postgresql12-pltcl-12.17-150200.8.54.1<>,LԉeM;p9|k,1pKI%-zHf&u**ع8(A<:IrJ1xٕl(k^h/!,,X,,K K(a<]Qo}7u[0y*M=AF< E#2.͛!מa vji"mJw޼iYj;eW"0Wy2XRKp{,J:b `H7 I,ڽ%k|no6Ȏo*Ț>>D?Cd ) SDHTXq L v    I  `      T   ( 8 19 1:e1F;G;H<0I<X<Y<\=]=T^>xb@cA@dAeAfAlAuAvB8wBxC(yC|zCCCCCCpostgresql12-pltcl12.17150200.8.54.1PL/Tcl Procedural Language for PostgreSQLPostgreSQL is an advanced object-relational database management system that supports an extended subset of the SQL standard, including transactions, foreign keys, subqueries, triggers, and user-defined types and functions. This package contains the PL/Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL. With thie module one can use Tcl to write stored procedures, functions, and triggers. PostgreSQL also offers the built-in procedural language PL/SQL which is included in the postgresql-server package.eM;s390zl39SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC PostgreSQL 0 F N  /  B 3 &4큤eMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeMeM91509bce937a86e882f04f252afa622c2d7e5c4db7421628c2121c1acaff7fa005f9308b1b2c1d15bf1b7433be7d58c4d974b9157e0715b3c4007920b23339c6ac7200f2fe240b6757ed744105b4aa1ede89be3dc4a981f91201a76e80b52a70d1284af3ca9c088afd673aa6dc549ec64496599b5ecfd14b9ad651b5485e7387657d8f71f4dc02e719d1ace993f4acb0c3b8713da4bf24406707264b5c70f5cc88c6ec51c530c614f7c93cdf5ccfd6ee767d5bcd9fd042057bc0d483bf98d14a83aa66f8298e03e30ee1469af5b8ee98348b6e2de574e412275c2992022f2cded0386888dc6116d5cd8d31f1f4f8e8a98895976013e30b074126544cd5e132b0c954a628853aaa41c6c2572d3538ddb5534dc0a64362a81b5b1434f0acf096d6ea001486da6c017f73189b5f9c81be97de1f02641f1eced095a59675dfab8b5cba898078b86cb22327a57e988310299dfcf6471ed800a1e21a8898e0c81fd8f6105f3e77e586b86362729979279a429505a2a231fc3658063c1b18d7162e4588e530e76f8088db527948c0dfe5efd07bf8a904e930ecf6b3b811bebe71ec820931d6987ed5b2eafed26c140c83ffff8ecd36e14deca1fad854d73525d55304126581dffd5c4203b96c9b429f557614ce61e62c93cd21fb6ca21a91705a0867b33d4f7b00fa50b163c6590971c8362cadd4ab991e768a92d97e71f8e8057a27ab95ab75f4d92ae0cc25481bc6830cb9dcf62d202a747ab036e5a8a05ca215928324deec871644f42cd5ffd0e682f33b54370c147f3291434b9cc5c4ae4018a38b1de536836eae7f15e28a8773f18835663fb793c469518c53136e6d59520c32bd939a0189757b281ee67e3f8924a16afaa7f0c24fc4c62ea13ba8b62785e2d471f8b2f8f3b14be8d14326913047eb320227f6891f6d303eecf300f0231ac853d4rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootpostgresql12-12.17-150200.8.54.1.src.rpmpostgresql-pltcl-implementationpostgresql12-pltclpostgresql12-pltcl(s390-64)@@@@@,@c@clc,N@c pc@b@b|bV@b[@aza@aQ@a.a$@```q`OL@`Gc@`/@`#_S__@_F@_m_5+@^@^א^@^0^W@^G@^F^B@^;]]@](max@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgmax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.comfvogt@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.comaaronpuchert@alice-dsl.netmax@suse.comschwab@suse.demax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commrueckert@suse.demax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.comgmbr3@opensuse.org Update to 12.17: * bsc#1216962, CVE-2023-5868: Fix handling of unknown-type arguments in DISTINCT "any" aggregate functions. This error led to a text-type value being interpreted as an unknown-type value (that is, a zero-terminated string) at runtime. This could result in disclosure of server memory following the text value. * bsc#1216961, CVE-2023-5869: Detect integer overflow while computing new array dimensions. When assigning new elements to array subscripts that are outside the current array bounds, an undetected integer overflow could occur in edge cases. Memory stomps that are potentially exploitable for arbitrary code execution are possible, and so is disclosure of server memory. * bsc#1216960, CVE-2023-5870: Prevent the pg_signal_backend role from signalling background workers and autovacuum processes. The documentation says that pg_signal_backend cannot issue signals to superuser-owned processes. It was able to signal these background processes, though, because they advertise a role OID of zero. Treat that as indicating superuser ownership. The security implications of cancelling one of these process types are fairly small so far as the core code goes (we'll just start another one), but extensions might add background workers that are more vulnerable. Also ensure that the is_superuser parameter is set correctly in such processes. No specific security consequences are known for that oversight, but it might be significant for some extensions. * Add support for LLVM 16 and 17 * boo#1216734: Revert the last change and make the devel package independend of all other subpackages except for the libs.- boo#1216022: Call install-alternatives from the devel subpackage as well, otherwise the symlink for ecpg might be missing.- Also buildignore the postgresql*-implementation symbols: this is needed in order to bootstrap when no postgresql version currently has valid symbols provided. Once the packages are built, OBS could translate this to the pgname-* packages and accept the ignores; during bootstrap though, there is nothing providing the symbol and the existing buildignores do not suffice.- Update to 12.16: * bsc#1214059, CVE-2023-39417: Disallow substituting a schema or owner name into an extension script if the name contains a quote, backslash, or dollar sign. * Restore the independence of mini builds from the main build after the -mini name change from April 4, 2023. - Adjust icu handling to prepare for PostgreSQL 16.- Overhaul postgresql-README.SUSE and move it from the binary package to the noarch wrapper package. - Change the unix domain socket location from /var/run to /run.- Update to 12.15: * bsc#1211228, CVE-2023-2454: Prevent CREATE SCHEMA from defeating changes in search_path * bsc#1211229, CVE-2023-2455: Enforce row-level security policies correctly after inlining a set-returning function * * bsc#1210303: Stop using the obsolete internal %_restart_on_update macro and drop support for sysv init to simplify the scriptlets.- Include -mini in Name: to avoid conflicts in the source package name and OBS internal dependency tracking.- Update to 12.14: * CVE-2022-41862, bsc#1208102: memory leak in libpq * * - Bump latest_supported_llvm_ver to 15.- bsc#1205300: Update to 12.13: * * - Sync spec file with postgresql15.- Create mechanism to specify the latest supported LLVM version. Automatically pin to that version if the distribution has a newer unsupported default version.- Sync spec file with postgresql15.- Disable LLVM JIT on riscv64- - Update to 12.12: * bsc#1202368, CVE-2022-2625: Extension scripts replace objects not belonging to the extension. * Update to 12.11: * bsc#1199475, CVE-2022-1552: Confine additional operations within "security restricted operation" sandboxes. * bsc#1198166: Pin to llvm13 until the next patchlevel update.- bsc#1195680: Upgrade to 12.10: * * Reindexing might be needed after applying this upgrade, so please read the release notes carefully. - boo#1190740: Add constraints file with 12GB of memory for s390x as a workaround- Add a llvmjit-devel subpackage to pull in the right versions of clang and llvm for building extensions. - Fix some mistakes in the interdependencies between the implementation packages and their noarch counterpart. - Update the BuildIgnore section.- bsc#1192516: Upgrade to version 12.9: * Make the server reject extraneous data after an SSL or GSS encryption handshake (CVE-2021-23214). * Make libpq reject extraneous data after an SSL or GSS encryption handshake (CVE-2021-23222). * Let genlists skip non-existing binaries to avoid lots of version conditionals in the file lists. - Remove postgresql-testsuite-int8.sql.patch, because its purpose is unclear. This affects only the test subpackage.- bsc#1185952: fix build with llvm12 on s390x. 0001-jit-Workaround-potential-datalayout-mismatch-on-s390.patch - bsc#1179945: Re-enable icu for PostgreSQL 10.- Upgrade to version 12.8: * * CVE-2021-3677 (boo#1189748) The planner could create an incorrect plan in cases where two ProjectionPaths were stacked on top of each other. The only known way to trigger that situation involves parallel sort operations, but there may be other instances. The result would be crashes or incorrect query results. Disclosure of server memory contents is also possible.- bsc#1187751: Make the dependency of postgresqlXX-server-devel on llvm and clang optional (postgresql-llvm-optional.patch).- bsc#1185952: llvm12 breaks PostgreSQL 11 and 12 on s390x. Use llvm11 as a workaround.- Upgrade to version 12.7: * * CVE-2021-32027, bsc#1185924: Prevent integer overflows in array subscripting calculations. * CVE-2021-32028, bsc#1185925: Fix mishandling of “junk” columns in INSERT ... ON CONFLICT ... UPDATE target lists. * CVE-2021-32029, bsc#1185926: Fix possibly-incorrect computation of UPDATE ... RETURNING "pg_psql_temporary_savepoint" does not exist”. - Don't use %_stop_on_removal, because it was meant to be private and got removed from openSUSE. %_restart_on_update is also private, but still supported and needed for now (bsc#1183168).- Re-enable build of the llvmjit subpackage on SLE, but it will only be delivered on PackageHub for now (boo#1183118).- Remove leftover PreReq on chkconfig, we stopped using it long time ago.- boo#1179945: Disable icu for PostgreSQL 10 (and older) on TW.Upgrade to version 12.6: * * Reindexing might be needed after applying this update. * CVE-2021-3393, bsc#1182040: Fix information leakage in constraint-violation error messages. * Obsoletes postgresql-icu68.patch.- Add postgresql-icu68.patch: fix build with ICU 68- bsc#1178961: %ghost the symlinks to pg_config and ecpg. - boo#1179765: BuildRequire libpq5 and libecpg6 when not building them to avoid dangling symlinks in the devel package.- Upgrade to version 12.5: * CVE-2020-25695, bsc#1178666: Block DECLARE CURSOR ... WITH HOLD and firing of deferred triggers within index expressions and materialized view queries. * CVE-2020-25694, bsc#1178667: a) Fix usage of complex connection-string parameters in pg_dump, pg_restore, clusterdb, reindexdb, and vacuumdb. b) When psql's \connect command re-uses connection parameters, ensure that all non-overridden parameters from a previous connection string are re-used. * CVE-2020-25696, bsc#1178668: Prevent psql's \gset command from modifying specially-treated variables. * Fix recently-added timetz test case so it works when the USA is not observing daylight savings time. (obsoletes postgresql-timetz.patch) * * Fix a DST problem in the test suite: postgresql-timetz.patch Stop building the mini and lib packages as they are now coming from postgresql13.- update to 12.4: * CVE-2020-14349, bsc#1175193: Set a secure search_path in logical replication walsenders and apply workers * CVE-2020-14350, bsc#1175194: Make contrib modules' installation scripts more secure. * - Remove postgresql-regress.patch, it does not apply anymore and it does not seem to be needed anymore. - Pack the /usr/lib/postgresql symlink only into the main package.- Let postgresqlXX conflict with postgresql-noarch < 12.0.1 to get a clean and complete cutover to the new packaging schema.- update to 12.3 (bsc#1171924). - Unify the spec file to work across all current PostgreSQL versions to simplify future maintenance. - Move from the "libs" build flavour to a "mini" package that will only be used inside the build service and not get shipped, to avoid confusion with the debuginfo packages (bsc#1148643).- update to 12.3 Temporarily disable JIT support on SLE until support status of clang has been clarified. - We only need clang for LLVM, not clang-devel.- Fix a few mistakes in the spec file.- update to 12.2 (CVE-2020-1720) Disable explicitly armv8 CRC for %arm, as we use some armv8 workers for armv6/7 builds which is confusing configure script- Avoid the dependency from the devel package to the main package. devel packages are exclusive, thus ecpg does not require update-alternatives.- Remove unused build dependencies from the client libs package: LVM, icu, selinux, systemd. - Drop conditionals for suse_version 1110/1120.- update to 12.1 add requires to the server-devel package for the libs that are returned by pg_config --libs- initial package for the postgresql 12 branch 1699609147 csdeesfritjakoplrusvtrukvizh12.17-150200. pltcl.sopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl-12.mopltcl--1.0.sqlpltcl--unpackaged--1.0.sqlpltcl.controlpltclu--1.0.sqlpltclu--unpackaged--1.0.sqlpltclu.control/usr/lib/postgresql12/lib64//usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES//usr/share/postgresql12/extension/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=2c217d77253017e0b142269558480978ee182dfe, strippedASCII textRRRRR(}*:<syutf-81a919112793c91d17edd82f4a9bfddee6d7529cc1e1b951bd3d3a6e3885c5177? 7zXZ !t/]"k%%0#J:fV`_))w'bvFL Ք |ABp/p! 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