python3-acme-1.0.0-lp151.2.6.1<>,lp^f/=„KH"T'aIPb>)'p:|h5cx*wS<\S Τ3zI5W=}?ʥz\><?<d ! 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Certbot now reads this header if set and respect its value. * The acme module avoids sending the keyAuthorization field in the JWS payload when responding to a challenge as the field is not included in the current ACME protocol. To ease the migration path for ACME CA servers, Certbot and its acme module will first try the request without the keyAuthorization field but will temporarily retry the request with the field included if a malformed error is received. This fallback will be removed in version 0.34.0.- update to 0.31.0 * Support for initiating (but not solving end-to-end) TLS-ALPN-01 challenges with the acme module. * Fixed accessing josepy contents through acme.jose when the full acme.jose path is used. * Added the update_account subcommand for account management commands.- Drop pytest-xdist dependency as it is not really needed- Update to 0.30.2: * Remove josepy helpers that are no longer needed- update to 0.29.1: * Release 0.29.1 * Release 0.29.0 * WIP External Account Binding (#6059) * Implement POST-as-GET requests (#6522) * ignore erroneously no-member lint error * Revert acme/acme/ * Bump version to 0.29.0 * remove unused six imports * Remove module-level ignore::ResourceWarnings * bring requests back down to 2.4.1 in setup and oldest constraints * Requests no longer vendorizes urllib3 * Use a newer version of requests because of the upcoming Callable import Deprecation in Python 3.8 that warns in Python 3.7 * Cover is run on 2.7, so mark 3-only lines as no cover * Ignore ResourceWarnings in various modules in a 2-compatible way. * ignore ResourceWarnings in acme tests * s/assertEquals/assertEqual - Adjust Requires- update to version 0.28.0 * Use the ACMEv2 newNonce endpoint when a new nonce is needed, and newNonce is available in the directory. * Warn when using deprecated acme.challenges.TLSSNI01- update to version 0.27.1 * acme client now raises an error when you try to create an ACME account with a key that has already been used * you can now call query_registration without having to first call new_account- Reflect reality in the dependencies - Run the tests- update to 0.26.1 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.26.0 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.25.1 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.25.0 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.24.0 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.23.0 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.22.2 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.22.0 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.21.1 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.20.0 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.19.0 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.18.2 - No changelog from upstream- Convert to singlespec- update to 0.18.1 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.17.0 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.16.0 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.15.0 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.14.2 - No changelog from upstream- update to 0.14.1 - No changelog from upstream- fix build error in Tumbleweed- update to 0.14.0 - No changelog provides by upstream- update to 0.13.0 - No changelog provides by upstream- insert BuildRequires: python-packaging to prevent build errors for Leap 42.1- change require version to python-requests >= 2.10- update to 0.12.0 - No changelog provides by upstream- update to 0.11.1 - No changelog provides by upstream- update to 0.10.2 - No changelog provides by upstream- update to 0.10.1 - No changelog provides by upstream- update to 0.10.0 - No changelog provides by upstream- update to 0.9.3 - No changelog provides by upstream- update to 0.9.0 - No changelog provides by upstream - drop patch acme-build-on-python-older-than-2_7.patch- update to 0.8.1 - No changelog provides by upstream- update to 0.8.0 - No changelog provided by upstream - Drop fix-AttributeError-on-mock-older-than_2.0.patch because now in upstream- update to 0.7.0 - No changelog provided by upstream - add fix-AttributeError-on-mock-older-than_2.0.patch- update to 0.6.0 - No changelog provided by upstream - update Source with new pypi url- Update to version 0.5.0 - No changelog provided by upstream- add BuildRequires python-setuptools >= 1.0- Update to version 0.4.2 - No changelog provided by upstream- Update to version 0.4.1 - No changelog provided by upstream- Updated to version 0.4.0 - No changelog provided by upstream - updated requirement: python-pyOpenSSL >= 0.13- Updated to version 0.3.0 - No changelog provided by upstream- Added python-mock requirement- acme-build-on-python-older-than-2_7.patch allows building on python version < 2.7- Updated to latest version 0.2.0 - No changelog provided by upstream- Fixed description and url - Added group- Initial version 0.1.1obs-arm-8 1578133159 !#%')+-/135789:;<=>?@AB1.0.0-lp151.2.6.1acmeacme-1.0.0-py3.6.egg-infoPKG-INFOSOURCES.txtdependency_links.txtrequires.txttop_level.txt__init__.py__pycache____init__.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc__init__.cpython-36.pycchallenges.cpython-36.opt-1.pycchallenges.cpython-36.pycclient.cpython-36.opt-1.pycclient.cpython-36.pyccrypto_util.cpython-36.opt-1.pyccrypto_util.cpython-36.pycerrors.cpython-36.opt-1.pycerrors.cpython-36.pycfields.cpython-36.opt-1.pycfields.cpython-36.pycjws.cpython-36.opt-1.pycjws.cpython-36.pycmagic_typing.cpython-36.opt-1.pycmagic_typing.cpython-36.pycmessages.cpython-36.opt-1.pycmessages.cpython-36.pycstandalone.cpython-36.opt-1.pycstandalone.cpython-36.pycutil.cpython-36.opt-1.pycutil.cpython-36.pycchallenges.pyclient.pycrypto_util.pyerrors.pyfields.pyjws.pymagic_typing.pymessages.pystandalone.pyutil.pypython3-acmeLICENSE.txt/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/acme-1.0.0-py3.6.egg-info//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/acme//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/acme/__pycache__//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/python3-acme/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// textPython script, ASCII text executablepython 3.6 byte-compiled  RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRh-!n4'goutf-897e66749dbe652dfe28025883eea6043f65c6beea4618f0f88a73aaaa5c4a91f? 7zXZ !t/r+I]"k%Ӆ) `= SSPslkyqG׈cNςX8Poj>J+vO-77UG%ylߏl͒fz7b+ntvysL,NHֹԎP`|uVG!58-A"  [-Kq^Z6Ԁwg^ ݍ"Ŗt1z4L7ዷ Dƾ^JA=Z(iTI;X}d>wء)mPۘ^*doB*]R]ʎa>OOɑjK%0S6O~\ff*vGY Si(ZZ38bq]~GA۲+,sPۙ۷l:%JAІr޻ 'X2|uqׯě7-kr_'dN3s!w3dگ[QQmr.Euzʫպ|EwzR1- zZZtZg7ى" ?GDz?+o޳.G\va:%wC@L >S7. 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