libapparmor1-2.13.4-lp152.2.9.1<>,LaF/=„Z,0{|Khtom 6W YU=r+,tmgy91r]ĺG\T|R`|wF޳1NO(}OMA82aPOBº+P~0%=94X7OC[HJ=dK`4zbkuy}͔,4=zeUi8zbP8=&ns,R @{iNM"| i 3LA<pJw6T|2}>C?d " ?'0B [l      (PX    (/88 9d : > @ B F G H IX Y< Zt[x\|]^bc_defluv wxyz(8<BClibapparmor12.13.4lp152.2.9.1Utility library for AppArmorThis package provides the libapparmor library, which contains the change_hat(2) symbol, used for sub-process confinement by AppArmor, as well as functions to parse AppArmor log messages.aFobs-power8-04 openSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSELGPL-2.1-or-laterhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Libraries ء    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/^j$@]@\@\[/Z>Z@@YeY|XXChristian Boltz Christian Boltz Martin Liška Christian Boltz Christian Boltz update to AppArmor 2.13.4 - fix log parsing for logs with an embedded newline - see for the detailed upstream changelog- update to AppArmor 2.13.1 - some fixes in cache handling - see for the detailed upstream changelog- Disable LTO (boo#1133091).- update to AppArmor 2.13.2 - no changes in libapparmor - see for the detailed upstream changelog- update to AppArmor 2.13.1 - several bug fixes - see for the detailed upstream changelog- update to AppArmor 2.13 - add support for multiple cache directories and cache overlays (boo#1069906, boo#1074429) - see for the detailed upstream changelog- update to AppArmor 2.12 - preserve errno across aa_*_unref() functions - see for the detailed upstream changelog - no longer package static libapparmor.a- update to AppArmor 2.11.95 aka 2.12 beta1 - no changes in libapparmor - see for the detailed upstream changelog- update to AppArmor 2.11.1 - mostly test-related changes in libapparmor - see for upstream changelog- Fix RPM groups- split libapparmor into separate spec to get rid of build loop involving mariadb, systemd, apparmor, libapr and mariadb again (see the discussion in SR 448871 for details) - libapparmor.spec is based on the AppArmor 2.11 apparmor.spec, but with minimum BuildRequires/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfiglibapparmorobs-power8-04 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ebcc9a2e87313ed95a38781e78a7474d87d398f5, strippedP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PRRRR0jtt2utf-88d232b888b578310b6897034abb6d0e62b93c20baa5d6b455916743635b3f725?7zXZ !t/^]"k%AKֿZ͋@mU?">ߌ4183sI|+)EB%,>jdG)fj =in!o>L^n 2)K5H@xy:-x֛4EpϽ3YI@\-]àB*ʣ=('Y0ώLF){!ONpwoDʣ~ $(<( ĶGS7fU<. -Dy2bϯ.\sڵ]Z\Y'u)1l ^#naQ }~G$6lB{YEjA;ǙXStq9apڊN||wN̨} uۃs_ [߂ҢyQt~Ck{vPx?4pyO30g{g'70Qci4iCK^Dۚ|2ik<Ǯo ];g a<>VxE:o9mrV  <,{{O YJbEU)ZBrմN H.)4$;Q߾Z{ y~wTm2j@蓻60mqgA91-#i~WjrDچ36${EXg]Jb8Fo˩e3BnA8Mt4%&LW[Hӧ+SŎۍrsF!fs$Z(e֩˜f@Ȑ]E^l2moZugOuz(FG[ +-53q݄XYju`ŕXܡddcSTRn$= FW]k3M3pbr񪕉xad3YVDhZMw .eUU!@58=[բaf%_I%%޻ /Ob{yŃd~7w3;[<#.A YZ