tomcat-el-3_0-api-9.0.36-lp152.2.25.1<>,{aȸ/=„z"FА8NGBQ "5us0s773hesp/9X[_FjU)F lf+}E?,6T'-wV5̂/i0Z0; DCӆ5BXẙ7ܒoPmXUƝ`no 9r݈7v@a#wd1uz~|w?x:ľLaMͮnYyjM~RE|.f>EO?Od ( Elp|            L p     4  (8 G9<G:G>If?InBIvFIGI HI II XI YJ ZJ[J\J ]J ^KXbKcLodMeM fM lMuM$ vMHwN xO yO4zOPO`OdOjOCtomcat-el-3_0-api9.0.36lp152.2.25.1Expression Language v3.0 APIExpression Language API version 3.0.aobs-arm-11myopenSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSEApache-2.0http://bugs.opensuse.orgDevelopment/Libraries/Javahttps://tomcat.apache.orglinuxnoarchupdate-alternatives --install /usr/share/java/tomcat-el_api.jar el_api /usr/share/java/tomcat-el-3.0-api.jar 20300 update-alternatives --install /usr/share/java/tomcat-el_1_0_api.jar el_1_0_api /usr/share/java/tomcat-el-3.0-api.jar 20300if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then update-alternatives --remove el_api /usr/share/java/tomcat-el-3.0-api.jar update-alternatives --remove el_1_0_api /usr/share/java/tomcat-el-3.0-api.jar fib"}ڀaʵaʵaʰaʯaʲaʲaʯaʰaʯ14d8c706f15eca9e47c7c5650334498f87525d32ac2cc43449c44b10d3c5d1daf9a87c33cf71f2df7664fde3bc517bd4ba44e216f8295db02b5cd4e8807f0a3d47075cbcf2688af6dcb4b02f34092259a1dabddaddcaa32ad7d7cd85c49dc3e2tomcat-el-3.0-api.jar/etc/alternatives/el_1_0_api/etc/alternatives/el_api../tomcat-el-3.0-api.jar@@rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootroottomcat-9.0.36-lp152.2.25.1.src.rpmel_3_0_apiel_apimvn(org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-el-api)mvn(org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-el-api:pom:)mvn(org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:javax.el)mvn(org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:javax.el:pom:)osgi(org.apache.tomcat-el-api)tomcat-el-3.0-apitomcat-el-3_0-api @@    /bin/sh/bin/shjava-headlessjavapackages-filesystemrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)update-alternativesupdate-alternatives3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.1a{@ay?@`Q@`"y@_إ@___{_^@^^_^@^Y^U @^1s^%@^!^@]҇]Γ@]4@]?]V]@\\\r@\k\j@\Yz\X)@\LK\?\8@\'a\[v[u[@[@[ug@ZZ_:Z!D@Z@YYYY:Y@Y@XZnW@WiW|W'A@WWKV@V2V`VA@UlI@UlI@UlI@UQU hU hTTи@Michele Bussolotto Michele Bussolotto Abid Mehmood Abid Mehmood Abid Mehmood Matei Albu Matei Albu Matei Albu Matei Albu Fridrich Strba Matei Albu Javier Llorente Matei Albu Matei Albu Fridrich Strba Matei Albu Fridrich Strba Matei Albu Matei Albu Fridrich Strba Fridrich Strba Fridrich Strba Fridrich Strba Fridrich Strba Dominique Leuenberger Matei malbu@suse.comFridrich Strba malbu@suse.commalbu@suse.commalbu@suse.commalbu@suse.comFridrich Strba malbu@suse.commalbu@suse.comecsos@opensuse.orgFridrich Strba sean@suspend.netmalbu@suse.comecsos@opensuse.orgmalbu@suse.commalbu@suse.commalbu@suse.defstrba@suse.commalbu@suse.comrbrown@suse.commalbu@suse.comecsos@opensuse.orgfstrba@suse.comecsos@opensuse.orgdziolkowski@suse.commalbu@suse.comastieger@suse.comtchvatal@suse.commalbu@suse.commalbu@suse.comdma Fixed CVEs: * CVE-2021-30640: Escape parameters in JNDI Realm queries (bsc#1188279) * CVE-2021-33037: Process T-E header from both HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1. clients (bsc#1188278) - Added patches: * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2021-30640.patch * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2021-33037.patch- Fixed CVEs: * CVE-2021-41079: Validate incoming TLS packet (bsc#1190558) - Added patches: * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2021-41079.patch- Fixed CVEs: * CVE-2021-25122: Apache Tomcat h2c request mix-up (bsc#1182912) * CVE-2021-25329: Complete fix for CVE-2020-9484 (bsc#1182909) - Added patches: * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2021-25122.patch * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2021-25329.patch- Log if file access is blocked due to symlinks: CVE-2021-24122 (bsc#1180947) - Added patch: * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2021-24122.patch- Fix HTTP/2 request header mix-up: CVE-2020-17527 (bsc#1179602) - Added patch: * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2020-17527.patch- Fix typo in tomcat-webapps %postun that caused /examples context to remain in server.xml when package was removed - Remove tomcat-9.0.init and /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/tomcat.conf from package. They're not used anymore becuse of systemd (bsc#1178396)- Fix CVE-2020-13943 (bsc#1177582) - Added patch: * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2020-13943.patch- Fix tomcat-servlet-4_0-api package alternatives to use /usr/share/java/servlet.jar instead of /usr/share/java/tomcat-servlet.jar. Keep /usr/share/java/tomcat-servlet.jar symlink for compatibility. (bsc#1092163) - Don't give write permissions for the tomcat group on files and directories where it's not needed (bsc#1172562) - Change location from /var/run to /run (bsc#1173103) - Use %tmpfiles_create macro in %post instead of calling systemd-tmpfiles directly- Fixed CVEs: * CVE-2020-13934 (bsc#1174121) * CVE-2020-13935 (bsc#1174117) - Added patches: * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2020-13934.patch * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2020-13935.patch - Rebased patches: * tomcat-9.0.31-java8compat.patch- Update to Tomcat 9.0.36. See changelog at - Fixed CVEs: CVE-2020-11996 (bsc#1173389)- Update to Tomcat 9.0.35. See changelog at - Fixed CVEs: - CVE-2020-9484 (bsc#1171928) - Rebased patches: * tomcat-9.0-javadoc.patch * tomcat-9.0-osgi-build.patch * tomcat-9.0.31-java8compat.patch- Update to Tomcat 9.0.34. See changelog at - Notable changes: * Add support for default values when using ${...} property replacement in configuration files. Based on a pull request provided by Bernd Bohmann. * When configuring an HTTP Connector, warn if the encoding specified for URIEncoding is not a superset of US-ASCII as required by RFC 7230. * Replace the system property org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH with the Connector attribute encodedSolidusHandling that adds an additional option to pass the %2f sequence through to the application without decoding it in addition to rejecting such sequences and decoding such sequences.- Update to Tomcat 9.0.33. See changelog at - Notable fix: corrected a regression in the improvements to HTTP header parsing (bsc#1167438) - Rebased patches: * tomcat-9.0-javadoc.patch * tomcat-9.0-osgi-build.patch * tomcat-9.0.31-java8compat.patch- Change default value of AJP connector secretRequired to false - Added patch: * tomcat-9.0.31-secretRequired-default.patch- Update to Tomcat 9.0.31. See changelog at - Fixed CVEs: * CVE-2019-17569 (bsc#1164825) * CVE-2020-1935 (bsc#1164860) * CVE-2020-1938 (bsc#1164692) - Modified patch * tomcat-9.0.30-java8compat.patch - > tomcat-9.0.31-java8compat.patch + Adapt to changed context- Modified patch: * tomcat-9.0.30-java8compat.patch + add missing casts (bsc#1162081)- Change back the build to build with any Java >= 1.8 - Added patch: * tomcat-9.0.30-java8compat.patch + Cast java.nio.ByteBuffer and java.nio.CharBuffer to java.nio.Buffer in order to avoid calling Java 9+ APIs (functions with co-variant return types) - Renamed patch: * tomcat-9.0-disable-osgi-build.patch - > tomcat-9.0-osgi-build.patch + Do not disable, but fix OSGi build since we have now aqute-bnd- Change build to always use Java 1.8 (bsc#1161025).- Update to Tomcat 9.0.30. See changelog at - Fixed CVEs: - CVE-2019-0221 (bsc#1136085) - CVE-2019-10072 (bsc#1139924) - CVE-2019-12418 (bsc#1159723) - CVE-2019-17563 (bsc#1159729) - Removed patch: * tomcat-9.0-JDTCompiler-java.patch + It was not applied- Update to Tomcat 9.0.27. See changelog at - Uset aqute-bnd to generate OSGi manifest, since we have that package now in openSUSE:Factory - Removed patch: * tomcat-9.0-disable-osgi-build.patch + not needed- Add maven pom files for tomcat-jni and tomcat-jaspic-api- Distribute the pom file also for tomcat-util-scan artifact- Build against compatibility log4j12 package- Adapt to the new ecj directory layout- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to shortcut the build queues by allowing usage of systemd-mini- Update to Tomcat 9.0.20. See changelog at - increase maximum number of threads and open files for tomcat (bsc#1111966)- Update to Tomcat 9.0.19. See changelog at Notable packaging changes: - File /usr/share/java/tomcat/catalina-jmx-remote.jar was removed. The classes contained in this jar were merged into /usr/share/java/tomcat/catalina.jar. - Fixed CVEs: - CVE-2019-0199 (bsc#1131055) - Rebased patch: - tomcat-9.0-JDTCompiler-java.patch - tomcat-9.0-javadoc.patch- Build classpath directly with the geronimo jars instead of with symlinks to them- Don't overwrite changes made to server.xml contexts when updating bundled webapps.- Set javac target to 1.8 when building docs samples and serverxmltool- Move webapps bundled with Tomcat to /usr/share/tomcat/tomcat-webapps (bsc#1092341). Affected packages: - tomcat-webapps - tomcat-admin-webapps - tomcat-docs-webapp - Remove %doc directive from tomcat-docs-webapps files section so that zypper installs files even if rpm.install.excludedocs is set to yes.- Require Java 1.8 or later (bsc#1123407)- Clean up OSGi manifest injection - Put embed maven metadata into embed subpackage - Use the .mfiles* lists generated by %%add_maven_depmap macro- Fix tomcat-tool-wrapper classpath error (bsc#1120745)- Fix tomcat-digest classpath error (bsc#1120745)- Update to Tomcat 9.0.14. See changelog at Add pom files for tomcat-jdbc and tomcat-dbcp - Add org.eclipse.jetty.orbit* aliases to correspondant artifacts- Update to Tomcat 9.0.13. See changelog at Update to Tomcat 9.0.12. See changelog at - Fixed CVEs: - CVE-2018-11784 (bsc#1110850) - Rebased patches: - tomcat-9.0-disable-osgi-build.patch - tomcat-9.0-javadoc.patch - tomcat-9.0-sle.catalina.policy.patch - tomcat-9.0-tomcat-users-webapp.patch- Declare following files to config(noreplace) to prevent override access rights: - host-manager/META-INF/context.xml - manager/META-INF/context.xml- Empty tomcat-9.0.sysconfig to avoid overwriting of customer's configuration during update (bsc#1067720)- Update to Tomcat 9.0.10. See changelog at - Fixed CVEs: - CVE-2018-1336 (bsc#1102400) - CVE-2018-8014 (bsc#1093697) - CVE-2018-8034 (bsc#1102379) - CVE-2018-8037 (bsc#1102410) - Rebased patch tomcat-9.0-JDTCompiler-java.patch - Added patch tomcat-9.0-disable-osgi-build.patch to disable adding OSGi metadata to JAR files- Update to Tomcat 9.0.5. See changelog at Modified patch: * tomcat-9.0-javadoc.patch + Don't append to javadoc --add-modules since we are building with source=8 + Avoid accessing Internet URLs from build environment- Update to Tomcat 9.0.2: * Major update for tomcat8 from tomcat9 * For full changelog please read upstream changes at: + * Rename all tomcat-8.0-* files to tomcat-9.0-* - Changed patches: * Deleted: tomcat-8.0-bootstrap-MANIFEST.MF.patch * Deleted: tomcat-8.0-sle.catalina.policy.patch * Deleted: tomcat-8.0-tomcat-users-webapp.patch * Deleted: tomcat-8.0.33-JDTCompiler-java.patch * Deleted: tomcat-8.0.44-javadoc.patch * Deleted: * Added: tomcat-9.0-JDTCompiler-java.patch * Added: tomcat-9.0-bootstrap-MANIFEST.MF.patch * Added: tomcat-9.0-javadoc.patch * Added: tomcat-9.0-sle.catalina.policy.patch * Added: tomcat-9.0-tomcat-users-webapp.patch - Renamed subpackage tomcat-3_1-api to tomcat-4_0-api to reflect the new Servlet API version. - Commented out JAVA_HOME in /etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf - Added "tomcat-" prefix to lib symlinks under /usr/share/java to avoid file conflicts with servletapi5 and geronimo-specs - Fixed wrong %ghost file paths for alternatives symlinks- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)- Build with JDK 8 to fix runtime errors when running with JDK 7 and 8 - Fix tomcat-digest classpath error (bsc#977410) - Fix packaged /etc/alternatives symlinks for api libs that caused rpm -V to report link mismatch (bsc#1019016)- update to 8.0.47 * Fixed CVE: - CVE-2017-12617 - rebase tomcat-8.0-sle.catalina.policy.patch- Added patch: * tomcat-8.0.44-javadoc.patch - generate documentation with the same source level as class files - fixes build with jdk9- Version update to 8.0.44: * Fixed CVE: - CVE-2017-5664 (bsc#1042910)- New build dependency: javapackages-local- Version update to 8.0.43: * Another bugfix release, for full details see: * Fixed CVEs: - CVE-2017-5647 (bnc#1033448) - CVE-2017-5648 (bnc#1033447) - CVE-2016-8745 - Renamed and rebased patches: * tomcat-7.0-sle.catalina.policy.patch -> tomcat-8.0-sle.catalina.policy.patch - Enable optional script. See section "(3.4) Using the "setenv" script (optional, recommended)" in (bnc#1002662) - Fix file conflicts when upgrading from SLES 12 to SLES 12 SP1 (bnc#1023412). Added explicit obsoletes for tomcat-el-2_2-api, tomcat-jsp-2_2-api, tomcat-servlet-3_0-api- update to 8.0.39: (boo#1003911) * Improve handling of I/O errors with async processing * Fail earlier on invalid HTTP request - includes changes from 8.0.38: * Refactoring the non-container thread Async complete()/dispatch() handling to remove the possibility of deadlock * Improved UTF-8 handling for the RewriteValve - includes changes from 8.0.37: * Treat paths used to obtain a request dispatcher as encoded (configurable) * Various jdbc-pool fixes - drop tomcat-8.0.36-jar-scanner-loop.patch, upstream- Switch to commons-dbcp2 fate#321029- Backport fix for inifinite loop in the jar scanner for 8.0.36. (bnc#993862) Added: tomcat-8.0.36-jar-scanner-loop.patch- Version update to 8.0.36: * Another bugfix release for the 8.0 series. Full details: - CVE fixed by the version update: - CVE-2016-3092 (bnc#986359) - Fixed a deployment error in the examples webapp by changing the context.xml format to the new one introduced by Tomcat 8. See fix maven fragments paths to build in multiple distribution versions- Version update to 8.0.33: * Another bugfix release for 8.0 series, full details: - Rebase tomcat-8.0-tomcat-users-webapp.patch - Rebase tomcat-7.0.53-JDTCompiler-java.patch to tomcat-8.0.33-JDTCompiler-java.patch- Fix fixme for the prereq preamble value - It seems systemd prints error on adding the @ services to macros so do not do that- package was partly merged with the scripts used in the Fedora distribution - support running multiple tomcat instances on the same server (fate#317783) - add catalina-jmx-remote.jar (fate#318403) - remove sysvinit support: systemd is required- update changes file for CVE information - Fixed CVEs: - CVE-2015-5346 (bnc#967814) in 8.0.32 - CVE-2015-5351 (bnc#967812) in 8.0.32 - CVE-2016-0706 (bnc#967815) in 8.0.32 - CVE-2016-0714 (bnc#967964) in 8.0.32 - CVE-2016-0763 (bnc#967966) in 8.0.32 - CVE-2015-5345 (bnc#967965) in 8.0.30 - CVE-2015-5174 (bnc#967967) in 8.0.27- Version update to 8.0.32: * Another bugfix release for 8.0 series, full details: - Rebase patch: * update to Tomcat 8.0.28 * Multiple fixes, read upstream changelog at: Some whitespace cleanups- Remove pointless conflicts on provide/obsolete symbols- Version bump to 8.0.23 fate#318913: * Multiple testfixes all around, read upstream changelog at: Fix previous commit. Fix one rpmlint warning- Drop gpg verification from spec, it is done by obs- Fix build with new jpackage-tools- update to Tomcat 8.0.18: * Major update for tomcat8 from tomcat7 * For full changelog please read upstream changes at: + * Rename all tomcat-7.0-* files to tomcat-8.0-* * Update keyring file - Update windows patch to apply again: * Deleted: * Added: * Added:tomcat-8.0-tomcat-users-webapp.patch * Deleted: tomcat-7.0-tomcat-users-webapp.patch * Added: tomcat-8.0-bootstrap-MANIFEST.MF.patch * Deleted: tomcat-7.0-bootstrap-MANIFEST.MF.patch- Version 1.1.30 or higher is required for APR listener (bnc#914725)/bin/sh/bin/shel_apitomcat-el-2_2-apiobs-arm-11 1637075656 9.0.36-lp152. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// open `/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/tomcat-9.0.36-lp152.2.25.1.aarch64/etc/alternatives/el_1_0_api' (No such file or directory)cannot open `/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/tomcat-9.0.36-lp152.2.25.1.aarch64/etc/alternatives/el_api' (No such file or directory)ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators (Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract Java archive data (JAR))ASCII textXML 1.0 document, ASCII textPPPPPRR̨D%2x=6utf-81d2e8384974f65055e9a85471929b8b9163774ea4902c415b081bfed6807c17c?7zXZ !t/:~'!]"k%3 m%2GV7Xg D_O Wp sceL=  է~rxD&Tj"f7 /<Dz0@}DC}m Z{ĖUoYXMkςꏾ3PxЅ#xt=.yOy8OR]Hg1ޱ |ca ms d.W~s#${r<)@)s^5%]Y,Tt;GI^5ptU(!P1KI{2ˎ+[!\kV`p 9I΀I l+eQd*)biߒf' ZqQ?<.,X8[Ӛ1u rvV$b=jZ> >M%/2[E̘h}=,q)dXnnei̿CrpiMO2 .5ȷ1G )-&T) 0 [֦D W :׋+'esM:O=̱)ybh8&vߕg2whosQTFJ) 0SưA ݁.!6^.2PVݢ`t2c :ɢ!j%_3]GJ;$<1UmCTlneH[ K Ktnغ5}gLd9\Kb'f3TWu eC6b/Ó`a[N`s z[2WskaN02wSƳU/Wڼ~'7+yكhäB"=#;EG©yϰk.mќLj fUH_ wԡW3l[ Z$ *@{􍉹w|shr42;j!@A}B5:.ӃJIdws mca.!oiDv5"9* g(G`kFjm8͛yUH]s"lkC] O$1, ,4ӼRТhmi%ɱ`* gO$Jj% W99>IѨx%0:iZ!a.^R}j_ŀt6/h_ =aPKUgBW](.OZFJ|uǫqG`02lWk(tlL-/KiH`-W4YdV =<$NZtEv\%יa"]y}XiMi&[{Pz!l da)| HPMLkCQP(xK ;R4 bRlQDTVb>.B_XK|F;q'6ST"' D5Q<N-c}џ,6xT_jʮQغov$1сNl^B0tV[BL)]@~CP2L=ؐ&o0[m0 G"i5==H[uUNb)rXXu55↣6X̬&հ&c;Iy7"z\3 9dy-g;L.z]t תyT@f*Uy'c*acC=m9?Mai G6r)$d'NsegC6s\5.<ǵD3n6Q) ;#S3:,_We!GJ,gP2@:AfnF-P3&*!}(ca g(ݡVqeUWnn|Sj> 8m8sXk,̺NHt *p - ֢m΅ht59Z ׵֥ ~1ϓX(Ԍ mZv&֚geWՖy1Jߐ`\'崼mqd琚0{?iT>v(KM*,VS.MrFɅv7Sّ; x %`l-=e^Zys:Iqol*Y)#q;d[,a[:tr!Rt7 :-zhL5:~hOΠ m0/Qk^oLÕޓs3'BZ@Kr6N ̯*3Xy*r$JZ&oz^܂ Z4= .nɎ`C6] :kC0BRVWy3f(44KCm,=5,ij^rcydE*ryJ_^{)4kc7)GS e; %-9XHRtM|8\;UH '; }FEPV:^Q*F.Ō$O2_;ѦcֱTt;VK%C^ tY0d[A;9Aov=wiV"dD8p 6wb!}l-H/KbPk^U7Wu.JaB,g;p߼}wEm@rdjSV -$ޟYD=ɥ8PmJC]""\&Xxp|;YV{e7< m: ؊:@":"W^v|y|r* eŢkSnfڝ$,|Y~_{R33 '^u yZly?b,󗇑esNԺ~XsZQvafJw'JD=M'(p].f!{V=+xdlHTOҁ>QvntG_L-EIk#Bֻ;ʯed#~pDKY$U7}Brȳ7f"h}^3ީlYG黚3<1b֝ܪ!tlm䎵bsOb;C5!@}:Tؒɸ*(0X Ʌ .}Ĺ\:~mic+$v !{bI=.*3D֜8FvNi>c OF4|me't)E)٬M/!6'gYh,X>|z3ӊj@o/ڞa7uvXoҹ !lj`]lŮ$i)'`.NJQE_hNnWA a813pJ5(d_X-*MtX]@vRseě4P}E渇l2g*ۢsv5I"y&b x-ػ2$,ψ7xy.);rPK{Ir8{$ʔ g=9ȺbĆeݥTtZ(}-} zD<7"KLB1*x%r}TNPTdl95љ^˲+iS'F2PWg2 4OO"GtYmڍ~YEĉ,"5*[{ j8SE/ξ*7(6펩 85;0):%|~fmf׶(win{+vwTvT(Iarȍv$]R ^r{}!9]n5^RmG \1pyWQls̠%…N,u Ę?8նMbռ&؃ЈBj5`tfK 4 }iLK"mr~鿎F@AFf<>^ȎڏRaR  >6/5WN$g_{`'zyrFK65R+%~#(ݚq}R O:a -ibX$+ N\q."C[HfƲ$cƦpC8=kg.|Sa6y$.^Fm虧=iq/pP+d3u<?JV6 h a!b {>/6섨̳hiiLz?> EآQAQkյ䩳arzgU*D/t3 -y{7m%Z -3*ܛ+nql3)>Vgܢa;|^m@l쎩sԯMgpn/g"#taq+-'j:k|i/bsC/^+Pq,1{?GEes8`OsGqY` BFp}#e~}s]m>^6vד:wG$t{wh.nH1'Cmy_?ԃz,ހkI=FZ-m;Bԋc^`tkцttirƱ4;T,"k-ux ۴o ߽h49y {S`3Hs. cjtdʼr]S]N&BVf/{>TGJGsQu,WHRW "t6YgBm(0\ӊUnD#|26fN%в"wUo!;swZU`{c?\`[ުY@iƴffcІ?4;hS]y(F}250۴[ ԓfiVk`EOR"0q51R}6_o`r t[fdHPc-[W!tvi4)x$m7hqNccp;.QL4se-y`B' "(bd&9-oeO;3+TE+I͚i<:,MqjS\? ,9/X$c\/ˍ'ꇱO!QVT52+78;Mbd|QW7}>y jI{5p7kGsYvmA vF3Er/߳o'іOü=pl5:)i_čoUxܫ*y [lU5+}bRBaoP (װFMʤHNs9WꓸE8U#߅MwܿiVrX+Ьeu/Ynm!S#̟ψb[`?4v􎰗+q ,B$X0gUm.sBԀYڸf,Ez*ar3%F*,Z* ~ F(4NwZ-0P=&fYbJ@y{t_f7=Iqխ'L_f螗\F{ s`m3B+:{N46{;FSN^ "ޣճ:2Hٸ [Bێv`R ӯAhp0铤\rsnd%Q,~iyPZ7 dAn_xJ*u- <5]?sw:~_($:-Zt. rx>]'Q;g8Mg:anVWΘrB*; aYɞN"_GL~Yc$"ljQԁ2̐ȥ4IyiߢTΩLoY]PiNa`BXCם߻~{40#69Cs\mN!%p{9UϰoinbF?Iۣ6|@Y5ť% (N4nVL9OZ.Y az>v'%|%;2@|3͵/X/?c#{ 'qMJF336%'P5K E !ob\Ěl^I45CĺJlS}1FjZDY'I|^YNNn2X{m_ѣͺ3'cWEhDz6!6b@Ȁ&eyr u9eG歍E,kdckm@BNZLw27$;{h4F$(q*В#.kP5j>w'֥=7̣BF ̥SK+0l 4Z)2WrRZvF]0>iNXl-qZ b3.WNP;DF9oXDdh`VkP%agTqFTQ(2X|_'1 Pr´m#gM맿Zzt `A쇳N^GKWԯwA"ӟϑ -@N귭T7g 獇B "yvq׫jcCaYfBwjCwł<C!.9`~K(cj e|8_ls ÖŲ|ǰQEUˆy\aFlv84ךYB8`PB4@_cQLosm45vݶV^Dlh 8K̄?[j9f,sK# 2|}Av|=%/d!LUF ԅ4)$8)3҆T?UPbzN|y_!a RA;d] #V&dT΋þzװW:#P_qSS݄:'jߔѹ1kئ#wYuSKdNE4jAх \-u]LEDԾFռ ?m5 < *;Ժ cUrĉM{>M ΐd秎d+wǭDBS彄A`fRXJsna77ٺZ}I>Ld|) #W]lRx^dn׏| Y/EB6y:H[7,ėf? jC!.3%v­S%tQ Nty YZ