — GIMP will blink around the toolbar where the moving target (layer, selection, path) is chosen. - GIMP now allows selecting default export file type for new projects. The choice is limited to PNG, JPEG, WebP, PSD, ORA, TIFF, BMP. - GimpSpinScale widget now has an optional feature to constrain the value to integer when dragging with a pointer (even if the scale allows for fractional numbers), set with new function gimp_spin_scale_set_constrain_drag(). This is useful for settings where fractional numbers are technically possible, yet most common use case are with integers (such as pixel sizes, angles in degrees, etc.) so you want the easy interface to be constrained. Fractional numbers are still settable, for instance by keyboard edit; and arrow incrementation won't drop fraction parts. This is currently only activated for brush options in paint tools. - Tools: - In scale tool, scale around center even when using numeric input. - New algorithm in the Bucket Fill tool when selecting the affected area "Fill by line art detection", based off the G'Mic algorithm for "smart colorization": In a few words, it identifies painted pixels (either based on grayscale or opacity values) and tries to close line arts to allow filling even with not perfectly closed zones; the second step of the algorithm will flood the colors under line art pixels to prevent "holes" in the filling. It is possible to control a max size (in pixels) for the flooding, as well as max length of closing segments and splines. - The Bucket Fill tool got new interaction allowing to hold the click and move the mouse to fill based on several seed zones (for "Fill by line art detection" as well as "Fill similar colors"). You can now cancel the fill in progress with right click as in other tools. - The Bucket Fill tool now allows color picking with ctrl-click, same as every painting tool. It will pick either the foreground or background color depending on the selected Fill Type. The ctrl-alt modifier combination is also possible to pick the non-Fill Type color. - In the Bucket Fill tool, the Alt modifier will now switch to "FG color fill" when "Pattern fill" was set (instead of doing nothing). - In the Unified Transform tool, default to preserving aspect ratio when scaling up or down. - In the Healing tool, "Sample merged" now also work for the target pixels, allowing to draw in empty layers. - Selection by color is now parallelized, hence improving speed of the Select by Color tool (and any other processing which may share this piece of code now or in the future). - Add "Constrain handles" and "Around center" options to the perspective-transform tool's GUI, which are similar to the corresponding options of the unified-transform tool. - Improve color picking on indexed image to always select an indexed color corresponding to the picked pixel in the colormap. - Plug-ins: - file-pdf-save GUI now clearly indicates the order the layers will be used to make multi-page PDFs. - Add DDS loading/exporting plug-in originally developed by Shawn Kirst and Arne Reuter. - Rename the Guillotine plug-in to Slice Using Guides. - Add a new option saving a color profile when exporting PNG, JPEG, TIFF. Always save it when exporting to PSD. - Remove the "Advanced" expanders from the PNG and TIFF export dialogs. - Full rewrite of the Spyrogimp plug-in with much more options and better interaction. - Indexed TIFF with alpha channel now supported. - Filters: - Add on-canvas GUI (simple lines) for circular, linear, and zoom motion blur. - Help: - Link to the bugtracker directly from the Help menu, also link to the wiki and the roadmap. Remove the link to currently disabled - Translations: - Czech, Danish, French, Italian, Japanese, Marathi, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian.- bsc#1130407: Remove dependency on JasPer. OpenJPEG is actually used.- Update to vesion 2.10.8: +Core: - Use adaptive chunk size in GimpProjectio nwhen rendering the projection asynchronously, rather than using a fixed chunk size. This provides a better trade-off between throughput and responsiveness dynamically, based on how fast the processing is. +Tools: - In all selection tools, show error on attempt to subtract-from/intersect-with empty selection. - Fix text along path not working with vertical text. - Fix Text tool's frame position when undoing a move operation. - Streamline Text tool's drawing blocking/unblocking logic. - When moving a text layer using the text tool (through alt-drag), don't change the layer's box mode to "fixed", which is unnecessary, since the layer's size isn't affected. - Transform and deformation operations now maintain color for fully transparent pixels, making unerase and curves manipulation of alpha channel more reliable. - All transform tools now apply changes when you asve or export/overwrite an image without pressing Enter first to confirm changes. - Heal, Dodge/Burn, Smudge and Convovle tools now adjust the processed buffer and mask_buffer regions according to the changes made to the application region, as calculated by intersecting it with the drawable and mask extents. This fixes wrong application position when painting on a drawable whose origin is above/to the left of the image's origin, and there's a selection active. +Plug-ins: - Port all plug-ins to the new iterator API in GEGL. - Improve automatic detection of HEIC/HEIF files. - Improve RawTherapee discovery by looking up registry key (should become useful with RawTherapee 5.5 and more). +Usability: - Compatibility information in the Save dialog is now more understandable. The minimum GIMP version for the XCD file is always written down when it is GIMP 2.8 or over. The list of features warranting the minimum version is now listed in an expander container rather than as tooltip, which makes it more discoverable. The warning on compression is now displayed as its own text under the checkbox and not as additional text to the minimum GIMP version label. +CLI: - New self-explanatory --enable-win32-debug-console CLI option +Translations: - Updated translations: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portugese (Brazil), Spanish, Swedish, Ukranian.- pkgconfig(glib-2.0) >= 2.56.0 is needed.- Update to version 2.10.6: + Core: - Render drawable previews asynchronously. - Merge the file view filter and file format lists in GimpFileDialog. The presence of 2 lists was very confusing. - DLL search priority is now updated before running a plug-in on Windows, depending on the executable bitness. This gets rid of one of the last remnant of DLL hell in GIMP, which was when running 32-bit plug-ins from a 64-bit build of GIMP. + Filters: - New "Little Planet" (gegl:stereographic-projection) filter. - New "Long Shadow" (gegl:long-shadow) filter. + Tools: - Halt the Measure tool after straightening. - Add an "orientation" option to the measure tool, corresponding to the "orientation" property of GimpToolCompass (i.e., it controls the orientation against which the angle is measured, when not in 3-point mode.) The orientation is "auto" by default, so that the angle is always <= 45 deg. Note that the "orientation" option affects the tool's "straighten" function, so that the layer is rotated toward the current orientation. - Text layers can now represent vertical texts, with 4 variants: left-to-right and right-to-left lines, and forcing all characters to be upright or following Unicode's vertical orientation property. See also: + User Interface: - The Dashboard dockable dialog now has an "async" field to the dashboard's "misc" group, showing the number of async operations currently in the "running" state. - New Preferences option to enable/disable layer-group previews, since these can get quite time-expensive. + Updated translations.- fix build error for Leap 42.3 - add missing requires- bump versions in BR according to the - move library requires in libgimp to %requires_ge and also force the libgegl update- update to 2.10.4 bug fix release Core: - Remove gimp_display_shell_draw_background() and all clipping hacks for drawing the canvas background. This optimizes away one entire step of drawing of image size, for each expose. - Font loading does not block startup anymore. Only consequence is that the Text tool may not be usable immediately if fonts are not fully loaded yet (and will output an appropriate error if you do so). All non-text related activities can be performed right away. - Change of the URL from bugzilla to gitlab where appropriate. - New tool option manager to better keep track of user context and paint options in a consistent manner. User Interface: - The Dashboard dockable dialog now has a 'Memory' group that shows memory-usage information: the currently used memory size, the available physical memory size, and the total physical memory size. It can also show the tile-cache size, for comparison against the other memory stats. Note that the upper-bound of the meter is the physical memory size, so the memory usage may be over 100% when GIMP uses the swap. - The Dashboard dockable dialog now has "read" and "written" fields in the dashboard swap group, which report the total amount of data read-from/written-to the tile swap, respetively. Additionally, the swap busy indicator (used as the meter's LED) has been improved, so that it's active whenever data has been read-from/written-to the swap during the last sampling interval, rather than at the point of sampling. - Fonts can now be tagged. The user interface is the same as for brushes, patterns etc. - Some icons fixed: larger spacing between broken chains and gimp-tool-ellipse-select made symmetrical. Usability: - When a plug-in cannot be applied to an image because of mismatch in image types (e.g. layer has no alpha or image is greyscale), GIMP now displays a message listing supported image types for this plug-in. Tools: - The Measurement tool now has an "Auto straighten" option allowing to rotate the active drawable (layer, channel…) so that the measurement line is used as horizon. As other transform tools, the feature will work on linked drawables as well. - The Smudge tool now paints correctly on images with a color profile other than the GIMP's built-in one. Build: - Installer: set compatibility options to run Python plugins in HiDPI-aware mode. - Put back compatibility DLLs for really old plugins. - Install binary tool `gimp-test-clipboard` on the system to allow people to help us debug clipboard bugs. - --enable-bundled-mypaint-brushes renamed - -enable-relocatable-bundle and also make WMF fonts looked up on the runtime prefix of GIMP (instead of the build-time path) when this build option was set. Plug-ins: - gimptool-2.0 binary now accepts source files with non-standard extensions if it can try to guess appropriate language from the compiler being used. It will also properly quote arguments for shell usage. - Run explicitly Python 2 as Python plug-in interpreter to prevent breakage on systems where Python 3 is the default. - raw_input()'s argument in Python console is now optional, and input() support has been added. File Formats: - The PSD loader now provides an option to load "merged", pre-composited version of the images that becomes available when a PSD file was saved with "Maximize Compatibility" option enabled in Photoshop. This is useful when loading PSD files that use features that GIMP doesn't currently support, and therefore can't render correctly, such as adjustment layers. When loading the merged image version, we avoid loading certain additional data from the file, such as channels, paths, and guides, while still loading metadata. This option is currently exposed as an additional file type ("Photoshop image (merged)"), which has to be explicitly selected from the file-type list when opening the image. - Embedding GIMP's built-in sRGB color profile to exported files is now optional. The default choice can be set in the Preferences dialog. Translations: - Updated translations: Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian.- update to 2.10.2 bugfix release - drop gimp-Fix-reference-to-gegl-0.3.patch + Core: - Discard fonts which fail to load and popup an info dialog to allow people debug their fonts. - New API to suppress updates in UI until plug-ins are done introducing changes. - New API to calculate histograms in separate threads, with possible further extension to handle similar cases elsewhere in GIMP. - Tool options are now properly saved and reloaded per-device at startup. + Plug-ins: - New plug-in for importing and exporting HEIF images. - Enable visibility of rasterized vector layer from PSD. - Single-window screenshots in Windows fixed to correctly snap a window even when it is partly off-screen or covered by another window or when display scaling is not set to 100%. + Filters: - New Spherize filter to wrap an image around a spherical cap - New Recursive Transform filter to create Droste effect. + Usability: - Warn users, when alpha-only painting has no effect. E.g. when target drawable doesn't have an alpha channel, or the alpha channel is locked. - Make the splash texts dynamic, so they are larger on larger splashes. - Mention pressing Enter to complete Foreground selection in the status bar. - Make sure that clicking outside any selection prevents Rectangle Select and Ellipse Select tools from creating empty selections. - Improve mouse wheel zooming behavior to keep the same point centered under the pointer even if the image is completely visible in the canvas. - Add "View -> Center Image in Window" (Shift+J) as a quick way to center the image at any zoom level. + Translations: - Updated translations: Catalan, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian. - New translation of Windows installer: Chinese (Taiwan) + Build: - Add a --with-bug-report-url configure option allowing packagers to set the address of their own bug tracker. This address will be the one opened by the debug dialog for reporting bugs. - Add a flatpak manifest for the gtk3-port branch. - Remove the possibility to disable script-fu. - Add a --with-icc-directory configure option to customize the color profile directory. By default, it is set to the common path /usr/share/color/icc. + Documentation: - Updating the description of the XCF format "devel-docs/xcf.txt", for third-party readers wishing to support GIMP 2.10 XCF files. - Add documentation skeletons for all enums in libgimpbase/, there is much room for improvement.- Add gimp-Fix-reference-to-gegl-0.3.patch: gimp.pc: Fix reference to gegl-0.3 - we require and build for gegl-0.4 now.- Update BuildRequires versions to be consistent with configure script.- let libgimp-2_0-0 require libbabl-0_1-0 >= 0.1.46 to enforce updating to the required version.- libbabl is required in version 0.1.46+- add BR for gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg to enable svg icons - enable jpeg2000 support: new BR pkgconfig(libopenjp2) - enable webp support: new BR pkgconfig(libwebp) >= 0.6.0 - enable OpenEXR support: new BR pkgconfig(OpenEXR) - enable email support: new BR/R for xdg-utils for xdg-email - set LC_ALL/LANG in %prep and %build to silence warnings about encoding of the translations - make sure we can see the compiler cmdlines by disabling the silent rules- Update to version 2.10.0: + Image processing nearly fully ported to GEGL, allowing high bit depth processing, multi-threaded and hardware accelerated pixel processing, and more. + Color management is a core feature now, most widgets and preview areas are color-managed. + Many improved tools, and several new and exciting tools, such as the Warp transform, the Unified transform and the Handle transform tools. + On-canvas preview for all filters ported to GEGL. + Improved digital painting with canvas rotation and flipping, symmetry painting, MyPaint brush support. + Support for several new image formats added (OpenEXR, RGBE, WebP, HGT), as well as improved support for many existing formats (in particular more robust PSD importing). + Metadata viewing and editing for Exif, XMP, IPTC, and DICOM. + Basic HiDPI support: automatic or user-selected icon size. + New themes for GIMP (Light, Gray, Dark, and System) and new symbolic icons meant to somewhat dim the environment and shift the focus towards content (former theme and color icons are still available in Preferences). + And more, better, more, and even more awesome! - Drop gimp-gegl03-buildfix.patch: Fixed upstream, following this drop libtool BuildRequires and no longer pass autoreconf. - Replace pkgconfig(gegl-0.3) with gegl-0.4) BuildRequires. - Add gcc-c++, gegl, glib-networking, pkgconfig(gexiv2), pkgconfig(liblzma), pkgconfig(libmypaint), pkgconfig(mypaint-brushes-1.0) and pkgconfig(poppler-data) BuildRequires: New dependencies.- Add gimp-gegl03-buildfix.patch: Port to gegl-03, patch taken from debian. - Following the above port, replace pkgconfig(gegl-0.2) with pkgconfig(gegl-0.3) BuildRequires and add libtool BuildRequires: and pass autoreconf as the above patch touches the buildsystem.- Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec, drop Obsoletes for versions no longer supported.- Don't build with webkit1, as it is no longer maintained and has plenty of security bugs. This disables the GIMP's built-in help browser; it will use an external browser when configured this way. This works around a number of security vulnerabilities in Webkit1: drop mypaint until it is in Factory.- update to 2.8.22 - drop upstream patches - now in the the source - drop gimp-fix-PDF-Import-filter-crash.patch - drop gimp-bgo773233-CVE-2007-3126.patch - conditionalize mypaint support - full change log: Build with libmypaint support.- Add gimp-bgo773233-CVE-2007-3126.patch: Gimp 2.3.14 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via an ICO file with an InfoHeader containing a Height of zero (bgo#773233, CVE-2007-3126). - Add gimp-fix-PDF-Import-filter-crash.patch: Fix a crash in PDF Import filter when importing large image PDF or specifying high resolution (bgo#593576).- Add conditional gimp-help-browser Obsoletes for Tumbleweed and Leap newer than 42.x.- Remove --with-pic, this is only for static libs. - Trim description on non-main subpackages.- update to 2.8.20 - Core: - Avoid D-Bus error message when built without D-Bus support - fix OS X min required conditional in gimpimagewindow.c - Saving to existing and .xcf.gz files didn't truncate them and could lead to unnecessarily large files - Text layer created by gimp-text-fontname doesn't respect border when resized - avoid seeking when saving XCF files to prevent corruption with file network shares (fixed since 2014, but not mentioned in NEWS yet) GUI: - Flow on Paint Dynamics editor dialog: the 'y' axis is indicating 'Rate' instead 'Flow' - Vertical ruler shows artifacts if the status bar isn't showing - Tablet stylus misbehaves when crossing the edge of a dock in multi-window-mode - Disable the new "automatic window tabbing" feature introduced on macOS Sierra - Improve the visiblity of slider handles with dark themes - Make it harder to switch to renaming if selecting already selected items in resource lists Tools: - make toggling to color picker mode of paint tools more robust Libgimp: - call gimp_file_entry_set_filename() with filename encoding Plug-ins: - Prevent the Python console from closing by the Escape key - Help browser does not launch on OS X - Filter 'Edge Detect/Difference of Gaussians' returns empty image - only use -xobjective-c for compile commands - fix calls to write_file() routine to write to current directory - When printing, the images are composed onto a white background to prevent printing a black box instead of a transaprent image - Fix color visison deficiency display filters to apply gamma correction directly Updated Translations: - Catalan - Czech - Danish - Finnish - French - German - Greek - Hungarian - Icelandic - Italian - Polish - Portuguese - Slovak - Slovenian - Scottish Gaelic - Spanish - Swedish General: - Bug fixes- Replace -devel BuildRequires for their pkgconfig version aligned with what configure looks for: - babl-devel for pkgconfig(babl). - gegl-devel for pkgconfig(gegl-0.2). - libpng-devel for pkgconfig(libpng). - libpoppler-glib-devel for pkgconfig(poppler-glib). - xorg-x11-libXfixes-devel for pkgconfig(xfixes). - xorg-x11-libXpm-devel for pkgconfig(xpm). - zlib-devel for pkgconfig(zlib). - Add an explicit pkgconfig(cairo-pdf) BuildRequires: configure checks for it (full pdf support). - Run spec-cleaner: drop obsolete clean, modernise macros. - No longer depend on libwebkit-devel for Tumbleweed and pass - -disable-webkit to configure for Tumbleweed.- update to 2.8.18 - Drop gimp-Multiple-Use-After-Free.patch - upstreamed +Core: - Initialize fontconfig cache in separate thread to keep GUI responsive on first startup - Properly recognize layer masks as deactivated, e.g. for moving layers - Create $XDG_DATA_HOME if it doesn't exist - (CVE-2016-4994) Multiple Use-After-Free when parsing XCF channel and layer properties - Fix progress access to prevent crash on rapid sequence of commands - Fix crash in gimp-gradient-segment-range-move +GUI: - Disable color picker buttons on OS X to prevent a GUI lockup - Disable "new-style" full-screen mode on OS X to prevent a crash - Pulsing progress bar in splash screen to indicate unknown durations - Fix gamut warning color for lcms display filter - Fix unbolding of bold font on edit - Prevent accidental renaming of wrong adjacent item +Installer: - Change compression settings to decrease size by 20% - Add Catalan, Danish, French, Dutch +Plug-ins: - Fix crash on sRGB JPEG image drag & drop - Fix ambiguous octal-escaped output of c-source - Fix KISS CEL export - Fix progress bar for file-compressor - Make Script-Fu regex match return proper character indexes for Unicode characters - Fix Script-Fu modulo for large numbers +General: - Documentation updates - Bug fixes - Translation updates- Fix CVE-2016-4994 (boo#986021, bgo#767873): + Add gimp-Multiple-Use-After-Free.patch: Multiple Use-After-Free when parsing XCF channel and layer properties.- Explcitly declare the libgimp version in Requires, so upgrades bring in the updated libraries as well. Makes the upgrade from 2.8.x > 2.8.16 seamless and avoids an error on start.- update to version 2.8.16 - fix a couple of rpmlint warnings +Core: - Seek much less when writing XCF - Don't seek past the end of the file when writing XCF - Windows: call SetDLLDirectory() for less DLL hell - Fix velocity parameter on .GIH brushes - Fix brokenness while transforming certain sets of linked layers +GUI: - Always show image tabs in single window mode - Fix switching of dock tabs by DND hovering - Don't make the scroll area for tags too small - Fixed a crash in the save dialog - Fix issue where ruler updates made things very slow on Windows +Plug-ins: - Fix several issues in the BMP plug-in - Make Gfig work with the new brush size behavior again - Fix font export in the PDF plug-in - Support layer groups in OpenRaster files - Fix loading of PSD files with layer groups + General: - OSX build system fixes - Bug fixes - Translation updates- Replace liblcms-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(lcms2): gimp has been ported to lcms2 since version 2.8.8./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigobs-power8-03 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d4851e055e3cba5b7985cb0d898a826e3ccf78e3, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=39a2855d0683c44bc81741cded4ee4f4ca60cec4, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ad170cf74b827e51fbb6e23fb40f6222b6317194, strippedPRRRRRRPRR RR R RRRRRR RRRRRPRRRR R RR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRBj38utf-8f3940156715a9b6f171654f70ea7efef02dd519f59916e4a935b8beb7208106e?7zXZ !t/]"k%+ bdlIܚMHFt{ު&=!@gac!qj@e`xM<T"aMPRC[I8kf,%f!+(Y-m[/r20$`UȢ9 21ځA &ǭ TC-1.ߣ+^0'x(+P Sȃe.Xt#-ZsRwH W}h&v"@VMYNrf'F[ًA. n*jT']Ce;+AMAW4*#=?@r<=Ƒ