libsoup-3_0-0-3.4.4-150600.3.3.1<>,gRp9|g%ed~.W9¼@ZvgJy=RlvU*6%1dNC3H@L;>ȧ-K<夶Yxݎڢ):X颭 'L9N>fa֭ ;H7\ ~|ܽB&E0q{b`*ʏf`KZ0ɹhMﭞTԿx\y:ɊY l12y1갮Yn5tqe?BZ-M:&I,T>F@?0d # H04@D]~   ( @   8Vt\(8q9 q:q>~@BFGHIXYZ0[4\<]T^b'cdReWfZl\upvw@xXypz,Clibsoup-3_0-03.4.4150600.3.3.1HTTP client/server library for GNOMELibsoup is an HTTP client/server library for GNOME. It uses GObjects and the glib main loop, to integrate well with GNOME applications. Features: * Both asynchronous (GMainLoop and callback-based) and synchronous APIs * Automatically caches connections * SSL Support using GnuTLS * Proxy support, including authentication and SSL tunneling * Client support for Digest, NTLM, and Basic authentication * Server support for Digest and Basic authentication * XML-RPC supportgRh01-ch4c !>SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1-or-later Jxsc'A큤A큤 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/`aHwaC1a&0a#`8`!'`!'_#__[@_S}_R,@^>@^H^y@^c^V]^V]^,-^]]]]]z3@]x]x\P\\@\~d\mA@\d\Z@\E@\-@[^[t[[[ug@[m~@[m~@[Q[@Z(Z@ZmZUZZkZ1@ZZyZe@Ze@ZaZ&@YYY@Y@YY /YX:@XOW$W@WPWX@W@V(@V3V@V@VTQ@VTQ@VA@VU@UYUU>U@U@T@T@Tp@Tp@mgorse@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.comguillaume.gardet@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgsbrabec@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgpmonreal@suse.compmonreal@suse.compmonreal@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgolaf@aepfle.deolaf@aepfle.debjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.commgorse@suse.commgorse@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comluc14n0@linuxmail.orgluc14n0@linuxmail.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.commgorse@suse.comluc14n0@linuxmail.orgluc14n0@linuxmail.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgluc14n0@linuxmail.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgluc14n0@linuxmail.orgluc14n0@linuxmail.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opens Add 04df03bc.patch: strictly don't allow NUL bytes in headers (boo#1233285 CVE-2024-52530 glgo#GNOME/libsoup#377). - Add 6adc0e3e.patch: websocket: Process the frame as soon as we read data (boo#1233287 CVE-2024-52532 glgo#GNOME/libsoup#391). - Add 29b96fab.patch: websocket-test: disconnect error copy after the test ends (glgo#GNOME/libsoup#391). - Add a35222dd.patch: be more robust against invalid input when parsing params (boo#1233292 CVE-2024-52531 glgo#GNOME/libsoup!407). - Add 4c9e75c6.patch: fix an intermittent test failure (glgo#GNOME/soup#399). - Increase test timeout on s390x. The http2-body-stream test can be slow and sometimes times out in our builds.- Update to version 3.4.4: + Improve HTTP/2 performance when a lot of buffering happens + Support building libnghttp2 as a subproject- Update to version 3.4.3: + Fix incorrect UTF-8 encoding for params in headers + Numerous HTTP/2 fixes and improvements + Fix possible crashes in connection management + Fix small leak in SoupServer + Fix the possibility of empty HTTP/2 frames being sent- Update to version 3.4.2: + Revert changes to request cancellation.- Update to version 3.4.1: + Fix HTTP/2 on platforms with unsigned char. + Change request cancellation to be handled earlier. + Add names to GSources and source tags to GTasks to aid debugging. - Run meson_test macro for all arches.- Update to version 3.4.0: + Fix possible crash in SoupContentSniffer. + Fix socket leak. + Add missing annotation to soup_header_g_string_append_param_quoted().- Update to version 3.3.1: + Fix regression in `SoupCookieJar` not handling valid Secure cookies. + Fix crash when skipping HTTP/1 response stream with chunked enconding. + Change Session to unqueue finished items earlier without an extra MainContext iteration.- Update to version 3.3.0: + Add `SoupMessage::got-body-data` signal to monitor progress of reads + Add `soup_session_send_and_splice()` and `soup_session_send_and_splice_async()` convenience APIs + Add `soup_message_set_force_http1()` and `soup_message_get_force_http1()` APIs + Change `soup_cookie_copy()` to not retain default ports + Ensure `SoupServerMessage` socket is available in websocket handler + Fix `soup_message_new()` not erroring when URI has an empty host + Fix thread-saftey issues in `SoupConnectionAuth` + Fix various connection leaks + Fix the possibility of sending invalid empty `Sec-WebSocket-Protocol` header + Fix IO errors not being handled on `CONNECT` messages + Numerous improvements to cookies: - Add support for cookie prefixes (`__Secure-` and `__Host-`) - Reject cookies with control characters in name or value - Reject `SameSite=None` cookies without `Secure` - Change `soup_cookie_parse()` to be more strict about what is considered whitespace - Change default SameSite value to `Lax` - Fix `soup_cookie_equal()` with `NULL` path- Update to version 3.2.2: + Various HTTP/2 Fixes: - Fix `content-sniffed` not being emitted for resources without content. - Fix leak of SoupServerConnection when stolen. - Enable tests on 32-bit again, fixed upstream.- Update to version 3.2.1: + When built against nghttp2 1.50.0+ be relaxed about header whitespace. + Fix possible crash when cancelling an HTTP/2 message. + Fix regresion where soup_server_message_get_socket() could return NULL. + Fix minor memory leak. - Disable tests on 32-bit while waiting for Update to version 3.2.0: + No changes, stable bump only.- Update to version 3.1.4: + Numerous improvements to HTTP/2 reliablity. + Fix `http` proxy authentication with default proxy resolver. + Fix undefined ``ssize_t`` with MSVC.- Update to version 3.1.3: + Fix compile error when `SOUP_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED` is defined. - Changes from version 3.1.2: + Replace HTTP/2 tests using Quart with internal HTTP/2 server tests. + Improve version macros including adding ability to define `SOUP_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS`. - Drop -D http2_tests=disabled meson paramter: no longer supported. - Drop 299.patch: merged upstream.- Update to version 3.1.1: + Reintroduce some thread-safety to SoupSession (see + Add SoupServerMessage:tls-peer-certificate and SoupServerMessage:tls-peer-certificate-errors + Port docs to gi-docgen + Update documentation. - Replace pkgconfig(gtk-doc) with pkgconfig(gi-docgen) BuildRequires (and update options passed to meson) following upstreams port. - Add 299.patch: multithread-test: show error information in case of request failure. multithread-test: skip proxy tests if apache is not available. - Use ldconfig_scriptlets for post(un) handling.- Update to version 3.0.8: + Fix `http` proxy authentication with default proxy resolver. + Numerous improvments to HTTP/2 reliability.- Update to version 3.0.7: + Fix leak in SoupAuthNTLM. + Fix constructing SoupAuthNTLM objects. + Disable mutual negotiation in SoupAuthNegotiate. + http2: - Do not advertise the `h2` protocool for proxy connections. - Remove left-over headers when HTTP/1 redirects to HTTP/2. - Handle HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED error. - Read request bodies synchronously for sync requests. - Properly handle server sending shut down GOAWAY. + tests: - Remove dependency on Apache's PHP module. - Depend upon Apache's http2 module.- Update to version 3.0.6: + Misc HTTP/2 fixes. + Add PUT/POST support to examples/get. + Add `--user-agent` option to examples/get. + Misc meson improvements. + Fix build with Visual Studio.- Update to version 3.0.5: + Misc HTTP/2 fixes. + Fix missing files for installed-tests. + Fix SoupServer not properly handling invalid percent encoded paths. + Fix other areas not properly handling invalid percent encoded paths. + Fix SoupLogger:max-body-size of 0 meaning log nothing.- Update to version 3.0.4: + Fix HTTP/2 not properly handling socket timeouts. + Improvements to test reliablity. + Fix cross-compiling to Windows. + Fix tests with development glib-networking. + Expose soup_uri_copy() to Vala.- Update to version 3.0.3: + Fix various HTTP/2 issues. + Error when libsoup2 has been loaded before libsoup3. + Fix memory leak when using TLS.- Require libsoup-3_0-0 instead of libsoup by in the devel package: defacto the same package, as the library provides the base name, but more explicit and clearer.- Update to version 3.0.2: + Add support for multiple auth challenges in one response. + Fix SoupCache test failures on 32bit + Don't treat `-Wincompatible-pointer-types` as error. The `glib-mkenums` tool sometimes triggered this. + Improve `gssapi` dependency handling. + Fix undefined `ssize_t` on Windows. + Updated translations. - No longer ignore test failure on 32-bit arches, fixed upstream.- Ignore test failure on 32-bit arm, as it is done for 32-bit x86 Update to version 3.0.1: + Move python overrides to upstream pygobject. + Fix minor build warnings. - Drop python3-Soup sub-package following upstream changes.- Update to version 3.0.0: + Remove unused dependency on libxml. + Use G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE when applicable and bump GLib dependency to 2.69.1. + Add PyGObject overrides for SoupMessageHeaders to behave like a dict. + Fix soup_message_add_status_code_handler() in Vala. + Ensure that all header values are valid UTF-8, other encodings are not supported. + Support Content-Disposition headers missing a disposition-type. - Drop pkgconfig(libxml-2.0) BuildRequires: follow upstream. - Split out new python3-Soup package.- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support (jsc#SLE-21105).- Update to version 2.99.9: + Make soup_message_set_method() public API. + Make SoupMessage:http-version read only. + Prevent the same message being queued multiple times. + Allow completing SoupMessage::tls-interaction with NULL certificate. + Replace soup_server_set_ssl_cert_file() with soup_server_set_tls_certificate(). + Add SoupServer support for client certificates. + Fallback to building meson wrap of sqlite if not found. + Add soup_message_get_tls_protocol_version() and soup_message_get_tls_ciphersuite_name() API. - Changes from version 2.99.8: + Enable HTTP/2 by default. The SOUP_FORCE_HTTP1 env var can disable for debugging. + Restrict advertising brotli decoding support to HTTPS. + Add new API to handle client certificate authentication per-message as well as API to PKCS #11 PINs. + Add new build features `http2_tests` and `pkcs11_tests` to more granularly control optional test dependencies. - Changes from version 2.99.7: + Change SoupSession to only support one SoupSessionFeature of a given type. + Remove soup_session_get_features() API. + Numerous HTTP/2 fixes and improvements. - Changes from version 2.99.6: + Added HTTP/2 support. Enable by setting `SOUP_ENABLE_HTTP2` env var. - Changes from version 2.99.5: + Add soup_message_get_remote_address() API. + Fix preconnect stealing a connection. + Fix potential header issues when included in a C++ project. + Disabling tests also disables Autobahn tests by default. - Changes from version 2.99.4: + Rename SoupMessage:tls-certificate and SoupMessage:tls-certificate-errors to tls-peer-certificate and tls-peer-certificate-errors respectively. + Add SoupMessageMetrics API for tracking message events, + Add soup_message_get_connection_id() API. + Add WebSocket fuzzing tests with Autobahn. - Add pkgconfig(gnutls) and pkgconfig(libnghttp2) BuildRequires: new dependencies. - Rename libsoup-2_4-1 subpackage to libsoup-3_0-0: follow upstream library name change. - Pass -Dautobahn=disabled -Dhttp2_tests=disabled to meson: disable some tests, as we do not have all deps available. - Drop libsoup-skip-tls_interaction-test.patch: no longer needed.- Update to version 2.74.0: + IMPORTANT: Enable ssl-use-system-ca-file by default on deprecated Sync and Async sessions. + Fix including headers in C++ projects. + Fix attempting to resolve relative paths with data URIs. + Support Content-Disposition headers without a disposition-type. + Fix building VAPI bindings with latest Vala. + Fix sending a Content-Length header in a response with status code of 1xx or 204. + Updated translations. - Drop libsoup-fix-SSL-test.patch: fixed upstream.- Run the regression tests using GnuTLS NORMAL priority- Disable tls_interaction-test until resolved upstream * See - Add libsoup-skip-tls_interaction-test.patch- Fix tests: fix SSL test with glib-networking >= 2.65.90 * See - Add libsoup-fix-SSL-test.patch - Remove patches: * libsoup-disable-ssl-tests.patch * libsoup-disable-hsts-tests.patch- Disable sysprof integration: this causes a nasty build cycle. + Pass -Dsysprof=disabled to meson. + Remove pkgconfig(sysprof-4) and pkgconfig(sysprof-capture-4), as well as pkgconfig(sysprof-4) in the devel project.- Update to version 2.72.0: + Fix critical after cancelling a message that failed auth. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.71.1: + Add support for 308 Premanent Redirect. + Add basic sysprof profiling for HTTP messages. + Various build fixes. + Updated translations. - Add pkgconfig(sysprof-4) and pkgconfig(sysprof-capture-4) BuildRequires: new dependencies.- Update to version 2.71.0: + Redesign directory list returned for `file://` requests. + Add `SOUP_COOKIE_JAR_ACCEPT_GRANDFATHERED_THIRD_PARTY` policy. + Add soup_message_is_feature_disabled() API. + Fix potential leak when setting SoupSession:tls-interaction. + Fix building with Visual Studio. + Updated translations. - Drop libsoup-test-utils-fix.patch: fixed upstream.- Autodetect the location of krb5-config: krb5 adds itself to $PATH.- Add libsoup-disable-ssl-tests.patch: Disable ssl tests, as they randomly fail for all arches (glgo#GNOME/libsoup#188). - Rebase/refresh patches.- Add libsoup-test-utils-fix.patch: test-utils: Clarify meaning of an environment variable.- Update to version 2.70.0: + Deprecate SoupSession:proxy-uri. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.69.90: + Add new API to expose support for same-site cookies. + Fix TRACE method not being considered safe and idempotent internally. + WebSockets: ensure a new connection is created for WebSocket requests. + WebSockets: do not start the input source when IO is closing. + Deprecate soup_date_to_timeval(). + build: Update glib requirement to 2.58. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.68.4: + WebSockets: - Ensure a new connection is created for WebSocket requests. - Do not start the input source when IO is closing. + build: Update glib requirement to 2.58.- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use- Usage of g_canonicalize_filename requires glib 2.58- meson >=0.50 is required for building- Update to version 2.68.3: + Fixes to testing infrastructure. + Enable GNOME support in mingw. + Allow introspection in cross builds. + Updated translations.- Disable NTLM for the time being (causes build cycle): + Drop samba-winbind BuildRequires. + Pass -Dntlm=disabled to meson.- Update to version 2.68.2: + Documentation fixes. + Windows compatibility test fixes. + WebSockets: client_max_window_bits in server must have a value. + build: improve diagnostics when detecting Apache. + NTLM: Make v2 authentication more robust. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.68.1: + Several memory leaks fixed in tests, examples, and parsing code. + SoupServer: Fixes to Windows path handling. + Changes in version 2.68.0: + Updated translations. + Changes in version 2.67.93: + SoupMessage: Handle Transfer-Encoding: identity for compatibility reasons. + WebSockets: Only poll IO stream when needed. + WebSockets: Properly set cookies received during handshake. + WebSockets: Plug a couple of memory leaks and fix a few read-after-free memory errors. + WebSockets: document how web socket extensions should treat buffers in case of error. + SoupSession: Don't reset user GCancellable internally. + Tests: Make tests installable. + Remove deprecate GTimeVal internal usage. + CI: increase coverage by enabling all features during testing. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.67.92: + Silence GTimeVal deprecation warnings. + API documentation and annotation fixes. + Plug a couple of NTLM authentication memory leaks. + Meson: Use feature options. + Meson: Do not fallback to system krb5-config for cross-compilation. + NTLM: Fix build with NTLM enabled. + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.67.91: + HSTS: New API to retrieve information about existing HSTS policies. + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.67.90: + WebSockets: add support for WebSocket extensions via new SoupWebsocketExtensionManager and SoupWebsocketExtension API. + WebSockets: add support for the permessage-deflate extension, enabled by default in SoupServer and in the client side only if SoupWebsocketExtensionManager is added to a session. + WebSockets: Allow sending close frames with no body. + WebSockets: ignore messages after close has been sent and received. + Meson: tls-check improved. + Meson: improve Apache checks. - Changes from version 2.67.3: + WebSockets: allow sending empty binary data. + WebSockets: fail and load the connection on invalid payload length. + WebSockets: allow NULL characters in text messages data. + WebSockets: Close connection on wrongly masked/unmasked frame as per RFC. + WebSockets: other code fixes. + NTLM: Fix NTLMv2 authentication. + SoupMessage: fix several deprecation warnings related to private data. - Changes from version 2.67.2: + gobject-introspection: Fix annotation for soup_auth_new(). + brotli: Do not advertise the decoder as it's failing with some websites. + Meson: Fix xml2 and sqlite fallbacks. + HSTS: Add SoupHSTSEnforcer:hsts-enforced signal. + HSTS: Fixes to the types used to store policies in the SQLite storage. + HSTS: Accept Strict-Transport-Security regardless of casing. + WebSockets: Ensure messages finishes when handshake fails. + WebSockets: Fix critical warnings and test failures. - Changes from version 2.67.1: + Add a brotli decoder. This adds a new dependency on libbrotli. + Add strict secure cookies support. + Add HSTS enforcer SoupSession feature (with both memory and sqlite backends). + meson gtk-doc documentation fixes. - Add libbrotlidec to BuildRequires. - Adjust meson: need "enabled" rather than "true" in a few places. - Add samba-winbind to BuildRequires: meson checks for ntlm_auth. - Meson: doc option is now gtk_doc. - Add libsoup-disable-hsts-tests.patch: these require *.localhost to resolve.- Update to version 2.66.3: + docs: various gtk-doc fixes. + SoupServer: Fixes to Windows path handling. - Update options passed to meson following upstream changes.- Update to version 2.66.2: + Make gettext optional (might not be available in Windows). + MSVC: set encoding to UTF-8 to avoid errors. + MinGW tests build fix. + Check for TLS support only when external glib dependency is available.- Update to version 2.66.1: + Fix dylib versioning in MacOS. + Visual Studio build fixes. + MinGW build fixes. + Meson build system improvements. + Fix random CI failures due to parallel apache tests. + Code cleanups.- Update to version 2.66.0: + Fix lookup for libxml2 on Visual Studio builds. - Add meson_test macro in check section, run tests during build.- Update to version 2.65.92: + SoupConnection: Fix check for remote disconnectin idle state. + Code cleanups and warnings fixed. + Remove stale files. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.65.91: + Remove RFCs from sources.- Update to version 2.65.90: + Avoid using threads in SoupRequestFile asynchronous API.- Fix translation-update-upstream call, needed after update of translation-update-upstream in distro.- Update to version 2.65.2: + Remove autotools build system and change to meson by default. + Many fixes to Meson. + Improvements to the continuous integration infrastructure + Make sure SoupSession features are not disposed until all pending messages are processed. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.65.1: + Added MTLMv2 responses support. + Many fixes to the meson build system. + Remove Visual Studio project files. + Enable VAPI by default. + New strict header field parameter parsing API. + Code cleanups. + Updated translations. - Drop meson and apidocs beconds and conditionals, fixed upstream.- Update to version 2.64.2: + TLD tests updated. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.64.1: + Many fixes to the meson build system (which, by the way, is NOT official yet). + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.64.0: + Many fixes to the meson build system. + Updated translations.- Conditionalize meson use: it's currently providing wrong capability leading to every package autodepending on capability to get "Unresolvable" (glgo#GNOME/libsoup#9).- Update to version 2.63.92: + Updated translations. - Add: + meson BuildRequires and replace configure/make/make_install/\ make_check with meson/meson_build/meson_install/meson_test macros to follow upstream's build system port to Meson. + libsoup-add-missing-po-meson_build.patch (glgo#GNOME/libsoup#6). - Drop no longer needed intltool BuildRequires: upstream migrated to Gettext. - Conditionalize build of API docs: they are currently failing (glgo#GNOME/libsoup#8). - Enable tests run to increase QA of package.- Update to version 2.63.91: + Simplify soup_hosts_matches_host(). + Add new tests for trailing dots in domain names. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.63.90: + Set default cookie path for NULL origins. + Fixes to GObject-introspection. + Use atomic-refcounting in classes that are not using GObject-refcounting. + Many Coverity-found code fixes. + Bail out on cookie-jar calls with empty hostnames. + Fixes to the simple-httpd example.- Update to version 2.62.3: + Check for trailing dots in domains. + Set default cookie path for NULL origins. + Use atomic-refcounting in classes that are not using GObject-refcounting. + Many Coverity-found code fixes. + Bail out on cookie-jar calls with empty hostnames. - Drop libsoup-boo1100097-empty-string.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add libsoup-boo1100097-empty-string.patch: fix crash when handling empty hostnames (boo#1100097 CVE-2018-12910).- Update to version 2.63.2: + Fix critical warning in SoupSocket. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.63.1: + Fix digest authentication with encoded URIs (bgo#794208). + Avoid unaligned memory accesses in WebSocket implementation (bgo#794421). + Fix crash under soup_socket_new() (bgo#762138). + Use libpsl for the SoupTLD API instead of shipping a copy of the public-suffix list (bgo#769650). + Introspection documentation fixes (bgo#795135). + Minor cleanups and fixes. + Updated translations. - Add: + pkgconfig(libpsl) BuildRequires: new dependency. + pkgconfig(glib-2.0) BuildRequires to avoid implicit dependencies. - Drop: + glib-networking BuildRequires: this is actually a runtime requirement only. + python3-base BuildRequires: aside from being an implicit dependency, this is only required when using apache-httpd configure option for using a python script to get the Apache modules directories. + libsoup-SoupCookie-fix-instrospection-annotation.patch: fixed upstream.- Update to version 2.62.2: + Fixes to instrospection annotation (bgo#795135). + Fixes to the test suite with PHP version >= 7.2 (bgo#795111). + Critical warning fixes to SoupSocket. + Updated translations. - Drop upstream fixed patches: + libsoup-SoupCookie-fix-instrospection-annotation.patch (bgo#795135). + libsoup-xmlrpc-server-dont-count-null.patch (bgo#795111). + libsoup-soup-socket-fix-critical-warning.patch.- Add upstream bug fix patches: + libsoup-SoupCookie-fix-instrospection-annotation.patch (bgo#795135). + libsoup-xmlrpc-server-dont-count-null.patch (bgo#795111). + libsoup-soup-socket-fix-critical-warning.patch.- Update to version 2.62.1: + Fix digest authentication with encoded URIs (bgo#794208). + Avoid unaligned memory accesses in WebSocket implementation (bgo#794421). + Use base domain to decide if cookies are third-party (bgo#792130). + Fix crash under soup_socket_new() (bgo#762138).- Unconditionally enable translation-update-upstream: on Tumbleweed, this results in a NOP and for Leap in SLE paid translations being used (boo#1086036).- Update to version 2.62.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.61.91: + Add limit to header length to avoid DOS attacks (bgo#792173). + Update the public-suffix list. + Revert "cookie-jar: use base domain to decide if cookie is third party" (bgo#792130).- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Update to version 2.61.90: + Various improvements to the WebSocket implementation (bgo#792113). + cookie-jar: use base domain to decide if cookie is third party (bgo#792130). + Add new API to create a new connection from a SoupSession (bgo#792212). + soup-headers: accept any 3 digit number as message status code (bgo#792124). - Remove unneeded %clean section: RPM does this kind of work itself already. - Adopt the use of %make_build macro rather than raw make command, following the best practices.- Update to version 2.61.2: + Session: don't request Keep-Alive for upgraded connections (bgo#788723).- Update to version 2.61.1: + tld-parser: use Python 3 (bgo#785735). + Fix heap-buffer-overflow in soup_ntlm_parse_challenge() (bgo#788037). + Fix possibly uninitialized value in ssl-test. + SoupCache: fix the timestamp for responses (bgo#791031). - Drop libsoup-tld-parser-py3.patch: fixed upstream.- Update to version 2.60.3: + heap-buffer-overflow in soup_ntlm_parse_challenge() (bgo#788037). + session: don't request Keep-Alive for upgraded connections (bgo#788723). + soup-headers: accept any 3 digit number as message status code (bgo#792124).- Use python3 during build: + Add libsoup-tld-parser-py3.patch: Use python3 for tld-parser. + Add python3-base BuildRequires.- Update to version 2.60.2: + Fix documentation typos (bgo#788920). + format-zero-length warning triggered in soup-logger.c (bgo#789096). + Warnings while generating inrospection files (bgo#789099). + Updated translations. - Add conditional use for translation-update-upstream: suse-only requirement. - Update Url to current libsoup's project web page. - Run spec-cleaner -p to get respectives pkgconfig(*): gio-2.0, gobject-2.0, gobject-introspection-1.0, gtk-doc and libxml-2.0.- Update to version 2.60.1: + Fallback to another authentication type if the current failed (bgo#788238). + Fix unbalanced G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS use in soup-session.c (bgo#787166). + SoupCache: fix setting default value for cache dir (bgo#788452). + Updated translations. - Update Url to current LibSoup's web page.- Update to version 2.60.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version + Fixed a chunked decoding buffer overrun that could be exploited against either clients or servers (bgo#785774, CVE-2017-2885). - Changes from version 2.59.90: + Several SoupAuthNegotiate compatibility fixes (bgo#783780, bgo#783781). + Include a payload in SoupWebsocketConnection's "ping" messages (to avoid problems with certain buggy server implementations), and emit a signal when receiving a "pong" (to allow apps to notice when the remote peer has disconnected them) (bgo#785660). + Fix the interpretation of wss:// URIs, which previously mostly didn't work (bgo#784766). + Fixed SoupContentSniffer behavior on XML files with no Content-Type (webkit#173923). + Fixed a bug with cancelling async requests (bgo#773257). + Reverted the (undocumented) change in 2.58.0 to call soup_session_abort() after changing SoupSession:proxy-resolver; while this made its behavior more consistent with :proxy-uri, it ended up breaking things (bgo#781590). + Allow HTTP responses that have no trailing CRLF after the response headers (and no body) (bgo#780352). + Fixed an out-of-bounds read in SoupURI parsing (bgo#785042). + Fixed a spurious (debug-level) error message in SoupWebsocketConnection (bgo#784935). + Fixed introspection annotations on soup_message_headers_get_content_range(). + Fixed a flake in tests/header-parsing (bgo#777258). + Update tests/test-cert.pem to use stronger algorithms to avoid problems with newer gnutls (bgo#784949). + Fixed examples/get to not accidentally break https certificate validation (bgo#784259). + Misc updates to apache/php stuff in unit tests.- Update to version 2.58.2 (CVE-2017-2885, boo#1052916): + Fixed a chunked decoding buffer overrun that could be exploited against either clients or servers (bgo#785774, CVE-2017-2885).- Replace krb5-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(krb5): This does not exactly reproduce what configure is looking for (it ignores the .pc file) but it helps OBS in chosing between krb5 and krb5-mini, shortening build cycles.- Update to version 2.58.1: + Reverts a change to SoupSession to close all open connections when the :proxy-resolver property is changed (bgo#777326). This change was made in 2.58.0 but accidentally left out of the NEWS for that release; although that behavior made :proxy-resolver more consistent with :proxy-uri, it ended up breaking Evolution EWS (bgo#781590). + Fixed undefined behavior in tests/header-parsing that could make the test spuriously fail (bgo#777258). + Updates to the configure tests for Apache for use in tests/: - Dropped support for Apache 2.2. - Changed PHP support from PHP 5 to PHP 7. - mod_unixd can now be either built-in or dynamically loaded (bgo#776478). + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.58.0: + Fix authentication issues when the SOUP_MESSAGE_DO_NOT_USE_AUTH_CACHE flag is used (bgo#778497, bgo#777936). + MSVC build improvements. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.57.1: + Added SoupWebsocketConnection:keepalive-interval, to make a connection send regular pings (bgo#773253). + Added soup_auth_manager_clear_cached_credentials() and SOUP_MESSAGE_DO_NOT_USE_AUTH_CACHE, to allow greater control over the use of cached HTTP auth credentials (bgo#774031, bgo#774033). + Fixed the use of SoupSession:proxy-uri values containing passwords (bgo#772932). + Various minor WebSocket fixes: - Avoid sending data after we start closing the connection (bgo#774957). - Do not log a critical if the peer sends an invalid close status code. - Log a debug message when a "pong" is received. + Fix introspection of soup_message_headers_get_content_range(). + Replaced Vala [Deprecated] annotations with [Version] to avoid build warnings (bgo#773177). + MSVC build improvements. + Updated error/message strings to use Unicode punctuation (bgo#772217). + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.56.0: + Added SoupWebsocketConnection:max-incoming-payload-size property, to override the default maximum incoming payload size (bgo#770022). + Added soup-version.h symbols (in particular soup_check_version()) to introspection (bgo#771439). + Updated the copy of the public suffix list used by SoupTLD (bgo#769650). + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.55.90: + Removed support for SSLv3 fallback; sites that reject TLS 1.x handshakes will now just fail with an error (Firefox and Chrome have both already switched to this behavior) (bgo#765940). + Fixed the parsing of s in the new GVariant-based XMLRPC code (bgo#767707). + Fixed soup_server_set_ssl_cert_file(), which was added in 2.48 but didn't actually work. + Added GObject properties to SoupLogger to make it bindings-friendly (bgo#768053). + Fixed build error on FreeBSD (bgo#765376). + Fixed build with certain new versions of glibc that define "EOF" as a macro (bgo#768731). + Updated m4/ax_code_coverage.m4 with support for lcov 1.12. + Updated po files for future gettext versions. + Updated translations. - Drop libsoup-Prefix-signal-ID.patch: fixed upstream.- Add libsoup-Prefix-signal-ID.patch: Buildfix commit from upstream git.- Update to version 2.54.1: + Fixed an ABI break in 2.54.0 caused by adding a member to SoupAuthClass; 2.54.1 is ABI-compatible with 2.53.92 and earlier, but NOT with the anomalous 2.54.0. If you built packages against 2.54.0, you will need to rebuild them against 2.54.1. + Fixed NTLM authentication when ntlm_auth from the latest version of Samba is present (bgo#765106). + Updates to MSVC build, including for GSS-API support. + Updated translations. - Drop libsoup-auth-ntlm-fix.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add libsoup-auth-ntlm-fix.patch: Fix NTLM auth failure with latest samba (bgo#765106, boo#976110).- Update to version + Fix a build problem with the 2.54.0 tarball, which would not build if you configured with "--without-gnome".- Update to version 2.54.0: + Fixed examples/simple-httpd on Windows (bgo758759).- Update to version 2.53.92: + libsoup now supports HTTP "Negotiate"/GSSAPI/Kerberos authentication. It must be enabled specifically by the application and is also subject to certain other restrictions, some of which are not yet controllable through the API (bgo#587145). + Added support for building under MSVC (bgo#758759). + Fixed a problem with the 2.53.90 tarball that caused translations to be mis-installed. + Updated translations. - Remove intltoolize call: the tarball has been corrected. - Add krb5-devel BuildRequires: new dependency for krb5 support. - Pass --with-krb5-config=%{_libexecdir}/mit/bin/krb5-config and - -with-gssapi to configure in order to enable krb5 support.- Update to version 2.53.90: + NUL bytes in headers are now ignored (bgo#760832). + Fixed transfer annotation of soup_form_decode* functions (bgo#743966). + Updated translations. - Call intltoolize before configure in order to fix up the tarball to work with recent versions of intltool.- Update to version 2.53.2: + Fixed up symbol visibility handling for mingw by copying GLib's system (bgo#757146). + Finally marked the old SoupSessionAsync and SoupSessionSync methods as deprecated (bgo#757146). + Added libsoup-2.4.deps for valac. + Make it possible to build from git without gtk-doc being installed. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.53.1: + Really fixed build under MinGW for sure this time. + Fixed SoupServer Web Sockets code so that the SoupClientContext passed to a SoupServerWebsocketCallback is fully usable (rather than crashing when you try to do most things).- Update to version 2.52.2: + Fixed build under MinGW. + Fix SoupServerWebsocketCallback handling so that the SoupClientContext passed to it is still valid. + Added a .deps file to define dependencies for valac.- Update to version 2.52.1: + Fixed build under MinGW. + Fixed build with --disable-introspection (bgo#755389). + Fixed HTTP authentication protection space handling for files directly under the root directory (bgo#755617). + Fixed a warning when loading data from SoupCache while using an authenticated proxy (bgo#756076). + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.52.0: + Removed duplicate test paths from tests/date so it will pass with glib 2.46.0.- Update to version 2.51.92: + Added g_autoptr() support for all libsoup types (bgo#754721). + Added a missing (allow-none) annotation to soup_uri_normalize() (bgo#754776). + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.51.90: + Added a new GVariant-based XMLRPC API, and deprecated the old GValue-based API (along with the associated GValue-manipulating utilities) (bgo#746495). + Multiple build fixes for Visual Studio (bgo#752952). + Added VAPI generation (bgo#750679). + Fixed the mode bits on soup-cookie.c, which was previously marked executable for some reason (rh#1247285). + Updated translations. - Add pkgconfig(vapigen) BuildRequires: New dependency.- Update to version 2.51.3: + Fixed "make check" in non-English locales (rh#1224989, bgo#749397). + Fixed some compiler warnings (bgo#748514). + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.50.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.49.92: + Fixed an NTLM problem that caused spurious "Authentication Failed" errors in evolution-ews (bgo#735197). + Updated translations.- Update to version + websockets: minor optimization. + websockets: fix 32-bit build. + docs: fix build. + tests: fix when building without glib-networking available.- Update to version 2.49.91: + Libsoup now has support for WebSockets in both SoupSession and SoupServer (bgo#627738). + Added support for NTLMv2 Session Security to SoupAuthNTLM. (This is transparent to the app/user; if the server supports it, it will be used) (bgo#739192). + Added soup_server_accept_iostream() to allow feeding a non-GSocketConnection GIOStream to SoupServer (eg, when accepting HTTP requests on some other sort of connection) (bgo#744186). + Added soup_session_steal_connection() and soup_client_context_steal_connection(), to allow you to steal a GIOStream from a SoupSession or SoupServer and then use it for non-HTTP purposes (bgo#721343). + Added soup_server_add_early_handler(), for adding SoupServer handlers to run at :got-headers time rather than :got-body (eg, to set up a streaming read of the request body) (bgo#625645). + Added a new SOUP_MESSAGE_IGNORE_CONNECTION_LIMITS flag, which can be used to bypass SoupSession:max-conns and SoupSession:max-conns-per-host on a per-message basis (bgo#744720). + Multiple SoupCache fixes: - Leaked resources are now cleaned up when opening the cache (bgo#667682). - The "Age" header is no longer added to cached responses (bgo#741108). - Fixed the interpretation of the "must-revalidate" directive to not be stricter than required (bgo#744468). - Messages retrieved from cache now behave slightly more like non-cache messages in terms of SoupSession signals and timing (bgo#744788). Additionally, there is a new SoupMessage::starting signal, which is like SoupSession::request-started, but emitted for cached resources as well (bgo#731153). + Fixed soup_session_cancel_message() to work reliably on paused messages (bgo#745094). + Added code-coverage support to the build (bgo#744744). + Fixed the library symbol check in "make check" to work when building with linker options that result in slightly different organization (bgo#741348). + Added a hack to SoupSessionFeature so that people will stop re-reporting an old Eclipse bug against libsoup (bgo#710242). + Miscellaneous bug and leak fixes in the test programs, leak fixes in libsoup, and documentation updates. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.49.1: + Fixed a bug in the SoupMessage:event signal that broke evolution's ability to connect to https hosts with "bad" certificates (bgo#739951). + Fixed a case where the async codepaths could potentially block on a synchronous write (bgo#727138). + Fixed the symbol soup_server_set_ssl_cert_file() to get exported, and added soup_server_get_uris() to the documentation. + Improved a bunch of introspection annotations (bgo#729987). + Clarified some documentation. + Fixed Windows build, twice (bgo#738003, bgo#738551). + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.48.1: + Fixed a bug in the SoupMessage:event signal that broke evolution's ability to connect to https hosts with "bad" certificates (bgo#739951). + Fixed a case where the async codepaths could potentially block on a synchronous write (bgo#727138). + Fixed the symbol soup_server_set_ssl_cert_file() to get exported, and added soup_server_get_uris() to the documentation. + Improved a bunch of introspection annotations (bgo#729987). + Clarified some documentation. + Fixed Windows build, twice (bgo#738003, bgo#738551). + Updated translations./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfiglibsouph01-ch4c -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=1e55fce3f86e8d5ce9f66539b8cf62107e561593, strippeddirectoryUTF-8 Unicode textASCII textPRRRRR RRR R R R RRRRRRR$ 3k?-ñWsamba-winbindutf-87905ce8d74e07c265bb286bb787a3e22e5fe71f90279a8efdc8ddb3a978275ec?7zXZ !t/])G]"k%]d3e U_j>b2j}oMzߏ)̀fbP|1hWBj͕.A0?`f5w:˄-e`P+;FF8(V xP&kHSrśHN.S](J>`4;jPiB5Iv*LwǴߍ湫]]cm$\c1:E23V6őVXǿ3',b/-]v~s8^2 N66+cĜܷGrSgIg'FfU =h'v&rjI}^V}d 90>DbecSkol2ȃhhdKaUQB#VB=Yf3,a%ߓPjz o7"ᾏJ.T: 45wxÅG0y1t^CpPy ]qX%ܝ$H$zO;<9̋t,2H `ZQ]޿}z;=gޛ<]]ҳs_xB#:5!نˣeJ٣nR*֭O66c2**ԀО"2R*]@Q̬ '8D^<z%<Cf1($ũ}?iUJEt?ۃt G&Pш4UTE+1_^L@jl&ꆿXXHkcIW !1z ̨*ɌHpŋ_B/ݮ*M UT0#ίJ\znf dcC5vO=m};.Ј٦/tp#{ioK曛.5m܅pWOl`EEAj~07QUVl&! t8 `#6++\6GBVFK'Lq@}֫myȭ؎pcLtV{{ i/X 4sq[oj@R/<H4&NJ6wm=#᭲4EõW:;9YqCg%</,|.)W,qGO*]!mJ?ȿTp;Ļ rXlX1!B9RSQ m+ʽ806jpݝ,${ %*EC@oџ[j@PuPyиlGPSЗ*c2hhEYUx.5h;k'nΘOĜ.dSɦsh";bfibZb%UFMqhH1R:&TP(.!2cZ#-$MP.6[ _o`K{YQK>Sr=E9Dۯ"n1Ic]}2*c7wf_`c)=QyIG( سy8v6}1I\ҎS\|Ô܁ \EvLlULZ AXa;|91"SD/ȧM5QQq;"͕Gto Bk|vx!ZJkh$w\z%ƛ:Vxײ$i^hՙi}Vcaýt2lX‘[gLMQ.K#{%ie^7)Sr{{#ͣ^S5S,+P[E&8KG*h{;]l-f'g7ISXXѦa̵G^^v<sSfKT~_q4ao 6y?ɼdEq!Uj(KUnaőDDm] 92v9ۺe\Ur<%_jSX/52l 9!bA *ZsD[~GNd"e.yԐ nov!;b7+c^2s]H6-+J[If[[?gyaobr<p^x|ˆ^Ī?b@*K8C{\vS&8gEZN_Ԣh`3BAkп]p;q>>.AR^!kC1)[hLhr=ty0GEWdzZl%ގ߾p1>1j|g{l<7K4U*PUUÐLyHc'Ә*AltK?2Ǚ*=Y3(_>uWs w~*`\pjCS7XzI.սwxwzM^ׁ>IL%`sz$<ǞfbY-OACdd,Te TYӂ@xݩ Uh96(ΔeDj4J"MyzNS8;VdWVqds9u QϠnDx(m9+8Hye%ݒj/.؜@!iۣBy%\q{H}}QuPl۶#?V1ܳ&~=R]k<,G7r2i IO1Uck3szӈt `ؽޠbϘ]9LFK$>|QEinZ;HMPb|R\t>;FpF=HsyP4;tf<* t'2ԓԘ[#YyRzaTMX2@,]2<򺨈Vñ%&ȮGZ=W}#4nܫuUT nP;z2P} lW =Aq '? ݿFqUrA*tA:xHI/ RtO]|'$R+gYیF䆵Zj wP'4? i;?Zc-gOgJ1<6ȬqB T.6 E~ wwz~:.pTė*}#X1f F:12C;/w#d8ϵ3?lǸFf*eZn{!P zFt=Ѡl4Ҫ6~ ~7lA:.d>bt٠P!Hx={8سXq M@+N8ˬp#[A( Lk >Zȁ@4aǢcG`.ZiI+4~Z-Ƙm  ev͉aɐ3aփ!`\.e8;IiuXp&!BG@fydL@A?2; Ե*<ʌ]=FUO9cb\ Z8゙q?9B9|(]_8g0#$OM\p4󓍭T zb~V>a, %Z7B1ﲈxg'c"aKqmM+J5b%_B䌟yuGs`_I=0ZPᖅ?Zxfeswvb&Z|/`_fZ݁/V5GeU|D}3+fa囆p9؁c Z2vxOz`CU)hoh:D =xAqʴ+dB##j-ͫ68y%8gE p۶ }]`+,~HP_ZjI?z JN@y0>WN. 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