mariadb-client-10.11.9-150600.4.6.1<>,,f_p9|8b J$ons7j1ZU$WnC#6Vh>,])j^KǑ 9I[%lK7kH #/dQ= pJ8:Y]EaYOxX6||&f7]OTe #R̼Ij5؃ 5 W!HRoh\Pu@lH/yVKy-ǞE Ti)JM"KPY[zg>V||Ϋxb^>FTt?Tdd & 9tx 17=!@! ! ! H!  i!  ! l! !  ! ` # P##LP](^8h9:=C}BCFCGC!HD,!ID!XDYDZE8[E<\ED!]E!^GbH"cHdIMeIRfIUlIWuIh!vIwQ!xQ!yR$xzTTTTT`Cmariadb-client10.11.9150600.4.6.1Client for MariaDBThis package contains the standard clients for MariaDB.f_s390zp33(SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC SUSE-GPL-2.0-with-FLOSS-exception mysql-user.conf <<"EOF" || [ -f /.buildenv ] u mysql 60 "MySQL database admin" /var/lib/mysql EOF RHOxNPmhNNIB   M))(*($1>}7`9ugAA큤ffffffffffffffffff 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-adminmariadb-checkmariadbd-safe-helpermariadb-dumpmariadb-importmariadb-showrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootmysqlrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootmariadb-10.11.9-150600.4.6.1.src.rpmconfig(mariadb-client)group(mysql)mariadb-clientmariadb-client(s390-64)mysql-clientuser(mysql)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@     /bin/shconfig(mariadb-client)]@e@dd}@dldxc>@c`cj@cwsck@c*c pcM@bb(bw@b'E@b @a͟@a@a@aKaKaW@aba@a~@a^@a]aHwa6a@aG```KW`*b@`@`@_ǁ_#__N7_N7_3_'@^y^א^^Ǿ^@^@^v^y@^V]^U @^U @^O@^=Q@^:@^9\^9\^6^*@^,]@]@]M@]@]p]L]J@]D%]D%]9]8H@]\]@\ڭ\N\@\v{\n\j@\f\eX@\b@\-@\@\w[@[G[t[Q@[9@[[ @[M@[WZ@Z@Z@ZZ@ZH@Z$ZZaZOhZKt@Z;@ZZ@Z@YeYeY@YYcl@Y-^X@X,XpXXbWXAb@X W]NW+5V@V\:@UM@U@U@U>U@UJ@U-@U-@U@U.@T@TPT7T@TT_W@antonio.teixeira@suse.comantonio.teixeira@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comoss@danyspin97.orgdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.commliska@suse.czdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comchris@computersalat.dedanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comgmbr3@opensuse.orgdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comsuse-beta@cboltz.dedanilo.spinella@suse.comjsegitz@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.comdanilo.spinella@suse.commliska@suse.czdanilo.spinella@suse.comrpm@fthiessen.dedimstar@opensuse.orgkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.commrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.dekstreitova@suse.commarec@detebe.orgcrrodriguez@opensuse.orgcrrodriguez@opensuse.orgkstreitova@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgguillaume.gardet@opensuse.orgpgajdos@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comidonmez@suse.commliska@suse.czkukuk@suse.comschwab@suse.depgajdos@suse.comkstreitova@suse.compgajdos@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.commatthias.gerstner@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.compgajdos@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comstefan.bruens@rwth-aachen.dekstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.commliska@suse.czkstreitova@suse.commatthias.gerstner@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comsuse+build@de-korte.orgrick.salevsky@suse.comtbechtold@suse.comnicolas.bock@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comadrian.glaubitz@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkukuk@suse.dekstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comro@suse.dersalevsky@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comdmueller@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgkstreitova@suse.comrhafer@suse.devcizek@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comvcizek@suse.combwiedemann@suse.comvcizek@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comfvogt@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.org13ilya@gmail.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comdmueller@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comkstreitova@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.c Update to 10.11.9: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.11.9: none - Update list of skipped tests- Update to 10.11.8: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.11.8: CVE-2024-21096 (bsc#1225983) 10.11.7: none - Refreshed patches: * mariadb-10.2.4-fortify-and-O.patch * mariadb-10.2.4-logrotate.patch * mariadb-10.4.12-fix-install-db.patch * mariadb-10.4.12-harden_setuid.patch - Update list of skipped tests- Update list of skipped tests for ppc64le- Update to 10.11.6: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.11:6: CVE-2023-22084, (bsc#1217405) - Refreshed patches: * mariadb-10.4.12-fix-install-db.patch- update the list of the skipped tests for s390x, fix bsc#1215255- Update to 10.11.5: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.11.5: none 10.11.4: none - Issues that aren't affecting this package: * CVE-2021-46669 * CVE-2022-27376 (bsc#1198628) * CVE-2022-27377 (bsc#1198603) * CVE-2022-27378 (bsc#1198604) * CVE-2022-27379 (bsc#1198605) * CVE-2022-27380 (bsc#1198606) * CVE-2022-27381 (bsc#1198607) * CVE-2022-27382 (bsc#1198609) * CVE-2022-27383 (bsc#1198610) * CVE-2022-27384 (bsc#1198611) * CVE-2022-27386 (bsc#1198612) * CVE-2022-27387 (bsc#1198613) * CVE-2022-27444 (bsc#1198634) * CVE-2022-27445 (bsc#1198629) * CVE-2022-27446 (bsc#1198630) * CVE-2022-27447 (bsc#1198631) * CVE-2022-27448 (bsc#1198632) * CVE-2022-27449 (bsc#1198633) * CVE-2022-27451 (bsc#1198639) * CVE-2022-27452 (bsc#1198640) * CVE-2022-27455 (bsc#1198638) * CVE-2022-27456 (bsc#1198635) * CVE-2022-27457 (bsc#1198636) * CVE-2022-27458 (bsc#1198637) * CVE-2022-32088 (bsc#1201168) * CVE-2022-32087 (bsc#1201167) * CVE-2022-32086 (bsc#1201166) * CVE-2022-32085 (bsc#1201165) * CVE-2022-32083 (bsc#1201163) * CVE-2022-21427 * bsc#1199928 * bsc#1195076 * jsc#SLE-22245- Skip test on s390x to fix build on ALP, bsc#1211859 - Update list of skipped tests- Refresh gcc13-fix.patch - Update to 10.11.3: * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.11.3: CVE-2022-47015 (bsc#1207404)- Cherry-pick upstream changes (gcc13-fix.patch) for GCC 13.- Update to 10.11.2: * release notes and changelog: - Refresh mariadb-10.2.4-logrotate.patch- Update to 10.10.3: - Update mariadb.keyring- Update list of skipped tests- Update to 10.10.2: * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.10.2: none- Update to 10.9.4: * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.9.4: none- Update to 10.9.3: * release notes and changelog: Update to 10.9.2: * changes and improvements in MariaDB 10.9: * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.9.2: CVE-2022-32082 (bsc#1201162) CVE-2022-32089 (bsc#1201169) CVE-2022-32081 (bsc#1201161) CVE-2022-32091 (bsc#1201170) CVE-2022-32084 (bsc#1201164) CVE-2022-38791 (bsc#1202863) * The package is not affected by the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-25032 (bsc#1197459) - Update list of skipped tests- Update mysql-systemd-helper to be aware of custom group, bsc#1200105 - Respect socket setting in mysql-systemd-helper - Fix my_print_defaults call in mysql-system-helper- use the better collation as default * DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci- Update list of skipped tests * suse_skipped_tests.list- Update to 10.8.3: * release notes and changelog: - Remove upstreamed patch: * bsc1194828.patch- Do not include mariadb-galera files in the main package when %{with galera} is false- Update to 10.7.3 (bsc#1196016): * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.7.3: CVE-2021-46665 CVE-2021-46664 CVE-2021-46661 CVE-2021-46668 CVE-2021-46663 10.7.2: CVE-2022-24052 CVE-2022-24051 CVE-2022-24050 CVE-2022-24048 CVE-2021-46659, bsc#1195339 10.7.1: none 10.7.0: none - Remove upstreamed patches: * mariadb-10.0.15-logrotate-su.patch * mariadb-10.1.1-mysqld_multi-features.patch - Refresh mariadb-10.2.4-logrotate.patch - Update list of skipped tests - Add bsc1194828.patch to fix build with GCC12, fixes bsc#1194828 - The following issues have already been fixed in this package but weren't previously mentioned in the changes file: CVE-2021-46658, bsc#1195334 CVE-2021-46657, bsc#1195325- Build mariadb-galera on SLE - Add dependency on galera-4 for mariadb-galera - Remove old constraints for mariadb-galera- The following issues have already been fixed in this package but weren't previously mentioned in the changes file: bsc#1189320 CVE-2021-2154, bsc#1185872 CVE-2021-2166, bsc#1185870 CVE-2021-27928, bsc#1183770 MDEV-23851- Fix rpmlint errors - Run spec-cleaner- Enable LZ4 compression for INNODB and ROCKSDB, fixes bsc#1186031- Revert systemd hardening * Remove harden_mariadb.service.patch- Add CONFIG parameter to %sysusers_generate_pre- Update to 10.6.5 * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.6.5: none - Not affected by [CVE-2021-35604], bsc#1192497 - Drop upstreamed patch: * mariadb-10.2.19-link-and-enable-c++11-atomics.patch- Use pam macros instead of hardcoding directories, fixes bsc#1191038 - Add fix-pamdir.patch- Add func_math_tests_MDEV-26645.diff to avoid test failures in the func_math test on Tumbleweed s390x and ppc64 until MDEV-26645 gets fixed upstream- Fix socket address in mariadb@.socket file- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): * harden_mariadb.service.patch Modified: * Replace %{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d with %{_rpmmacrodir}, remove ownership of this directory. Fixes boo#1182218 - Run spec-cleaner- Update to 10.6.4 * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.6.4: CVE-2021-2372 CVE-2021-2389 - Removed support to tokudb as it has been removed from upstream - Refresh mariadb-10.2.4-fortify-and-O.patch - Add new systemd socket from upstream- Support both rpmlint 1.x and 2.x.- Update rpmlint rules in order to work with rpmlint2 (bsc#1179049).- Update to version 10.5.10 * Fix CVE-2021-2154 * Add ST_DISTANCE_SPHERE for calculating the spherical distance between two geometries (point or multipoint) on a sphere * Fix: Crash with invalid multi-table update of view in 2nd execution of SP * Fix: Incorrect name resolution for subqueries in ON expressions * Fix: Complex query in Store procedure corrupts results * Fix: DELETE HISTORY may delete current data on system-versioned table * Fix: Crashes with nested table value constructors * Fix: Server crashes in thd_clear_errors() * Fix: The statement set password=password('') executed in PS mode fails in case it is run by a user with expired password * Full changes: - Drop mariadb-10.5.9-cmake-3.20.patch, applied upstream- Add mariadb-10.5.9-cmake-3.20.patch: Fix syntax error which is exposed by cmake 3.20.- Update to 10.5.9 * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.5.9: none - Tracker bug: [bsc#1182739] - Update fixes [bsc#1182255] (MDL BF-BF Conflict caused by TRUNCATE TABLE) - refresh mariadb-10.2.19-link-and-enable-c++11-atomics.patch - remove fix-lock-rollback-assert-abort.patch (applied upstream)- update the list of the skipped tests- exclude galera files if we build without this feature. - switch from 664 to 644 for my.cnf configuration file (probably a typo)- added fix-lock-rollback-assert-abort.patch fix an abort when a transaction is rolled back - track all patches in a series so we can easily set up a quilt tree without requiring all the devel packages- switch to bcond_with to make it easier to enable galera support via the prjconfig - fix non galera case for building- Update to 10.5.8 * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.5.7: CVE-2020-14812, CVE-2020-14765, CVE-2020-14776, CVE-2020-14789 10.5.8: none - tracker bugs: [bsc#1177472] and [bsc#1178428] - refresh mariadb-10.2.19-link-and-enable-c++11-atomics.patch - update suse_skipped_tests.list- update to 10.5.6 * release notes and changelog * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: 10.5.6: CVE-2020-15180 < 10.5.6: none - refresh mariadb-10.2.19-link-and-enable-c++11-atomics.patch - drop mariadb-10.5-fix-prevent-optimizing-out-buf-argument-in-ch.patch - mariadb now builds against pcre2 - added binaries aria_s3_copy and mariadb-conv to tools subpackage - added type_test.type_test_double to list of skipped tests- Using dependencies is not needed with any systemd release unless DefaultDependencies is disabled, remove from unit files- Mariadb uses hrtimers with absolute CLOCK_REALTIME values, this won't work correctly if the clock isn't set and will do funny things if it goes backward after starting the server as POSIX says that the new clock value shall influence them, start the service after to workaround the problem.- Update to 10.4.14 [bsc#1175596] * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: none * the update fixes [bsc#1174559] and [bsc#1173516] (MariaDB crashes at db_sync from Keystone) - refresh mariadb-10.2.4-fortify-and-O.patch - fix patch sequence - run spec-cleaner - build galera for openSUSE only - update suse_skipped_tests.list - tune the testsuite to avoid randomly failing tests- Fix installed .service files to follow the /usr/lib -> /usr/libexec move (boo#1174811).- Update _constraints to make it more readable and request more memory for aarch64 to avoid occasionnal OOM errors on %check- rpm macros: $TEST_USER identified by $TEST_PASS is actually user of the database for which client conf should be made for - rpm macros: database name or names can be specified as a %mysql_testserver_start and %mysql_testserver_cconf parameter - modified sources % macros.mariadb-test- Build with oqgraph by default for all codestreams [jsc#SLE-12253]- Update to 10.4.13 * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2020-2752, CVE-2020-2812, CVE-2020-2814, CVE-2020-2760, CVE-2020-13249 - fixes [bsc#1168380] (the same as [bsc#1166781]) MDEV-21244 mysql_upgrade creating empty global_priv table support upgrades from 5.2 privilege tables - drop specfile "hacks" as things work correctly in upstream now: * renaming tmpfiles.conf -> mariadb.conf * installing to /lib64/security for non 32bit architectures * sysusers.conf was renamed to mariadb.conf - update suse_skipped_tests.list- move mariadb-client-test from client subpackage to test subpackage so the symlink from mariadb-client-test -> mysql_client_test works [bsc#1170204]- Add to the suse_skipped_tests.list (reported upstream as MDEV-22280) [bsc#1169369]- Add -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions to linker flags so that symbols are resolved locally if possible, this will avoid Add mariadb-10.5-fix-prevent-optimizing-out-buf-argument-in-ch.patch in order to fix boo#1158405 (MDEV-21248).- Cleanup mysql user creation/handling and use sysusers.d- Bump disk constraint to 18Gb- test macros: clarify who is admin and user of the database, fix build with 10.4 - modified sources % macros.mariadb-test- remove @VERSION@ from mariadb.service and mariadb@.service- disable testing with rpm macros as it does not work as for 10.4, needs to be investigated- update suse_skipped_tests.list for ppc- rename mariadb.rpmlintrc to mariadb-rpmlintrc - for ppc install in /lib/security- rename mariadb-10.2.12-harden_setuid.patch to mariadb-10.4.12-harden_setuid.patch to match the correct version number. - add mariadb-10.4.12-fix-install-db.patch to improve default behaviour of mysql_install_db. This prevents performing security sensitive actions to be performed but instead only warns the caller (bsc#1160868).- update to 10.4.12 [jsc#SLE-8269] * release notes and changelog: * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2020-2574 * don't let mysql_install_db set SUID bit for auth_pam_tool in rpm/deb packages CVE-2020-7221 [bsc#1160868] - add mariadb-10.2.12-harden_setuid.patch to harden auth_pam_tool setuid-root binary [bsc#1160285] - pack module in the /%{_lib}/security directory and user_map.conf configuration file in the /etc/security directory - fix race condition with mysql_upgrade_info status file by moving it to the location owned by root (/var/lib/misc) CVE-2019-18901 [bsc#1160895] - move .run-mysql_upgrade file from $datadir/.run-mysql_upgrade to /var/lib/misc/.mariadb_run_upgrade so the mysql user can't use it for a symlink attack [bsc#1160912] - change -DWITH_COMMENT and -DCOMPILATION_COMMENT to be SUSE/openSUSE independent- enhance mariadb.service and mariadb@.service with various options (Documentation=, User=, Group=, KillSignal=, SendSIGKILL=, Restart=, RestartSec=, CapabilityBoundingSet=, ProtectSystem=, ProtectHome=, PermissionsStartOnly= and UMask=) [bsc#1160878] - mysql-systemd-helper: use systemd-tmpfiles instead of shell script operations for a cleaner and safer creating of /run/mysql [bsc#1160883]- update to 10.4.10 * changes and improvements for 10.4 * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: none - pack mariadb variants of the mysql binaries (e.g. mariadb-dumpslow is a symlink to mysqldumpslow and the like) - refresh mariadb-10.2.4-fortify-and-O.patch - update suse_skipped_tests.list - _constraints: increase physicalmemory value - package auth_pam_tool setuid binary properly - add cracklib-password-check subpackage but do not build it right now (cracklib-dict-full >= 2.9.0 is not available yet) - add rcmariadb compat link - add mariadb.rpmlintrc file - do not move my_safe_process to bindir but use rpmlint arch-dependent-file-in-usr-share exception for it (this file is used just for the testing and it doesn't have to be in bindir- added rpm test macros: %mysql_testserver_start, %mysql_testserver_cconf, %mysql_testserver_stop First two consuments are python-sortinghat and python-mysqlclient.- update the list of the skipped tests- update to 10.3.20 * notable changes for 10.3.20 * MDEV-20987: InnoDB fails to start when FTS table has FK relation * notable changes for 10.3.19 * MDEV-20864: Debug-only option innodb_change_buffer_dump for dumping the contents of the InnoDB change buffer to the server error log at startup. * MariaBackup: * MDEV-18438: mbstream recreates xtrabackup_info on same directory as backup file * MDEV-20703: mariabackup creates binlog files in serve binlog directory on --prepare --export step * FULLTEXT INDEX: * MDEV-19647: Server hangs after dropping full text indexes and restart * MDEV-19529: InnoDB hang on DROP FULLTEXT INDEX * MDEV-19073: FTS row mismatch after crash recovery * MDEV-20621: FULLTEXT INDEX activity causes InnoDB hang * MDEV-20927: Duplicate key with auto increment * ALTER TABLE: * MDEV-20799: DROP Virtual Column crash * MDEV-20852: BtrBulk is unnecessarily holding dict_index_t::lock * System-Versioned Tables: * MDEV-16210: FK constraints on versioned tables use historical rows, which may cause constraint violation * MDEV-20812: Unexpected ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2 or server crash in row_ins_foreign_report_err upon DELETE from versioned table with FK * Galera wsrep library updated to 25.3.28 * Fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2019-2974, CVE-2019-2938 * release notes and changelog: - remove mariadb-10.3.17-fix_ppc_build.patch (applied upstream) - refresh * mariadb-10.2.4-logrotate.patch * mariadb-10.0.15-logrotate-su.patch- update to 10.3.18 * notable changes * Connect updated to Connect 1.06.0010 * MDEV-20066: This bug could cause a table to become corrupt if a column was added instantly * MDEV-15326: A race condition in InnoDB transaction commit that affects record locking was fixed * MDEV-17187: Table doesn't exist in engine after ALTER of FOREIGN KEY * MDEV-20301: InnoDB's MVCC has O(N^2) behaviors * MDEV-18128: Simplify .ibd file creation * MDEV-20060: Failing assertion: srv_log_file_size <= 512ULL << 30 while preparing backup * MDEV-20247: Replication hangs with "preparing" and never starts * MDEV-17614: Remove unnecessary locking for INSERT...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE * MDEV-20311: row_ins_step accesses uninitialized memory * MDEV-19947: Repositories for RHEL 8 ppc64le added * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: none * release notes and changelog: Use instead of for _constraints, increasing the worker pool on x86_64 from 6 to >700.- remove sql_mode from my.ini/my.cnf as NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION and STRICT_TRANS_TABLES are already set by default from version 10.2.4 [bsc#1144314]- add mariadb-10.3.17-fix_ppc_build.patch to fix a compilation failure for ppc if ${CRC32_LIBRARY} target has no COMPILE_FLAGS yet. Then GET_TARGET_PROPERTY returns COMPILE_FLAGS-NOTFOUND, which doesn't work very well when it's later fed back into COMPILE_FLAGS. - _constraints: increase the memory because of the ppc build - adjust mysql-systemd-helper ("shutdown protected MySQL" section) so it checks both ping response and the pid in a process list as it can take some time till the process is terminated. Otherwise it can lead to "found left-over process" situation when regular mariadb is started [bsc#1143215]- update to 10.3.17 [bsc#1141798] * notable changes: * MDEV-19795: Merge upstream MyRocks. * MDEV-17228: Encrypted temporary tables are not encrypted. * MDEV-18328: Disks Plugin is now stable and requires the FILE privilege. * Merge relevant InnoDB changes from MySQL 5.7.27 * Adjust spin loops to the x86 PAUSE instruction latency * CREATE TABLE: MDEV-19292, MDEV-20102 * ALTER TABLE: MDEV-15641, MDEV-19630, MDEV-19916, MDEV-19974 * Indexed virtual columns: MDEV-16222, MDEV-17005, MDEV-19870 * FULLTEXT INDEX: MDEV-14154 * Encryption: MDEV-17228, MDEV-19914 * Galera + FOREIGN KEY: MDEV-19660 * Recovery & Mariabackup: MDEV-19978 * MDEV-19781: Add page id matching check in innochecksum tool * MDEV-20091: DROP TEMPORARY table is logged despite no CREATE was logged * MDEV-19427: mysql_upgrade_service throws exception upgrading from 10.0 to 10.3 * MDEV-19814: Server crash in row_upd_del_mark_clust_rec or Assertion * MDEV-17363: Compressed columns cannot be restored from dump * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2019-2805, CVE-2019-2740, CVE-2019-2739, CVE-2019-2737, CVE-2019-2758 * release notes and changelog: - add "BuildRequires: python3" as some tests and myrocks_hotbackup script need python3. Make the PYTHON_SHEBANG value configurable [bsc#1142909] - remove "innodb_file_format" option from my.ini (my.cnf) file that was removed in MariaDB 10.3.1. Also remove "innodb_file_per_table=ON" option that is by default ON and it's redundant now. - remove mariadb-10.2.9-galera_cnf.patch as it's not clear what the correct path to galera wsrep provider is while users can use galera 3, galera 4 or galera compiled on their own - add "Requires: python3-mysqlclient" that is needed by myrocks_hotbackup script- Use FAT LTO objects in order to provide proper static library.- remove plugin because it's shipped in mariadb-connector-c package (libmariadb_plugins)- removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]: update to 10.3.16 [bsc#1108088] * notable changes: * MDEV-19490: show tables fails when selecting the information_schema database * MDEV-19491: multi-update with triggers and stored routines * MDEV-19541: InnoDB crashes when trying to recover a corrupted page * MDEV-19725: Incorrect error handling in ALTER TABLE * MDEV-19445: FULLTEXT INDEX fix * MDEV-19486: System Versioning fix * MDEV-19509: InnoDB skips the tablespace in rotation list * MDEV-19614: SET GLOBAL innodb_ deadlock due to LOCK_global_system_variables * MDEV-17458: Unable to start galera node * MDEV-17456: Malicious SUPER user can possibly change audit log configuration without leaving traces * MDEV-19588: Wrong results from query, using left join * MDEV-19258: RIGHT JOIN hangs in MariaDB * Virtual columns fixes: MDEV-19027, MDEV-19602 * Crash recovery fixes: MDEV-13080, MDEV-19587, MDEV-19435 * MDEV-11094: Fixed row-based event applying with an error anymore when the events aim at the blackhole engine and row annotation is enabled * MDEV-19076: Fixed slave_parallel_mode=optimistic did not always properly order replication events on temporary tables in some case to attempt execution before a parent event has been already processed * MDEV-19158: Fixed duplicated entries in binlog occurred in combination of LOCK TABLES and binlog_format=MIXED when a being locked table was under replication unsafe operation * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: none * release notes and changelog: - fix reading options for multiple instances if my${INSTANCE}.cnf is used. Also remove "umask 077" from mysql-systemd-helper that causes that new datadirs are created with wrong permissions. Set correct permissions for files created by us (mysql_upgrade_info, .run-mysql_upgrade) [bsc#1132666] - remove mariadb-5.5.28-install_db-quiet.patch and add "--rpm" option to the mysql_install_db script that does basically the same [bsc#1080891] - remove mariadb-10.1.12-deharcode-libdir.patch because it's not needed - we don't build libmariadb library in mariadb package anymore so we don't need to take care about LIBDIR and PLUGINDIR here. Moreover we shouldn't (and we don't) touch *_RPM variables as they are internal) [bsc#1080891] - update suse_skipped_tests.list- update to 10.3.15 * see changes in 10.3 series * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: [CVE-2019-2503] (the rest was already applied for 10.2) - remove mysql-community-server-5.1.45-multi-configuration.patch as we have the same configuration in /etc/my.cnf and it doesn't make any sense to keep it twice. Moreover the patched file support-files/ was removed in upstream - remove mariadb-5.2.3-cnf.patch as all patched files were removed upstream - refresh mariadb-10.2.4-fortify-and-O.patch - refresh mariadb-10.2.19-link-and-enable-c++11-atomics.patch and use a simplified version from Debian - refresh README.install and suse-test-run - remove as it's shipped in mariadb-connector-c package (libmariadb_plugins) - rename libmysqld subpackage (embedded library) to libmariadbd as was renamed to (MDEV-14953) - simplify removing static libs (we don't need to have .static) - add perl(Memoize) and perl(Symbol) to BuildRequires and Requires that are needed for tests - replace Requires pwdutils with shadow - build RocksDB only for x86_64 as other platforms are not supported - remove xtrabackup scripts as we already removed xtrabackup requires and it doesn't work for MariaDB 10.3 anyway - run spec-cleaner - tracker bugs for version updates in between: * 10.2.25 tracker bug [bsc#1136035] * 10.2.29 tracker bug [bsc#1156669]- update to 10.2.24 GA [bsc#1122198] * notable changes: * MDEV-18968 - Both (WHERE 0.1) and (WHERE NOT 0.1) return empty set * MDEV-18466 - Unsafe to log updates on tables referenced by foreign keys with triggers in statement format * MDEV-18899 - Server crashes in Field::set_warning_truncated_wrong_value * MDEV-18298 - Crashes server with segfault during role grants * MDEV-17610 - Unexpected connection abort after certain operations from within stored procedure * MDEV-19112 - WITH clause does not work with information_schema as default database * MDEV-17830 - Server crashes in Item_null_result::field_type upon SELECT with CHARSET(date) and ROLLUP * MDEV-14041 - Server crashes in String::length on queries with functions and ROLLUP * MDEV-18920 - Prepared statements with st_convexhull hang and eat 100% cpu. * MDEV-15837 - Assertion item1->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM && item2->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM * MDEV-9531 - GROUP_CONCAT with ORDER BY inside takes a lot of memory while it's executed * MDEV-17036 - BULK with replace doesn't take the first parameter in account * Bug#28986737 - RENAMING AND REPLACING MYSQL.USER TABLE CAN LEAD TO A SERVER CRASH * MDEV-19350 - Server crashes in delete_tree_element / ... / Item_func_group_concat::repack_tree * MDEV-19188 - Server Crash When Using a Trigger With A Number of Virtual Columns on INSERT/UPDATE * MDEV-19352 - Server crash in alloc_histograms_for_table_share upon query from information schema InnoDB * InnoDB persistent corruption fixes: MDEV-19426, MDEV-19022, MDEV-19241, MDEV-13942 * InnoDB recovery fixes and speedup: MDEV-18733, MDEV-12699, MDEV-19356, MDEV-19426 * MDEV-14398 - innodb_encrypt_tables will work even with innodb_encryption_rotate_key_age=0 * MDEV-17036 - BULK with replace doesn't take the first parameter in account * MDEV-14784 - Slave crashes in show_status_array upon running a trigger with select from I_S * MDEV-19060 - mariabackup continues, despite failing to open a tablespace * MDEV-18686 - Add option to PAM authentication plugin to allow case insensitive username matching * bugfix - multi-update checked privileges on views incorrectly * MDEV-19276 - during connect, write error log warning for ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, if log_warnings > 1 * MDEV-17456 - Malicious SUPER user can possibly change audit log configuration without leaving traces. * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: [CVE-2019-2614], [CVE-2019-2627], [CVE-2019-2628] * release notes and changelog: - refresh mariadb-10.2.19-link-and-enable-c++11-atomics.patch- remove %{extra_provides} definition and Provides/Obsoletes where it was used. It's just a remnant and it's no longer needed.- update to 10.2.23 GA * notable changes: * InnoDB ALTER TABLE fixes: MDEV-18016, MDEV-18630, MDEV-18775, MDEV-18732, MDEV-18749, MDEV-18637, MDEV-13818, MDEV-17595 * MDEV-18878: InnoDB Purge: Optimize away futile table lookups * MDEV-14984: Regression in connect performance * MDEV-18936: Purge thread fails to exit on shutdown * MDEV-18272: InnoDB fails to rollback after exceeding FOREIGN KEY recursion depth * MDEV-9519: Data corruption on Galera cluster size change * MDEV-18204: fix incremental MyRocks backup * MDEV-18611: mariabackup terminated while copying InnoDB redo log * MDEV-18669: mariabackup writes timestamp in version line * MDEV-18855: Mariabackup should fetch innodb_compression_level from running server * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: none * release notes and changelog: - remove mariadb-10.2.22-fix_path.patch that is no longer needed (applied upstream)- add mariadb-10.2.22-fix_path.patch to fix a path to resolveip in mysql_install_db script [bsc#1127027] MDEV-18526- my.cnf/my.ini: move slow_query_log example to the error log so it's logically together- fix references path below legacy directory /var/run -> /run- remove xtrabackup requirement as MariaDB ships a build in mariabackup so xtrabackup is not needed unless a user specificaly wants to use xtrabackup as sst method (also solves [bsc#1122475]- add slow_query_log example to my.cnf and adjust the logrotate configuration to rotate all /var/log/mysql/*.log files . This is useful when the slow query log is enabled. In that case, this log file should also be rotated (bsc#1112767)- update to 10.2.22 GA * notable changes: * Backport Information Schema CHECK_CONSTRAINTS Table. * MDEV-17475: Maximum value of table_definition_cache is now 2097152 * InnoDB ALTER TABLE fixes: MDEV-16499, MDEV-18186, MDEV-18237, MDEV-18222, MDEV-18256, MDEV-18016, MDEV-16849 * Mariabackup fixes: MDEV-18185, MDEV-18201, MDEV-18194 * Galera crash recovery fix: MDEV-15740 * Encryption fixes: MDEV-18129, MDEV-18183, MDEV-18279 * Fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: * CVE-2019-2510, CVE-2019-2537 * release notes and changelog: update to 10.2.21 GA * notable changes: * MDEV-17589 - Stack-buffer-overflow with indexed varchar (utf8) field * MDEV-16987 - ALTER DATABASE possible in read-only mode (forbid ALTER DATABASE in read_only) * MDEV-17720 - slave_ddl_exec_mode=IDEMPOTENT does not handle DROP DATABASE * MDEV-6453 - Assertion `inited==NONE || (inited==RND && scan)' failed in handler::ha_rnd_init(bool) with InnoDB, joins, AND/OR conditions * MDEV-18105 - Mariabackup fails to copy encrypted InnoDB system tablespace if LSN>4G * MDEV-18041 - Database corruption after renaming a prefix-indexed column [bsc#1120041] * MDEV-17470 - Orphan temporary files after interrupted ALTER cause InnoDB: Operating system error number 17 and eventual fatal error 71 * MDEV-17833: ALTER TABLE is not enforcing prefix index size limit * MDEV-17989: InnoDB: Failing assertion: dict_tf2_is_valid(flags, flags2) * MDEV-17765: Locking bug fix for SPATIAL INDEX * MDEV-17923, MDEV-17904, MDEV-17938: Fixes for FULLTEXT INDEX * Fixes for regressions introduced in MariaDB Server 10.2.19 by the backup-safe TRUNCATE TABLE (MDEV-13564, innodb_safe_truncate=ON) and innodb_undo_log_truncate: * MDEV-17780, MDEV-17816, MDEV-17849, MDEV-17851, MDEV-17885 * Several improvements to MariaDB Server and backup for dealing with encrypted or page_compressed pages: * MDEV-12112: corruption in encrypted table may be overlooked * MDEV-17958: On little-endian systems, remove bug-compatible variant of innodb_checksum_algorithm=crc32 * MDEV-17957: Make innodb_checksum_algorithm stricter for strict_* values * MDEV-18025: Mariabackup fails to detect corrupted page_compressed=1 tables * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: none * release notes and changelog: - update suse_skipped_tests.list- remove PerconaFT from the package as it has AGPL licence [bsc#1118754] - use a new syntax for cmake variables that specify which plugin will be built- Add patch to link against libatomic where necessary and use C++11 atomics instead of gcc built-in atomics * mariadb-10.2.19-link-and-enable-c++11-atomics.patch - Add two tests to suse_skipped_tests.list for ppc * encryption.innodb-bad-key-change2 * encryption.innodb-bad-key-change4- update to 10.2.19 GA [bsc#1116686] * notable changes: * innodb_safe_truncate system variable for a backup-safe TRUNCATE TABLE implementation that is based on RENAME, CREATE, DROP (MDEV-14717, MDEV-14585, MDEV-13564). Default value for this variable is ON. If you absolutely must use XtraBackup instead of Mariabackup, you can set it to OFF and restart the server * MDEV-17289: Multi-pass recovery fails to apply some redo log records * MDEV-17073: INSERT…ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE became more deadlock-prone * MDEV-17491: micro optimize page_id_t * MDEV-13671: InnoDB should use case-insensitive column name comparisons like the rest of the server * Fixes for indexed virtual columns: MDEV-17215, MDEV-16980 * MDEV-17433: Allow InnoDB start up with empty ib_logfile0 from mariabackup --prepare * MDEV-12547: InnoDB FULLTEXT index has too strict innodb_ft_result_cache_limit max limit * MDEV-17541: KILL QUERY during lock wait in FOREIGN KEY check causes hang * MDEV-17531: Crash in RENAME TABLE with FOREIGN KEY and FULLTEXT INDEX * MDEV-17532: Performance_schema reports wrong directory for the temporary files of ALTER TABLE…ALGORITHM=INPLACE * MDEV-17545: Predicate lock for SPATIAL INDEX should lock non-matching record * MDEV-17546: SPATIAL INDEX should not be allowed for FOREIGN KEY * MDEV-17548: Incorrect access to off-page column for indexed virtual column * MDEV-12023: Assertion failure sym_node->table != NULL on startup * MDEV-17230: encryption_key_id from alter is ignored by encryption threads * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-3282 [bsc#1112432], CVE-2016-9843 [bsc#1013882], CVE-2018-3174 [bsc#1112368], CVE-2018-3143 [bsc#1112421], CVE-2018-3156 [bsc#1112417], CVE-2018-3251 [bsc#1112397], CVE-2018-3185 [bsc#1112384], CVE-2018-3277 [bsc#1112391], CVE-2018-3162 [bsc#1112415], CVE-2018-3173 [bsc#1112386], CVE-2018-3200 [bsc#1112404], CVE-2018-3284 [bsc#1112377] * release notes and changelog: - do not pack libmariadb.pc (packed in mariadb-connector-c)- add "Requires: libmariadb_plugins" to the mariadb-test subpackage in order to be able to test client plugins successfuly [bsc#1111859] - don't remove anymore [bsc#1111858]- update to 10.2.18 GA * notable changes: * MDEV-15511 - if available, stunnel can be used during Galera rsync SST * MDEV-16791 - mariabackup: Support DDL commands during backup * MDEV-13564 - Refuse MLOG_TRUNCATE in mariabackup * MDEV-16934 - add new system variable eq_range_index_dive_limit to speed up queries that new long nested IN lists. The default value, for backward compatibility, is 0 meaning "unlimited". * MDEV-13333 - errors on InnoDB lock conflict * Report all InnoDB redo log corruption * MDEV-17043 - Purge of indexed virtual columns may cause hang on table-rebuilding DDL * MDEV-16868 - corruption of InnoDB temporary tables * MDEV-16465 - Invalid (old?) table or database name or hang in ha_innobase::delete_table and log semaphore wait upon concurrent DDL with foreign keys * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: none * release notes and changelog: - refresh mariadb-10.2.4-fortify-and-O.patch- add ssl tests that are failing with OpenSSL 1.1.1 to suse_skipped_tests.list [MDEV-17184]- update to 10.2.17 GA * notable changes: * New variable innodb_log_optimize_ddl for avoiding delay due to page flushing and allowing concurrent backup * InnoDB updated to 5.7.23 * MDEV-14637 - Fix hang due to DDL with FOREIGN KEY or persistent statistics * MDEV-15953 - Alter InnoDB Partitioned Table Moves Files (which were originally not in the datadir) to the datadir * MDEV-16515 - InnoDB: Failing assertion: ++retries < 10000 in file line 2737 * MDEV-16809 - Allow full redo logging for ALTER TABLE * Temporary tables: MDEV-16713 - InnoDB hang with repeating log entry * indexed virtual columns: MDEV-15855 - Deadlock between purge thread and DDL statement * MDEV-16664 - Change the default to innodb_lock_schedule_algorithm=fcfs * Galera: MDEV-15822 - WSREP: BF lock wait long for trx * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-3064 [bsc#1103342], CVE-2018-3063 [bsc#1101677], CVE-2018-3058 [bsc#1101676], CVE-2018-3066 [bsc#1101678], CVE-2018-3060 * release notes and changelog: switch to libedit as control sequences were already fixed there so we don't have to avoid it [bsc#1098683]- update to 10.2.16 GA * notable changes: * MDEV-13122: mariabackup now supports MyRocks * MDEV-13779 - InnoDB fails to shut down purge workers, causing hang * MDEV-16267 - Wrong INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE.\ TABLE_NAME * MDEV-13834 - Upgrade failure from 10.1 innodb_encrypt_log * MDEV-16283 - ALTER TABLE...DISCARD TABLESPACE still takes long on a large buffer pool * MDEV-16376 - ASAN: heap-use-after-free in gcol.innodb_virtual_debug * MDEV-15824 - innodb_defragment=ON trumps innodb_optimize_fulltext_only=ON in OPTIMIZE TABLE * MDEV-16124 - fil_rename_tablespace() times out and crashes server during table-rebuilding ALTER TABLE * MDEV-16416 - Crash on IMPORT TABLESPACE of a ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED table * MDEV-16456 - InnoDB error "returned OS error 71" complains about wrong path * MDEV-13103 - Deal with page_compressed page corruption * MDEV-16496 - Mariabackup: Implement --verbose option to instrument InnoDB log apply * MDEV-16087 - Inconsistent SELECT results when query cache is enabled * MDEV-15114 - ASAN heap-use-after-free in mem_heap_dup or dfield_data_is_binary_equal (fix for indexed virtual columns) * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: none * release notes and changelog: - refresh mariadb-5.5.28-install_db-quiet.patch - refresh mariadb-10.2.9-galera_cnf.patch - pack wsrep_sst_rsync_wan file to galera subpackage - update suse_skipped_tests.list- Don't require systemd explicit, spec file can handle both cases correct and in containers we don't have systemd.- update to 10.2.15 GA * notable changes: * PCRE updated to 8.42 * The embedded server library now supports SSL when connecting to remote servers [bsc#1088681], [CVE-2018-2767] * MDEV-15325 - Incomplete validation of missing tablespace during recovery * MDEV-15720 - ib_buffer_pool unnecessarily includes the temporary tablespace * MDEV-15764 - InnoDB may write uninitialized garbage to redo log * MDEV-15553 - Virtual Columns: Assertion failed in dict_table_get_col_name * MDEV-14705 - slow innodb startup/shutdown can exceed systemd timeout * MDEV-15507 - Assertion failed in dict_check_sys_tables on upgrade from 5.5 * MDEV-15916 - Change buffer crash during TRUNCATE or DROP TABLE * encryption fixes - MDEV-12632, MDEV-13516, MDEV-15752, MDEV-15566, MDEV-16092 * temporary table ROLLBACK fixes - MDEV-15826, MDEV-15374 * applicable changes from 5.7.22 - MDEV-16142 * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-2786, CVE-2018-2759, CVE-2018-2777, CVE-2018-2810, CVE-2018-2782, CVE-2018-2784, CVE-2018-2787, CVE-2018-2766, CVE-2018-2755, CVE-2018-2819, CVE-2018-2817, CVE-2018-2761, CVE-2018-2781, CVE-2018-2771, CVE-2018-2813 * release notes and changelog: - update suse_skipped_tests.list and add tests that are failing with GCC 8 [bsc#1092544], MDEV-16127 - do not build TokuDB as a build without jemalloc is not supported upstream- update suse_skipped_tests.list and add failing tests for s390- update to 10.2.14 GA * notable changes: * MyRocks is now Gamma (RC) * MDEV-14533 - Added the DISKS plugin, for monitoring disk space * MDEV-14611 - ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION does not work properly when used with DATA DIRECTORY. * MDEV-15333 - MariaDB (still) slow start * MDEV-12255 - Wrong result with innodb_prefix_index_cluster_optimization * MDEV-12396 - IMPORT TABLESPACE cleanup * MDEV-14648 - Restore fix for MySQL BUG#39053 - UNINSTALL PLUGIN does not allow the storage engine to cleanup open connections * MDEV-15249 - IMPORT fixes * MDEV-14988 - innodb_read_only tries to modify files if transactions were recovered in COMMITTED state * MDEV-14773 - DROP TABLE hangs for InnoDB table with FULLTEXT index (fixing a recent regression from upstream) * MDEV-15529 - IMPORT TABLESPACE unnecessarily uses the doublewrite buffer * MDEV-15554 - InnoDB page_cleaner shutdown sometimes hangs * MDEV-14545 - Mariabackup - Backup fails due to MLOG_INDEX_LOAD record * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: none * release notes and changelog: - remove the following patches * mariadb-10.2.14-xtrabackup-v2.patch (applied upstream, MDEV-15254) * mariadb-10.2.13-aarch_compilefix.patch (applied upstream, MDEV-14318) * mariadb-10.2.10-disable_openssl_compatibility_check.patch (fixed upstream in * mariadb-10.2.8-systemd-cmake.patch and DWITH_SYSTEMD=ON compile option that are no longer needed - systemd is detected correctly now (discussed in [bsc#1080891] and MDEV-8379) * mariadb-10.2.3-mysql_install_db-mariadb_dirs.patch (fixed upstream in 52516706c86f9f66c76836eabde7e2477694bac3) * remove mariadb-10.2.3-group.patch that was just a half solution of the group support (missing server part) and moreover using a group option in mysql-systemd-helper was removed few years ago as it caused troubles because MariaDB resolved it as 'group_concat_max_len option' (see - remove jar files from the tarball (used for testing from the source) - build TokuDB without the jemalloc support for now. Jemalloc 5 is not backwards compatible which leads to the errors in the testsuite at least (MDEV-15034) - update suse_skipped_tests.list- change %{extra_provides} macro from "mariadb_102" to "mariadb-102" and use this macro in Provides/Obsoletes for mariadb, test, tools, bench and errormessages subpackages to ensure a smooth transition from SLE12 to SLE15 [fate#323756] - remove "Provides: mariadb-errormessages = 10.1.25" that shouldn't be needed anymore- fix build on aarch64: compile a few more files with -O0 from add patch mariadb-10.2.13-aarch_compilefix.patch- add mariadb-10.2.14-xtrabackup-v2.patch (bsc#1083087)- update to 10.2.13 GA * notable changes * InnoDB updated to 5.7.21 * Galera wsrep library updated to 25.3.23 * MDEV-13869 - MariaDB slow start * MDEV-14611 - ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION does not work properly when used with DATA DIRECTORY * MDEV-15249 - Crash in MVCC read after IMPORT TABLESPACE * Foreign key bugs: * MDEV-15199 - Referential integrity broken in ON DELETE CASCADE/MDEV-14222 Unnecessary 'cascade' memory allocation for every updated row * MDEV-15219 - FOREIGN KEY CASCADE or SET NULL operations will not resume after lock wait * MDEV-15042 - INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE produces error 1032 (Can't find record) * MDEV-13205 - InnoDB: Failing assertion: !dict_index_is_online_ddl(index) upon ALTER TABLE * MDEV-14958 - Merge new release of InnoDB MySQL 5.7.21 to 10.2 * MDEV-15165 - InnoDB purge for index on virtual column is trying to access an incomplete record * MDEV-15143 - InnoDB: Rollback of trx with id 0 completed * MDEV-11415 - Remove excessive undo logging during ALTER TABLE…ALGORITHM=COPY * MDEV-15016 - multiple page cleaner threads use a lot of CPU * MDEV-14941 - Timeouts on persistent statistics tables caused by MDEV-14511 * MDEV-14985 - innodb_undo_log_truncate may be blocked if transactions were recovered at startup * MDEV-14441 - InnoDB hangs when setting innodb_adaptive_hash_index=OFF during UPDATE * MDEV-14887 - On a 32-bit system, MariaDB 10.2 mishandles data file sizes exceeding 4GiB * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: * CVE-2018-2562, CVE-2018-2622, CVE-2018-2640, CVE-2018-2665, CVE-2018-2668, CVE-2018-2612 * release notes and changelog: * fixes [bsc#1058729] and [bsc#1068906] - refresh mariadb-10.2.10-disable_openssl_compatibility_check.patch - refresh mariadb-10.2.3-group.patch- add dependency on which for galera scripts- change owner of mysql-test directory from root to mysql. It also fixes sys_vars.secure_file_priv running under mysql user (e.g. if ít's started via suse-test-run script) that needs to be able to create a test file there during its run [bsc#1012075]- update to 10.2.12 GA * release notes and changelog: - remove mysql-community-server-5.5.6-safe-process-in-bin.patch becuase this moving is done in the specfile - get rid of the archive with patches (remove mysql-patches.tar.xz and series files), handle patches in the standard way mysql-community-server-5.1.45-multi-configuration.patch mariadb-10.2.4-logrotate.patch mariadb-5.5.28-install_db-quiet.patch mariadb-10.1.1-mysqld_multi-features.patch mariadb-5.2.3-cnf.patch mariadb-10.2.3-group.patch mariadb-10.1.12-deharcode-libdir.patch mariadb-10.0.15-logrotate-su.patch mariadb-10.2.4-fortify-and-O.patch mariadb-10.2.8-systemd-cmake.patch mariadb-10.2.3-mysql_install_db-mariadb_dirs.patch mariadb-10.2.9-galera_cnf.patch mariadb-10.2.10-disable_openssl_compatibility_check.patch - add comments to the section with removing unused files (based on - put rm statements together - install the new upstream systemd-tmpfiles configuration file 'tmpfiles.conf' and rename it to 'mariadb.conf' in order to follow the manual - remove the new upstream systemd-sysusers configuration file as we handle creating of mysql user in the specfile - mysql.service: remove calling of the wait function and let systemd to do this job. Switch from 'Type=simple' to 'Type=notify' and add TimeoutSec=300 - rename unit files from mysql to mariadb and add mysql alias for the backward compatibility [bsc#1067443] * mysql.service -> mariadb.service * -> * mysql@.service -> mariadb@.service - remove configuration-tweaks.tar.xz and move configuration to my.ini/my.cnf file (omit default_plugins.cnf as all configuration here was commented out) - add a numeric prefix for galera.cnf file in order to allow users to speficy in which order the configs will be loaded within the my.cnf.d directory [bsc#1055268] - add 'bind-address =' as a default option to my.cnf file for security reasons (disable MariaDB to listen for TCP/IP connections by default) [bsc#1058374] - update my.cnf file and add a section with SSL configuration [bsc#1058374]- switch from deprecated 'net-tools' to 'iproute2' for mariadb-galera subpackage. This dependency switch is sufficient for making script to use 'ip' instead of 'ifconfig' command- Do not manually delete %{_localstatedir}/adm/update-messages/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-something: The file is listed as ghost and thus properly owned by the package. - Use %tmpfiles_create which can cope with transactional updates.- update to 10.2.11 GA * release notes and changelog: * * - pack additional mroonga/groonga files - change default charset to utf8mb4 for full Unicode support [fate#324329] - remove mariadb-10.2.10-wsrep_sst_common.patch as it's no longer needed- Added mariadb-10.2.10-wsrep_sst_common.patch (bsc#1069401). Upstream bug: Disable openssl compatibility checking * the check uses CRYPTO_set_mem_functions() to set debugging memory allocation function. The setting only succeeds if no allocation was done before. Our fips self-tests, which are run from the library constructor, however, do allocate memory, so the subsequent call to CRYPTO_set_mem_functions causes the compatibility check to fail * add mariadb-10.2.10-disable_openssl_compatibility_check.patch- update to 10.2.10 GA * release notes and changelogs * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities * 10.2.10: CVE-2017-10378, CVE-2017-10268, CVE-2017-15365 * 10.2.8: CVE-2017-3636, CVE-2017-3641, CVE-2017-3653, CVE-2017-10320, CVE-2017-10365, CVE-2017-10379, CVE-2017-10384, CVE-2017-10286, CVE-2017-3257 * 10.2.6: CVE-2017-3308, CVE-2017-3309, CVE-2017-3453, CVE-2017-3456, CVE-2017-3464 * 10.2.5: CVE-2017-3313, CVE-2017-3302 * [bsc#1042632], [bsc#1043328], [bsc#1019948], [fate#323738] - refresh and rename the following patches: * mariadb-10.1.4-group.patch to mariadb-10.2.3-group.patch * mariadb-10.1.16-systemd-cmake.patch to mariadb-10.2.8-systemd-cmake.patch * mariadb-10.1.18-mysql_install_db-mariadb_dirs.patch to mariadb-10.2.3-mysql_install_db-mariadb_dirs.patch * mariadb-10.1.12-fortify-and-O.patch to mariadb-10.2.4-fortify-and-O.patch * mysql-community-server-5.1.46-logrotate.patch to mariadb-10.2.4-logrotate.patch - add mariadb-10.2.10.tar.gz.sig signature and mariadb.keyring files - start building without client library part, use mariadb-connector-c for getting libmariadb libraries. Remove libmysclient* packages - remove baselibs.conf because we no longer build client libraries here - update %{soname} to 19 (libmysqld soname) - change '=' to '>=' in Requires:mariadb-errormessages for libmysqld%{soname}. Versioned libraries shouldn't require regular packages with '='. It also causes problems during update (Problem: libmysqld18-10.1.25-3.1.x86_64 requires mariadb-errormessages = 10.1.25, but this requirement cannot be provided). Also add "Provides: mariadb-errormessages = 10.1.25" for errormessages subpackage that solves this problem for the current update. - pack new files, remove mysql specific files - remove README.SUSE as it was outdated - package cleaning * run spec-cleaner * renumber sources * reorganize subpackages order and update summaries, descriptions and groups * tweak and add some comments to the specfile * remove warning about mysql-packaging repository that is no longer used for this package * remove checks whether we build mysql or mariadb (we build mariadb only) - add galera subpackage * add missing "Requires:" (lsof, net-tools, rsync, socat, xtrabackup) for proper wsrep scripts functionality * add mariadb-10.2.9-galera_cnf.patch that enhances galera.cnf configuration file (add wsrep_on=OFF and set the location of the wsrep library) * rename README-wsrep to README.wsrep so it corresponds with the other README names * move galera_new_cluster, galera_recovery, use_galera_new_cluster.conf, wsrep_* scripts to the galera subpackage - remove the following macros definitions: * %{_tmpfilesdir} - it's been defined in systemd macros since openSUSE 13.2 * %{preferred} - we no longer need to distinguish between preferred and not preferred version (we build mariadb only) * %{with_mandatory_lz4} - mysql specific * %{build_extras}, %{pretty_name}, %{build_readline}, %{builtin_plugins} and {libname} - they are no longer needed - add the following macros * %{run_testsuite} macro that controls the run of the regression testsuite * %{ignore_testsuite_result} macro - when set to 1 it ignores results from the regression testsuite (debug purposes) * %{with_mroonga} macro (enable mroonga build for x86_64 archs only) - rename %{with_jemalloc} to %{with_tokudb} and enable tokudb for x86_64 architectures for openSUSE and SLE15 [fate#323280]. Don't enable it for SLE12 (missing jemalloc dependency) - add the following BuildRequires: * unixODBC-devel to allow ODBC support for Connect engine [bsc#1039034] * krb5-devel to build plugin * libarchive-devel * use libboost_headers-devel instead of boost-devel for TW. Boost package has been split up and will migrate to using multibuild. This results in packages that unnecessarily build require boost-devel to cause major bottlenecks [bsc#1062583] - do not use "BuildRequires: lzo-devel" for i586 and arm because it makes build fail - add the following Requires: * hostname - as mariadb_install_db depends on this tool [bsc#1060110] * libaio-devel for libmysqld-devel because libmysqld depends on libaio - tweak build options: * remove "DWITH_ASAN=OFF" - this option was added because of mysql and it's no longer needed * switch from "-DWITH_JEMALLOC=auto" to "-DWITH_JEMALLOC=system" * use "DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH" - this allows to link with -rpath during build and fixes quite a few test suite failures. When installing the file -rpath is still disabled, so this should not have any effect on the installed binaries * add "-DWITH_LIBARCHIVE=ON" and "-DWITH_MARIABACKUP=ON" * remove -DWITH_BOOST=../boost/ as we use system boost now - enable OQGRAPH to build (openSUSE only, SLE is missing Judy requirement) - disable Cassandra storage engine build as it's no longer actively being developed (See MDEV-4695) [bsc#1055165] * Remove "BuildRequires: libthrift-devel" and %{with_cassandra} macros that are no longer needed now - disable make test (Connector/C unit tests) as it requires a running server. These tests are part of mysql-test-run now (MDEV-12470) - add suse_skipped_tests.list - the list of the tests that we want to skip (they fail correctly or the fix is in progress) * adjust mysql-test-run options to skip tests listed there [bsc#1041891] - remove mytop utility that is packaged separately - remove *.jar files from mysql-test - remove python scripts remains from tokudb upstream - remove generating of the MySQL NDB Cluster filelists - remove removing of manpages for MySQL Carrier Grade Edition - provide a symlink for the my_safe_process executable that was moved from its location to bindir - update filename in /var/adm/update-messages to match documentation and build-compare pattern - README is now - fix "file listed twice" build error- Also Require: libopenssl-1_0_0-devel from the libmysqlclient-devel package- Drop INFO_BIN from package because it is not needed and differs for every build (boo#1047218)- Explicitly require libopenssl-1_0_0-devel, to successfully build once we switch openssl to 1.1 (bsc#1042632)- update to MariaDB 10.1.25 GA * notable changes * MariaDB can no longer be compiled with OpenSSL version 0.9.8 and below. The last 0.9.8 release was in December 2015, it is out of support and is no longer getting security fixes. * MariaDB Backup is now beta * release notes and changelog: * * * refresh mariadb-10.1.12-fortify-and-O.patch * remove mariadb-10.1.22-xtradb_null_checks.patch (MDEV-12358), a fix was merged upstream * update file lists for new man-pages and tools - switch from 'Restart=on-failure' to 'Restart=on-abort' in mysql.service in order to follow the upstream- Add mariadb-10.1.22-xtradb_null_checks.patch (boo#1041525) (See also - switch from '/var/run' to '/run' as /var/run is just a symlink to /run - fix permissions for /var/run/mysql that were wrongly set to 700 instead of 755 due to added umask. This prevented non-root from connecting to the database [bsc#1038740] - change permissions of the configuration dir/files to 755/644. Please note that storing the password in the /etc/my.cnf file is not safe. Use for example an option file that is accessible only by yourself [bsc#889126] - set the default umask to 077 in mysql-systemd-helper [bsc#1020976]- increase required physical memory in _constraints from 5 GB to 7 GB in order to try to fix i586 build that fails because of "Out of memory" error- update to MariaDB 10.1.22 GA * notable changes * XtraDB updated to 5.6.35-80.0 * TokuDB updated to 5.6.35-80.0 * PCRE updated to 8.40 * MDEV-12160: ed25519 authentication plugin * MDEV-11842: Fix a 10.1.21 regression with failed INSERT, BEFORE INSERT triggers, and columns with no default value * MDEV-12075: Fix a 10.1.21 regression in the InnoDB data file extension code * MDEV-11027: better InnoDB crash recovery progress reporting * MDEV-11520: improvements to how InnoDB data files are extended * Improvements to InnoDB startup/shutdown to make it more robust * MDEV-11233: fix for FULLTEXT index crash * MDEV-9734: systemd compatible bintar files now available * release notes and changelog: * * * fixes the following CVEs: * CVE-2017-3313 [bsc#1020890], CVE-2017-3302 [bsc#1022428] - refresh mysql-community-server-5.1.46-logrotate.patch - refresh mariadb-10.1.16-systemd-cmake.patch - remove mariadb-10.1.20-incorrect_list_handling.patch that is no longer needed [bsc#1022428] [CVE-2017-3302]- update to MariaDB 10.1.21 * notable changes: * Innodb updated to 5.6.35 * Performance Schema updated to 5.6.35 * release notes and changelog: * * * fixes the following CVEs: CVE-2017-3318 [bsc#1020896], CVE-2017-3317 [bsc#1020894], CVE-2017-3312 [bsc#1020873], CVE-2017-3291 [bsc#1020884], CVE-2017-3265 [bsc#1020885], CVE-2017-3258 [bsc#1020875], CVE-2017-3257 [bsc#1020878], CVE-2017-3244 [bsc#1020877], CVE-2017-3243 [bsc#1020891], CVE-2017-3238 [bsc#1020882], CVE-2016-6664 [bsc#1008253] - add mariadb.te file to the filelist - add mysqld_safe_helper to the filelist - refresh mariadb-10.1.4-group.patch - add mariadb-10.1.20-incorrect_list_handling.patch to fix incorrect linked list handling in mysql_prune_stmt_list() function that can cause use-after-free error [bsc#1022428]- Replace systemd and systemd-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(libsystemd), which matches what the build system is actually looking for.- update to MariaDB 10.1.20 * notable changes: * XtraDB updated to 5.6.34-79.1 * TokuDB updated to 5.6.34-79.1 * HeidiSQL updated to 9.4 * The limit for the table_open_cache system variable has been increased to 1024K * Galera wsrep library updated to 25.3.19 * release notes and changelog: * * update to MariaDB 10.1.19 * notable changes: * XtraDB updated to 5.6.33-79.0 * TokuDB updated to 5.6.33-79.0 * release notes and changelog: * * * fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2016-7440 [bsc#1005581] CVE-2016-5584 [bsc#1005558] - add mariadb-10.1.18-mysql_install_db-mariadb_dirs.patch to fix script to find data files in mariadb directories when a user uses "--basedir" option [bsc#1006539] - switch to xz compression instead of bz2 for the following tarballs: * mysql-patches.tar.bz2 renamed to mysql-patches.tar.xz * configuration-tweaks.tar.bz2 renamed to configuration-tweaks.tar.xz replace occurrences of "bzip2" with "xz" in README.debug- update to 10.1.18 * Release notes: * Changelog: * fixed CVE's: CVE-2016-8283, CVE-2016-6663, CVE-2016-5629, CVE-2016-5626, CVE-2016-5624, CVE-2016-5616, CVE-2016-3492, CVE-2016-6662, CVE-2016-5440, CVE-2016-3615, CVE-2016-3521, CVE-2016-3477 * fix: [bsc#1005582], [bsc#1001367], [bsc#1005569], [bsc#1005566], [bsc#1005564], [bsc#1005562], [bsc#1005555], [bnc#998309], [bsc#989926], [bsc#989922], [bsc#989919], [bsc#989913] * refresh mariadb-10.1.4-group.patch * refresh mariadb-10.1.12-fortify-and-O.patch - requires devel packages for aio and lzo2 - remove mariadb-10.0.21-mysql-test_main_bootstrap.patch that is no longer needed [bnc#984858] - append "--ignore-db-dir=lost+found" to the mysqld options in "mysql-systemd-helper" script if "lost+found" directory is found in $datadir [bnc#986251] - remove from *.service files [bsc#983938] - add BuildRequires: systemd-devel - make some dependecies switchable - add systemd to deps to build on leap and friends - add mariadb-10.1.16-systemd-cmake.patch to allow more (case-insensitive) values for 'WITH_SYSTEMD' variable in systemd.cmake - replace '%{_libexecdir}/systemd/system' with %{_unitdir} macro - remove useless mysql@default.service [bsc#971456] - replace all occurrences of the string "@sysconfdir@" with "/etc" in mysql-community-server-5.1.46-logrotate.patch as it wasn't expanded properly [bsc#990890]- update to 10.1.14 * What is MariadDB 10.1: * CVEs fixed in 10.1.x branch CVE-2016-2047, CVE-2016-0668, CVE-2016-0651, CVE-2016-0650, CVE-2016-0649, CVE-2016-0646, CVE-2016-0644, CVE-2016-0642, CVE-2016-0641, CVE-2016-0640, CVE-2016-0616, CVE-2016-0610, CVE-2016-0609, CVE-2016-0608, CVE-2016-0606, CVE-2016-0600, CVE-2016-0598, CVE-2016-0597, CVE-2016-0596, CVE-2016-0546, CVE-2016-0505, CVE-2015-7744, CVE-2015-4913, CVE-2015-4895, CVE-2015-4879, CVE-2015-4870, CVE-2015-4866, CVE-2015-4864, CVE-2015-4861, CVE-2015-4858, CVE-2015-4836, CVE-2015-4830, CVE-2015-4826, CVE-2015-4819, CVE-2015-4816, CVE-2015-4815, CVE-2015-4807, CVE-2015-4802, CVE-2015-4792 * adjust mysql-patches.tar.bz2 archive for mariadb-101 * pack new MariaDB 10.1.x files - remove '%define _rundir' as 13.1 is out of support scope - temporarily disable OQGraph It seems to need the boost library with the version not earlier than 1.40 and not later than 1.55 (MDEV-9479) - add "BuildRequires: systemd-devel" for SLE12, openSUSE 13.2 and openSUSE Leap in order to enable systemd features during the build of mariadb-101 for these products. Otherwise we get "Performing Test HAVE_SYSTEMD - Failed" and systemd files aren't installed. - re-enable profiling support - don't remove HandlerSocket plugin [bnc#979524] - add 'log-error' and 'secure-file-priv' configuration options (added via configuration-tweaks.tar.bz2) [bsc#963810] * add '/etc/my.cnf.d/error_log.conf' that specifies 'log-error = /var/log/mysql/mysqld.log'. If no path is set, the error log is written to '/var/lib/mysql/$HOSTNAME.err', which is not picked up by logrotate. * add '/etc/my.cnf.d/secure_file_priv.conf' which specifies that 'LOAD DATA', 'SELECT ... INTO' and 'LOAD FILE()' will only work with files in the directory specified by 'secure-file-priv' option (='/var/lib/mysql-files'). - run 'usermod -g mysql mysql' only if mysql user is not in mysql group. Run 'usermod -s /bin/false/ mysql' only if mysql user doesn't have '/bin/false' shell set. - don't delete the log data when migration fails- fix constraints conditions for 32bit architectures- fix information leak via mysql-systemd-helper script [CVE-2015-5969], [bnc#957174]- update to 10.0.22 * Release notes: * Changelog: * fixed CVEs: CVE-2015-4802, CVE-2015-4807, CVE-2015-4815, CVE-2015-4826 CVE-2015-4830, CVE-2015-4836, CVE-2015-4858, CVE-2015-4861 CVE-2015-4870, CVE-2015-4913, CVE-2015-4792 * remove the following patches (applied upstream) * mysql-community-server-5.6.12-srv_buf_size.patch * mariadb-10.0.16-header_files_const_warnings.patch - add mariadb-10.0.21-mysql-test_main_bootstrap.patch that fix main.bootstrap test (change default charset to utf8 in test result) [bnc#937787] - add mariadb-10.0.22-fix_build_denabled_profiling_off.patch to fix compilation with '-DENABLED_PROFILING=OFF'- update to MariaDB 10.0.21 * changes: * * the following patches were processed upstream and are no longer needed: * mariadb-5.5.28-hotcopy.patch * mariadb-5.1.50-strncat-overflow.patch * mysql-community-server-5.1.51-mysql_config.patch * mariadb-5.5.32-upgrade-exit-status.patch * mariadb-5.5.41-mariadb-admincrash.patch - use syntax in mysql-systemd-helper that is accepted by both mariadb and mysql [bnc#937767] - fix spurious macro expansion in comment in specfile - install INFO_BIN and INFO_SRC, noticed in MDEV-6912 - replace readline-devel for readline5-devel (MDEV-6912) [bnc#902396] - use spec-cleaner - Tweak some cmake switches to enable more things * WITH_ASAN=OFF adress sanitization WITH_LIBWRAP=ON tcp wrappers ENABLED_PROFILING=OFF profiling disable (for mysql) ENABLE_DEBUG_SYNC=OFF debug testing sync disable (for mysql) WITH_PIC=ON by default we want pic generated binaries (for mysql) - set cmake options for MariaDB Galera Cluster - remove superfluous '--group' parameter from mysql-systemd-helper - make -devel package installable in the presence of LibreSSL - cleanup after the update-message if it was displayed - add 'exec' to mysql-systemd-helper to shutdown mysql/mariadb cleanly [bnc#943096] - remove redundant entry from %{_tmpfilesdir}/mysql.conf. Using both 'x' and 'X' options is redundant and causes a warning message. Leaving only the 'x' line fixes this problem. [bnc#942908]- Sync to git state, fixes bnc#937754 too- Sync to git state fixing few triv issues- Enable testsuite- Update to 10.0.20: * Fixes bnc#934789 Logjam Attack using 512bit dh groups in ssl - Sync the package to git state, redoing initscripts to be more robust- Update to 10.0.19, sync to git state of repository: fix parent directory has insecure permissions error- disable optional features for mariadb * still possible to use them from mariadb_100 package- Adjust _constraints. 11GB is not enough for ppc64 builds, increase to 13GB- fix build for openSUSE 13.2 ppc bnc#921955- Updated to the version 10.0.17 * Release notes: * Changelog: - merged patches to packaging git and regenerated * few fixes mainly to upgrades- README.SuSE is now README.SUSE; fix name in some places.- Fix undefined initial status in systemd script (boo #914370)- Fix include dir in alternative cnf files (bnc #859345)- run spec cleaner on spec - update to 10.0.15 * Release notes: * Changelog: - conditionally enable more storage engines - updated packaging to the latest templates- fix bashism in posttrans script/bin/shmysql-clients390zp33 1725040223  !10.11.9-150600. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// ASCII textELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=b0148a7f42d716144fe72d864962be22c8fdbf3d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=0ffc9028613f537d2193dbed39efb9f3a2919ffd, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=4c9f0f5a9186e525a6dc0544bf5c4d990fe30cf6, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=f233e0bccfbc10c104e0084b40693d4ebe249a32, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=64a3339e577231636a6cf7c3e74e8ebb73ba386f, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=84f27c3231e7baeef8e07cbf7c68ee0d9ae83293, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=5bd84f375bd8758908cc3d21c2d04c05097d8909, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippeddirectoryELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c1c6aeeddc0c07ec6149938619bfba86dc313c89, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with no line terminators (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)*:JZjsu RRRRRRR R RRR R RRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRR R RR RRR RRRRRRRRRR R RR RRR RRRRRRRRRR R RR RRR RRRRRRRRRR R RR RRR RRRRRRRRRR R RR RRR RRRRRRRR R RRR R RRPPR RR\ F,a/`wutf-8e4735a7b6d142ffa3b09cdc1326ef308ccca38e83b135164835afed8d026a6b8?7zXZ !t/A]"k%-ASDui0o%@I;tpoF \\m-l%)ЙfD DҶqIJ`r+DP˽nOҫl%*]%%PvD"f[=6;c2ْ܍;K|ive?۬iHG5JrK76?MHZ!E K)t־tzN-dEun5C7GmF:H▔[>P6W d󆣑Ӛ< vA!zaQecчt1n$c:R[Aq!wMe&u_B~~b+GWL [㠰Ý^º{7GۭQDTNע݅#P+EKAe[OgOdC<`\6"4OfVΏK9ЯM3Dz9IAJUWW絝zM^4E7ߦ%ZZ\ä5/+A\U P4z+(E7g>z~MHH( N=EKzlrm+*/Π:Nce ;^Pl]Z&xBo&re~ٝA?QhXA;uŶ!3cIg|4,3HwܫG\Y Ω60;#4I&#y]9ma]-^#J6LB8*>2KQn%BEж<^Y=j9t[N]^E㰅SRAlM.i& Yst׃ )DAi90MWZZh2xpC}5@.s6|-k`(4ot# * 0[2\d㵬qR#6c7+$ 9qG=~iу#Xz)eWpY,ĭ9m u; 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