libQt5Network5-5.15.8+kde185-150500.4.22.1<>,hf%@p9|iVyHJ$3SfP E$)t@`YhZ,tiTi8G>iގCA|&Í(_;1' iԻyh$'detA/7trC7ŒU>ߕI!I;"t-{j|L>^F5xG?z"EE'S“U Ԗ <թrX>ϑ9g~I{F<& cak҇9I27>@@?0d - B %F  B h   TD ) D))(1889:&j>ף@ײFGH$IpX؄Y\4]ـ^ڰb}c&dܮeܳfܶlܸuvw߄xymz,ClibQt5Network55.15.8+kde185150500.4.22.1Qt 5 Network LibraryQt Network provides a set of APIs for programming applications that use TCP/IP. Operations such as requests, cookies, and sending data over HTTP are handled by various C++ classes.f%@s390zp3a+SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-3.0-only or GPL-3.0-with-Qt-Company-Qt-exception-1.1 1 AAAA큤A큤f$f$f$f$f$f$f$f$f$f% dXf% 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    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/!d@d dZ5d*ddcc D@aa@aŶ@aza(`s`s`@`8@`u`!'`_@__u@_]@_@_E@_h_Z@_^@^V@^^^^@^^^y@^Y^M#@^.^@^]+]]ʞ]@]]@]@]m]rJ@]m@]P@]]G@]^@] #] #]@\Q\@\@\@\]@\@\@\@\f\@\|\B@\b@\X)@\T4\Q\A\@n@\3?@\@\2\ 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Add rebased upstream patch to delay any HTTP2 communication until encrypted() can be responded to (bsc#1227426, CVE-2024-39936): * 0001-HTTP2-Delay-any-communication-until-encrypted-can-be.patch - Add upstream patch to fix a NULL pointer dereference via the function QXcbConnection::initializeAllAtoms() when there is anomalous behavior from the X server (bsc#1222120, CVE-2023-45935): * 0001-xcb-guard-a-pointer-before-usage.patch- Add patch from upstream to fix a regression in the ODBC driver (bsc#1227513, QTBUG-112375): * 0001-QSQL-ODBC-fix-regression-trailing-NUL.patch * 0002-SQL-ODBC-Pass-correct-length-to-SQLColAttribute.patch- Add upstream patches to fix an incorrect integer overflow check (boo#1218413, CVE-2023-51714): * 0001-HPack-fix-a-Yoda-Condition.patch * 0002-HPack-fix-incorrect-integer-overflow-check.patch - Add upstream patch to fix a potential overflow in assemble_hpack_block(): * 0001-Http2-fix-potential-overflow-in-assemble_hpack_block.patch- buildrequire pkconfig(icu-i18n) instead of libicu-devel to get prefered libicuu- Add patch from upstream that fixes a buffer overflow in QXmlStreamReader (bsc#1214327, CVE-2023-37369): * CVE-2023-37369-qtbase-5.15.diff- Add patch from upstream (backport taken from Qt5PatchCollection) to fix certificate validation for TLS which does not always consider whether the root of a chain is a configured CA certificate (CVE-2023-34410, bsc#1211994): * 0001-Ssl-Copy-the-on-demand-cert-loading-bool-from-default-config.patch- Add patch from upstream to fix a buffer overflow in QDnsLookup (CVE-2023-33285, bsc#1211642): * CVE-2023-33285-qtbase-5.15.diff - Add patch from upstream to fix QtNetwork to parse the strict-transport-security (HSTS) header case-insensitively (CVE-2023-32762, QTBUG-113392, bsc#1211797): * 0001-Hsts-match-header-names-case-insensitively.patch - Add rebased patch from upstream to fix infinite loops in QXmlStreamReader and raise error on unexpected tokens which is a new behaviour (CVE-2023-38197, QTBUG-92113, QTBUG-95188, bsc#1213326): * 0001-QXmlStreamReader-Raise-error-on-unexpected-tokens.patch- Add patch from upstream to fix an overflow in QTextLayout (CVE-2023-32763, QTBUG-113337, bsc#1211798): * 0001-Fix-specific-overflow-in-qtextlayout-CVE-2023-32763.patch- Amend patch to fix mouse grabbing as well (bsc#1211024): * big-endian-scroll.patch- Update to version 5.15.8+kde185: * QFSFileEngine: fix overflow bug when using lseek64 * Add QImage null check when QOpenGLTexture converts - Add patch to fix return key handling in QGroupBox on GNOME (bsc#1209364): * 0001-Revert-QGnomeTheme-Allow-Space-Return-Enter-and-Sele.patch - Add patch to fix XInput2 events in big-endian X11 clients (bsc#1204883, QTBUG-105157): * big-endian-scroll.patch- Update to version 5.15.8+kde183: * Add nullptr guard in QStyleSheetStyle::drawPrimitive(PE_PanelLineEdit) * QAbstractItemView: don't access invalid indexes on copy-key * Apply CVE-2023-24607-qtbase-5.15.diff (CVE-2023-24607, bsc#1209616) * QXcbConnection::getTimestamp: do not return stale timestamp * QToolButton: Elide text when constraints prevent from showing whole text * correctly set up ref counting in QThreadPool::tryStart(std::function) * Do not set Qt::ToolTip flag for QShapedPixmapWindow * Fix deletion order also for QImageReader/Writer::setDevice() * Fix deletion order in QImageReader/Writer destructors * QNetworkReply: Fix typos in the documentation * Doc: Fix typo in the online documentation template * Doc: Link to page documenting Qt trademarks in the copyright footer * [doc] Fix typo in QBuffer::setBuffer() description * qwindowsdrag: Fix typo in documentation * openglblacklists: Fix typo in description * qxcbscreen: Fix typo in documentation * Fix typos in SQL driver documentation * qxcbwindow.cpp: Fix sign-compare and another warnings * QToolButton: reimplement the fix for QTBUG-95255 * QSysInfo::prettyProductName(): Add macOS Ventura product name * QSysInfo::prettyProductName(): add missing macOS product names * xcb: correctly disconnect xsettings callbacks * ibus: add SetCursorLocationRelative in InputContext.xml- Drop the mechanism for supporting systems without SSE2. glibc removed support for looking up libraries in sse2/ subdirectories and qtdeclarative without SSE2 crashes Plasma (boo#1208188)- Update to version 5.15.8+kde160, rebased upstream: * Set geometry property in QXcbWindow after checking minimum size * Fix potential corruption with image format conversion on arm neon * TLS backend SecureTransport: properly clear SSLContextRef * Widgets: Use effect region bounds when drawing with repaint manager * Revert "xcb: stablilize xkb state when keymap updated" * forkfd/linux: add support for LoongArch * Fix default QT_ARCHS for non-universal builds * Add the missing -mfpu=neon CXX flag * Fix missing characters or assert with certain font sizes * tst_containerapisymmetry: test ranged ctors with pure input_iterator types * qmake/Xcode: Mark "Qt Preprocess" build phase as always out of date * Windows QPA: Fix cursors getting out of sync after restoring override cursors on native windows * evdevkeyboard: Try opening as read-write first * QVarLengthArray: add some basic checks for default-ctor * QTableWidget doc: remove wrong comment for itemExpanded() * Blacklist tst_QTimer::zeroTimer on Ubuntu 20.04 * Use Yu Gothic UI as the main fallback font for Japanese * qxkbcommon: UCS-4-encode surrogate characters in QKeyEvent::key() * Replace CopyrightFile entry in libjpeg qt_attribution.json * androiddeployqt: Fix signing of paths with spaces * OpenSSL: handle renegotiate errors by comparing certs * Update latest qt license agreement * QFontDatabase: unify relevant documentation pieces * wasm: Fix assert/crash when tooltip window is closed and mouse moved * Freetype: adjust underlinePosition to match our expectations * SignalTransition: guard against deleted object * tst_QSslSocket: QSKIP the test that is known to fail with SecureTransport * QStringView: fix split(QRegularExpression) returning invalid data * Check that QStringView::split() w/rvalue QRegularExpression returns valid data * Teach QOpenGLTextureBlitter about GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE textures * Doc build: fix conflicting response file with moc * QTextDocument: fix an off-by-one in the changed signal for lists * Fix warnings due to enums in QSizePolicy * Android: Set sem_wait m_terminateSemaphore behind an atomic flag * QGraphicsItem: Update input context after InputMethod event * QSharedPointer: fix counter-productive QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE use in qHash() impl * tst_qhashfunctions: check qHashRange{,Commutative}() find hidden friend qHash() * xcb: stablilize xkb state when keymap updated * Stabilize tst_QAccessibilityMac * Handle macOS 11 issues in softHyphens test * QVERIFY_EXCEPTION_THROWN: re-throw unknown exceptions * QAuthenticator: Filter out algorithms we don't support * QNX: QNX7.1 updates * Blacklist tst_QTcpServer::linkLocal on macOS ARM * Blacklist problematic network auto-tests on macOS ARM * Blacklist and skip failing tests on macOS ARM * Windows QPA: Fix multi-touch support in some devices * freetype/no-fc: Disambiguate fonts with different widths * Skip disabled proxy widgets when (back)tabbing * Explicitly use libc++ when creating machtest stubs * Don't pass CXXFLAGS when creating machtest stubs * QFontComboBox don't response qApp fontDatabaseChanged() * Update architectures in machtest to arm64+x86_64, removing i386 and ppc * Android: bump default QT_ANDROID_API_VERSION to 31 * macOS: Disable PCRE JIT when running under Rosetta * macOS: Add helper function to check whether we're running under Rosetta * testlib: Disable automatic backtrace when test crashes on macOS on ARM * macOS: Hard-code NEON and SSE/SSE2 when building universal builds * macOS: Always disable pixman NEON drawhelpers * macOS: Scope Haswell arch flags to x86_64 compilation units * Guard AVX parts of qfloat16 helpers instead of emitting error * Granularily disable PCRE2 JIT on macOS ARM * Avoid claiming F16C support on non-x86 platforms * macOS: Respect QMAKE_APPLE_DEVICE_ARCHS by building for all those archs * qmake: Pick default architecture on macOS based on uname * macOS: Don't hard-code x86_64 as the architecture when using qmake * qmake: Support Visual Studio 2022 * Avoid painting outside boundaries when printing QGraphicsProxyWidget * wasm: fix network reply status attribute * Update Gradle to 7.2.0 and Android Gradle Plugin to 7.0.2 * wasm: fix size of QDialogs * plaintextEdit draw text with clipRect should consider cusorWidth * iOS: Hide UIWindow before restoring mirror mode * iOS: Defer restoring screen mirroring until next runloop pass * macOS: Bump max supported SDK version to 12 * iOS: Don't try to initialize a11y for views that have no platform window * qnsview_mouse, scrollWheel: do not assume zero deltas on Ending phase * PCRE2: upgrade to 10.39 * wasm: fix deadlock when thread calls exit * Fix version number when warning about Apple platform SDK mismatch * Doc: Add styling for note/warning/important admonitions * wasm: disable the canvas resize observer * wasm: fix window activation * Fix show()/hide() for child windows on xcb * Add warning about QCoreApplication deferred delete * Fix performance regression when avoiding scrollbar flipping * wasm: fix changing cursor shape * QSKIP tst_qgl:closeAndThenShow() because of flaky crashes * Calculate effect bounds when drawing widget graphics effect * Fix treemodelcompleter example * gl: Try the local CacheLocation when the shared one fails * Android: set EXTRA_TITLE to the initially selected file in save dialog * qmake/vcxproj: Fix malformed tags * qmake/vcxproj: Fix "CONFIG += combine" extra compilers * Android: set allowNativeHeapPointerTagging to false in the manifest * Update windows version detection * Don't link against pthread when using cxx11_future on vxworks * Accessibility Linux: Fix caps lock state * Don't render widget to backing store if its parent has graphics effect * Handle DPR in QPainter's drawing methods taking a brush parameter * XCB: Silence clipboard warning "SelectionRequest too old" * QVector: Don't require default-constructible types with insert() * Android: Hide the keyboard when the height is less than 0 * When filling a pixmap after an assignment ensure the set DPR is not lost * Fix high DPI position of foreign child windows on Windows * QOpenSSLBackend: Properly load 3.0 when compiled with 3.0 * Take overshoot into account when laying out QAbstractScrollArea * Add suffixes to loop variables for Q_FOREACH * Android: Fix handling of cursor position when stop composing * Windows QPA: Fix mouse event position for QWindows with Qt::WindowTransparentForInput- Update to version 5.15.7+kde177: * Fix wrong to linear conversion * QKeySequence: Add missing modifier names * Scale BMP color samples with periodic bit expansion * Send accessible focus event after list view has focus * update function argument of SSL_CTX_set_options * Openssl backend: reinsert a missing C in qCDebug * Annotate QMutex with TSAN annotations * Handle allocation failure in QImage rotate 90/180/270 functions * xcb: Replace qCWarning by qCDebug in QXcbConnection::printXcbError() * a11y: support GetAccessibleId for at-spi - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Fix-wrong-to-linear-conversion.patch- Add patch to fix text rendering on 16bit X11 surfaces (boo#1205585): * 0001-Fix-wrong-to-linear-conversion.patch- Update to version 5.15.7+kde167, rebased upstream: * offer an opt out of automatic xdg-desktop-portal use * Send string to Atspi DBus interface on name/description changed * Send string to Atspi DBus interface on value changed for comboboxes * iOS: Use generic simulator device for building apps via xcodebuild * xcode: Allow automatic provisioning updates when calling xcodebuild * Revert "[Android] Remove signal and slot mechanism to listen states in editor's" * Android: fix error when signing bundles * Doc: Fix notes in QObject * Allow dragging of a floating dockwidget on macOS with a custom titlebar * Http/2 - handle PADDED flag correctly * QTlsBackend (OpenSSL) : detect incompatible versions * Reduce the width of a hfw-widget if scrollbar would be flipping * QCocoaWindow: Make window key if the app's modal window is hidden * Doc: clarify case sensitivity in QCompleter * Doc: Note that qmake's CONFIG values are case-sensitive * Clear up QWindow::isActive() documentation * QWinRtFunctions::await() - introduce early exit condition * rhi: metal: Use the layer as the single source of truth * Include explicitly * Update PCRE2 to 10.38 * Add testing of QPdfWriter output to QPainter lancelot test * Update the COPYRIGHT.txt file * QTranslator: Fix loading of meta catalogs from absolute .qm path * tst_qtranslator: Simplify extraction of test data * Cocoa: Don't call makeKeyAndOrderFront for native app-modal dialogs * Fix querying font aliases that share name with other fonts * Update bundled libjpeg-turbo to version 2.1.1 * macOS: Compute NSWindow background color without checking styleMask * SQLite: Update SQLite to v3.36.0 * Android: Fix path of qmake_qmake_immediate.qrc in single_abi with qmake * qmake: Print error when iOS simulator device could not be found * Fix loading of OpenSSL on macOS versions that ship its own OpenSSL * QWidgetWindow: Stabilize test on Xcb * Blacklist flaky test * Fix license information for libjpeg-turbo * Don't unload libraries on Darwin-based operating systems * QThreadPool: Fix restarting of expired threads * Make test pass on machines with many cores * Blacklist tst_QSocks5SocketEngine::simpleConnectToIMAP() because of flakiness * Blacklist tst_qgl:closeAndThenShow() because of flakiness * Update Android default SDK from 29 to 30 * Make clear why QTestLog::addB?XFail() don't add to counters * Fix .qm file name calculation in lrelease.prf * qmake/xcode: Do not create OBJECTS_DIR * QSslCertificate(OpenSSL plugin): fix memory leaks in extension 'parser' * OpenSSL: Let people opt-in to use TLS 1.3 PSK callback * tst_http2: Fix flaky authentication test * Cocoa: Make sure we can display multiple sheets for the same NSWindow * Fix QTextCodec::canEncode() for ICU codec * wasm: fix network data URI scheme * Doc: add more notes about full screen windows on macOS * macOS: Don't rely on invalidateCursorRectsForView when mouse is over view * Doc: add note that hiding a window doesn't close a full screen space * qlocale_win: Fix non-standalone month names * androiddeployqt: Check if apk is already aligned * Fix corner case in QTimeZonePrivate::dataForLocalTime() * Improve lancelot test of dashed line painting * qmake: Add support for C17/C18 * qmake/vcxproj: Read C language standard from QMAKE_CFLAGS * qmake/vcxproj generator: Handle C standard compiler flags * qmake: Make it possible to set CONFIG += c11 with MSVC 19.28 * qmake: Recognize MSVC 16.x as VS 2019 in the VS project generator * Doc: Replace the example for QFileInfo::setFile * QMetaEnum: avoid quadratic behavior in valueToKeys() * QGraphicsProxyWidget: forward Window(De)Activate events * QDashStroker: cap the number of repetitions of the pattern * Fix bug with NoFontMerging when font does not support script * Android: Fix unnecessary clipboard data access * macOS: Don't wipe NSWindowStyleMaskFullSizeContentView if set manually * Fix broken build when LTTng tracing is enabled * Attempt to unwedge tst_QThread::wait3_slowDestructor() * macOS: close popups on mousedown within the window frame * Use a scope-guard to take care of process deletion in a test * QVarLengthArray: add missing default-ctor documentation - Commits dropped by the rebase: * Fix compile of tst_qimage in Qt5- Update to version 5.15.6+kde178: * ANGLE: Fix compilation on GCC 11- Update to version 5.15.6+kde177, rebased upstream: * QStringIterator: fix UB [2/2]: use std::less to compare pointers * QStringIterator: fix UB [1/2]: use has{Next,Previous}() more * Assert validity in QStringIterator's unchecked methods * eglfs: Fix crash when painting the mouse cursor in a multiscreen setup * xcb: fix the build of native painting * QNetworkReplyFileImpl: Don't emit 'finished' in the ctor * Fix typo in code * Fix typo in QAbstractItemModelTester * sqldrivers: Fix typo in error message * network: Fix typos in messages * Remove XCB_EVENT_MASK_RESIZE_REDIRECT for Qt:WindowTransparentForInput * Fix build without dbus support * Revert "Remove the dead code for blocking methods from QtConcurrent" * QAIV: Reset double-click flag in mousePressEvent * Fix possible undefined behavior in clear_thread_data * Revert "xcb: implement missing bits from ICCCM 4.1.4 WM_STATE handling" * 3rdparty: apply a fix to the last zlib fix * add color picking support on wayland using the XDG desktop portal * Use class scope to refer to static function * fix AT_SPI_BUS_ADDRESS actually working * 3rdparty/zlib: backport the fix to CVE-2022-37434 * widgets: avoid setting X11BypassWindowManagerHint in QToolBar * Don't access QObjectPrivate::declarativeData unguarded * Apply CVE-2022-27404-27405-27406-qtbase-5.15.diff * xcb: Update _NET_SUPPORTED when the window manager changes it * Revert "CUPS: Add support for accessible IPP printers" * QtConcurrent::ReduceKernel: fix race conditions * Fix crash in QKmsDevice::createScreenForConnector * Fix compile with MinGW-W64 9.0.0: Redefinition of 'struct _FILE_ID_INFO' * Fallback to another file dialog implementation when XDP is inaccessible * Add QXdgDesktopPortalFileDialog::useNativeFileDialog() * qmake: Ignore stderr when determining the macOS SDK version * Fix QDBusInterface crashing with empty path on construction * Network: Update expired cert * Android: guard getStateCount() with correct VERSION.SDK_INT * Add note on selecting the device which is used to run tests on Android * fc: Clean up current config on shutdown * Doc: Add see also links to operator== and operator!= * Fix framework dependencies in .la files * Fix Style java code format and warnings * wasm: fix network crash on abort * Update bundled Freetype to 2.10.4 * CMake: Prevent multiple creation of the targets 'aab' and 'apk' * Android: Fix fullscreen bottom bar hide issues * xkb.compose: get locale from user env settings * xcb: implement missing bits from ICCCM 4.1.4 WM_STATE handling * macOS: Fix leaked NSMutableArray in applicationActivationChanged * StyleSheet: Use rule for ComboBox in embedded QLineEdit * Fix hidden API access for Android style * Fix memory leak if eXIf has incorrect crc * Fix invalid snippet reference in qtnetwork-index.html * Doc: Fix QList::fromVector example in QList documentation * Turn off feature timezone for emscripten * QXpmHandler: actually limit characters-per-pixel to four * QXpmHandler: fix re-entrancy bug in xpm_color_name * QObject: cleanup the orphaned connection lists on destruction * Fix crash in concurrent disconnect * cleanOrphanedConnectionsImpl: Allow to skip locking * QOrderedMutexLocker: Disable copy and provide explicit dismiss function * Handle even more include in enum cases * macOS: Stop relying on balanced CGDisplay reconfiguration callbacks * QFuture: fix result reporting in the filter mode * Doc: Minor cleanup in QWidget docs * Don't report results when the results list is empty * Windows QPA: Fix coordinates reported through UI Automation * Make QSqlRecord benchmarks non-fatuous * Halve the data-set size of tst_QSqlRecord::benchmarkRecord() * Update deprecated NSAccessibility method * H2: emit encrypted for at least the first reply, similar to H1 * QFile benchmark: only set up and tear down the data directory once * Unify and clean up two identical tst_qfile::*_data() functions * Move QSKIP()s to _data() functions in QFile benchmark * Scale image with MDI icons using the correction factor * QNetworkDiskCache: Fix tracking of size during storeItem() * Always update the input method when QLineEdit receives focus * Fix qdbusperformance and qprocess benchmarks * QListView: don't scroll if selected items are removed * macOS: Detect sandboxed state for command line apps * Update obsoleted functionality in preparation for Qt 6 * Change QCollator's default locale to QLocale().collation() * QDuplicateTracker: reserve() for at least Prealloc elements * Point out that QTreeView's expandAll/expandToDepth don't fetch data * QDuplicateTracker: fix the static buffer size calculation * macOS: Don't make frameless tool windows miniaturizable * macOS: Don't mangle QByteArray settings with @ prefix by decoding as UTF-8 * tst_QtConcurrentThreadEngine: fix the threadCount() test * Fix QTextFormat::FullWidthSelection for right-to-left text layouts * Fix auto completion in QFileDialog on Windows * QFile benchmark: always use Unbuffered for QFSFileEngine tests * Fix QDirIterator benchmark to actually find its test data * macOS: Keep NSWindow alive after handling windowShouldClose callback * Windows QPA: Fix dock widget drag&drop failure * Remove the dead code for blocking methods from QtConcurrent * QtConcurrent: call the non-blocking versions in blocking ones * macOS 10.15: Fix focus frame for combo boxes * Fix placement of placeholder text in QLineEdits with action icons * macOS: fix separator actions not showing in menus * QIcc: Update test for invalid values * Doc: Use https for links to * Doc: Add a note about a limitation in QDockWidget on macOS * macOS: Notify socket notifier on connection error * QGlobalStatic: fix warning when using cv-qualified types * Fix right-to-left text with DirectWrite engine + QPainterPath * Fix mapping between Han and other CJK scripts * Doc: Improve QTransform documentation * Documentation: Remove section advertising Amazon * Fix linking of debug projects against release Qt on Darwin platforms * Extend documentation for QFile:copy() * macOS: Unregister screen notification handlers on QGuiApplication shutdown * macOS 11: Fix positioning of focus frame around combobox * QString: Respect precision when reading data for %.*s format string * Fix leak of transaction context handle in QSql's OCI driver * macOS: Allow programatically minimizing frameless windows * Doc: Move overrideCursor() from QApplication to QGuiApplication * Doc: Add note to Qt::MatchFlags about implementation dependent behavior * Update md4c to 0.4.8 * Android: fix mimetype/namefilters handling for FileDialog * Enable glyph cache workaround for Apple M-family of GPUs * Fix rendering of text checkboxes when text is selected * Update public suffix list * iOS: cleanup connection when a screen disconnects * Windows: Read page size and orientation from setup dialog * qmake: Enable response files for WASM on Windows * QTextDocumentFragment: fix ifdef range * Update CLDR qt_attribution.json * Hangul composition: use < base + count checks, not <= checks * Doc: Fix snippet for QRandomGenerator64 docs * Fix date parsing when local time lacks the start of the day * Fix misplacement of placeholder text in QLineEdit with RTL content * Fix unaligned specialData formats * QWidgetTextControl: ignore GroupSwitchModifier for BackSpace * QFlags::testFlag: clarify the behavior in the docs * Android: Fix build error issue in examples * Silence misleading exception print in setQtContextDelegate * Fix scrolling of tab bar when the visible tab is wider than the visible space * Fix augmentation of UI language list * Calculate space requirement of menu items based on widest elements * Correct examples for int validation in QValidator documentation * tst_QTimer::remainingTime(): get rid of QTest::currentTestFailed() * macOS: allow Qt::AA_DontShowShortcutsInContextMenus overrides * Fix conversion of swap interval from QGLFormat to QSurfaceFormat * Fix rearranging of icons in listview via drag'n'drop * Fix flaky QTimer::remainingTime() test * tst_QDateTimeEdit::editingRanged(): use QScopedPointer * QAbstractItemView: don't block dragging after double click * xcb: Add more debug info for XCB_INPUT event * QPageSize: make PageSizeId ctor non-explicit * QtGui/math3d : Fix QQuaternion::getEulerAngles - Commits dropped by the rebase: * Restore C++11 compatibility of QSharedPointer code - Refresh 0001-Add-remote-print-queue-support.patch- Update to version 5.15.5+kde166: * Drop call to setPlatformScreen in QHighDpiScaling::setScreenFactor (kde#450443)- Update to version 5.15.5+kde165, rebased upstream: * QArrayData: fix UB via reinterpret_cast (crash with FORTIFY_SOURCE=3) * Fix compile of tst_qimage in Qt5 * SQLite driver: fix crash when binding a QByteArray/QString * H2: remove a rather useless limit on the number of streams * Revert "Qt xcb: remove false detects of Qt::GroupSwitchModifier" * Revert "Windows: Add synthesized fonts also when there is a style name" * Revert "Android: Place cursor correctly on screen when editing" * QAbstractButton/QComboBox/QGroupBox: static_cast event->key() to Qt::Key * Widgets: use QPlatformTheme::ButtonPressKeys for pressing buttons * QBuffer: add missing include * QBuffer: fail early in seek() beyond QByteArray's max capacity * xcb: fix cursorTheme update issue * QDBusMenuConnection: Close open D-Bus connection * Fix QGuiApplication command line options documentation for X11 * QColorSpace: Guard against division by zero * Preserve QImage metadata when converting format with color table * Unicode: fix the grapheme clustering algorithm * Ignore window icon in XCB when its size exceeds maximum request length * QAbstractItemDelegate: fix rect given to tooltip handing * QXmlStreamReader: fix integer truncation (qint64 → int) * QShader: fix memory leak in detach() * QDesktopServices: fix ABA problem in QOpenUrlHandlerRegistry * Unix: Correctly update options pane for PDF printer * JSON: When clearing duplicate object entries, also clear containers * Remove unused internal flag from raster painting engine * CUPS: Add support for accessible IPP printers * Initialize m_exclusive in QGtk3MenuItem constructor * Fix data race in QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendThroughApplicationEventFilters() * Fix a leak of fallback dialog helper in xdgdesktopportal * QCOMPARE/QVERIFY: fix huge pessimisation in QTestResult * QPushButton/fusion style: don't ignore QIcon::On icon * QAbstractItemModel: fix persistent index corruption when moving columns * Fix data race in QObject::moveToThread() * QReadWriteLock: fix data race in stateForWaitCondition() * QReadWriteLock: fix another data race in stateForWaitCondition() * QReadWriteLock: fix data race in dtor * Revert "a11y: Do not cache classes that don't have a factory plugin" * Prevent crashing when FcFontList fails * Fix race condition in futex-based QSemaphore * Fix a QDBusConnection crash with pending calls when connection is closed * Revert "Support family names that end/start with space" * QProcess/Unix: ensure we don't accidentally execute something from CWD * Fix compile with Qt5: Use QString::mid instead of QString::sliced * testlib/qasciikey: Add keypad navigation keys * QGnomeTheme: remove unneeded Q_D * QGnomeTheme: Allow Space, Return, Enter and Select to press buttons * QPA: add ButtonPressKeys ThemeHint * Update bundled zlib to version 1.2.12 * QAction: Add NOTIFY changed declaration to priority property * QHostInfo/Unix: Fix resolv never unloading * QCompleter: fix crash when setting the same model twice * Windows: use QSystemLibrary instead of LoadLibrary directly * Qt namespace: fix QT_Q_FLAG declaration for Qt::MouseEventFlags * Sync QPrinter orientation when PageSetup Orientation selected * When clearing QPixmapCache, stop its flushing timer * QLabel::setPixmap(): remove the no-op self-masking * QFreeList: replace a Q_ASSERT(false) with Q_UNREACHABLE() * [qgenericunixservices] Consider kde-open5 for opening URLs * Fix check for malformed input when decoding translations * Test for nullptr before dereferencing the screen * Check for null driver() before trying to exec() * Fix crash when text shaping fails * Make QCursor::setPos() use the correct screen * Close leak of QOCIDateTime object * Fix UI mismatch when QPrinter::setDuplex * xcb: fix a typo for WindowTypes * QPkmHandler: make const what it never modified * Respect AT_SPI_BUS_ADDRESS env var on Linux * Fix integer overflow for broken QPainterPaths * QDesktopServices: fix UB (data race on handlers) * Make indicator-application hack work in flatpak * Fix infinite loop in dash stroker * QVersionNumber: remove "pure" declaration from fromString() * Android: Fix Application becomes unresponsive issue * Fix the crashes when animated QTreeWidgetItems are hidden * Add test for QTranslator::load() translation file lookup algorithm * QComboBox: add space for scrollbar if needed after showing popup * QComboBox: propagate style change on widget to internal container * QLocalSocket: fix inclusions in namespaced builds * PCRE2: upgrade to 10.37 * minor: Clean up areMetricsTooLarge() conditions * wasm: fix unicode keyboard handling * Blacklist tst_QAccessibilityMac::notificationsTest * Let the h2 test server both send and receive DATA frames * Android: Reset m_usePrimaryClip when clearing the clip data * Android: Remove NoSuchMethodException error * QVector: fix compilation failure in C++20 mode w/strict iterators * macOS: respect underline attribute in menu item fonts * macOS: don't show invisible separator items * iOS: Accessibility: Don't cut off the last character from the text value * iOS: Accessibility: Set the correct traits for EditableText * tst_moc: fix returning-reference-to-local warning * Allow for arguments that have an equals as part of it * Write out the HTML correctly for nested lists * QSqlTableModel::orderByClause(): Quote the table name * macOS: Fix synthesized bold * SQLite: Update SQLite to v3.35.5 * Qt xcb: remove false detects of Qt::GroupSwitchModifier * Do not remove non-widget items when removeWidget() called with nullptr * QFileSystemModel fails to locate a host from root's visible children * CMake: Fix automatic default linking of static svg plugins * Blacklist tst_QGestureRecognizer::panGesture * Moc: parse trailing return type * Extend tst_QGL::graphicsViewClipping blacklisting * Fix antialiasing of rotated non-smooth scaled images * Fix QUrl::fromLocalFile with long path prefix * Fix QStringView::mid() to behave as documented when passed -1 for length * QDockWidget, macOS: don't drag on native widgets * Add note about the risk of setting min-width/height in a style sheet * cocoa: be more careful about rejecting frame strut events * iOS: Keep undo/redo widgets enabled on the undo shortcut bar after undo * QTestlib: Fix formatting of pointers in QCOMPARE * Cherry-pick upstream patch for non-gcc/clang/msvc compilers * Windows: Add synthesized fonts also when there is a style name * Windows: Work-around misreporting of Script and Roman * Extend blacklisting of tst_QNetworkReply::ioHttpRedirectPolicy * Extend blacklisting of tst_QWidget::focusProxyAndInputMethods * Android: fix wrong position of cursor hander in split screen * Android: handle ImEnterKeyType flag * Apply the Core compile definitions to the big resource targets * Update bundled libjpeg-turbo to version 2.1.0 * QSpdyProtocolHandler: don't rely on device being available * QVnc: clip requested screen region to available screen image * Simplify bundled libjpeg build * Blacklist tst_QWidget::multipleToplevelFocusCheck() on SLES 15 * Apply specialData font capitalization to non-rawFont text * Avoid fast transform paint path on values it can't handle * Blacklist tst_QTimeLine::interpolation on Windows in general * QMdiArea: Fix top level window title when using DontMaximizeSubWindowOnActivation * Don't draw focus frame if widget has style rules that affect border * Fix rare integer overflow in text shaping * Blacklist tst_qnetworkreply::ioHttpRedirectMultipartPost on Linux * Android: Fix screen flicker issues * [Android]: Fix exception when using Qt to create a service on Android * Update CLDR-derived data to newly-released v39 * QSsl: fix UB pointer use * uic/Python: Add comments for mypy to ignore star imports * HTTP/2 authentication required * Windows: Update the hasFrame setting when changing window flags * Fix mix-guided use of const reference variable * Android: Fix Touch event position depending on Surface * macOS: Don't override action set during drop handling * [Android] Fix select handles misplacement on QDialog * wasm: fix timestamp for events * Do not access internal allThreads data unlocked * SQLite: Handle tables and fields with a dot in the name correctly * Doc: Mark QSet::toList, QSet::fromList, QList::toSet, QList::fromSet as obsolete * Unicode: fix the extended grapheme cluster algorithm * Android: fix for isSoftwareKeyboard method * [Android] Remove signal and slot mechanism to listen states in editors * Fix prl generation with static dependencies take 2 * QNetworkDiskCache: Drop the file mmap-ing * QFile::copy: call syncToDisk on destination * Read DPI from X Settings initially as well * Fix prl generation with static dependencies take 2 * Re-add horizontal offsets around QPushButton * Fix ARM and MIPS runtime CPU feature flags * Minor robustness improvement of text code * Add null pointer check * Don't parse XML symbols longer than 4096 characters * Make POSIX transition rule parser more robust * Extend blacklisting for SLES 15 * Doc: Improve deprecation messages for functions using QString::SplitBehavior * Don't disable menu items that belong to the active modal window * Doc: Fix return type of QCursor::shape() * QPainterPath: fix handling of fill rules * Windows QPA: Fix accessibility focus event for table/tree/list * Fix invalid pointer return with QGridLayout::itemAt(-1) * qmake: Improve error message when detecting macOS platform SDK upgrade * Assert that pointer is not nullptr before dereferencing * QLocalSocket/Win: fix possible UB in _q_pipeClosed() * tst_qapplication: Prevent desktopaware test from deactivating main test * iOS: Disable three-finger-tap editing interaction menu when there's no focus object * Fix read-only pseudo-state in QPlainTextEdit stylesheet * QTextHtmlParserNode: Limit colspan to avoid segfault * Don't judge other people's writing systems * macOS: Don't draw scrollbar handle when there is no range * QSystemSemaphorePrivate: Fix a call to tr() to translate() * Fix condition that adds resources for each Android ABI * Avoid int overflow in QImage rotate90/180/270 * Return the result we have already when getting an object with no name * Avoid attempting to parse insanely long texts as zone names * Doc: Fix typo in publisherid for WINRT_MANIFEST * Fix Editable Tree Model example model rowCount and model instance leak * FileChooser portal: send window id in hex * fix windows build when both whatsthis and tooltip are disabled * Fix incorrectly-drawn menu indicator for QPushButton on macOS * Fix label margins for pulldowns with custom styled menu indicator on macOS * Font style name 'Normal' and 'Regular' have the same meaning * QString: improve lastIndexOf(QRegularExpression) docs * eglfs: Newer Nvidia libdrm provide device instead driver module name * Android: KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE translated right * iOS: Protect against a possible crash after the window is deleted * Revert "Update commercial license headers to /util files" * Revert "Update commercial license headers to bin, mkspecs, qmake" * Consistently check for nullptr in QGraphicsTextItem::inputMethodQuery * Remove qualification for Julian calendar * Revert "Update commercial license headers" * Revert "Update commercial license headers" * Fix alpha handling of QImage::setPixel * Fix handling of virtual/native pixels in QAndroidPlatformWindow * Revert "Update commercial license headers to src/concurrent and src/corelib" * Revert "Update commercial license headers to src/dbus, src/gui, src/network" * Disable Harfbuzz/CoreText hotfix on older macOS/iOS versions * SQLite: Update to 3.35.2 * tst_bench_qmetaobject: Fix test * QAsn1Element: Avoid overflow in QAsn1Element::toInteger * tst_qguimetatype: Avoid deprecated methods * Include minus sign in ImhFormattedNumbersOnly's available keys * MODULE_INCLUDEPATH is supposed to be one path * QEventDispatcher(Win): Always honor interrupted status to avoid races * Android: Place cursor correctly on screen when editing * QStylesheetStyle: fix push button label alignment * Support family names that end/start with space * wasm: fix opengl context stencil and depth buffer handling * wasm: fix screen offset logic * Android: Add grabWindow handling * tst_qdtlscookie: use a proper 'enterLoopMSecs' instead of 'enterLoop' * Update bundled libjpeg-turbo to version 2.0.6 * QMenu test: turn tooltip animations off * Android: make calling exit() conditional on an environment variable * Limit value in setFontSizeFromValue() * xcb: unset old states and set new ones for window * Brush up the imageviewer example * Fix out-of-buffer in ICC curv parsing * Fix logic problems with table based grayscale ICC profiles * Reduce warnings from ICC parsing * QEventDispatcherWin32: get rid of the hook procedure * And fix handling and test of QImage::fill(uint) as well * Fix handling of virtual/native pixels in QAndroidPlatformWindow * QLineEdit: Fix editingFinished() not being emitted when pressing the clear button * macOS: don't let windows that are transparent for input become key window * QMdiSubWindow: Set correct ControlLabel size * Doc: Remove styling for hyperlinks from the simplified offline style * Doc: Offline CSS: Reduce excess vertical spacing * Fix parsing of dates with spaces in day or month names * Rework tst_QDateTime::toString_isoDate() to eliminate an XFAIL * Fix tst_QDateTime::systemTimeZoneChange() for 32-bit systems * Extend colorspace testing and fix bug it uncovered * Schannel: Fix incomplete downloads with read buffer restricted * MinGW: fix warning in QMatrix4x4::map functions * QRectF/Documentation: Fix malformed table * Fix QImage::fill with semi-transparent QColor * iOS: close edit menu upon focus transfer * macOS: Fix crash when showing parent-less platform menus * macOS: Remove warning about KVO observers on QNSWindow/QNSPanel * Filter cosmetic lines using transformed, not world coordinates * Fix recently added auto test of text layout overflow * wasm: don’t deadlock on event processing * Fix QNetworkInterface IsUp and IsRunning enum documentation * Clarify QWindowPrivate::maybeQuitOnLastWindowClosed * wasm: fix showing tooltips * Doc: Don’t use note when documenting enum values * macos: Document that Drawer is obsolete * Doc: Update the SQL types documentation with regards to the double types * Doc: link to QScopeGuard in QScopedValueRollback documentation * Doc: Online CSS: Fix image captions overlapping images used in tables * Turn off the dbus examples for qmake-generated VS projects * Don't show focus rect for QCommandLinkButton * Android: Fix the input type for date/time * qmake: Introduce compile_included_sources CONFIG option * Update QPalette() documentation to not mention the application palette * Android: Pass pending state to ResumePauseListener * Fix crash when requesting A32 glyph on Wayland * Android: Fix input method hints for ImhHiddenText * a11y: Report mixed state if QCheckBox is PartiallyChecked * testlib: Only consider major version for macOS 11 and later in blacklists * iOS: hide edit menu if typing on the input panel * xcb: Fix available geometry after rotation * Remove false Q_UNREACHABLE from shaping code * Fix trivial typo in QDateTime::fromString() overload doc * QTreeWidgetItem: fix documentation error for childIndicatorPolicy() * Update to CLDR v38.1, adding Yukon Standard Time * Avoid overflow in text layout * QJsonObject::take: add missing detach() call * macOS: Don't exec file dialogs via runModal unless they are app modal * QMimeDatabase/xml: support both 'xmlstarlet' and 'xml' for minifying XML * Use design metrics when adding text to QPainterPath * QDir/QFileInfo: add doc notes about paths starting with ':' * QSsl: fix OpenSSL DLL names for Windows on ARM * a11y: Do not cache classes that don't have a factory plugin * Update public suffix list to today's latest * Fix QTzTimeZonePrivate::displayName()'s fallback * Fix problems with offset-derived ids for QTimeZone * QLineEdit Cursor show white area * Correct item indent in checkable menus in stylesheet style * Fix read-only pseudo-state in QTextEdit/Browser stylesheet * Hold references to zone IDs alive during use * Correct string comparison in Android's IANA ID matching code * Doc: Add deprecation notice * Change QLineF::setLength() to work whenever length() is non-zero * macOS: Remove DontConfirmOverwrite workaround * macOS: Show system tray icon on mouse button press, not release * macOS: Don't restrict non-modal file dialogs to open-dialogs only * Check date validity in calendar methods taking a QDate * macOS: Only check SDK major version for compatibility * iOS: always hide edit menu when showing the magnifier glass * QInputControl: accept surrogate category character * Set new commandLink variable when initializing QCommandLinkButton * Test QDateTime behavior in DST gap * UndoFramework example: make the background visible * Windows: Fix flicker when resizing translucent windows with QSizeGrip * Windows QPA: Fix crashes when using screen reader with Q(Plain)TextEdit * Avoid int overflow in gradient drawing * macOS: Mark QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite as unsupported * Fix QApplication::font returns the font unstable according to the object * Avoid overflowing QFixed in text layout * iOS: ensure we close the edit menu when the user taps outside the input area * iOS: ensure we hide the edit menu while dragging on the selection handles * Fix logicalDpi() which returns invalid value * Windows: Fix frame margins calculation * Widgets: fix setTabOrder for QAbstractSpinBox-like widgets * macOS: Add more padding to width of non-editable comboboxes * Make QPushButton on macOS use QFocusFrame to fix alignment problems * QTabBar: update index of last visible tab in insertTab * Fix that the placeholdertext of QCombobox is not drawn * Windows: Fix dialog moving up after closing/reshowing * Cocoa: When validating menus, account for modal window only if active * PSQL: Fix the QSqlDatabase test * Move the qmenu_p.h include to the QT_CONFIG(menu) block * Fix compilation of ibase sqldriver plugin, added override * Protect against sign-change of size on 32bit * Fix division by zero * SQLite: Update to 3.34.0 * QODBC: Preserve the whole value when using HighPrecision * Set the PlaceholderText color in the palette from the stylesheet as well * Update commercial license headers to bin, mkspecs, qmake * Update commercial license headers to /util files * Update commercial license headers to src/concurrent and src/corelib * Update commercial license headers to src/dbus, src/gui, src/network * Stabilize tst_QListView::internalDragDropMove() on X11 * [Android] Fix Text select handle misplaced on QDialog issues * Android: Finish composing text before Key handling * Fix regression with closing and then reopening widgets with QGLWidget * eglfs: Use drmClose in drm/EGLDevice backend * Handle maxImageCount 0 in QVulkanWindow * Make QCalendar's backend registration reentrant-safe * Blacklist flaky QListView::internalDragDropMove case on OpenSuSE * Update commercial license headers * Update commercial license headers * Doc: Link to correct location * Doc: Generalize timer docs * Doc: Explain how boundingRect handles null QRectF * Doc: Add details to QFont::toString * Document QOpenGLWidget limitations without an alpha channel * QTabBar test: refactor: extract checkPositions helper function * Add new special QObjectPrivate::{connect, disconnect} for QML * Add "Q_UNUSED" to (3rdparty) for a 32 bit code path * Android: Fix for accessibility potential crash * QTabBar/Windows: Fix close button icons being too small on high-res screens * Fix missing repaints with QOpenGLWidget in a QDockWidget * QComboBox/Fusion style: elide text when it's too long * Fix qt_alphaVersion and qt_opaqueVersion in the trivial case * Doc: Clarify setLibraryPaths behavior * Fix convertToRGBA64PM for Grayscale16 * Fix setting active window as application's focus widget * Send Qt::Key_MediaTogglePlayPause for VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE * Fix VNC format conversion * Windows font engine: Silence warnings about not being able to enumate font families * Blacklist failing tests for WinRT - Commits dropped by the rebase: * Add missing limits include - Drop 0001-Revert-Bump-version.patch, it's versioned correctly now - Rebase 0001-Add-remote-print-queue-support.patch - Drop patches, now upstream: * mitigate-FORTIFY_SOURCE-3.patch * 0001-H2-remove-a-rather-useless-limit-on-the-number-of-st.patch * 0001-QProcess-Unix-ensure-we-don-t-accidentally-execute-s.patch- Add patch to fix some HTTP/2 communication (boo#1200715, kde#455540): * 0001-H2-remove-a-rather-useless-limit-on-the-number-of-st.patch- Add mitigate-FORTIFY_SOURCE-3.patch that should mitigate new -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 level as analyzed in GCC bug: Update patch after it was merged to dev upstream and fix another place missed in the first version (boo#1195386, CVE-2022-23853, boo#1196501, CVE-2022-25255): * 0001-QProcess-Unix-ensure-we-don-t-accidentally-execute-s.patch- Add patch to avoid unintentionally using binaries from CWD (boo#1195386, CVE-2022-23853, boo#1196501, CVE-2022-25255): * 0001-QProcess-Unix-ensure-we-don-t-accidentally-execute-s.patch- Update to version 5.15.2+kde294: * QTzTimeZonePrivate::init(): fix handling of empty ID * Restore support for reading /etc/timezone for system zone name * QPathEdge: Fix array initialization * QTzTimeZonePrivate: fix UB (data race on m_icu) * Don't access QObject::objectName during QThread start * Restore C++11 compatibility after e8b9f4c28d3ab5e960dc54f2dc0c4b749b0b50e0 * QVarLengthArray: fix size update on failed append() * Call statx() with AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT * QThread: Remove superfluous initialization of threadId on Unix * QThread: Reset the system thread ID when thread exits on Unix * Add missing macOS header file that was indirectly included before * QXcb: don't dereference pointer before checking * xcb: avoid to use invalid pointers * QVarLengthArray: fix insert() type/alias mismatch between decl and impl * Use qint64 to replace int while qt_transform_image_rasterize * QVarLengthArray: assert that the range passed to erase() is valid * Fix pattern type matching * QThread: fix UB (invalid enum value) on Private::Priority * Use block char format to render list item bullets and numbers * QDateTime: Don't require c++17 * QVariantAnimation: fix UB (FP 0/0) in interpolated() arg calculation * QDateTime: fix UB (signed overflow) in addDays() * QString: fix UB (pointer arithmetic on nullptr) in qLastIndexOf * tst_QIODevice: fix UB (precondition violation) in SequentialReadBuffer::readData() * QVarLengthArray: fix UB (precondition violation) in range-erase() * Fix segmentation fault in QObject::dumpObjectInfo- Update to version 5.15.2+kde268: * Adapt for q_EVP_PKEY_base_id → q_EVP_PKEY_get_base_id rename in OpenSSL 3 * Don't use a deprecated function if built/linked with OpenSSL v3 * Diffie-Hellman parameters: remove useless 'fix' * Dont's use DTLS_MAX_VERSION when setting SSL_CTX * Avoid mixing atomic futex changes and QAtomic * Fix qtdeclarative baseline test failure for text tables * Don't let text table cells shrink below their minimum width (boo#1176530) * Don't shrink a column when it spans multiple columns * Use icon themes in QPrintPreviewDialog [if they exist] * QAbstractFileEngine: fix UB (data race) on qt_file_engine_handlers_in_use * Increment reference count when restoring reference * Reject truncated and corrupt ascii pnm images * Fix handling of Sunday in POSIX time-zone rules * Fix developer build - Drop patches, support for OpenSSL < 1.1.0 is no longer necessary: * 0001-Lower-required-version-of-OpenSSL-to-1.1.0.patch * fix-build-openssl-1.1.0.patch- Update to version 5.15.2+kde254: * Revert "QPushButton: fix support of style sheet rule for text alignment" * Revert "Fix invalid text layout data when a full layout run is interrupted" * Optimize mime type matching * fix potential mem leak on connection lost * tst_QSslSocket - replace an old certificate * tst_QSslCertificate::verify - remove QSKIP * tst_QSslCertificate::verify - skip auto-test * Doc: bump the OpenSSL minimum supported version to 1.1.1 * QHttpSocketEngine: Fix memory leak * QSslCertificate(OpenSSL) - harden protection against nullpointers * QSslCertificate: Guard against accessing empty QByteArray * Make QStyle::proxy() always return the leaf proxy * Prefer previously used channels in QHttpNetworkConnection * Fix populating selection clipboard with keyboard * QSslCertificate::operator == - cleanup error queue * Revert "Fix highdpi conversion of QTabletEvent coordinates on xcb" * Fix highdpi conversion of QTabletEvent coordinates on xcb * Support transformations in pattern/texture brushes in pdf * Respect font stretch if set together with font style * Fix QPainterPath with QFont::SmallCaps * Avoid generating large pdf files when using dashed cosmetic pens * PDF generation: disentangle native pen from transforms * qmake: Switch to using Xcode's new build system * Explicitly set input files for qtpreprocess * Only embed launch screen when building an app * Explicitly set output files for qtpreprocess * Fix memory leak * Fix reading gamma from PNGs without ICC profile * QPlatformWindow: fix isAncestorOf not breaking recursion * Cater for upstream changes in eglplatform.h * QTextOdfWriter: fix exporting pixmaps to ODT * Fix access to content: URLs with transient read/write permissions- Update to version 5.15.2+kde222: * Revert "QString::lastIndexOf: fix off-by-one for zero length matches" * MySQL: treat the MYSQL_FIELD as read-only * Remove checks for glibc < 2 from qplatformdefs.h files * linux-clang/qplatformdefs: fix building with musl libc * Refix for avoiding huge number of tiny dashes * Improve fix for avoiding huge number of tiny dashes * Avoid processing-intensive painting of high number of tiny dashes * xcb: add a timeout control when reading INCR property * Remove another usage of mysql_get_client_version() * MySQL: remove the version number checks in favor of actual functionality * QLibraryInfo: Add MSVC 2022 * doCrypt() - check the error codes * Restore C++11 compatibility of QSharedPointer code * opengl: fix a typo in QOpenGLPaintDevice::dotsPerMeterY() * Fix rvalue overload of qobject_pointer_cast for GCC 9.3 * QVarLengthArray: fix aliasing error in insert(it, n, v) * Fix memory leak of QOffscreenScreen in QOffscreenIntegration * Fix tst_moc for C++17 * Add missing limits include * xcb: Avoid use-after-free in QXcbConnection::initializeScreens() * xcb: Remove need for QXCBScreen to resolve QXcbGlIntegration * Update shared-mime-info to the 2.1 release, adjust implementation- Revert to the default platform plugin list ("wayland;xcb")- Update to version 5.15.2+kde200: * Optimize quadratic-time insertion in QSortFilterProxyModel- Switch to KDE's maintenance branch - Update to version 5.15.2+kde199: * Too many changes to list here - Add patch to reset version to 5.15.2: * 0001-Revert-Bump-version.patch - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Partially-revert-813a928c7c3cf98670b6043149880ed5c95.patch * 0001-Fix-allocated-memory-of-QByteArray.patch * 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11-include-limits.patch * 0001-Let-QXcbConnection-getTimestamp-properly-exit-when-X.patch * 0002-Build-fixes-for-GCC-11.patch- Add trailing newline to qtlogging.ini- Add patch to fix possible crash caused by GCC 11 build fix: * 0001-Partially-revert-813a928c7c3cf98670b6043149880ed5c95.patch- Add patch to fix build with GCC 11 (boo#1181861, QTBUG-90395): * 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11-include-limits.patch * 0002-Build-fixes-for-GCC-11.patch- Add patch to fix infinite loop in KWin on XServer exit: * 0001-Let-QXcbConnection-getTimestamp-properly-exit-when-X.patch - Spec file cleanup, remove conditionals for Leap 42.x- Add patch to avoid excessive use of memory by lconvert: * 0001-Fix-allocated-memory-of-QByteArray.patch- Update to 5.15.2: * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * Fallback to /tmp/runtime-$USER if XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set or is unsafe (bsc#1172515) - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Revert-Emit-QScreen-availableG-g-eometryChanged-on-l.patch - Pass -confirm-license option, drop duplicates - BuildRequire xcb-util- Add patch to avoid coredumps with missing display: * 0001-Avoid-SIGABRT-on-platform-plugin-initialization-fail.patch- Disable -reduce-relocations for now (boo#1175278, QTBUG-86173)- Silence xcb errors and qml connection warnings by default, see boo#1115541 (xcb) and kde#418793.- Remove some no longer required build dependencies: libpulse, alsa (now used via QtMultimedia), libmng (obsolete).- Revert commit to fix screen geometry on startup (boo#1176750, QTBUG-86604): * 0001-Revert-Emit-QScreen-availableG-g-eometryChanged-on-l.patch- Update to 5.15.1: * New bugfix release * Fixes CVE-2020-17507, bsc#1176315 * For more details please see: - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Do-not-multithread-if-already-in-a-global-threadpool.patch * 0001-Fix-QToolButton-menus-showing-on-primary-screens-in-.patch - Adjust fix-build-openssl-1.1.0.patch- Add patch to prevent stuck image conversion (boo#1172599, QTBUG-84619): * 0001-Do-not-multithread-if-already-in-a-global-threadpool.patch- Add patch to fix tool menu placement (boo#1172754, QTBUG-84462): * 0001-Fix-QToolButton-menus-showing-on-primary-screens-in-.patch- Add patch to avoid behaviour change causing crashes (kde#419526): * 0001-Revert-QMenu-hide-when-a-QWidgetAction-fires-the-tri.patch- Update to 5.15.0: * No changelog available- Update to 5.15.0-rc2 * No changelog available- Update to 5.15.0-rc: * New bugfix release * For the changes between 5.14.2 and 5.15.0 please see: - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-QTextMarkdownImporter-fix-use-after-free-add-fuzz-ge.patch - Add patch to fix build on Leap 15.1: * fix-build-openssl-1.1.0.patch- Add patch to fix use-after-free (boo#1170582, CVE-2020-12267): * 0001-QTextMarkdownImporter-fix-use-after-free-add-fuzz-ge.patch- Update to 5.15.0-beta4: * New bugfix release * No changelog available * Qt incorrectly calls SSL_shutdown() in OpenSSL mid-handshake causing denial of service in TLS applications (bsc#1172726, CVE-2020-13962, QTBUG-83450)- Update to 5.15.0-beta3: * New bugfix release * No changelog available - Add patch to fix build on Leap 15.1: * 0001-Lower-required-version-of-OpenSSL-to-1.1.0.patch- Update to 5.15.0-beta2: * New bugfix release * No changelog available- Update to 5.15.0-beta1: * New bugfix release * No changelog available- Update to 5.15.0-alpha: * New feature release * For more details please see: - Replace patches with single patch 0001-Don-t-white-list-recent-Mesa-versions-for-multithrea.patch: * 0001-Revert-Blacklist-nouveau-and-llvmpipe-for-multithrea.patch * 0002-Revert-qtlite-Fix-build-libs-with-no-feature-regular.patch: * 0003-Revert-White-list-more-recent-Mesa-version-for-multi.patch - Refresh 0002-Synthesize-Enter-LeaveEvent-for-accepted-QTabletEven.patch- Update to 5.14.1: * New bugfix release * Fixes CVE-2020-0570, bsc#1161167, bsc#1162191, QTBUG-81272 * For more details please see: - Drop patch, should be addressed by applications meanwhile: * 0001-Revert-Always-escape-the-table-names-when-creating-t.patch - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Revert-Fix-text-rendering-regression-on-semi-transpa.patch * 0002-Revert-Fix-crash-with-gamma-corrected-text-blending-.patch * 0003-Revert-Handle-transparent-pen-color-in-fast-text-pat.patch- Update license tag- Add patches to avoid regression with rendering of translucent text (QTBUG-80982): * 0001-Revert-Fix-text-rendering-regression-on-semi-transpa.patch * 0002-Revert-Fix-crash-with-gamma-corrected-text-blending-.patch * 0003-Revert-Handle-transparent-pen-color-in-fast-text-pat.patch- Update to 5.14.0: * New bugfix release * For the changes between 5.13.2 and 5.14.0 please see: * For the changes between 5.13.1 and 5.13.2 please see: Update to 5.14.0-rc: * New bugfix release * No changelog available * For more details please see: * For more details about Qt 5.14 please see: - Drop patch, Qt behaviour changed now and applications can deal with it meanwhile: * 0001-Revert-QWidgetWindow-Immediately-forward-close-event.patch- Update to 5.14.0-beta3: * New bugfix release * No changelog available - Drop libqt5-Fix-Gujarati-font.patch, didn't apply anymore: * Was probably fixed upstream a loooong time ago (QTBUG-44568)- Update to 5.14.0-beta2: * New bugfix release * No changelog available * Fix segfaults due to unaligned stack in QtCore5 (bsc#1155955) * Add support for PostgreSQL 12 (bsc#1173758) - Refresh patches: * 0001-Revert-Always-escape-the-table-names-when-creating-t.patch- Update to 5.14.0-beta1: * New bugfix release * No changelog available - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-tslib-plugin-remove-debug-print-on-old-tslib-version.patch * 0001-QWidget-setFocusProxy-adjust-focus-widget-properly.patch- Disable relocatability, it breaks /usr/lib/sse2 (QTBUG-78948)- Update to 5.14.0-alpha: * New feature release * No changelog available * For more details about Qt 5.14 please see: - Refresh patches: * 0001-Add-remote-print-queue-support.patch - Drop patches, don't apply anymore after upstream refactoring and the main bug for them seems fixed: * 0001-Sanitize-QXcbScreen-s-pixelDensity-values.patch * 0002-xcb-Use-the-screen-s-physical-DPI-as-logical-DPI-unl.patch - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Fix-notification-of-QDockWidget-when-it-gets-undocke.patch * 0001-Fix-CMake-config-files-for-libdir-different-from-lib.patch * 0001-Fix-qfloat16-methods-definition-without-declaration-.patch - Enable zstd support again, issues got fixed upstream meanwhile - Add patch to fix build against older tslib: * 0001-tslib-plugin-remove-debug-print-on-old-tslib-version.patch- Add patch to fix focus in some cases (QTBUG-77364): * 0001-QWidget-setFocusProxy-adjust-focus-widget-properly.patch- Update to 5.13.1: * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Refresh patches: * 0002-xcb-Use-the-screen-s-physical-DPI-as-logical-DPI-unl.patch - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Decrease-focusInTimer-timer-from-400-to-200.patch * 0003-Add-an-ID-for-recognition-of-UGEE-tablets.patch * 0001-Fix-crash-with-drag-cursor-handling.patch * 0001-Fix-meta-file-replacements-if-matches-are-empty.patch * 0002-Do-not-write-Libs-into-.pc-files-if-TEMPLATE-is-not-.patch * - Replace reverts with upstream fix: * D 0001-Revert-Fix-QMAKE_PRL_INSTALL_REPLACE-for-macOS.patch * D 0001-Revert-qmake-link-qt-libraries-by-full-path.patch * D 0002-Revert-Replace-absolute-Qt-lib-dir-in-.prl-files.patch * D 0003-Revert-Fix-prl-replacements-if-libdir-is-in-QMAKE_DE.patch * A 0001-Fix-CMake-config-files-for-libdir-different-from-lib.patch- Add patch to fix crash during Drag-and-Drop: * 0001-Fix-crash-with-drag-cursor-handling.patch- Fix qmake pkconfig generation, broken .pc files become apparent when switching from pkg-config to pkgconf. (QTBUG-75901) * 0001-Fix-meta-file-replacements-if-matches-are-empty.patch * 0002-Do-not-write-Libs-into-.pc-files-if-TEMPLATE-is-not-.patch * Add patch to work around focus issues with VirtualBox (boo#1140084, QTBUG-76742): * 0001-Decrease-focusInTimer-timer-from-400-to-200.patch- Link from Qt bindir into %_bindir, not the other way around to fix applicationDirPath called from Qt binaries - Add -qt5 suffix to all binaries in %_bindir- Add patch to restore compatibility with akonadi's PGSQL backend (see * 0001-Revert-Always-escape-the-table-names-when-creating-t.patch- Disable libzstd support again, it breaks various existing codebases (QTBUG-76521)- Update to 5.13.0: * New bugfix release * No changelog available * For more details about Qt 5.13 please see: * - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Add-quoting-to-deal-with-empty-CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LI.patch- Add patches to improve compatibility with Krita: * 0001-Fix-notification-of-QDockWidget-when-it-gets-undocke.patch * 0002-Synthesize-Enter-LeaveEvent-for-accepted-QTabletEven.patch * 0003-Add-an-ID-for-recognition-of-UGEE-tablets.patch- Revert yet another commit to fix linker errors: * 0001-Revert-qmake-link-qt-libraries-by-full-path.patch- Enable libzstd support- Revert some commits in the hope of fixing some broken paths (QTBUG-76255): * 0001-Revert-Fix-QMAKE_PRL_INSTALL_REPLACE-for-macOS.patch * 0002-Revert-Replace-absolute-Qt-lib-dir-in-.prl-files.patch * 0003-Revert-Fix-prl-replacements-if-libdir-is-in-QMAKE_DE.patch- Add patch to fix some cmake module config files (QTBUG-76244): * 0001-Add-quoting-to-deal-with-empty-CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LI.patch- Update to 5.13.0-rc: * New bugfix release * No changelog available - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Fix-page-breaking-with-large-images.patch- Add patch to fix layouting of certain text documents (QTBUG-73730): * 0001-Fix-page-breaking-with-large-images.patch- Update to 5.13.0-beta2: * New bugfix release * No changelog available - Refresh Mesa multithreading whitelist revert: * Add 0001-Revert-Blacklist-nouveau-and-llvmpipe-for-multithrea.patch * Refresh 0002-Revert-qtlite-Fix-build-libs-with-no-feature-regular.patch * Refresh 0003-Revert-White-list-more-recent-Mesa-version-for-multi.patch- Disable LTO (boo#1133242).- Update to 5.12.3: * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * Add fix-fixqt4headers.patch to use the include path used by our Qt5 packages.- Update to 5.13.0-beta1: * New feature release * For more details about Qt 5.13 please see: * * Qt headers redefine opengl types differently than khronos headers (bsc#1176130) - Remove patches, now upstream: * qapplication-emit-palettechanged.patch * reproducible-qrc-time.patch - Refresh Mesa multithreading whitelist revert: * Drop 0001-Revert-Blacklist-nouveau-and-llvmpipe-for-multithrea.patch * Refresh 0002-Revert-qtlite-Fix-build-libs-with-no-feature-regular.patch - libQt5XcbQpa is not static, move it to libQt5Gui-private-headers-devel- Update to 5.12.2: * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Replace 0001-Revert-White-list-more-recent-Mesa-version-for-multi.patch with * 0001-Revert-Blacklist-nouveau-and-llvmpipe-for-multithrea.patch * 0002-Revert-qtlite-Fix-build-libs-with-no-feature-regular.patch * 0003-Revert-White-list-more-recent-Mesa-version-for-multi.patch - Remove 0002-Revert-QImage-merge-the-size-calculations-with-prope.patch, fixed upstream- Clean %install a bit - Use %license - Add patch to fix crashes with nouveau (QTBUG-73715): * 0001-Revert-White-list-more-recent-Mesa-version-for-multi.patch - Add patch to fix apparent memory leaks (QTBUG-73731): * 0002-Revert-QImage-merge-the-size-calculations-with-prope.patch- Refresh tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch to apply cleanly- Update to 5.12.1: * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - xkbcommon not bundled anymore, removed now obsolete option - Refresh patches: * 0001-Add-remote-print-queue-support.patch * 0001-Fix-qfloat16-methods-definition-without-declaration-.patch - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Fix-compile-issue-with-gcc-9.patch- Add 0001-Fix-compile-issue-with-gcc-9.patch to fix building with the latest libstdc++ (boo#1121561)- Remove workaround patch as fixed in KWin meanwhile: * 0001-Revert-xcb-Initialize-OpenGL-integration-only-when-r.patch- Add 0001-Revert-xcb-Initialize-OpenGL-integration-only-when-r.patch: * Revert upstream commit 60cecc86f8 to work around display flickering issues with some display drivers (, boo#1120090)- Add reproducible-qrc-time.patch to use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for qrc embedded timestamps to make bitcoin-qt build reproducible (, boo#1047218)- Add 0001-Fix-qfloat16-methods-definition-without-declaration-.patch (a slightly different version of workaround-qdoc-failure.patch in libqt5-qtdoc, which was submitted upstream to fix libqt5-qtdoc building also when qt modules other than qtbase include qfloat16.h from the system qtbase package (boo#1092425, qtbug#72725)- Use upstream-recommended %{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d directory for the rpm macros.- Update to 5.12.0: * New feature release * For more details please see: * Update to 5.12.0-rc2: * New bugfix release * Only important bugfixes - Changelog for Qt 5.12.0: * - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Fix-build-with-OpenSSL-1.1.0.patch- Remove uikit qmake spec to avoid automatic dep on python2- Update to 5.12.0-rc: * New bugfix release * No changelog available - Add patch to fix build with OpenSSL 1.1.0: * 0001-Fix-build-with-OpenSSL-1.1.0.patch- Update to 5.12.0-beta4: * New bugfix release * No changelog available - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-xcb-Don-t-get-initial-screen-rotation.patch- Update to 5.12.0-beta3: * New bugfix release * No changelog available - Refresh 0001-Sanitize-QXcbScreen-s-pixelDensity-values.patch- Update to 5.12.0-beta2: * New bugfix release * No changelog available- Update to 5.12.0-beta1: * New bugfix release * No changelog available - Remove patches, now upstream: * Export-qt_open64-from-QtCore.patch- Update to 5.12.0-alpha: * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Refresh patches: * 0001-Add-remote-print-queue-support.patch * 0001-xcb-Don-t-get-initial-screen-rotation.patch - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Hack-together-a-way-to-get-fallback-from-xcb-working.patch * 0001-Unix-print-dialog-Properly-initialize-duplex.patch - Rename -platformtheme-flatpak to platformtheme-xdgdesktopportal - Adjust libQt5PrintSupport-private-headers-devel Requires- Add patch to fix boo#1096328, printer settings not remembered: * 0001-Unix-print-dialog-Properly-initialize-duplex.patch- Add patch to avoid lag on startup with the modesetting driver on intel (QTBUG-70760): * 0001-xcb-Don-t-get-initial-screen-rotation.patch- Update to 5.11.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Refresh patches: * 0002-xcb-Use-the-screen-s-physical-DPI-as-logical-DPI-unl.patch * tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Fix-qmake-build-with-glibc-2.28.patch - Add patch to fix build on 32-bit: * Export-qt_open64-from-QtCore.patch- 0001-Fix-qmake-build-with-glibc-2.28.patch: Fix qmake build with glibc 2.28- Pass CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to configure explicitly to ensure that they are used- Revert upstream commit to avoid regressions (kde#395988): * 0001-Revert-QWidgetWindow-Immediately-forward-close-event.patch- Add patches to improve OOTB experience with HiDPI (boo#1089932): * 0001-Sanitize-QXcbScreen-s-pixelDensity-values.patch * 0002-xcb-Use-the-screen-s-physical-DPI-as-logical-DPI-unl.patch- Update to 5.11.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Drop patches, now upstream: * force-cmake-private-headers.patch * 0001-sqlite-Allow-for-duplicated-placeholders-with-just-o.patch * xcb-fix-regression-with-remote-X11-clients.patch- Add patch allow fallback from the xcb platform to others (QTBUG-68859): * 0001-Hack-together-a-way-to-get-fallback-from-xcb-working.patch - Use "xcb;wayland" as default platform plugin list- Add patch to fix running Qt applications via ssh (boo#1096806, boo#1097227): * xcb-fix-regression-with-remote-X11-clients.patch- Add patch to fix yet another sqlite named placeholder issue: * 0001-sqlite-Allow-for-duplicated-placeholders-with-just-o.patch- Update to 5.11.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Do-a-static_cast-in-bit-blasts-that-are-UB.patch * 0001-sqlite-Check-that-there-are-values-to-be-set-when-bi.patch * 0002-sqlite-Bind-duplicated-named-placeholders-correctly.patch * 0003-sqlite-Prevent-a-crash-when-sqlite-does-not-detect-a.patch - Includes fix to prevent crash with pixmap cursors on XRender-less X servers (bsc#1108889, QTBUG-66935) - Includes fix to load library if there's no symlink (boo#1099874, QTBUG-67537) - Includes fix to allow to disable logging of XCB errors (boo#1115541, QTBUG-55167)- Update to 5.11.0-rc * New bugfix release * No changelog available- Add patches to fix crashes with certain sqlite queries: * 0001-sqlite-Check-that-there-are-values-to-be-set-when-bi.patch * 0002-sqlite-Bind-duplicated-named-placeholders-correctly.patch * 0003-sqlite-Prevent-a-crash-when-sqlite-does-not-detect-a.patch- Update to 5.11.0-beta4 * New bugfix release * No changelog available - Refresh patches: * force-cmake-private-headers.patch - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Extend-the-MariaDB-define-check-to-cover-the-later-v.patch- Update to 5.11.0-beta3 * New bugfix release * No changelog available- Update to 5.11.0-beta2 * New bugfix release * No changelog available- Add patch to fix build with GCC 8 (boo#1087073): * 0001-Do-a-static_cast-in-bit-blasts-that-are-UB.patch- Fix the license tag.- Further review of build dependencies: * pcre-devel is not required, only pcre2-devel, Remove from buildrequires * add explicit buildrequires on pkgconfig(libdrm) and pkgconfig(pango) * sources do not use libtiff-devel at all, remove from buildrequires- Replace xorg-x11-devel for a long list of individual pkgconfig() buildrequires- Rework 0001-Add-remote-print-queue-support.patch so now the remote print queue discovery is disabled by default and is only enabled when the QT_ENABLE_PRINTER_DISCOVERY environment variable is set (QT_DISABLE_PRINTER_DISCOVERY is no longer used) (fixes boo#1064872)- Update to 5.11.0-beta1 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Remove patches, now upstream: * libqt5-do-not-use-shm-if-display-name-doesnt-look-local.patch * opengl-Bail-if-cached-shader-fails-to-load.patch * 0001-Revert-QHeaderView-properly-restore-section-data-aft.patch * 0002-Revert-QHeaderView-Simplify-and-fix-layoutChange-han.patch- Enable journald support (boo#1050461)- Update to 5.11.0-alpha * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Refresh patches: * 0001-Add-remote-print-queue-support.patch * 0001-Revert-QHeaderView-properly-restore-section-data-aft.patch - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-QSimpleDrag-Fix-mouse-release-coords-for-delayed-eve.patch * 0001-Remove-QPrintDialogPrivate-applyPrinterProperties-no.patch * 0002-CUPS-Use-default-cups-job-priority-instead-of-50.patch * 0002-Remove-QUnixPrintWidgetPrivate-applyPrinterPropertie.patch * 0003-QPageSetupWidget-setPrinter-Use-printdevice-default-paper-size.patch * 0003-Remove-QPrintPropertiesDialog-applyPrinterProperties.patch * 0004-Fix-custom-page-size-handling-in-the-Unix-print-dial.patch * 0004-Remove-QCupsJobWidget-setPrinter.patch * 0005-CUPS-Refactor-the-code-a-bit.patch * 0005-Remove-QPrintPropertiesDialog-selectPrinter.patch * 0006-Refactor-QPPDOptionsModel-a-bit.patch * 0006-Remove-QPageSetupWidget-selectPrinter.patch * 0007-CUPS-Fix-advanced-options-cancel-of-the-print-properties-dialog.patch * 0007-Introduce-QPrintDevice-property-setProperty.patch * 0008-Allow-access-to-ppd-file-and-ppdMarkOption-via-QPpdP.patch * 0008-CUPS-Fix-conflict-handling.patch * 0009-CUPS-Use-printer-job-sheets-as-default-instead-of-none-none.patch * 0009-QPlatformPrintDevice-use-QVector-not-QList-in-the-AP.patch * 0010-CUPS-Use-printer-job-billing-as-default-instead-of-the-empty-string.patch * 0010-Reintroduce-the-Advanced-tab-in-the-QPrintProperties.patch * 0011-CUPS-Use-printer-job-hold-until-as-default-instead-of-the-nohold.patch * 0011-QtPrintSupport-Fix-build.patch * 0012-Unix-Fix-usability-of-the-print-properties-dialog.patch * 0013-cups-Dont-show-InstallableOptions-in-the-advanced-properties-tab.patch * 0014-CUPS-Enable-printing-arbitrary-pages-and-page-ranges.patch * 0015-CUPS-Dont-show-choices-that-conflict-with-the-printer-installed-options.patch * 0016-CUPS-Rework-set-clearCupsOption-API.patch * 0017-Cups-Print-Dialog-Change-the-message-box-titles-to-C.patch * 0018-Fix-build-due-to-missing-QDebug-include.patch- Revert upstream commits to make saving of header sections work again: * 0001-Revert-QHeaderView-properly-restore-section-data-aft.patch * 0002-Revert-QHeaderView-Simplify-and-fix-layoutChange-han.patch- Update to 5.10.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-xcb-verify-if-xrandr-present-before-using-xcb_randr-.patch * 0001-Avoid-providing-bad-pixelDeltas-on-X11.patch - Refresh patches: * 0001-Extend-the-MariaDB-define-check-to-cover-the-later-v.patch * 0003-Remove-QPrintPropertiesDialog-applyPrinterProperties.patch * 0004-Remove-QCupsJobWidget-setPrinter.patch * 0005-Remove-QPrintPropertiesDialog-selectPrinter.patch * 0006-Remove-QPageSetupWidget-selectPrinter.patch * 0003-QPageSetupWidget-setPrinter-Use-printdevice-default-paper-size.patch * 0004-Fix-custom-page-size-handling-in-the-Unix-print-dial.patch * 0011-CUPS-Use-printer-job-hold-until-as-default-instead-of-the-nohold.patch * 0012-Unix-Fix-usability-of-the-print-properties-dialog.patch- Add opengl-Bail-if-cached-shader-fails-to-load.patch: Fixing broken OpenGL rendering with cached shaders. This is especially systems with Mesa 18.0.0 or newer. Many thanks to Michal Srb and Fabian Vogt for hunting this down. This was truly a joint effort. Fixes boo#1080578 and all duplicates of boo#1079465.- Add -force-debug-info to also generate debug info in release builds (boo#1080551)- Add patch to fix plugin loading with newer MariaDB versions (boo#1080048): * 0001-Extend-the-MariaDB-define-check-to-cover-the-later-v.patch- Add 0001-QSimpleDrag-Fix-mouse-release-coords-for-delayed-eve.patch to fix a bug causing the wrong desktop icon to look hovered after dragging an icon on the desktop in plasma (QTBUG-66103, boo#1080044).- Moved 0001-Avoid-providing-bad-pixelDeltas-on-X11.patch to use a patch number in the 1000-1999 range since it was approved in the 5.9 branch upstream.- Add 0001-Avoid-providing-bad-pixelDeltas-on-X11.patch to avoid using the hardcoded resolution that libinput is giving as a real pixel delta (QTBUG-59261).- Add patches to fix the custom page size handling in the print dialog as well as other printer issues (QTBUG-58733, boo#994809): * 0002-CUPS-Use-default-cups-job-priority-instead-of-50.patch * 0003-QPageSetupWidget-setPrinter-Use-printdevice-default-paper-size.patch * 0004-Fix-custom-page-size-handling-in-the-Unix-print-dial.patch * 0005-CUPS-Refactor-the-code-a-bit.patch * 0006-Refactor-QPPDOptionsModel-a-bit.patch * 0007-CUPS-Fix-advanced-options-cancel-of-the-print-properties-dialog.patch * 0008-CUPS-Fix-conflict-handling.patch * 0009-CUPS-Use-printer-job-sheets-as-default-instead-of-none-none.patch * 0010-CUPS-Use-printer-job-billing-as-default-instead-of-the-empty-string.patch * 0011-CUPS-Use-printer-job-hold-until-as-default-instead-of-the-nohold.patch * 0012-Unix-Fix-usability-of-the-print-properties-dialog.patch * 0013-cups-Dont-show-InstallableOptions-in-the-advanced-properties-tab.patch * 0014-CUPS-Enable-printing-arbitrary-pages-and-page-ranges.patch * 0015-CUPS-Dont-show-choices-that-conflict-with-the-printer-installed-options.patch * 0016-CUPS-Rework-set-clearCupsOption-API.patch * 0017-Cups-Print-Dialog-Change-the-message-box-titles-to-C.patch * 0018-Fix-build-due-to-missing-QDebug-include.patch - Dropped 0001-Fix-custom-page-size-handling-in-the-Unix-print-dial.patch which is now included in the previous patchset with order 0004.- Add patch to fix crash if X RanR is not present (boo#1073572): * 0001-xcb-verify-if-xrandr-present-before-using-xcb_randr-.patch- Add 0001-Fix-custom-page-size-handling-in-the-Unix-print-dial.patch to fix custom page size handling in the Unix print dialog (QTBUG-58733)- Add patches from upstream to reintroduce the advanced tab in the Qt printer properties dialog: 0001-Remove-QPrintDialogPrivate-applyPrinterProperties-no.patch 0002-Remove-QUnixPrintWidgetPrivate-applyPrinterPropertie.patch 0003-Remove-QPrintPropertiesDialog-applyPrinterProperties.patch 0004-Remove-QCupsJobWidget-setPrinter.patch 0005-Remove-QPrintPropertiesDialog-selectPrinter.patch 0006-Remove-QPageSetupWidget-selectPrinter.patch 0007-Introduce-QPrintDevice-property-setProperty.patch 0008-Allow-access-to-ppd-file-and-ppdMarkOption-via-QPpdP.patch 0009-QPlatformPrintDevice-use-QVector-not-QList-in-the-AP.patch 0010-Reintroduce-the-Advanced-tab-in-the-QPrintProperties.patch 0011-QtPrintSupport-Fix-build.patch - Small change in 0001-Add-remote-print-queue-support.patch so 0007-Allow-access-to-ppd-file-and-ppdMarkOption-via-QPpdP.patch applies cleanly.- Update the license tag (boo#967696)- Update to 5.10.0 final * New bugfix release- Update to 5.10.0 RC 2 * New bugfix release- Update to 5.10.0 RC 1 * New bugfix release - Refresh tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch- Update to 5.9.3 * New bugfix release * For more details, see: - Drop patches, now upstream: * qglxconvenience-avoid-null-pointer-deref.patch- Update to 5.10 Beta 4 - Contains bugfixes - Refresh tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch- Update to 5.10 Beta 3 - Contains bugfixes - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Cups-Check-the-created-QPrintDevice-is-valid-before-.patch- Update to 5.10 Beta 2 - Contains bugfixes - Remove patches, now upstream: * qglxconvenience-avoid-null-pointer-deref.patch- Update 0001-QSslSocket-OpenSSL-1.1-backend.patch from git- Add patch to potentially fix printing: * 0001-Cups-Check-the-created-QPrintDevice-is-valid-before-.patch- Update to 5.10 Beta 1 - For more information visit: Update to 5.9.2 * For more details please see: - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Fix-open-chmod-race-condition-in-QSaveFile.patch * de63bbd2f806b0219a60775017899cedb121581f.patch * 0001-Fix-at-spi2-build.patch * 0001-Fix-Qt5DBusMacros.cmake-for-CMake-3.9.patch * dont-abort-missing-display.patch- Update package descriptions and grouping. - Use find -exec's "+" strategy- Update to 5.10 Alpha 1: * Qt Core + Added rudimentary implementation of QStringView. It is missing some (important) const-QString functions, but is fully functional as an interface type. To be completed for Qt 5.11. + Added many more functions to QLatin1String, too, co-evolving QLatin1String as the const char*-Latin-1-version of QStringView. + Added QIODevice::skip() to improve performance in read operations. + Explicitly little and big-endian integer types exposed (for instance qint16_le, quint32_be) for machine-independent data-type parsing. + Added QRandomGenerator providing a simple API for high-quality (optionally seed-less) random numbers. + Added accessors for metadata time fields of files to QFileInfo. + Added QSemaphoreReleaser a RAII-style class for QSemaphore. + Added QKeyValueIterator for more efficient iteration over keys of an associative container * Qt GUI + Added cross-platform Vulkan enablers for Windows, Linux (xcb) and Android (level 23+): QVulkanInstance, QWindow with type VulkanSurface, and QVulkanWindow + Added new flags and functions to QSurfaceFormat and QOpenGLWidget to request sRGB-capable default/backing framebuffers + The OpenGL ES 3.2 API is now exposed in a cross-platform manner via QOpenGLExtraFunctions. + QImages can now use more than 2GByte of pixel data. + Added QFont::PreferNoShaping style strategy. * Qt Widgets + QWidget::createWindowContainer() is now functional on Android + QOpenGLWidget is now usable for rendering and reading back (grabbing) offscreen content. + Added AA_DisableWindowContextHelpButton attribute that prevents the automatic" What's this" button on dialogs on Windows + Added tabStopDistance property in QTextOption, QTextEdit and QPlainTextEdit + Added selectionEnd(), selectionLength() to QLineEdit, complementing selectionStart() + Added setDoubleStep to QInputDialog, to enable changing of the step amount for getDouble() + Added isPersistentEditorOpen() to QAbstractItemView, QTreeWidget, QTableWidget and QListWidget + Added new style hint: SH_TitleBar_ShowToolTipsOnButtons + Added support for specifying custom internal texture formats in QOpenGLWidget + QDockWidget acquired the ability to be dropped together side by side * Qt Network + OpenSSL 1.1 back-end. + Persistent store of HSTS policies in QNAM (QSettings-based). + Implemented the h2c procotol upgrade used by non-SSL HTTP/2. - For more information visit: - Remove patches, now upstream: * de63bbd2f806b0219a60775017899cedb121581f.patch * 0001-Fix-Qt5DBusMacros.cmake-for-CMake-3.9.patch * 0001-QSslSocket-OpenSSL-1.1-backend.patch * 0001-Fix-open-chmod-race-condition-in-QSaveFile.patch * 0001-Fix-at-spi2-build.patch * dont-abort-missing-display.patch - Refresh qglxconvenience-avoid-null-pointer-deref.patch - Build against pcre2 - Enable EGLFS with GBM, SCTP, Vulkan- Add patch to fix crash with XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS set: * qglxconvenience-avoid-null-pointer-deref.patch (boo#1057971, kde#384540)- Add 0001-Fix-Qt5DBusMacros.cmake-for-CMake-3.9.patch. Fixes a race condition when building KMail due to the DBus interface files being used in several places.- Add patch to fix runtime changes to the palette: * qapplication-emit-palettechanged.patch- Backport patch from dev to 5.9 what implements a new QSslSocket backend based on OpenSSL 1.1. (bsc#1042658) * 0001-QSslSocket-OpenSSL-1.1-backend.patch- Don't special case sse2 libs on i586 for SLE-15, it supports only SSE2 capable CPUs.- Remove openSUSE specific %ifs (bsc#1051900)- Add patch to not abort if no $DISPLAY is available (boo#1050046) * dont-abort-missing-display.patch- Add patch to fix include path for private headers of modules built in a shadow directory (QTBUG-37417) * force-cmake-private-headers.patch- Recommend libqt5-qttranslations in libQt5Core5 (boo#1027925)- Fix typo in description (boo#1043338)- Update to 5.9.1 * For more details please see: - Drop upstreamed patches: - fix-cmake-module-version.patch - dont-destroy-foreign-windows.patch - native-children-hidpi-offset.patch - Force use of libproxy, that switch got lost apparently - Add patch to allow build with at-spi2: 0001-Fix-at-spi2-build.patch- Use the correct (edited) version of the revert to not break ABI: * de63bbd2f806b0219a60775017899cedb121581f.patch- Add upstream patch to fix version string of CMake modules (boo#1045102) * fix-cmake-module-version.patch- Add 0001-Add-remote-print-queue-support.patch to support remote print queues. This adds a delay the first time the print dialog is opened in order to search for print queues. If you don't have any network printer queue and you find the delay too annoying, it can be disabled by setting the QT_DISABLE_PRINTER_DISCOVERY environment variable to 1 (fate#322052, bsc#955432). - Add 0001-Fix-open-chmod-race-condition-in-QSaveFile.patch to fix a potential info leak due to race condition in QSaveFile (bsc#1034005).- Revert upstream commit to workaround QTBUG-61197: * de63bbd2f806b0219a60775017899cedb121581f.patch- Add upstream patch to fix QTBUG-61140: * dont-destroy-foreign-windows.patch - Replaces c585802e946d97e7d177ea334a162dc7bc286b84.patch- Add upstream patch to fix various HiDPI-related issues: * native-children-hidpi-offset.patch (QTBUG-59017, kde#363548)- Revert upstream commit to workaround QTBUG-61140: c585802e946d97e7d177ea334a162dc7bc286b84.patch- Update to 5.9.0 final- Update to 5.9.0 RC: * For more details please see: and - Remove patches, now upstream: * Stop-unloading-plugins-in-QPluginLoader-and-QFactoryLoader.patch * Fix-some-QtDBus-crashes-during-application-destruction.patch * Merge-the-QDBusMetaTypes-custom-information-to-QDBusConnectionManager.patch - Refresh patches: * Fix-some-QtDBus-crashes-during-application-destruction.patch * Merge-the-QDBusMetaTypes-custom-information-to-QDBusConnectionManager.patch * libqt5-prioritise-gtk2-platformtheme.patch * tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch- Update to 5.7.1 * For more details please see: and - Drop upstreamed patches: xcb-Dont-activate-bypassed-windows-on-mouse-press.patch, Fix-unwanted-cache-flush-in-Freetype-engine.patch, xcb-Send-also-text-plain-when-a-text-uri-list-is-dropped.patch, xcb-Dont-send-QtWindowNoState-event-when-hiding-minimized-window.patch, XCB-Drop-from-external-app-fix-keyboard-modifier-state.patch, xcb-Use-the-state-of-the-key-event-to-process-it.patch, Make-QDBusConnectionPrivaterelaySignal-be-called-in-the-right-thread.patch and use-freetype-default.patch- Add libqt5-prioritise-gtk2-platformtheme.patch: Give Gtk2 Platform Theme (from qtstyleplugins) a priority over Gtk3 Platform Theme which currently lacks QGtk3Style (boo#1002900).- Add some QtDBus fixes from upstream: Make-QDBusConnectionPrivaterelaySignal-be-called-in-the-right-thread.patch Merge-the-QDBusMetaTypes-custom-information-to-QDBusConnectionManager.patch Fix-some-QtDBus-crashes-during-application-destruction.patch- Move gtk platformtheme again out of the libQt5Gui5 package (now it's gtk-3 based)- Fix filelist for %gles configuration- Added Stop-unloading-plugins-in-QPluginLoader-and-QFactoryLoader.patch (boo#1001362, boo#965653)- Update to 5.7.0 * For more details please see: - Drop dead/absorbed patches: xcb-Fix-drop-of-text-uri-list-and-text-html.patch and xcb-Fix-dropping-URL-on-Firefox-window.patch - Added Fix-unwanted-cache-flush-in-Freetype-engine.patch and xcb-Dont-activate-bypassed-windows-on-mouse-press.patch - Don't pass axed options to configure - Add double-conversion-devel, libproxy-devel and pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) (instead of pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)) BuildRequires- Another set of upstream patches for the XCB plugin: XCB-Drop-from-external-app-fix-keyboard-modifier-state.patch xcb-Dont-send-QtWindowNoState-event-when-hiding-minimized-window.patch xcb-Use-the-state-of-the-key-event-to-process-it.patch- Add drag-and-drop fixes from upstream: xcb-Fix-drop-of-text-uri-list-and-text-html.patch xcb-Fix-dropping-URL-on-Firefox-window.patch xcb-Send-also-text-plain-when-a-text-uri-list-is-dropped.patch- Update to 5.6.1 * For more details please see: - Drop upstreamed patches: 0005-xcb-Properly-initialize-available-geometry-when-XRan.patch Fix-QtDBus-deadlock-inside-kded-kiod.patch 0007-xcb-Deliver-mouse-enter-event-to-window-when-closing.patch 0009-Expose-the-number-of-X-screen-through-the-QXcbScreen.patch 0001-xcb-XInput2-fixes-enter-leave-event-fixes.patch 0002-xcb-Correct-enter-leave-event-handling-when-mouse-bu.patch 0015-Use-the-state-of-the-key-event-to-process-it.patch 0012-xcb-Merge-_NET_WM_STATE-hints-instead-of-overwriting.patch 0004-xcb-Fix-drag-and-drop-between-xcb-screens.patch QtDBus-finish-all-pending-call-with-error-if-disconnected.patch 0010-xcb-mark-mouse-events-from-tablet-devices-as-synthes.patch 0011-xcb-Initialize-all-xcb_client_message_event_t-member.patch 0008-xcb-resourceType-names-must-have-only-small-letters.patch 0016-xcb-Fix-drag-and-drop-to-applications-like-Emacs-and.patch 0013-xcb-Fix-interpretation-of-the-size-from-RRCrtcChange.patch 0006-xcb-properly-initialize-size-in-millimeters-if-XRand.patch 0003-xcb-Fix-not-delivering-focusIn-event-on-hide-show.patch QtDBus-clean-up-signal-hooks-and-object-tree-in-closeConnection.patch 0014-xcb-Properly-process-enter-leave-events.patch- Add patches from upstream: 0001-xcb-XInput2-fixes-enter-leave-event-fixes.patch 0002-xcb-Correct-enter-leave-event-handling-when-mouse-bu.patch 0003-xcb-Fix-not-delivering-focusIn-event-on-hide-show.patch 0004-xcb-Fix-drag-and-drop-between-xcb-screens.patch 0005-xcb-Properly-initialize-available-geometry-when-XRan.patch 0006-xcb-properly-initialize-size-in-millimeters-if-XRand.patch 0007-xcb-Deliver-mouse-enter-event-to-window-when-closing.patch 0008-xcb-resourceType-names-must-have-only-small-letters.patch 0009-Expose-the-number-of-X-screen-through-the-QXcbScreen.patch 0010-xcb-mark-mouse-events-from-tablet-devices-as-synthes.patch 0011-xcb-Initialize-all-xcb_client_message_event_t-member.patch 0012-xcb-Merge-_NET_WM_STATE-hints-instead-of-overwriting.patch 0013-xcb-Fix-interpretation-of-the-size-from-RRCrtcChange.patch 0014-xcb-Properly-process-enter-leave-events.patch 0015-Use-the-state-of-the-key-event-to-process-it.patch 0016-xcb-Fix-drag-and-drop-to-applications-like-Emacs-and.patch- Update to 5.6.0 * For more details please see: and - Added patches for various QtDBus issues: Fix-QtDBus-deadlock-inside-kded-kiod.patch, QtDBus-clean-up-signal-hooks-and-object-tree-in-closeConnection.patch and QtDBus-finish-all-pending-call-with-error-if-disconnected.patch - Added tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch: mark private and QPA API with symbols for only current patch release - Drop obsolete and/or upstreamed patches: xcb-fix-yet-another-crash-when-screens-are-disconnected.patch, xcb-dont-crash-in-mapToNativemapFromNative-if-the-screen-is-null.patch, qtwidgets_do_not-hide_show_via_WA_OutsideWSRange_for_native_widgets.patch, protect-geometry-QTBUG-40584.patch, move-the-official-Qt-version-from-qglobal-to-qmake-conf.patch, QMimeDatabase-follow-symlinks-when-checking-for-FIFO.patch, Fix-QtCore-compilation-with-clang.patch, Add-option-to-disable-session-management-by-closing-windows.patch, Add-an-automatic-use-of-the-ELF-versioned-QtCore-symbol.patch, Add-a-qt_version_tag-symbol-to-QtCore-that-uses-ELF-versions.patch, Add-a-linker-version-script-to-Qt-libraries.patch, 0005-Restore-documented-behavior-for-the-WA_X11NetWmWindo.patch, 0001-Fix-exclusion-of-anonymous-ciphers.patch and 0001-Fix-QWidget-setWindowRole.patch- Merge libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk2 back into libQt5Gui5 (bsc#969935) * align with old libQt5Gui5 where has provided- Added QMimeDatabase-follow-symlinks-when-checking-for-FIFO.patch to fix dolphin freeze when opening a folder containing symlinks to special files (boo#957006, qtbug#48529)- Update Add-option-to-disable-session-management-by-closing-windows.patch to version actually commited upstream- Added 0001-Fix-exclusion-of-anonymous-ciphers.patch from upstream to disable exp-adh and aecdh ciphers. - Added disable-rc4-ciphers-bnc865241.diff to disable RC4 based ciphers which are now considered insecure (bnc#865241)- Added Add-option-to-disable-session-management-by-closing-windows.patch API adition to QSessionManager as first step in resolving kde#354724 and boo#955280- Added qtwidgets_do_not-hide_show_via_WA_OutsideWSRange_for_native_widgets.patch (qtbug#48321)- Update to 5.5.1 (boo#954149) * For more details please see: - Drop patches merged upstream: 0002-xcb-Fix-getting-the-window-types-from-the-property-o.patch 0003-Fix-centering-dialogs.patch 0004-xcb-Set-_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE-from-a-single-place.patch 0006-xcb-set-SM_CLIENT_ID-property.patch Fix-compile-error-on-big-endian.patch Fix-shortcuts-with-keypad-keys.patch QDate_QTime-fix-SiC-introduced-by-adding-new-non-explicit-ctors.patch QMimeDatabase-use-QElapsedTimer.patch ignore-disabling-of-outputs-in-the-middle-of-the-mode-switch.patch when-a-screen-comes-back-online-the-windows-need-to-be-told-about-it.patch - Added Fix-QtCore-compilation-with-clang.patch and move-the-official-Qt-version-from-qglobal-to-qmake-conf.patch in order to remove link-time warnings (warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `qt_version_tag@@Qt_5.5' are not defined)- Added xcb-dont-crash-in-mapToNativemapFromNative-if-the-screen-is-null.patch and xcb-fix-yet-another-crash-when-screens-are-disconnected.patch (kde#341497, qtbug#47385)- Added QDate_QTime-fix-SiC-introduced-by-adding-new-non-explicit-ctors.patch- When in SLE12, use the internal Harfbuzz version instead of the system one (which is too old for Qt's requirements)- Fix-compile-error-on-big-endian.patch: Fix compile error on big endian- Added patches from upstream: ignore-disabling-of-outputs-in-the-middle-of-the-mode-switch.patch (qtbug#44158, qtbug#46786, qtbug#46822) when-a-screen-comes-back-online-the-windows-need-to-be-told-about-it.patch (qtbug#47041)- Update to 5.5.0 * For more details please see: and - Drop patches merged upstream: 0001-Speed-up-compose-file-parsing-in-the-X11-composition.patch, 0002-Speed-up-application-startup-on-X11.patch, Fix-regression-in-compose-table-parsing.patch, libqt5-libtool-nodate.diff and make-qdbusxml2cpp-output-reproducible.patch - Add patches from upstream: Add-a-linker-version-script-to-Qt-libraries.patch, Add-a-qt_version_tag-symbol-to-QtCore-that-uses-ELF-versions.patch and Add-an-automatic-use-of-the-ELF-versioned-QtCore-symbol.patch - Added tslib-devel and libinput-devel (Build)Requires - Drop all openSUSE 13.1 conditionals, we won't build Qt >= 5.5 on that distro version anymore- Update QMimeDatabase-use-QElapsedTimer.patch to latest version- Added QMimeDatabase-use-QElapsedTimer.patch: reduces the number of syscalls greatly, by avoiding the timezone conversion every time; massively improves kbuildsycoca5 speed- Fix the suse_version condition checks - treat Leap equally as 13.2 wrt which system libs shall be used- Add patches from upstream: 0001-Fix-QWidget-setWindowRole.patch 0002-xcb-Fix-getting-the-window-types-from-the-property-o.patch 0003-Fix-centering-dialogs.patch 0004-xcb-Set-_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE-from-a-single-place.patch 0005-Restore-documented-behavior-for-the-WA_X11NetWmWindo.patch 0006-xcb-set-SM_CLIENT_ID-property.patch- Update to 5.4.2 * Important Behavior Changes: - EXIF orientation is no longer applied to JPEG images on read. EXIF orientation on JPEG was introduced in 5.4.0, but due to a bug the most common EXIF-format (big-endian) was not working until 5.4.1. 5.4.2 restores the behavior of 5.4.0 and earlier for most EXIF-tagged JPEGs. EXIF orientation will be an opt-in starting with Qt 5.5. - On x86 and x86-64 systems with ELF binaries (especially Linux), due to a new optimization in GCC 5.x in combination with a recent version of GNU binutils, compiling Qt applications with -fPIE is no longer enough with GCC 5.x. Applications now need to be compiled with the -fPIC option if Qt's option "reduce relocations" is active. For backward compatibility only, Qt accepts the use of -fPIE for GCC 4.x versions. Note that Clang is known to generate incompatible code even with -fPIC if the -flto option is active. Applications using qmake or cmake >= 2.8.12 as their build system will adapt automatically. Applications using an older release of cmake in combination with GCC 5.x need to change their CMakeLists.txt to add Qt5Core_EXECUTABLE_COMPILE_FLAGS to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS. In particular, applications using cmake >= 2.8.9 and < 2.8.11 will continue to build with the - fPIE option and invoke the special compatibility mode if using GCC 4.x. * Bugfix release, for more details please see: - Drop patches merged upstream: Call-ofono-nm-Registered-delayed-in-constructor-othe.patch Fix-Meta-shortcuts-on-XCB.patch Fix-upload-corruptions-when-server-closes-connection.patch Fixed-a-deadlock-when-the-lock-file-is-corrupted.patch Handle-SelectionWindowDestroy-in-QXcbClipboard.patch Make-qglobal.h-complain-if-you-use-fPIE.patch Make-sure-theres-a-scene-before-using-it.patch QSystemTrayIcon-handle-submenus-correctly.patch Require-fPIC-instead-of-just-fPIE-for-reduce-relocations.patch Try-to-ensure-that-fPIC-is-used-in-CMake-builds.patch Update-mouse-buttons-from-MotionNotify-events.patch fix-a-division-by-zero-when-processing-malformed-BMP-files.patch - Added cmake (Build)Requires to get autoprovides for all Qt modules- Added patches from upstream: Try-to-ensure-that-fPIC-is-used-in-CMake-builds.patch, Require-fPIC-instead-of-just-fPIE-for-reduce-relocations.patch and Make-qglobal.h-complain-if-you-use-fPIE.patch (qtbug#45755)- Add Fix-shortcuts-with-keypad-keys.patch (qtbug#20191,qtbug#33093,kde#344638)- Added patches from upstream: Fix-upload-corruptions-when-server-closes-connection.patch and Fixed-a-deadlock-when-the-lock-file-is-corrupted.patch (qtbug#44771)- Fixup previous change to also handle arguments in specs using %qmake5 - Also add QMAKE_LFLAGS to the macro- Added QMAKE_CXXFLAGS and QMAKE_CFLAGS to macro %qmake5.- Added patches from upstream: 0001-Speed-up-compose-file-parsing-in-the-X11-composition.patch 0002-Speed-up-application-startup-on-X11.patch and Fix-regression-in-compose-table-parsing.patch- Add cleaning of QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR from prl files in %qmake5_install macro- Added fix-a-division-by-zero-when-processing-malformed-BMP-files.patch, CVE-2015-0295- Update to 5.4.1: * Important Behavior Changes: * Restored binary compatibility with Qt 5.3.2 on Windows when using MSVC 2012 or MSVC 2013. This means that Qt 5.4.1 is no longer binary compatible with Qt 5.4.0 when using either of those compilers. * [QTBUG-42594] OS X binary package: fixed incorrect linking to libraries in /opt/local/lib * Library: * QtCore: * [QTBUG-43893] Fixed memory leak in qSetMessagePattern * [QTBUG-43513] QXmlStreamReader: Correctly parse XML containing NUL bytes in the input stream * [QTBUG-43352] QTemporaryDirectory: Properly clean up in case of a failure * [QTBUG-43827] Fixed regression in QSortFilterProxyModel which crashed when sorting a tree model * QtGui: * [QTBUG-44273] Fixed misplacement of outlined text with native text rendering * [QTBUG-44147] Fixed VNC not working on some VNC servers * [QTBUG-43850] Fixed crash with multi-threaded font usage * [QTBUG-43850] Made the old harfbuzz fallback available at runtime * Improvements to the experimental high-dpi support * [QTBUG-43318] Better resolving of GLES3 functions to avoid issues when deploying on systems with GLES 2.0 only * QtWidgets: * [QTBUG-43830] Fixed crash in stylesheets when styling QProgressBar * [QTBUG-43663] QColorDialog: Don't lose focus while color picking * QtNetwork: * [QTBUG-43793] Fixed disconnections of QSSLSocket after starting encryption * QtSql: * [QTBUG-36211] qpsql: Added timezone support for datetime fields. * qodbc: Fixed converted string values on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 * [QTBUG-43874] QSqlQuery: Fixed failure of multiple execBatch() calls after a single prepare() call * QtPrintSupport: * [QTBUG-43124] Fixed QPrinter::{width,height} return values * Platform Specific Changes: * Linux/XCB: * [QTBUG-43436] Fixed regression when drag and drop to other applications * [QTBUG-43809] Turned off font hinting when doing high DPI scaling * [QTBUG-43743] Fixed constantly resizing bigger window when devicePixelRatio is greater than 1 * [QTBUG-43713] Fixed problems with multiple screens with different device pixel ratios regarding window mapping and font sizes. * [QTBUG-43688] Fixed physical DPI and size for rotated screens on X11 * [QTBUG-43049] Fixed grabKeyboard and grabMouse * [QTBUG-36862] Now sends a leave event to the other window when a popup shows which grabs the input * [QTBUG-41590] Turned off subpixel gamma-correction on XCB * Added support for SelectionClientClose in QXcbClipboard * Fixed -nograb and -dograb arguments * [QTBUG-43623] Fixed use after free * [QTBUG-43436] Fixed regression in DnD. Make sure to preserve the QDrag until all data has been received. * Tools: * configure & build system: * configure will now reject invalid -no-feature-* options. * pkg-config assisted libudev detection was fixed. * [QTBUG-43302][Android] The Android style is included when cross-building on Windows as well. * [QTBUG-43205][Unix] Fixed build D-Bus headers cannot be found. * qmake: * [QTBUG-39690][Windows] Fixed file separators in 'make clean'. * [QTBUG-40264][Unix] Fixed 'make distclean' for a dynamic library target. * [QTBUG-42678] 'make distclean' now removes .qmake.{stash|super}. * [QTBUG-43026][VS2010+] Fixed compilation of .rc files. * [QTBUG-43457][MSVC] Fixed QMAKE_TARGET.arch for amd64_x86 x-build. * INCLUDEPATH+=. is now unnecessary with all generators. * For more details please see: - Drop merged or obsolete patches: qmake-add-usr-include.diff, QTBUG41590.patch, Handle-SelectionClientClose-in-QXcbClipboard.patch, qimage_conversions.cpp-Fix-build-on-big-endian-syste.patch, Fix-use-after-free-bug.patch, fix-drag-and-drop-regression.patch, Fix-detection-of-GCC5.patch, Fix-typo-in-Qt5CoreMacroscmake.patch, Fix-physical-DPI-and-size-for-rotated-screens-on-X11.patch, X11-devicePixelRatio-screen-mapping-fix.patch, Multi-screen-DPI-support-for-X11.patch and xcb-Dont-return-0-from-QXcbKeyboard-possibleKeys.patch - Added Handle-SelectionWindowDestroy-in-QXcbClipboard.patch and Call-ofono-nm-Registered-delayed-in-constructor-othe.patch from upstrean - Make sure each lib requires equal version of other qtbase libs it needs (added filtering for shlib-fixed-dependency to rpmlintrc accordingly)- Added patches from upstream: Fix-Meta-shortcuts-on-XCB.patch (qtbug#43572), Fix-detection-of-GCC5.patch, Fix-physical-DPI-and-size-for-rotated-screens-on-X11.patch (qtbug#43688), Fix-typo-in-Qt5CoreMacroscmake.patch, Make-sure-theres-a-scene-before-using-it.patch (qtbug#44509), Multi-screen-DPI-support-for-X11.patch (qtbug#43713), QSystemTrayIcon-handle-submenus-correctly.patch, Update-mouse-buttons-from-MotionNotify-events.patch (qtbug#32609, qtbug#35065, qtbug#43776, qtbug#44166, qtbug#44231), X11-devicePixelRatio-screen-mapping-fix.patch (qtbug#43713) and xcb-Dont-return-0-from-QXcbKeyboard-possibleKeys.patch (qtcreatorbug#9589)- Fixed qt_instdate generation, so the Qt5Core library doesn't have DATE embedded - Drop fdupes usage as it provides unpredictable results, and fools build-compare - Add libqt5-qtbase-rpmlintrc due to duplicates waste warnings: we rather have a few bytes more than to republish same binaries due to fdupes - Added make-qdbusxml2cpp-output-reproducible.patch: don't include date/time in the generated include guards; prevents unnecessary rebuilds - Added fix-drag-and-drop-regression.patch from upstream, fixes QTBUG-43436- Added Fix-use-after-free-bug.patch from upstream (qtbug#43623, boo#870151)- qimage_conversions.cpp-Fix-build-on-big-endian-syste.patch: Fix build on big endian systems- Don't override the shlib generator, but split gtk platformtheme into platformtheme-gtk2 subpackage, the former approach is creating problems with other dependant packages- Update to 5.4 Final * For more details please see: and - Added Handle-SelectionClientClose-in-QXcbClipboard.patch, kde#329174- Update to 5.4 RC * For more details please see: and - New libQt5PlatformHeaders-devel subpackage - Use one global define for gles on arm and aarch - (Build)Require Mesa-libGLESv3-devel when building with gles - Use system harfbuzz on 13.2 and newer - Filter out requires obtained by dependency generators. gtk platformtheme now won't pull in gtk libraries, so users can have a gtk-free envirement if wanted. Those DE's that do need that platformplugin will already have gtk present - Drop patches merged upstream: 0001-Add-QFont-strategy-to-disable-subpixel-antialiasing.patch 0001-Allow-panels-outside-of-availableGeometry.patch 0001-QFileDialog-emit-urlsSelected-urlSelected-in-accept.patch 0001-QKdeTheme-use-system-wide-kdeglobals-as-a-fallback.patch 00010-Replace-the-const-QString-global-static-with-a-QStri.patch 00011-Use-correct-signal-name-when-disconnecting.patch 0002-Always-lock-the-DBus-dispatcher-before-dbus_connecti.patch 0002-Move-SubpixelAntialiasingType-from-QFontEngineFT-to-.patch 0002-QUrl-fromLocalFile-QString-should-lead-to-an-empty-U.patch 0003-QDBusConnection-Merge-the-dispatch-and-the-watch-and.patch 0003-QFileDialog-turn-workingDirectory-into-a-QUrl.patch 0003-Support-autohint-and-lcdfilter-fontconfig-configurat.patch 0004-GTK2-theme-should-use-GTK-configured-font-variant.patch 0004-Partially-revert-Fix-a-deadlock-introduced-by-the-ra.patch 0004-QFileDialog-implement-getOpenFileUrl-and-friends-for.patch f1ee10f81ac18789e9a7dc715b464415ba2bc2b8.patch libqt5-add-support-for-byte-swapping.patch libqt5-byte-order-byte-is-address0.patch- Update QTBUG41590.patch for commit that was pushed upstream- Added patches from upstream: 0001-Allow-panels-outside-of-availableGeometry.patch (kde#339846) and 0002-Always-lock-the-DBus-dispatcher-before-dbus_connecti.patch, 0003-QDBusConnection-Merge-the-dispatch-and-the-watch-and.patch, 0004-Partially-revert-Fix-a-deadlock-introduced-by-the-ra.patch, for QTBUG#42189- Don't install CMake files for plugins, they are useful only for bundled Qt builds - Downgrade sql-plugins from libQt5Sql-devel's requires to suggests - Added QTBUG41590.patch, improve font rendering (QTBUG41590,QTBUG40971)/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigs390zp3a 1723016512 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a5b8d64a323bb807f6cc749dd686497aa0fe950e, strippeddirectoryELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=024d4c66b6e89c3e909f97926bd91ea2b0cf169b, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=7105bb8091d47779d2ee771f3721315e1b9b410b, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3e43d3bd266644b472c218e1e1be85b18fbf77a6, strippedASCII textUTF-8 Unicode text?O^?P PPPPPP P P P P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P PRRRRR RRRRRRRRRR#R"RR!R RRR$RRRRRR PR"RR!R RRR R RRR RRRR PRRR!R RRR R RR RRRR PRR!R RRR R RRR RRRR X=ׅnutf-865a34c4ec3352718a31982c4d4572e59773f9f8fbba9142c264c4f31f4b170ff?7zXZ !t/]"k%+ֺ(}4nKz[͂(7煀D^-S<$i{uVX*%Rp2p4wP(D:X&v*P[ J?_ĈX}w)к5k,M-cLqR~B[0eȍiWԃ,Gg~O|u4u2e֣>QAekҝn'"Xv.?) ɳ>L?[«dn\'Tr {3c#Y{ƀ#k քAꮟ}uJ"+X}V@NohZ7@AP0LDI֞>sAg0͗ XB&2SDjbbDiomy;sk6C՘m\ )K6 Cj(F!;X}eEm!_1d,ȔRg]|I-?7|#5)HBwc±˝/:Znvd9WXo, 1UfzZ G*֏{ttUh"_N O53``sWwEը d# Į" ;ΏXqːCBad_̾T4n3^VrwljBsKA-wr4an$х ,")m̘2-uc",hWvdO]~V6H,x#31LzoIFxPUH+FަF(vST;7ۈ,m [׳1X-ͅj <.{`ʸe .;4"/}%{g,56 ƚtxLO!t1y5 zRaZX A #%D-@2{0E؄nZ0 _E ڟ|-@8ʫu߾$ocо=*ܙ6c-]Mzkm3,%Bi^+}fwP9-4I8(J^]QQT_$)HKHQѭN?VTaC$oLgWjbZ5q(Sw;~K0= ;I1>L *i6Mf{"p9ysF/w16l :nbkq_l!P_`A{a! 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