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The libpacemaker3 package contains shared libraries needed for cluster nodes and those just running the CLI tools.]Ilamb10mopenSUSE Leap 15.0openSUSEGPL-2.0 and GPL-2.0+ and LGPL-2.1+http://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Clustering/HAhttp://www.clusterlabs.orglinuxx86_64getent group haclient >/dev/null || groupadd -r haclient -g 189 getent passwd hacluster >/dev/null || useradd -r -g haclient -u 189 -s /sbin/nologin -c "cluster user" hacluster exit 0@` I@tؘ0%òA큤]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ] Zr&Zr&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    /bin/sh/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/]@],j\Q\Ɋ@\8\f\\@\R@\I\E@ZYan Gao Yan Gao Yan Gao Yan Gao Yan Gao Yan Gao Yan Gao ygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comjengelh@inai.deygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.combliu@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comrbrown@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comygao@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.comygao@suse.co cts: ComponentFail: killed corosync doesn't respawn immediatelly. * 0001-Test-cts-ComponentFail-killed-corosync-doesn-t-respa-1.1.patch - fencer: improved log messages regarding fencing actions (bsc#1151007) * bsc#1151007-0005-Log-fencer-improved-log-messages-regarding-fencing-a.patch - fencer: no need to check the length of a non-empty list for pending fencing actions (bsc#1151007) * bsc#1151007-0004-Refactor-fencer-no-need-to-check-the-length-of-a-non.patch - fencer: Indicate fencing target in the logs when scheduling and executing fencing command (bsc#1151007) * bsc#1151007-0003-Log-fencer-Indicate-fencing-target-in-the-logs-when-.patch - fencer: Make sure concurrent fencing commands get triggered to execute (bsc#1151007) * bsc#1151007-0002-Fix-fencer-Make-sure-concurrent-fencing-commands-get.patch - fencer: Don't let a fencing command with a long delay block any other commands pending on the device (bsc#1151007) * bsc#1151007-0001-Fix-fencer-Don-t-let-a-fencing-command-with-a-long-d.patch- scheduler: wait for probe actions to complete to prevent unnecessary restart/re-promote of dependent resources (bsc#1130122, bsc#1032511) * bsc#1130122-0001-Fix-scheduler-wait-for-probe-actions-to-complete-to-.patch * bsc#1130122-0002-Test-scheduler-wait-for-probe-actions-to-complete-to.patch- controller: confirm cancel of failed monitors (bsc#1133866) * bsc#1133866-0003-Fix-controller-confirm-cancel-of-failed-monitors.patch - controller: improve failed recurring action messages (bsc#1133866) * bsc#1133866-0002-Log-controller-improve-failed-recurring-action-messa.patch - libcrmcommon: improve parse_op_key() efficiency (bsc#1133866) * bsc#1133866-0001-Refactor-libcrmcommon-improve-parse_op_key-efficienc.patch - libcrmcommon: return error when applying XML diffs containing unknown operations (bsc#1127716) * bsc#1127716-0003-Fix-libcrmcommon-return-error-when-applying-XML-diff.patch - libcrmcommon: avoid possible use-of-NULL when applying XML diffs (bsc#1127716) * bsc#1127716-0002-Fix-libcrmcommon-avoid-possible-use-of-NULL-when-app.patch - libcrmcommon: correctly apply XML diffs with multiple move/create changes (bsc#1127716) * bsc#1127716-0001-Fix-libcrmcommon-correctly-apply-XML-diffs-with-mult.patch- controller: avoid memory leak when duplicate monitor is scheduled * 0001-Low-controller-avoid-memory-leak-when-duplicate-moni.patch - libcrmcommon: return proper code if testing pid is denied (bsc#1131353, bsc#1131356) * bsc#1131353-bsc#1131356-0009-Low-libcrmcommon-return-proper-code-if-testing-pid-i.patch- libcrmcommon: avoid use-of-NULL when checking whether process is active (bsc#1131353, bsc#1131356) * bsc#1131353-bsc#1131356-0008-Fix-libcrmcommon-avoid-use-of-NULL-when-checking-whe.patch - tools: run main loop for crm_resource clean-up with resource (bsc#1140519) * bsc#1140519-0001-Fix-tools-crm_resource-C-should-wait-for-all-replies.patch- controld: fix possible NULL pointer dereference (bsc#1131353, bsc#1131356) * bsc#1131353-bsc#1131356-0007-Med-controld-fix-possible-NULL-pointer-dereference-1.1.patch - pacemakerd vs. IPC/procfs confused deputy authenticity issue (CVE-2018-16877, bsc#1131356) (CVE-2018-16878, bsc#1131353) * bsc#1131353-bsc#1131356-0002-High-pacemakerd-vs.-IPC-procfs-confused-deputy-authe.patch * bsc#1131353-bsc#1131356-0003-High-pacemakerd-vs.-IPC-procfs-confused-deputy-authe.patch * bsc#1131353-bsc#1131356-0004-High-pacemakerd-vs.-IPC-procfs-confused-deputy-authe-1.1.patch * bsc#1131353-bsc#1131356-0005-High-pacemakerd-vs.-IPC-procfs-confused-deputy-authe.patch * bsc#1131353-bsc#1131356-0006-High-pacemakerd-vs.-IPC-procfs-confused-deputy-authe-1.1.patch - libservices: fix use-after-free wrt. alert handling (CVE-2019-3885, bsc#1131357) * bsc#1131357-0001-High-libservices-fix-use-after-free-wrt.-alert-handl.patch - pacemakerd: only one active process check needed * 0001-Low-pacemakerd-only-one-active-process-check-needed.patch - Shutdown corosync after a fatal error * 0001-Shutdown-corosync-after-a-fatal-error.patch- libcrmcluster: avoid use-of-NULL when searching for remote node (bsc#1128772) * bsc#1128772-0001-Fix-libcrmcluster-avoid-use-of-NULL-when-searching-f.patch- scheduler: cl#5301 - respect order constraints when relevant resources are being probed (bsc#1117934, bsc#1128374) * bsc#1117934-0001-Fix-scheduler-cl-5301-respect-order-constraints-when.patch * bsc#1117934-0002-Test-scheduler-cl-5301-respect-order-constraints-whe.patch * bsc#1117934-0003-Test-scheduler-cl-5301-respect-order-constraints-whe.patch- CTS: really don't require nodes to be specified if listing tests (bsc#1114840) * bsc#1114840-0001-Test-CTS-really-don-t-require-nodes-to-be-specified-.patch- cts: temporarily disable any enabled cluster serivces when running remote tests * 0002-Test-cts-temporarily-disable-any-enabled-cluster-ser.patch - cts: service counts as enabled only if it's explicitly enabled * 0001-Test-cts-service-counts-as-enabled-only-if-it-s-expl.patch- cts-exec: still run the tests for the other resource classes even without python systemd bindings (bsc#1121808) * bsc#1121808-0001-Test-cts-exec-still-run-the-tests-for-the-other-reso.patch- CTS: ignore monitor failures when testing remote node fencing * 0002-Test-CTS-ignore-monitor-failures-when-testing-remote.patch - CTS: lower remote connection failure detection time * 0001-Test-CTS-lower-remote-connection-failure-detection-t.patch - cts: use bash in the pacemaker-cts-dummyd * 0001-Test-cts-use-bash-in-the-pacemaker-cts-dummyd.patch - cts: clear constraints on cluster nodes (bsc#1121272) * bsc#1121272-0003-Test-cts-clear-constraints-on-cluster-nodes.patch - cts: resume any possibly frozen pacemaker_remoted when cleaning up the test (bsc#1121272) * bsc#1121272-0002-Test-cts-resume-any-possibly-frozen-pacemaker_remote.patch - cts: simulate failure of pacemaker_remoted by freezing it with SIGSTOP (bsc#1121272) * bsc#1121272-0001-Test-cts-simulate-failure-of-pacemaker_remoted-by-fr.patch - CTS: don't require nodes to be specified if only listing tests (bsc#1114840) * bsc#1114840-0001-Test-CTS-don-t-require-nodes-to-be-specified-if-only.patch - cts: set default number of iterations to 1 * 0001-Test-cts-set-default-number-of-iterations-to-1.patch- fenced: Handle fencing requested with nodeid by utilizing the membership cache of known nodes (bsc#1094208, bsc#1107270, bsc#974108) * bsc#1094208-0002-Refactor-fenced-Handle-fencing-requested-with-nodeid.patch - controld: able to manually confirm unseen nodes are down (bsc#1094208, bsc#1107270) * bsc#1094208-0001-Fix-controld-able-to-manually-confirm-unseen-nodes-a.patch- Add missing %pre section for cts- spec: Install /etc/pacemaker directory for storing authkey file (bsc#1082883) - spec: unify quoting in {pre,post}* scriptlets' action soliciting - spec: add a simple retention of pre-existing log move targets - XML: upgrade-2.10.xsl: resource meta_attributes: tweak diagnostic msg * pacemaker-XML-upgrade-2.10.xsl-resource-meta_attributes-tweak-diagnostic-msg.patch - XML: upgrade-2.10.xsl: re-apply on scheduler CTS test cases * pacemaker-XML-upgrade-2.10.xsl-re-apply-on-scheduler-CTS-test-cases.patch - XML: upgrade-2.10.xsl: resource meta_attributes: validity conformance * pacemaker-XML-upgrade-2.10.xsl-resource-meta_attributes-validity-conformance.patch- execd: avoid memory leak when testing remote key * pacemaker-execd-avoid-memory-leak-when-testing-remote-key.patch - cts-scheduler: avoid unsupported usage of requires * pacemaker-cts-scheduler-avoid-unsupported-usage-of-requires.patch - controld: avoid memory leak when synthesizing failure * pacemaker-controld-avoid-memory-leak-when-synthesizing-failure.patch - XML: upgrade-2.10.xsl: resource meta_attributes: isolation* items * pacemaker-XML-upgrade-2.10.xsl-resource-meta_attributes-isolation-items.patch - XML: upgrade-2.10.xsl: make diagnostics more direct wrt. context * pacemaker-XML-upgrade-2.10.xsl-make-diagnostics-more-direct-wrt-context.patch - XML: upgrade-2.10.xsl: remaining "marking" space with op meta_attributes * pacemaker-XML-upgrade-2.10.xsl-remaining-marking-space-with-op-meta_attributes.patch - XML: upgrade-2.10.xsl: simplify 2/2: HelperIdentity, no INNER-RECURSION * pacemaker-XML-upgrade-2.10.xsl-simplify-2-2-HelperIdentity-no-INNER-RECURSION.patch - XML: upgrade-2.10.xsl: simplify 1/2: resource instance_attributes * pacemaker-XML-upgrade-2.10.xsl-simplify-1-2-resource-instance_attributes.patch - XML: modularize "XSLT processor", allow substitutes * - tools: improve error messages from crm_resource --move * pacemaker-tools-improve-error-messages-from-crm_resource---move.patch - tools: use output redirection correctly in crm_standby * pacemaker-tools-use-output-redirection-correctly-in-crm_standby.patch - tools: handle multiple values properly in crm_attribute * pacemaker-tools-handle-multiple-values-properly-in-crm_attribute.patch - tools: bash portability issue in crm_failcount * pacemaker-tools-bash-portability-issue-in-crm_failcount.patch - libcrmservice: don't consider a cancelled recurring operation as failed * pacemaker-libcrmservice-dont-consider-a-cancelled-recurring-operation-as-failed.patch - tools: cibsecret --help/--version doesn't require cluster to be running (bsc#1102915) * bsc#1102915-pacemaker-tools-cibsecret---help--version-doesnt-require-cluster-to-be-running.patch - spec: package cts-exec-helper with main package instead of -cli - spec: move old logs after upgrade - scheduler: improve failed op message * pacemaker-scheduler-improve-failed-op-message.patch - libcrmservice: find absolute paths when used with "service:" * pacemaker-libcrmservice-find-absolute-paths-when-used-with-service.patch - libcrmservice: separate LSB-specific code into own source files * pacemaker-libcrmservice-separate-LSB-specific-code-into-own-source-files.patch - execd: handle systemd actions correctly when used with "service:" * pacemaker-execd-handle-systemd-actions-correctly-when-used-with-service.patch- contoller,scheduler: guard hash table deletes (bsc#1136712) * pacemaker-contoller-scheduler-guard-hash-table-deletes.patch - controller: don't abort after delay if we're no longer DC * pacemaker-controller-dont-abort-after-delay-if-were-no-longer-DC.patch - libcrmcommon,pacemakerd: kernel task name is at most 15 characters * pacemaker-libcrmcommon-pacemakerd-kernel-task-name-is-at-most-15-characters.patch - io.c: restore -Werror buildability, put conversion specifier last * pacemaker-io.c-restore--Werror-buildability--put-conversion-specifier-last.patch- libcrmcommon: avoid memory leak on failed IPC send * pacemaker-libcrmcommon-avoid-memory-leak-on-failed-IPC-send.patch - daemons: improve connection loss messages * pacemaker-daemons-improve-connection-loss-messages.patch - libcrmcommon: improve connection loss message * pacemaker-libcrmcommon-improve-connection-loss-message.patch - pacemaker_remote: correct documentation URL in systemd unit file * pacemaker-pacemaker_remote-correct-documentation-URL-in-systemd-unit-file.patch - libcrmcommon: check file/directory writability better * pacemaker-libcrmcommon-check-filedirectory-writability-better.patch - spec: no more buildroot XML to modify- Update to version 1.1.18+20180430.b12c320f5: * XML: upgrade-2.10.xsl: fix "mark space" issue (bsc#1091661)- Update to version 1.1.18+20180427.a34ccd926: - crmd: avoid double free after ACL rejection of resource delete - lib: Changed to lowercase comparison. - all: correct misspellings - controld: remove deprecated configdir parameter - controld: deprecate and ignore configdir parameter - controld: consistently indent with spaces instead of tabs - libcrmcommon: don't record pending notify actions as completed - crmd: improve messages when a node is unexpectedly lost - cib: improve shutdown messages - cts-regression: allow specifying to run multiple tests again (bsc#1091360)- Update to version 1.1.18+20180417.24df451b5: - alerts: Delete redundant code. - liblrmd: cast time_t to long long when printing - cts: separate dummy systemd service into separate files * Drop obsolete fate-323526_pacemaker-tests-shebang-python3.patch - crm_diff: rhbz#1561617 - Ignore attribute placement when comparing in 'cib' mode - spec: remove reference to long-gone file - spec: mark -cts & -doc packages as noarch - spec: fix malformed conditional macros for systemd-less cases - alerts: Change timestamp of Alert of snmp.- Update to version 1.1.18+20180411.2f77f4922: - libcrmcommon: free signal triggers when cleaning up mainloop - libcrmcommon: fix memory leak in schema workaround - fencing: avoid memory leaks when freeing remote operation - fencing: free dynamic memory at stonithd shutdown - crmd: delete resource from lrmd when appropriate (bsc#1117381) - Test: rhbz#1565187 - Ensure failures that cause fencing are not removed until after fencing completes - rhbz#1565187 - Ensure failures that cause fencing are not removed until after fencing completes- Update to version 1.1.18+20180406.633845120: - libcrmcommon: add a byte to pid file holder - attrd,cib,libcrmcommon: avoid %z - crmd: avoid memory leak when synthesizing operation result - tools: avoid memory leak on invalid resource - crmd: log rc code as extended information - cib: avoid file descriptor leak on temporary file creation - pengine: avoid redundant test - libcrmcommon: handle compression failures properly - libcrmcommon: improve empty string check - various: improve NULL checks - libcrmcommon: improve patch xpath searches - libcrmcommon,tools: use format strings appropriate to variables - libcrmcommon: use correct argument type for duration - libcrmcluster: avoid potential use-of-NULL - libcrmcommon,libstonithd: avoid resource leaks - tools: get sensor lun in ipmiservicelogd before using it - schema upgrade: temporary fix to avoid crash on newly present text- Update to version 1.1.18+20180406.ce623681e: - fencing: convert fence_legacy to python - fencing: fix typos in messages- Update to version 1.1.18+20180406.18fe1cc2b: - XML: upgrade-2.10.xsl: add transform for automatic upgrades to latest schema - Log: establish correct character string literals also with qb_logt sink - pengine: fix swapped warning message arguments leading to segfault (bsc#1090538) - cts-pengine: add regression test for notifications for unrunnable actions - cts-pengine: update regression tests for notification changes - rhbz#1545449 - Do not perform notifications for events we know wont be executed - bundle: Added add-host option. - liblrmd: add API function for new lrmd op - lrmd: add new lrmd op to list recurring ops - spec: require corosync >= 2.0.0 - crmd,libcrmcommon,libpe_status: guint can't be negative - xml: Allow local "kind" in resource_set within rsc_order (bsc#1085515) - Pacemaker Explained: "symmetrical" defaults to "false" for serialize orders (bsc#1085515) - pengine: "symmetrical" defaults to "false" for serialize orders (bsc#1085515) - pengine: Avoid potential use-of-NULL in unpack_simple_rsc_order() (bsc#1085515) - cts-pengine: add new regression test for interval handling - libpe_status: handle ISO8601 intervals when checking for blocking failures - pengine: properly cancel recurring monitors - pengine: improve recurring operation messages - pengine: check for duplicate intervals properly - libcrmcommon: avoid misuse of crm_get_msec() - pengine: treat reconnect_interval more consistently with action intervals - libpe_status: use default timeout rather than 0 if timeout spec is bad - libpe_status: use correct default timeout for monitors- Update to version 1.1.18+20180322.d37067b2a: - spec: Make sure shadow package is installed before adding user and group- Update to version 1.1.18+20180313.2c83c6872: - cts-pengine: add regression test for changing bundle replica count - libpe_status: handle unique bundle children correctly- Update to version 1.1.18+20180312.31c732adc: - spec: make shadow dependency explicit - spec: drop requirements for bison and flex- Update to version 1.1.18+20180309.e51687162: - crmd,liblrmd,libcrmcommon: improve remote node disconnection logs - libcrmcommon: add function to get text equivalent of client type - crmd: always write faked failures to CIB whenever possible - liblrmd: add function to create resource info structure - crmd: functionize setting fake operation status - crmd: always assert when operation can't be created - crmd: avoid core dump if remote connection doesn't exist - crmd: improve lrmd failure handling - crmd: return rich error codes from get_lrm_resource() - crmd: match only executed down events - crmd: functionize pieces of do_lrm_invoke() - crmd: don't abort for v2 diff LRM refresh if actions pending - crmd: validate CIB diffs better- Update to version 1.1.18+20180305.9cd0f6cb8: - libcrmcommon: avoid memory leak when schema transform not found - tools: warn if crm_resource --wait called in mixed-version cluster - Install /etc/pacemaker directory for storing authkey file (bsc#1082883)- Update to version 1.1.18+20180226.f788652cf: - crmd: log transition ID when aborting - crmd: always log unmatched down events at least at debug level - pengine: deprecate require-all in rsc_order (fate#324508) - libpe_status: deprecate stonith-action=poweroff (fate#324508) - tools: already latest schema is not failure for cibadmin --upgrade - libcrmcluster: prefer corosync name over ring0_addr (fate#324508) - spec: add gcc to BuildRequires - attrd: Synchronize attributes held only on own node.- Build: Ship cibsecret by pacemaker instead of cluster-glue (bsc#1082456) * Drop obsolete pacemaker-cibsecret-tool-temp-disabled.patch- Update to version 1.1.18+20180216.ae50b7f5d: - various: improve string allocation - XML: upgrade-2.10.xsl: re(drop) rsc_colocation/@score-attribute{,-mangle} - XML: upgrade-*.xsl: bump the validate-with field from within stylesheet - XML: upgrade-*.xsl: omit XML declaration - upgrade-*.xsl: don't be picky about comments, PIs, etc.- Update to version 1.1.18+20180213.965befd59: - libcrmcommon: use /tmp when creating temporary XML file - tools: crm_master should always work on node attribute - tools: crm_resource --cleanup couldn't match clone instances - tools: crm_resource --refresh should ignore --operation and --interval - crmd: quorum gain should always cause new transition - rhbz#1527072 - Correctly observe colocation constraints with bundles in the Master role - Bug rhbz#1519812 - Prevent notify actions from causing --wait to hang - libpe_status: recover after failed demote when appropriate - lrmd: always use most recent remote proxy - libpe_status: limit resource type check to primitives - PE: correct mispelled constant - PE: Ensure stop operations occur after stopped remote connections have been brought up - PE: Remote connection resources are safe to to require only quorum - PE: Only allowed nodes need to be considered when ordering resource startup after _all_ recovery - PE: Ordering bundle child stops/demotes after container fencing causes graph loops - PE: Passing boolean instead of a pointer- Update to version 1.1.18+20180209.7acb22379: - use proper way to make output files executable - spec: move lrmd_test to cli package - spec: make log directories owned by cli package - spec: move all test data into cts package - pengine: move regression test to cts as cts-pengine - lrmd: move regression test to cts as cts-lrmd - fencing: move regression test to cts as cts-stonithd - tools: move CLI regression test to cts as cts-cli - rename top-level testing files and move to cts directory - tools: drop crmadmin -i and -d options (fate#324508)- Update to version 1.1.18+20180208.f6a261987: - Feature: crmd: modify feature set handling- Update to version 1.1.18+20180205.b44c57e35: - pengine,doc,tools: rename "master score" to "promotion score" (fate#324508) - libpe_status: rename bundle 'masters' to 'promoted-max' (fate#323415) - pengine,libpe_status: rename master-{max,node-max} to promoted-* (fate#324508) - various: merge clone resource type and master/slave resource type (fate#324508) - attrd,pacemakerd,libcrmcommon: make "Exiting" last message - don't use corosync logging settings (fate#324508) - crmd,libpe_rules: drop support for notification-agent/recipient - tools: improve crm_failcount exit code usage- Update to version 1.1.18+20180129.c801ab11e: - allow configuring specific python intepreter version (fate#323526) * Drop obsolete fate-323526_pacemaker-pacemaker-configure-AM_PATH_PYTHON-python3.patch - use auto-configured python executable in python shebangs (fate#323526) * Update fate-323526_pacemaker-tests-shebang-python3.patch - xml: drop score-attribute and score-attribute-mangle - pengine: avoid misuse of function parameter - libcrmservice,pacemakerd: improve privilege dropping- Update to version 1.1.18+20180119.9146c3c20: - crmd: Avoid double-removal of glib event source on stopping- Update to version 1.1.18+20180118.9c3f7a49c: - libcrmcommon: put exit/return handling in own source/header files - Build: bump build dependencies - Rebase: * pacemaker-Wno-format-signedness.patch- configure: Check for python3 with AM_PATH_PYTHON (fate#323526) * fate-323526_pacemaker-pacemaker-configure-AM_PATH_PYTHON-python3.patch- Update to version 1.1.18+20180112.bd7115b8c: - tools: improve help text - libpe_status: deprecate restart-type and role_after_failure- Update to version 1.1.18+20180109.57d48a1b1: - libcluster,libcrmcommon: improve BZ2 error messages - all: use consistent exit status codes - libcrmcommon,tools: improve XML write error handling - stonithd,libcrmcommon: auto-calculate stonith-watchdog-timeout when requested (fate#324508) - logrotate: switch user when rotating logs- cts: Operate pacemaker service on startup to prevent triggering StopWhenUnneeded of corosync service * pacemaker-cts-StartCmd.patch- Update to version 1.1.18+20180104.7ba28d854: - tools: improve crm_standby option handling - tools: improve crm_standby help and error messages - tools: improve crm_master option handling - tools: improve crm_master help and error messages - tools: remove deprecated stonith_admin option (fate#324508) - tools: remove deprecated crm_verify option (fate#324508) - tools: remove deprecated crm_attribute --node-uuid option (fate#324508) - tools: avoid using deprecated options - tools: remove deprecated crm_resource options (fate#324508) - libpe_status: use consistent monitor for implicit remotes - all: overhaul log locations (fate#324508)- spec: Switch dependencies from python to python3 (fate#323526) - tests: Switch shebang from /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/python3 (fate#323526) * fate-323526_pacemaker-tests-shebang-python3.patch- Update to version 1.1.18+20180101.494eacba4: - migrate cts to python3 (fate#323526)- Update to version 1.1.18+20171221.c91a650ec: - libcrmcommon: drop special handling of pre-1.1.7 failed recurring op history - libcrmcommon: drop special handling of pre-1.1.4 migration history entries - crmd: drop support for DCs that don't support throttling - cib,libcrmcommon: drop support for PCMK_legacy variable- libcrmcluster: use crm_strdup_printf() instead of calloc() - attrd: avoid small memory leak at start-up - systemd unit files: restore DBus dependency - libcrmservice: avoid memory leak on DBus error - pengine: validate more function arguments - Upstream version cs: 098d557cc495944e1b6ebd9d05b819d6da74825e- libpe_status: drop support for "requires" operation meta-attribute (fate#324508) - tools: crm_resource --cleanup with no resource specified (bsc#1071503) - tools: crm_resource --cleanup (bsc#1071503) - crmd,libpe_status: drop support for legacy option aliases (fate#324508) - libstonithd,libpe_status: drop support for pcmk_poweroff_action (fate#324508) - libstonithd,libpe_status: drop support for pcmk_arg_map (fate#324508) - libstonithd,libpe_status: drop support for pcmk_*_cmd (fate#324508) - libpe_status,libpe_rules: drop support for default-action-timeout (fate#324508) - libpe_status: use correct default timeout for probes - libpe_status: drop support for operation meta-attributes in instance_attributes (fate#324508) - libpe_status: fix precedence of operation meta-attributes - libpe_status,libpe_rules: remove support for is-managed-default (fate#324508) - libpe_status,libpe_rules: drop support for default-resource-stickiness (fate#324508) - crmd: drop support for LRMD_MAX_CHILDREN environment variable (fate#324508) - tools: remove crm_mon SMTP support (fate#324508) - tools: remove crm_mon SNMP support (fate#324508) - lrmd: remove deprecated -r/--dummy command-line option (fate#324508) - tools: crm_resource --cleanup for non-primitive resources (bsc#1071503) - pengine: unfence before probing or starting fence devices - Upstream version cs: 4528eb3b726197ab077243ab923ed291473f0ed7- attrd: ensure node name is broadcast at start-up (CLBZ#5330) - Upstream version cs: 407ded8de381543e71c5b94b3ade296fcfd2c828- libpe_status: remove support for default-resource-failure-stickiness (fate#324508) - libpe_status: remove support for resource-failure-stickiness (fate#324508) - various: remove support for pre-Pacemaker-1.0 CIB XML (fate#324508) - libpe_status,tools: remove support for legacy ticket state entries (fate#324508) - various: remove isolation wrapper support (fate#324508) - systemd unit files: enable TasksMax=infinity (bsc#1028138, bsc#1066710) * Drop obsolete bug-1028138_pacemaker-pacemaker.service-TasksMax.patch - Upstream version cs: 53a3fe14b15b087bbde9ccb524d11d0a413cc6e9- RA: NodeUtilization RA is now shipped by resource-agents package (bsc#1070347) * Drop bug-1015842_pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA.patch- crmd: default record-pending to TRUE (fate#324508) - tools: enable new crm_resource --cleanup/--refresh behavior (fate#324508) - Upstream version cs: f36ad364748880815bf00151c516a1f2deae2fed- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)- Update to version 1.1.18 - libpe_status: always use default key location with bundles - attrd,stonithd: more efficient regular expression parsing - libpe_status: avoid potential NULL dereference - tools: use proper variable in message from crm_resource -g - tools: use uber-parent for crm_resource -a/-A - tools: use g_main_loop_is_running() properly - libpe_status: monitors are rescheduled, not reloaded - crmd: determine restart/private digests correctly - systemd: add TasksMax comment to pacemaker_remote unit (bsc#1028138, bsc#1066710) - tools: make regression test insensitive to line number changes - pengine,tools,libpe_status: avoid unnecessary use of pe_find_current - pacemaker.service: Recommend not to limit tasks (bsc#1028138, bsc#1066710) * Update bug-1028138_pacemaker-pacemaker.service-TasksMax.patch - tools: set the correct OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE env when crm_resource --force-* executes RA - typo: overriden -> overridden - portability: the difference of time_t values is given by difftime() - pengine: avoid not-really-possible use-of-NULL - PE: Have bundles log to stderr so that 'journalctl -M' works (rkt) - tools: don't expect reply to failed send - pengine: use newer Pacemaker Remote terminology - pengine: memory leak when writing graph to file - tools: don't reinvent the glib wheel - tools: implement clean-up dry-run correctly - pengine: avoid potential use-of-NULL - Update regression test outputs - PE: Improved logging of reasons for stop/restart actions - PE: Allow all resources to stop prior to probes completing - PE: Correctly defer processing of resources inside containers - crm_resource: Ensure we wait for all messages before exiting - crm_resource: Have cleanup operate only on failures - PE: Have bundles log to stderr so that 'docker logs' works - PE: Resources are allowed to stop before their state is known everywhere - PE: Use the node we already have and know isnt NULL - PE: Flag resources that are acting as remote nodes - crmd: Scale all cib operation timeouts - PE: Bare metal remotes _can_ run resources now and must be probed - PE: Bundles only need to wait for other containers on the same node to be probed - crmd: Scale timeouts with the number of remotes too - PE: There is no need for port mapping directives when net=host is specified - PE: Do not always expire failed operations of nested remotes - PE: Consolidate REMOTE_CONTAINER_HACK logic - PE: Exclude resources and nodes from the symmetric_default constraint in some circumstances - crm_resource: Don't cleanup on nodes not meeting the discovery conditions - PE: Restore the ability to send the transition graph via the disk if it gets too big - crm_resource: Prevent disconnection from crmd during cleanup - PE: Do not probe connection resources until the container is active - PE: Detailed resource information should include connection resource state - Tools: Allow crm_resource to operate on anonymous clones in unknown states - tools: Clean up everywhere if we don't know anything about the resource - crm_resource: See what cleanup would have done for a saved configuration - PE: Only pass requests for promote/demote flags onto the bundle's child - Upstream version cs: 2b07d5c5a908998891c3317faa30328c108d3a91 (Pacemaker-1.1.18)- pengine: if ignoring failure, also ignore migration-threshold - libcrmcommon,liblrmd,lrmd: improve messages for failed remote sends - libcrmcommon,lrmd: meaningful error codes when sending remote messages - libcrmcommon: lower watchdog messages when default - tools: set meta_timeout env when crm_resource --force-* executes RA - fencing: don't print event twice with stonith_admin --verbose - fencing: memory leak in stonith_admin --env - fencing: improve stonith_admin help - crmd: hard error if remote start fails due to missing key - libcrmcommon,liblrmd: report meaningful async connection errors - libcrmcommon: return meaningful error codes to connection callbacks - libcrmcommon: async connection callback must get negative error codes - libcrmcommon,liblrmd: improve remote connection messages - pacemaker_remote: warn if TLS key can't be read at start-up - lrmd: tweak TLS listener messages - pengine: don't probe offline or unclean guest nodes (fate#324441) - agents: ifspeed - Try to detect interface name from ip address. - pengine: don't keep unique instances on same node - pengine: improve messages when assigning resources to nodes - Upstream version cs: 23be51236edc34477a99d6979bc0e2cc1e1a7684- libpe_status: avoid use-after-free (again) - lrmd: don't reject protocol 1.0 clients (bsc#1009076) - tools: print descriptive messages for OCF exit code - tools: differentiate trace log level for RAs - tools: show RAs debug logs only when verbose mode for crm_resource --force-* - tools: suppress an invalid error message for crm_resource --force-* options - pengine: don't schedule reload and restart in same transition - libcrmservice: list systemd agents alphabetically - libcrmcommon: add function to sort list alphabetically - pengine: new regression test for unrecoverable remote connection - libcrmservice: avoid infinite loop on bad DBus reply - libcrmservice: list systemd unit files, not only active units - libpe_status: print container type in lowercase when outputting XML - tools: re-enable crm_resource --lifetime option (CLBZ#5251, bsc#950128) - libcrmcluster: improve error checking when updating node name - tools: fix crm_resource --why output when resource and node are specified - libcrmservice: parse LSB long description correctly - libcrmservice: follow LSB standard for header block more strictly - libcommon: Erase old exit_reason - Upstream version cs: 36d2962a8613322fc43d727d95720d61a47d0138- crm_mon: error-exit child if execl should return - crmd: avoid memory leak when caching meta-data - tools: ensure crm_resource data set is initialized - libcib: ensure xpath result isn't empty - tools: missing break statement in attrd_updater - libcrmcommon: check sscanf() result when parsing schema version - tools: check sscanf return value when parsing failed op list - tools: treat bundles with replicas like clones when restarting - tools: allow crm_resource to be called without arguments - tools: update regression test for recent message changes - tools: improve crm_resource --show-metadata error messages (CLBZ#5287) - libcrmcommon: add functions for using agent specifications - tools: improve crm_resource help (CLBZ#5251, bsc#950128) - libcrmcommon: improve cluster option parsing - Upstream version cs: 27b631162104d90e944cbc107c2d46e983f94ca7- spec: Disable deprecated crm_mon SNMP/ESMTP support (configure alerts instead)- pengine: add tests for no-quorum-policy=suicide - libpe_status: properly detect when nodes should suicide - libpe_status: always log startup-fencing value - libpe_status: generalize ability to log warning only once - pengine: reset loss-policy from fence to stop if no fencing - pengine: avoid use-of-NULL when unpacking tickets - tools: ensure crm_resource works if no command is specified - libpe_status: validate no-quorum-policy=suicide correctly - tools: use-after-free in crm_diff - RA: ClusterMon - Correctly handle "update" parameter - attrd: "peer peer loss" -> "peer loss" - Tools:Refactored Crm_resource to have proper assignments for require_* - Upstream version cs: c4a09cfec99570a2509831f4b8974457dcdb1af6- Log: Reduce verbosity of developer logging - PE: We most definitely need to probe connection resources - PE: Ensure the bundle nodes get set with the correct discovery mode - PE: Implement probing of container remote nodes (fate#324441) - attrd: Tweak log messages for clarity - crm_resource: Do not send history erasure commands for nodes where this is none - PE: Resources in bundles should also respect failcounts - PE: Do not send notifications to unclean bundles - PE: Prevent graph loops when fencing the host out from underneath a bundle - Tools: Allow bundle resources to read/write master scores based on the same logic as attrd (cf34f4c) - PE: bundle: Send an additional host list when container-attribute-target=host - PE: Correctly interpret colocation with bundles - PE/attrd: Allow bundle resources to read/write attributes based on the physical host rather than the container name - Upstream version cs: 4328c6a65424d1caf9785107664ec1b7fc824664- Rebase: * bug-728579_pacemaker-stonith-dev-id.patch - Fix: -Wformat-truncation=2: prevent format truncation - snprintf: use correct signedness in print format specifiers - snprintf: use sizeof(X) as size + prevent off-by-ones - crmd,libcrmcommon,libcluster,tools: handle PID as string properly - tools: use right size for string buffer in fake_transition.c - crm_resource: fix a memleak - pengine: sprintf -> snprintf - libcrmcommon: fix possible infloop in buffer_print - crm_snprintf_offset like parts: fix off-by-ones - attrd: improve update messages - stonithd,lrmd,pengine: spelling/formatting corrections - build: install ifspeed resource agent - libcrmservices: avoid assert for HB resource with no parameters - crmd: re-enable local collection of meta-data for remote nodes - crmd,pengine,libpe_status,libpe_rules: remove support for versioned attributes - crmd: avoid memory leak when node state is unknown - crmd: avoid assert if LRM query fails - libpe_status: more error checking when unpacking bundles - libpe_status: bundles now respect PCMK_authkey_location - libcrmcommon,liblrmd,lrmd: validate PCMK_remote_port - PE: Bundles: add support for rkt bundle type - libcrmcommon,libpe_rules: unpack new alert filter syntax - xml: allow specifying alertable events - Fix: a proper calculation of a speed in case of hfi1 for ifspeed RA. - pengine: detect proper clone name at startup - pengine: don't ignore permanent master scores at startup - pengine: handle resource migrating behind a migrating remote connection - stonith-ng: advertise pcmk_on_action via metadata - liblrmd: Make sure the operation of a remote resource returns if setup of the key fails (bsc#1053463) - libcrmcommon,pengine: improve log messages - PE: only print to stdout if run from command line - crmd: eliminate size restriction on node state xpath - pengine: add regression test for remote connect interval wait - pengine: re-enable unrecoverable remote fencing - pengine: Make sure calculated resource scores are consistent on different architectures (bsc#1054389) - PE: Allow resources inside bundles to receive notifications - PE: Update unfencing device change test output - attrd,crmd: erase attributes at attrd start-up, not first join - attrd: accept connections only after CIB connection is active - attrd: make CIB connection function self-contained - attrd: improve messages - stonith-ng: make fencing-device reappear properly after reenabling - crmd: don't need meta-data after resource is deleted - crmd: only get meta-data for OCF and stonith agents - libcrmcommon: generate agent key without :: if no provider - pengine: avoid fence loop for remote nodes - attrd: don't log error if CIB doesn't have an alerts section - PE: Only retrigger unfencing on nodes that ran operations with the old parameters - PE: Output resource changes in a friendlier format - PE: Attempt to indicate why resources are changing state - Mechanism for recording why an action is required - Support unfencing of remote nodes - PE: Ignore optional unfencing events and report the fencing type - Upstream version cs: 20cffae1e9c64217339173c197edac8612ad02b9- logging: ensure blackbox gets generated on arithmetic error - crm_mon: overcome crm_system_name no longer influenced with argv - crm_mon: make CGI bail out on suspicious arguments - crm_mon: make CGI bail out properly and w/o help screen - crm_mon: canonical casing of Content-Type CGI header field - libcrmcommon: handle schema versions properly - attrd: don't reconnect to lrmd if already connected - PE: Ensure nested container connections run on the same host - crmd: send alerts via lrmd - lrmd: execute alerts as cluster daemon user - libservices: add ability to specify user to run an action - libcrmcommon: improve user lookup messages - extra: correct ClusterMon metadata - attrd: avoid memory leak when disconnecting from lrmd - attrd,tools: avoid memory leaks from use of crm_itoa() - attrd: be consistent about attr/host logging - attrd: delay lrmd connect until needed - attrd: add timestamp to alert just when needed - attrd: improve log messages - libcrmcommon,libpe_rules: avoid crash when alerts section has comments - libcrmcommon: add API call for next named XML child - liblrmd: only set environment variables with a value - attrd,liblrmd: handle adding env var at head of list - lrmd: drain alerts at shutdown - attrd,lrmd: generate alert sequence number in lrmd - liblrmd: better trace message when creating command - stonith-ng: avoid double-free of pending-ops in free_device - crmd: log correct feature set revision - PE: update start-failure-is-fatal help - cib: avoid unnecessary memory allocation - stonith-ng: add pcmk_delay_base as static base-delay (fate#324488) - XML: upgrade-1.3.xsl: be explicit about non 1:1 wrt. ACL @attributes - enable upgrade XSLTs to use meaningfully - Tools: Added option of --why/Y to crm_resource to inform the status of resources if running or not - various: fix spelling in messages and comments - cib: reword trace message - PE: Prevent use-after-free when creating bundle constraints - add versioned operations support - TE: don't bump counters when action or synapse is invalid - obtain metadata in CRMd via async call - tools: add version options for cibsecret - alerts: Support of meta attributes(kind, attribute_name). - attrd,lrmd,lib: Addition of the transmission function of the attribute alert to attrd. - extra: Change for attribute alerts. - extra: Change PCMK-MIB.txt for attribute alerts. - XML: upgrade-1.3.xsl: simplify branching - XML: upgrade-1.3.xsl: drop superfluous branching - XML: upgrade-1.3.xsl: simplify "weak identity" transform rules - XML: upgrade-1.3.xsl: easy simplifications + redundant declarations drop - re-enable versioned attributes - Upstream version cs: d134f83b4f0188f6d7cd381c8cdda1a2a7c38bd5- Update to version 1.1.17 - PE: Ensure unrecoverable remote nodes are fenced even if no resources can run on them - iso8601: strftime needs fully populated struct tm (bsc#1058844) - crmd: abort transition whenever we lose quorum - PE: Ensure bundle nodes and child resources are correctly cleaned up - PE: Generic ordering for anything with bundles - PE: Default to non-interleaved bundle ordering for safety - PE: Functional inter-bundle ordering when either side has no child - PE: Basic inter-bundle ordering when both sides have children - PE: Implement bundle ordering - libpe_status: properly disallow other resources from bundle nodes - libcib: get remoteness correctly from node status - libpe_status: avoid memory leaks when creating bundle remote resource - libpe_status: disallow resources on bundle nodes - pengine: make checks a little safer - PE: Clones within bundles may also have notifications enabled - PE: Correctly implement pe_order_implies_first_printed - PE: Do not re-add a node's default score for each location constraint - PE: Bundle location constraints should only apply to the IP and docker resources - PE: Bundles: Allow clones to be colocated with bundles - PE: Bundles: Implement colocation of primitives and groups with bundles - cib,libcib: support option for IPC eviction threshold - libcib: correctly search for v2 patchset changes - libcib: always use current values when unpacking config - libcrmcluster: fix spelling error in error message - crmd: DC should update stonith fail count before aborting transition - cib: Broadcasts of cib changes should always pass ACLs check (bsc#1042054) - Upstream version cs: b36b869ca8fe74caa077c286304f653f0be117ef (Pacemaker-1.1.17)- pengine,libpe_status: revisit fencing messages - PE: Improve logging of node fencing and shutdown - PE: Fence unrecoverable remote nodes with no resources - libpe_status: propagate multiple-active=block for bundles - libpe_status: set parent for bundle components - attrd: broadcast local overrides of sync'ed attributes - crmd: attribute write-out not needed with atomic attrd - PE: Prevent use-after-free when creating bundle constraints - PE: Ensure remote nodes are fenced when the connection cannot be recovered - PE: Improved fencing logging - PE: Assume resources on remote nodes do not need to be restarted until absolutely necessary - PE: Correctly compare a point with NULL instead of FALSE - libpe_status: correctly flag remote connection resources - pengine: improve internal bundle constraints - pengine: re-phrase trace log for internal constraints - libpe_status: set #kind to "container" for bundle nodes - pengine,libpengine: avoid potential use-of-NULL - pengine: avoid use-of-NULL in bundle without primitive - libpengine: don't double score when adding first allowed node - pengine: improve detection of invalid constraints - PE: Prevent use-of-NULL when expanding containers - PE: Partially restore 62ed004 to ensure remote connections are available before attempting resource recovery - stonith-ng: Trigger on constraints added to cib (bsc#1042374) - Upstream version cs: e47bd5bc77a3d1b38589b3716f5112ed39329e7b- RA: NodeUtilization - Use xl if available (bsc#1015842) * Drop obsolete: * * bug-1015842_pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA-1.patch * * bug-1015842_pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA-2.patch * * bug-1015842_pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA-3.patch * Add bug-1015842_pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA.patch - Drop obsolete pacemaker-lrmd.h-include-libxml.patch - lrmd,pengine: remove versioned parameters from documentation and tests - lrmd,pengine: don't support versioned attributes by default - Containers: Relax docker/remote colocation constraint when appropriate - Containers: Ensure remote resources are only allocated to full cluster nodes - lrmd: Ensure verbosity options are handled after crm_log_init() - pengine: unmanage guest-container puts guest in maintenance - pengine: unique ids for meta-attributes of guest-connection - pengine: update regression tests for probes of guest-connections - pengine: have guest-node connection-resources probed - crmd: clean up throttle memory on exit - libcib: avoid use-after-free when deleting CIB connection - systemd unit files: add dependency on resource-agents-deps - pengine: Allow use of resource params and meta-params in location rules - libcrmcommon: avoid evicting IPC client if messages spike briefly - libcrmcommon: don't delay next flush by more than 5 seconds - libcib: downgrade ACL status message to trace - crmd: don't destroy election structure twice - crmd: avoid use-after-free when disconnecting from CIB - libcib: functionize destroying op callback table - crmd,libcrmcommon: update throttle when CPUs are hot-plugged - crmd: remove I/O load checks - libcrmcommon: add function to get number of CPU cores - crmd: functionize checking throttle thresholds - crmd: functionize setting throttle load target - CTS: update corosync fail patterns - crmd: check correct timer for being started - crmd: improve fencing result message - lrmd: Have pacemaker-remote reap zombies if it is running as pid 1 - pengine: add test for per-op fail count - libcrmcommon: filter attributes with '#' from XML fields - extra: Dummy stop shouldn't fail if monitor is in progress - extra: use whitespace consistently in Dummy - crmd: don't fence old DC if it's shutting down as soon-to-be DC joins - crmd: avoid DC sending offer to itself twice - crmd: don't restart transition if no fence devices - crmd: skip restart at (not above) stonith-max-attempts - crmd: allow clearing all stonith fail counts - crmd: track stonith fail counts on all nodes - crmd: forget stonith failures when forgetting node - crmd: consider target when checking stonith failures - crmd: check for too many stonith failures only when aborting for that reason - PE: Remote: Allow remote nodes that start containers with pacemaker remote inside - fencing: ignore empty 'action' parameter in fence devices - crmd: fix remove attr_id from update_attr_delegate() - Fix log showing the node status so that it is easily distinguishable from other logs - crmd: don't abandon fencing after one "no devices" failure - libcrmcommon: more useful message if can't open dump file - libcib: use new convenience function for sanitizing ID - libpe_status: implement active check for bundles - tools: update crm_mon RNG schema for bundles - crmd: add set_join_state() - crmd: fix line wrapping - crmd: update_attr_delegate() instead of set_standby() - PE: Containers: Allow custom docker run commands - logrotate: rotate pacemaker logs inside bundled containers - libpe_status: improve bundle docker defaults - tools: crm_resource should free result if re-running function returns one - libpe_status: avoid memory leak when counting failures - crmd: remove functions from crmd_utils.c - PE: Containers: Ensure replicas_per_host=1 is respected during rediscovery and startup - libcib: change the format of the state id in set_standby() - PE: Containers: Allow the internal and external ports to optionally differ - PE: Containers: Allow custom control ports when using the machine's local address - crmd: set_standby in first_join - PE: Bundles: Better support for net=host, allow the pacemaker-remote port to change - Remote: Allow the port to listen on to be specified on the commandline - libpe_status: allow more than 254 containers in a bundle - crmd,liblrmd: handle crmd-local proxy requests properly - common: Prevention of the double definition. - pacemaker_remoted: Allow compilation with glib older 2.36 - PE: Containers: Default 'replicas' to the same number of 'masters' - PE: Containers: Correctly find the right anonymous child resource running in a container - PE: Clone: Simplified allocation function - PE: Contaienrs: Better checks when assuming a container will start - PE: Preferred nodes are only accepted if their scores are equal to the otherwise best candidate - PE: Containers: Remove containers on termination by default - PE: Container: Add support for non-default docker networks and supplying external IPs to container resources - PE: Containers: Allow specifiying the maximum number of peers per host - PE: Containers: Force a sane hostname - PE: Containers: Add support for nic and netmask parameters - PE: container: Parse network and mount options - PE: Allow the graph to assume container nodes will come up and schedule actions for it - PE: Force node scores for containerized resources - PE: Basic allocation of containers - Core: Track the line number of callers of crm_(set|clear)_bit - xml: Correctly find the first child element - PE: Basic container parsing and expansion (fate#323415) - PE: Correctly test for clone functionality - Improve recovery when demote fails with OCF_NOT_RUNNING - Upstream version cs: ce86684f5d0672791e9fd3043a84f0931cdd97ea- libcrmcluster,crmd: log join phase as text rather than integer - pacemaker-remote: pacemaker_remoted shutdown while unmanaged - tools: disable agent stdout/stderr for crm_resource --validate - tools: Add "--validate" command to crm_resource - tools: crm_resource should set OCF_RESKEY_crm_feature_set - tools: make crm_failcount compatible with per-operation failcounts - tools: support clearing failure of a single operation with crm_resource -C - crmd: support clearing failure of a single operation - crmd: make clearing last failure more efficient - attrd,libcrmcommon: support clearing failure of a single operation - attrd,crmd,libraries,tools: track resource failures per-operation - tools: support crm_failcount -q as advertised - Upstream version cs: 77ea74d01bcb6b7100e1c7acab0e66e79aceaf8b- NodeUtilization: Never set hv_memory to a negative value (bsc#1015842) * bug-1015842_pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA-3.patch - NodeUtilization: Fix mixed indentation, set executable bit (bsc#1015842) * bug-1015842_pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA-2.patch - RA: NodeUtilization - Use xl if available (bsc#1015842) * Drop obsolete bug-1015842_pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA.patch * Add bug-1015842_pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA-1.patch- spec: Merge the SLE and Factory versions * enable_fatal_warnings=0- crmd: new cluster option stonith-max-attempts with default value 10 (fate#323417) - crmd: Change of the log level and addition of uuid. - crmd: use new attrd op to clear fail counts - tools: crm_resource -C should clear last-failure - libcrmcommon: add API for new attrd clear-failure operation - attrd: add more detail to legacy attrd messages - attrd: add API for clearing failures - Upstream version cs: e55d506cc390f0a0335b4ec6e365ea89da30b6b1- pacemaker.service: Add presetting TasksMax=4915 (bsc#1028138) * bug-1028138_pacemaker-pacemaker.service-TasksMax.patch- Build: lrmd: Include libxml/tree.h in lrmd.h * pacemaker-lrmd.h-include-libxml.patch- libfencing,fencing: properly remap "action" in configuration - libservices: ensure recurring actions table is created before using - libservices: improve error messages when creating operation - libservices: properly detect in-flight systemd/upstart ops when kicking - libservices: properly cancel in-flight systemd/upstart op - libservices: handle in-flight case first when cancelling an operation - libservices: prevent use-after-free when freeing an operation - libservices: ensure completed ops aren't on blocked ops list - libcrmcommon: assert if can't generate operation key - libcrmcommon: improve remote connection polling messages - crmd: clear failure only for requested node - crmd: improve message when clearing failures - pengine,libpe_status: make failcount clearing messages more helpful - pengine,libpe_status: don't clear same fail-count twice - cib: properly mark variable as volatile - libcib: avoid memory leak in query_node_uuid() - tools: avoid NULL dereference in crm_resource debug message - cib,libcrmcommon,lrmd: handle IP addresses better in messages - tools: crm_attribute should prefer node name from environment - libcrmcommon: Correctly delete XML comments according to their positions (bsc#1024037) - libcrmcommon: Correctly compare XML comments to prevent crmd from getting into infinite election loop (bsc#1024037) - crmd,libcrmcluster: minor log message improvements - tools: avoid deprecated function in notifyServicelogEvent - libcrmcommon,pengine,tools: pass local node name to resource agents - use callback instead of sync call - libcib: make querying node uuid more efficient - tools: allow regular expression with crm_attribute - attrd: support regular expressions in legacy attrd - attrd: support Pacemaker Remote node attributes in legacy attrd - use status scope to start node in standby mode - attrd: ignore unsupported requests in legacy attrd - attrd,crmd: implement peer remove requests in legacy attrd - crmd: don't clear remote node transient attributes unnecessarily - crm_mon: protect against non-standard or failing asctime - libservices(sync): partially prevent killing foreign process - libservices (sync): ensure no zombie is left behind - cib: improve re-sync handling - tools: implement crm_failcount command-line options correctly - tools: use correct regular expression for fail counts in crm_resource - cib: never disable legacy mode with corosync 1 stacks - cib: improve warning when legacy diff fails - libcrmcommon: ensure filename is not NULL before opening - crmd: be more resilient when checking an LRM command's "from" - crmd: improve crmd's LRM-related log messages - tools: properly ignore version with crm_diff --no-version (bsc#888726) - Ability to start node in standby (fate#323416) - Upstream version cs: a7825f4f0a8db272d1ce0b1f93e8044cbcaa5144- libservices: properly watch writable DBus handles - tools: don't reference hidden parameter in crm_resource help text - Alert: Set SNMP_PERSISTENT_DIR directory for the snmp-trap tool. - dbus: Prevent lrmd from hanging on dbus calls (bsc#1015264) - spec: add %check to run a subset of tests on rpmbuild - crmd: update cache status for guest node whose host is fenced - pengine: consider guest node unclean if its host is unclean - pengine: create a pseudo-fence for guest node recovery - pengine: guest node fencing doesn't require stonith enabled - pengine: remove unnecessary assert - mcp: Correction of the difference in access permission setting. - stonith_admin: Addition of the list-targets option. - stonith: Check for missing params in new device and dup - libservices: treat systemd service reloading as OK (bsc#1059187) - crmd: increase severity when fencing didn't happen (bsc#1011240) - rng: Create resources-2.7.rng to update template class validation - libcrmcommon: Don't report error if the output file isn't syncable - crmd: bump feature set - pengine: disable migration for versioned resources - add versioned parameters support - Upstream version cs: 2817a2081e9e70e7412f0d0a253495611afab55e- wd: Fix to not compare NULL when environment variable is not set - mcp,pacemaker_remote: order after time-sync - configure: fix fouled parameter expansion * Drop obsolete pacemaker-configure-systemd-detection.patch - xml: rng: Keep score-attribute{,-mangle} in the existing RelaxNG schema files for graceful upgrades - Upstream version cs: 94ff4df51a55cc30d01843ea11b3292bac755432 (Pacemaker-1.1.16)- RA: NodeUtilization - Use xl if available (bsc#1015842) * bug-1015842_pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA.patch- spec: Prevent overwriting existing sysconfig files by conditionally running %fillup_only (bsc#1022807, bsc#980341)- spec: cts brings an RA that needs python-systemd- Explicitly own %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}.- Revert "Build: configure: make systemd detection akin to + before Upstart one" * pacemaker-configure-systemd-detection.patch - libcrmcommon: fix CVE-2016-7035 (improper IPC guarding) (bsc#1007433) - sysconfig: minor tweaks (typo, wording) - various: issues discovered via valgrind and coverity - attrd_updater: fix usage of HAVE_ATOMIC_ATTRD - Upstream version cs: b6f251a13fadca0cb74702b0c007a55275c8ea09- Rebase: * pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA.patch - extra: add resource agent for managing a node attribute - crmd: cl#5185 - Record pending operations in the CIB before they are performed (bsc#1003565) - ClusterMon: fix to avoid matching other process with the same PID - mcp: improve comments for sysconfig options - spec: require libqb >= 0.13.0 - tools: crm_standby --version/--help should work without cluster - spec: reorganize so %pre etc. blocks are self-contained - spec: require python >= 2.6 - spec: comment better - libpengine: ensure child is not null before looking up value - libpengine: only log startup-fencing warning once - Upstream version cs: 722276c442bf023931842313bfe0dfb7d90a7c15- pacemaker.service: do not mistakenly suggest killing fenced - pacemaker.spec: consume "systemdunitdir" via %_unitdir - libcrmcommon: report errors consistently when waiting for data on connection (bsc#986644) - libservices: use DBusError API properly - remote: Correctly calculate the remaining timeouts when receiving messages (bsc#986644) - libfencing: report added node ID correctly - crm_mon: Do not call setenv with null value - pacemaker_remote: allow remote clients to timeout/reconnect - pengine: Do not fence a maintenance node if it shuts down cleanly (bsc#1000743) - install README in doc instead of now-removed AUTHORS file - ping: Avoid temporary files for fping check (bsc#987348) - all: clarify licensing and copyrights - schemas.c: treat CIB with unrecognized validate-with better - schemas.c: avoid downgrade validate-with in a corner case - xml.c: better info in cli_config_update on no validation success - fix infloop when no schema validates on update_validation - xml.c: internal self-or-less reference inflicted infloop guard - crmd: Resend the shutdown request if the DC forgets - ping: Avoid temp files in fping_check (bsc#987348) - crmd: Ensure the R_SHUTDOWN is set whenever we ask the DC to shut us down - crmd: clear remote node operation history only when it comes up - libcib,libfencing,libtransition: handle memory allocation errors without CRM_CHECK() - tools: make crm_mon XML schema handle resources with multiple active - tools: make crm_mon resources section more consistent - crmd: bump feature set - pengine: set OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_* for multistate resources - LSB init: try to be a little more compliant - pengine: avoid null dereference in new same-node ordering option - lrmd,libcluster: ensure g_hash_table_foreach() is never passed a null table - crmd: don't log warning if abort_unless_down() can't find down event - lib: Correction of the deletion of the notice registration. - stonithd: Correction of the wrong connection process name. - crmd: Keep a state of LRMD in the DC node latest. - pengine: avoid transition loop for start-then-stop + unfencing - libpengine: allow pe_order_same_node option for constraints - pengine: avoid sisyphean score-attribute-mangled parsing - xml: score-attribute{,-mangle} has no meaning for rsc_colocation - Upstream version cs: 4cce2b26f6f468c342adb24bf74234a12a0070c2- cts: Restart systemd-journald with "systemctl restart systemd-journald.socket" (bsc#995365) * bug-995365_pacemaker-cts-restart-systemd-journald.patch- libcrmcommon: properly handle XML comments when comparing v2 patchset diffs - crmd: don't abort transitions for CIB comment changes - libcrmcommon: log XML comments correctly - libcrmcommon: remove extraneous format specifier from log message - crm_mon: Avoid logging errors for any CIB changes that we don't care about (bsc#986931) - crmd: When node load was reduced, crmd carries out a feasible action. - Upstream version cs: 58fef06198fef17873d0d2e2d0cc5c7db73c5724- ping: Log sensible error when /tmp is full (bsc#987348) - crm_mon: Do not log errors for the known CIB changes that should be ignored (bsc#986931) - logging: Enable synchronous logging when blackboxes are enabled - libpengine: print target role and blocked status in XML output - tools: add maintenance mode and disabled/blocked resources to crm_mon XML/HTML output - tools: break up long lines in crm_mon console output - libservices: include socket units when listing all systemd agents - fencing: fence_legacy - Search capable devices by querying them through "list" action for cluster-glue stonith agents (bsc#986265) - extra: correct quoting of timestamp-format in alert-snmp-example - pengine,tools: Display pending resource state by default when it's available (bsc#986201) - rng: Allow rsc-pattern in locations for version 2.6 - pengine: Expand regexp references in location constraints - pengine: Allow to set base score for progressive node health strategy - systemd: Allow unit names ending in .socket. - watchdog: Correction to do to change action of the system reboot by fail_fast - Upstream version cs: 630d0d112092042b6f79c2a02bb442e82fee93ec- Remove conditionals that are not really needed as they always kept the values - Remove the cman conditional as we do not even have the dependencies to build with it in OBS - Convert deps to pkgconfig style ones and remove deps that are not mentioned by the testsuite or the Update to version 1.1.15 - crmd: mention that graceful remote shutdowns may cause connection failures (bsc#981489) - alerts - drop 5min timeout to 30s since it is configurable now - Bug bz#5292 - crmd: wait for alerts to finish - libais,libcluster,libcrmcommon,liblrmd: don't use %z specifier - alerts: ensure sample alert agents handle undefined recipient - tools: crm_resource -T option should not be hidden anymore - PE: Correctly update the dependant actions of un-runnable clones - alerts: make timestamp-format-string work properly if strftime-escape is the last character - extra: make alert-file-example cope with spaces in timeformat-string - attrd,ipc: Prevent possible segfault on exit (bsc#986056) - alerts: fix SMTP recipient defaulting - tools: properly handle crm_resource --restart with a resource in a group - tools: don't assume all resources restart on same node with crm_resource --restart - tools: avoid memory leaks in crm_resource --restart - tools: remember any existing target-role when doing crm_resource --restart - tools: correctly count starting resources when doing crm_resource --restart - Upstream version cs: e174ec84857e087210b9dacee3318f8203176129 (Pacemaker-1.1.15)- Clean-up with spec-cleaner - Drop heartbeat conditions, no heartbeat around - Sort CMAN conditionals to be actually logical - Run fdupes to not waste so much space - Add logrotate to reqs of pacemaker-cli - Cleanup rpmlintrc to contain only bare needed minimum - Run basic sanity check in %check phase- Drop sysvinit support we now run on sle12+ only - Cleanup the define conditionals that are never used - Drop profiling and coverage options it is not enabled by default and better to run separately- libcrmcommon: really ensure crm_time_t structure is fully initialized by API calls - extra: correct syntax error in sample alert script - crmd: avoid timeout on older peers when cancelling a resource operation - crmd: use proper resource agent name when caching metadata - crmd: avoid memory leak when sending fencing alert - liblrmd: avoid memory leak when closing or deleting lrmd connections - extra: improve determination of successful monitors in SNMP alert script - tools: avoid memory leak when crm_mon unpacks constraints - pengine: avoid use-after-free with location constraint + sets + templates - pengine: better error handling when unpacking sets in location constraints - pengine: avoid memory leak when invalid constraint involves set - Build: rename sample alert scripts and install them in datadir - pengine : Correction of the record judgment of the failed information. - Upstream version cs: dd46368eead0d756735216a4bc765466b99274fc- alert-helpers: some fixes in - libpengine: log message when stonith disabled, not enabled - pengine: only set unfencing constraints once - tools: don't require node to be known to crm_resource when deleting attribute - libcrmcommon: ensure crm_time_t structure is fully initialized by API calls - attrd: don't leak memory when returning due to malformed update request - crmd: always free result of crm_itoa() - xml: adapt crm_mon.rng per recent reorder of the summary elements - Upstream version cs: 1a05449500f015414b6df68b6d4feb64b713f533- Rebase: * bug-977201_pacemaker-controld-self-fencing.patch - pengine: properly order stop actions relative to stonith - crm_resource: don't pretend that target-role:started would prevent promotion - crm_mon: consistently print ms resource state - controld: use "stonith_admin -H '*' -V" (bsc#977201) - stonith_admin: allow -H '*' to show history for all nodes (bsc#977201) - controld: fix "[: -eq: unary operator expected" issue from PR 1022 (bsc#977201) - extra: Support of the task designation of a resource and the fencing. - extra: Change (2). - Upstream version cs: 6a8c1e9d35c65cbfd4019cfe797cb7bb9dfd4322- controld: Prevent unwanted self-fencing if "stateful_merge_wait" state of dlm is not available (bsc#977201) * bug-977201_pacemaker-controld-self-fencing.patch- libservices: clean up non-signalfd code paths - spec: fence_pcmk only eligible for Pacemaker+CMAN - crmd: Acknowledge cancellation operations for remote connection resources (bsc#976865) - controld: improve DLM check with stateful_merge_wait (bsc#977201) - attrd, libcrmcommon: validate attrd requests better - crmd: clear remote node transient attributes on disconnect (bsc#981489) - Revert "Fix: attrd: Correctly implement mass removal of a node's attributes" (bsc#981489) - crm_mon: Fix time formatting on x32 - resources: use OCF version tagging correctly - libcommon: crm_procfs_pid_of() would always return last /proc entry checked - crmd: correctly dig into cib-query-answer if alerts section is present timestamp-format defaults to "%H:%M:%S.%06N" - crmd: Take start-delay into account for the timeout of the action timer (bsc#977258) - libservices: make systemd override file world-readable to avoid log warning - libcrmcommon: correct directory name in log message - Log: make crmd messages more user-friendly - Log: make messages in common quorum/fencing situations more user-friendly - Log: make shutdown messages more user-friendly - pengine: lf#2560/lf#2588 - Correctly set the environment variable "OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_timeout" when "start-delay" is configured (bsc#977258) - Log: make operation messages more user-friendly - Log: make startup messages more user-friendly - services: Correctly clean up service actions for non-dbus case - uninitialized use of nano_digits - attrd: Update also dampens when synchronizing attributes (bsc#977846) - Upstream version cs: 389294fd1ebefddad67fff51306f585b758ca860- Rebase: * pacemaker-Wno-format-signedness.patch - RA: SysInfo - Reset the node attribute "#health_disk" to "green" when there's sufficient free disk (bsc#975079) - pengine: Organize order of actions for slave resources in anti-colocations (bsc#977800) - attrd: Fix the synchronization of attributes (bsc#977846) - pengine: Organize order of actions for master resources in anti-colocations (bsc#977800) - pengine: Respect asymmetrical ordering when trying to move resources (bsc#977675) - fencing: Record the last known names of nodes to make sure fencing requested with nodeid works (bsc#974108) - crmd: first implementation of integrated multi-agent, multi-target alerting mechanism (fate#320855) - ping resource: Use fping6 for IPv6 hosts (bsc#976271) - pengine: Consider resource failed if any of the configured monitor operations failed (bsc#972187) - ping resource: avoid undefined func w/ OCF_FUNCTIONS=/dev/null - spec: make Publican docs not depend on pre-existing packages - cib/fencing: Set status callback before connecting to cluster (bsc#974108) - xml: use spaces instead of tabs in schema files - extra: Support of the dampen change by RA. - Upstream version cs: 9e382568ac3cd54c222496501088ab3fc158b2e2- crmd: update cluster state in CIB after fencing an unseen node - crmd: don't abort transition for expected remote node shutdown - libtransition: potential memory leak if unpacking action fails - Upstream version cs: 5a6cdd11b4f93b4d55e1b2654078018c339931d4- attrd: crash on exit if initialization fails - build: fix scalability regression - pengine: Suppress assert if a stateful clone is not being demoted/stopped (bsc#971129) - attrd: Support of the dampen change by attrd. - PE: Correctly handle the ordering of demote actions for failed and moving containers - Upstream version cs: d076e9dbf9827f7801c89c6d635df370aeca5e90- crmd,tools: Set attributes for remote nodes directly into cib if it's legacy attrd (bsc#967775) - libcib: Correctly determine the node type (bsc#967775) - resources: match agents' default for globally_unique to pacemaker's - crm_mon: Help admins identify why resources are not being started or responding to commands - PE: Memory leak - crm_resource: Prevent segfault when --resource is not correctly supplied for --restart command - Build: Create CRM_CORE_DIR during installation - Upstream version cs: eb89393a82eb41ff50d041b91765ccac52e873e0- cpg: Ensure group name is never unset - remote: Simplify calls to accept() and inet_ntop() by using "struct sockaddr_storage" (bsc#964183) - remote: cl#5269 - Notify other clients of a new connection only if the handshake has completed (bsc#967388, bsc#1002767, CVE-2016-7797) - remote: Correctly display the IP address of the remote client (bsc#964183) - spec: declare also BSD license as suitable - libservices: Add error handling for pipe() failed. - libservices: Check resource agent is executable or not before pipe open. - crmd: Prevent use-after-free when an unexpected remote client takes over (bsc#964183) - pacemakerd: Correction of the stonithd process judgment of pacemakerd. - crmd: Do not turn on stonith-watchdog-timeout automatically if SBD is detected - remote: Correctly check for SBD configuration consistency - resources: Fix state file metadata in Dummy, Stateful and HealthCPU resource agents - systemd: Modified so that the cluster to stop before the rsyslog - common: Correctly locate sbd via its pidfile - common: Assume processes are active if we get EACCESS - Fencing: Simplify watchdog integration - crmd: Only poopulate stonith-watchdog-timeout if SBD is active - remote: Ensure SBD is consistently configured on remote nodes - remote: Allow cluster and remote LRM API versions to diverge (bsc#1009076) - cib: Do not send notifications when the dryrun flag is present - Upstream version cs: cf67796823c4429714857411e614cfacfbc59d89- crm_shadow: fix broken --display command - ipc: Respect the parameter of pick_ipc_buffer() but don't let it affect the global value - libcluster: crm_peer_uname() should return NULL if uuid is invalid - remote: recover from remote node fencing more quickly - crmd: update node state for migrated pacemaker_remote nodes - crmd: update node state for stopped pacemaker_remote nodes - crmd: update node state for started pacemaker_remote nodes - crmd: add new message type for updating pacemaker_remote node state - libcluster: set remote peer cache state based on CIB node state - libcluster: send notifications when pacemaker_remote nodes are started - crmd: report pacemaker_remote node state in CIB status section - Upstream version cs: c851a117bc77bdefe15181a7d753f1aed867cde6- spec: Move the common directories under /var/lib/pacemaker into pacemaker-cli package - liblrmd: Prevent potential use-after-free (bsc#964183) - crmd: Disconnect the relevant remote proxies as well when disconnecting a remote node (bsc#964183) - crmd: Prevent potential use-after-free (bsc#964183) - liblrmd: Prevent potential use-after-free issues (bsc#964183) - PE: Fix conditions for internal sanity check (bsc#971129) - attrd: ensure remote nodes are in correct peer cache (bsc#981489) - crmd: set remote flag when gracefully shutting down remote nodes (bsc#981489) - fencing: Correctly track active stonith actions (bsc#938545) - fencing: Functionize adding and removing active pids of device (bsc#938545) - crm_shadow: Do not invoke shells with --noprofile option other than bash (bsc#961392) - lib/common: check return value of dlsym() and not dlerror() - lib/ipc: allow PCMK_ipc_buffer to be smaller than default max sizes - lib/services: use self-pipe sigchld handling when signalfd isn't available - spec: associate subpackage with correct licenses - spec: rely on system-wide RPM macros if available - spec: C++ compiler is not something currently needed - RHBZ#1286316: Do an ordered shutdown of systemd resources - header == NULL when parsing compressed message - attrd: Correctly implement mass removal of a node's attributes (bsc#981489) - attrd: Hook up the client name so we can track requests - crmd: Set the shutdown transient attribute in response to LRMD_IPC_OP_SHUTDOWN_REQ from remote nodes (bsc#981489) - PE: Honor the shutdown transient attributes for remote nodes (bsc#981489) - pacemaker_remote: support graceful stops (bsc#981489) - crmd: support graceful pacemaker_remote stops (bsc#981489) - lrmd,liblrmd: add lrmd IPC operations for requesting and acknowledging shutdown (bsc#981489) - fencing: Support concurrent fencing actions on each device (bsc#938545) - pengine: Support concurrent fencing (bsc#938545) - Upstream version cs: c54f10440a7bba5a1491ea8506925c7d6d9ca2a3- Update to version 1.1.14 - fencing: free only after last usage makes coverity happy - crmd: 0 is a valid fd makes coverity happy - tools: crm_resource compile issue - crm_resource --list-agents: don't print uninitialized memory - extra: update SNMP MIB with new pacemakerTrap OID containing pacemakerNotificationTrap - fencing, libfencing: remap fence agent error codes before async callback (bsc#962309) - libfencing: topology is not used - fencing: topology is not used - libcrmcommon: when caching attrd connection, cache connection flags as well - cts: Plugin-based cluster has its own PacemakerUp pattern - Upstream version cs: 70404b0e5ecbe5e51d07c6c2233eea640cbd720a (Pacemaker-1.1.14)- Rebase: * bug-806256_pacemaker-log-level-notice.patch * bug-728579_pacemaker-stonith-dev-id.patch - core: Mistake of the parameter order. - RHBZ#1287315: stonithd: Trigger cib_devices_update in case of deletion of just an attribute - CLBZ#5253: stonithd: Do not intermingle stdout & stderr coming from stonith-RAs (bsc#962309) - resources: allow for top output with or without percent sign in HealthCPU - controld: Return error when DLM status is wait fencing (RHBZ#1268313) - crmd: Don't update cluster/peer CIB fields when processing stonith results - Upstream version cs: e16447de89d25db3b3578c7e080c1a4c2f85806f- ping: Clarify the description of host_list parameter in ping metadata (bsc#956459) - systemd: Prevent segfaul when logging failed operations - systemd: The underlying systemd calls default to 90s for their timeouts - cib: Do not terminate due to badly behaving clients - Correctly check for recycled PIDs in crm_pid_active - crmd: Consider only fence and shutdown transition events to be "down" events - pengine: Support of multiple-active=block for resource groups (bsc#942491) - crmd: use 300s timeout with notification scripts, not 300ms - stonith_admin: add ability to target topology by pattern or attribute - fencing,libfencing: add API support for targeting topology by pattern or attribute - Upstream version cs: a7d6e6b56fd2779a07970df7de4e0fb0b22742d3- crm_report: Call "crm report" if available (bsc#950483)- fencing: crm_resource --show-metadata drops documentation strings for fencing agents (bsc#950375) - Upstream version cs: 6f22ad7312b703289da5d24e918a78117a0825e1- CTS: add "try except" to deal with errors that raw_input gets EOFError and add "--yes" to skip interaction (bsc#953192) - Upstream version cs: 577898dc4ac1efdb5989a996cb5f9ac60ed2eb7a- crm_resource: Correctly clean up all children for anonymous cloned groups (bsc#950128) - services: Directly add operations into in-flight list in the execution functions (bsc#952874) - systemd: Return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR instead of PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED for uncertain errors on LoadUnit (bsc#952884) - systemd: Return FALSE for systemd_mask_error() if it only maps an error instead of masking one (bsc#952884) - dbus: Correctly return the result for pcmk_dbus_find_error() no matter if there's a DBusError passed in (bsc#952884) - services: Prevent potential use-after-free when trying to add an operation into in-flight list (bsc#952874) - systemd: Directly return an error if the connection to System DBus is closed (bsc#952874) - services: Correctly determine if operations are in-flight (bsc#952874) - systemd: Reconnect to System DBus if the connection is closed (bsc#931271) - lrmd: Finalize all pending and recurring operations when cleaning up a resource (bsc#950450) - fencing: don't poke peers when remote node status changes - attrd: don't try to communicate with attrd on a remote node - libcluster,crmd: never update join info or processes for remote nodes - cib: Increased paranoia when peer updates fail to apply in compatability mode - crmd: do not accept remote peer data as enough for startup - crmd: remote nodes can't be DC so never add them to stonith cleanup list - libcluster: never autoreap from remote peer cache - crmd: improve generation of node state - CTS: get Reattach test working again and up-to-date (bsc#953192) - libcommon: Ignore CDATA of metadata of the resource. - cib: Downgrade the log message on forwarding CRM_OP_NOOP requests from INFO to DEBUG (bsc#949267) - fencing: Return a provider for the internal fencing agent "#watchdog" instead of logging an error (bsc#949441) * Drop bug-949441_pacemaker-fencing-provider-internal.patch which has been merged upstream - Upstream version cs: 7bd00f3f3010bc10d13b87e2ff501b597ea6ca03- fencing: Return a provider for the internal fencing agent "#watchdog" instead of logging an error (bsc#949441) * bug-949441_pacemaker-fencing-provider-internal.patch - spec: Move the normal resource agents into pacemaker-cli package (bsc#947197) - spec: Move logrotate configuration file into pacemaker-cli package (bsc#947197) - spec: Move attrd_updater, crm_attribute and crm_master into pacemaker-cli package (bsc#947197) - spec: Move xml schema files and PCMK-MIB.txt into pacemaker-cli package (bsc#947197)- crm_resource: Correctly observe --force when deleting and updating attributes (bsc#948197) - crm_resource: Correctly delete existing meta attributes regardless of their position in the heirarchy (bsc#948197) - fencing,libfencing: use level tag consistently in internal XML - crm_resource: Correctly update existing meta attributes regardless of their position in the heirarchy (bsc#948197) - crmd: properly detect CIB update failures for remote nodes - cibadmin: Prevent potential use-of-NULL in print_xml_output() (bsc#947180) - Fencing: The device list is expected to be comma separated - Tools: Do not send command lines to syslog (bsc#986676) - Tools: Repair the logging of 'interesting' command-lines - PE: resolve memory leak - libfencing: make topology level removal compatible with latest stonithd API - fencing: parse from correct XML location when registering/unregistering topology - tools: improve error handling when modifying configuration - crmd,libcrmcommon,libservices,tools: potential memory leaks (bsc#948197) - crmd,fencing: avoid potential null dereference in string searches - typo: OPSTIONS -> OPTIONS in crm_mon.sysconfig - cib: Check if the configuration changes with cib_config_changed() only for v1 diffs (bsc#946224) - liblrmd: don't print error if remote key environment variable unset - libcib: properly handle temporary file - libcrmcommon: better validation of environment variable value - crmd: avoid potential null dereference - libcib: potential user input overflow - controld: replace bashism - PE: drop probe_complete actions - PE: Allow resources to start and stop as soon as their state is known on all nodes - Fencing: Correctly construct simple topologies with stonith_admin - Fencing: Correctly remove topologies and detect invalid entries - remote: Revise a misleading message in the ocf:pacemaker:remote resource agent (bsc#946332, bsc#967383) * Drop bug-946332_pacemaker-resource-agent-remote-message.patch which has been merged upstream - remote: Correctly display the usage of the ocf:pacemaker:remote resource agent (bsc#946332, bsc#967383) * Drop bug-946332_pacemaker-resource-agent-remote-usage.patch which has been merged upstream - libcib: find_nvpair_attr_delegate: check buffer overflow - libcib: find_nvpair_attr_delegate: check alloc failure - Upstream version cs: 7906df92a713052db1edae851579ea229d8a5393- remote: Revise a misleading message in the ocf:pacemaker:remote resource agent (bsc#946332, bsc#967383) * bug-946332_pacemaker-resource-agent-remote-message.patch - remote: Correctly display the usage of the ocf:pacemaker:remote resource agent (bsc#946332, bsc#967383) * bug-946332_pacemaker-resource-agent-remote-usage.patch- crm_resource: Allow the resource configuration to be modified for --force-{check,start,..} calls - Fencing: Correctly parse 'by-attribute' fencing levels - Fencing: Use dedicated fields for fencing level patterns and attribute matching - pacemaker_remote: memory leak in ipc_proxy_dispatch() - crmd: don't add node ID to proxied remote node requests for attrd - membership: Safely autoreap nodes without code duplication - PE: Resolve memory leak - pacemakerd: Do not forget about nodes that leave the cluster - corosync: Display node state and quorum data if available - crmd: Implement reliable event notifications - extra: Added snmp trap of type "NOTIFICATION-TYPE" to MIB and snmp helper script - Date: Correctly set time from seconds-since-epoch - PE: Bug cl#5247 - Imply resources running on a container are stopped when the container is stopped - Upstream version cs: 20c2178f076ff32fdf9ba9a467c193b8dac2f9e5- lrmd: Upgrade start/finish log tags from INFO to NOTICE (bsc#943295) * bug-943295_pacemaker-lrmd-log-notice.patch- services: Reduce severity of noisy log messages (bsc#943319) - xml: Mark xml nodes as dirty if any children move (bsc#942382) - pengine: The failed action of the resource that occurred in shutdown is not displayed. - tools: memory leak in crm_resource - crm_resource: Correctly check if a resource is unmanaged or has a target-role - fencing: add ability to target by attribute - crmd: Resolve memory leak in remote_proxy_cb() - ipc: Do not constantly increase suggested size for PCMK_ipc_buffer every time we find it's insufficient (bsc#940992) - Upstream version cs: e8888b98cd7dbdfb986c1a46bdb4b113b96e914f- crm_resource: Indicate common reasons why a resource may not start after a cleanup - pengine: Ensure fencing of the DC precedes the STONITH_DONE operation - crm_resource: Compensate for -C and -p being called with the child resource for clones - ipc: Fix output formats (bsc#940992) - fencing: ensure "required"/"automatic" only apply to "on" actions - fencing: Remove unnecessary casts (bsc#940711) - crm_simulate: Prevent segfault on arches with 64bit time_t (bsc#940711) - ipc: Correctly compare values for the size of ipc buffer and prevent suggesting a negative value when it's insufficient (bsc#940992) - xml: Reduce severity of noisy log message (bsc#950551) - crm_resource: Correctly clean up failcounts for inactive anonymous clones - crmd: Avoid cancelling transitions when we tell nodes to shutdown - systemd: drop legacy SysVStartPriority from service units - crm: Set the attribute from remote node. - Upstream version cs: 4ad07f5f464c84b80c739922bd9fd708e8d36e5a- dbus: Remove redundant ref/unref of pending call records - stonithd: potential device list corruption - cib: don't destroy peer cache in peer status callback - systemd: Ensure pending structs are correctly unreferenced - systemd: Track pending operations so they can be safely cancelled - crmd: memory leak in CIB callbacks - attrd: memory leak in legacy attrd's CIB callback - attrd: memory leak in CIB callback - libcib: allow free function for user data supplied to CIB callbacks - xml: Prevent use-of-NULL in crm_xml_dump() - crm_mon: Memory leaks - Upstream version cs: 3fb7f71bf9ca2a3d6e1187fa3b74c7841d6af5a7- pengine: properly handle blocked clone actions - pengine: Correctly bypass fencing for resources that do not require it - libservices: potential memory leaks when executing systemd actions - libservices: memory leak in DBus-related log messages - crmd: memory leaks in recurring operation history - pengine: Addtion of the clone resource clone-min metadata option - Upstream version cs: 3d781d3fe61504c841e3c89b2e8ccff8195d4af6- Rebase bug-806256_pacemaker-log-level-notice.patch - Build: Update version numbers to 1.1.13 in version.m4 and sample spec file - fencing: Broadcast uname as soon as a peer's state has changed (bsc#938410) - fencing: remap sequential topology reboots to all-off-then-all-on - fencing: remap sequential topology reboots to off - fencing: support remapping reboots when processing fencing query results - fencing: treat remapped reboots as reboots when appropriate - fencing: support remapping reboots in fencing query results - crmd: check for errors when searching for CIB daemon's load file - libcib,libfencing,tools: memory leaks from xmlGetNodePath() - attrd: use-after-free in attrd_client_update() - fencing: memory leak when searching for a target's fencing topology - lrmd: memory leak when freeing command structure - libcluster: work around peer cache destruction in client status callbacks - fencing: add support for operation phases to device properties - fencing: add support for operation phases - crmd: Do not enforce restart for resources that support reload and don't support any unique parameters - crmd: Do not enforce restart for changes of non-unique parameters - cts: change the stack from openais (white-tank) to corosync (plugin v0) in set_stack of (bsc#936149) - Upstream version cs: bd8c4b5a30c9cacd0257fe50ab50d3a6436db42a- crmd: Make resource_supports_action() really general - crmd: Remove a duplicate invocation of snprintf() - pengine: clear failures after reconnect_interval expires - RA: Prevent an error message on stopping "Dummy" resource - PE: Ignore comment blocks when unpacking the cib - fencing: use "off" timeout when remapping "reboot" to "off" - fencing: do not set call options twice in query - crmd: don't synthesize op failures during shutdown - lrmd: prevent double free after unregistering stonith device for monitoring (bsc#1035822) - libcommon: crm_ipc_get_fd() must set errno on error - PE: Record the execution date in PE files so we can re-use it in crm_simulate - pengine: allow guest remote nodes using containers/vms to be nested in a group resource - pengine: Resolve memory leak in expand_notification_data() - cib: Prevent use-after-free and return -EINVAL when attempting to delete the whole "/cib" (bsc#934609) - cib: Prevent use-after-free when invoking "cibadmin --delete-all --xpath" (bsc#934609) - crmd: Prevent segfault when erasing resources from disconnected remote nodes - pengine: do not timeout remote node recurring monitor op failure until after fencing - crmd: No need to re-process actions we've already marked as failed - crmd: All pseduo ops must be allowed to complete - crm_simulate: Optionally include action IDs in the dot graph - fencing: properly decide whether a topology fencing device has been found - fencing: properly sort peers by number of fencing devices found - crmd: Record actions in the CIB as failed if we cannot execute them - pengine: do not stop notify a fenced node that the rscs on the fenced node stopped - pengine: fixes segfault in pengine when fencing remote node - remote: do not fail operations because of a migration - remote: handle merging duplicate recurring monitors for connection rsc - pengine: cl#5235 - Prevent graph loops that can be introduced by "load_stopped -> migrate_to" ordering - PE: Exclude nodes which don't match any exclusive discovery rules - Log: improve IPC connection error messages - Log: make syslog less noisy - lrmd: cancel currently pending STONITH op if stonithd connection is lost - fencing: Correct the all_topology_devices_found() implementation - crmd: Pre-emptively fail in-flight actions when lrmd connections fail - PE: Include a list of all and available nodes with notifications - lrmd: set recv timeout upper bound for tls connections - services: prevent recurring monitors from colliding with other operations - crmd: handle resources named the same as cluster nodes - crmd: make actions incompletable after remote-node fails - crm_simulate: Correctly invoke the policy engine library - libcluster: overhaul peer cache management - crmd: Prevent use-of-NULL - crm_report: Enable password sanitizing by default - PE: Keep the size of the secure list small in the cib - PE: Reduce noise when sanitized policy engine files are replayed - attrd: handle removals of cluster peers and remote peers consistently - libcluster: avoid possibility of invalidating a hash table iterator - membership: Ensure peer cache management supports all stacks - libcluster: do not re-add peer entries for exiting nodes - PE: Skip unrunnable actions when one-or-more is in effect - PE: Ensure recurring monitor operations are cancelled when clone instances are de-allocated - systemd: No need to trigger assert if cannot obtain an unit (bsc#931271) - dbus: Use operation timeout for dbus reply timeout (bsc#931271) - fencing: correct choice of fencing topology level - crm_shadow: Fix "crm_shadow --diff" (bsc#931166) - cib: Calculate and add digest for a patchset after accepting changes for the target xml (bsc#931114) - remote: enable reloads for select remote connection options - crmd: fence remote node after connection failure only once - remote: reconnect_delay option for remote nodes to delay reconnect after fence - tools: ignore stderr from crm_mon when running via systemd - xml: update RelaxNG schema for crm_mon XML output - Fencing: Correctly handle changes to the fencing topology - fencing: Allow complex configurations to apply to multiple hosts - tools: Update regression tests for ACL fixes - tools: improve failed actions display in crm_mon - tools: implement printing tickets in crm_mon HTML/XML output - tools: implement printing negative location constraints in crm_mon HTML/XML output - tools: implement printing operations and failcounts in crm_mon HTML/XML output - tools: implement printing node attributes in crm_mon HTML/XML output - tools: improve cluster summary display in crm_mon - tools: improve guest node output in crm_mon - tools: prettify plaintext output - tools: prettify crm_mon HTML output - tools: prettify crm_mon --simple-status output - crm_report: Allow log file discovery to be disabled - crm_resource: Support debugging promote and demote operations - fencing: Allow semi-colon delimiter for pcmk_host_list - Upstream version cs: ef86b494a411ce920eb18b9b6541a3a0425a41e0- Update to version 1.1.13 - Build: Update library versions - Build: Move new struct members to the end for backwards compatibility - Fencing: Gracefully handle invalid metadata from agents - Upstream version cs: 6052cd16c2f455809f8088af76ce86483bf98353 (Pacemaker-1.1.13)- pengine: cl#5130 - Only check the capacities of the nodes that are allowed to run the resource (FATE#313105) - cib: Correctly add "update-origin", "update-client" and "update-user" attributes for cib (bsc#931177) - fencing : Correction of the log output of the practice node of stonith. - Upstream version cs: a0449d443fa5c834207def5fe36a117a53c334d6- xml: Correctly create v1 patchsets when deleting attributes (bsc#931170) - xml: Prevent potential use-of-NULL (bsc#929960) - Upstream version cs: 677f53216662d121a47b4c7683ec3749c614437e- cib: No need to enforce cib digests for v2 diffs in legacy mode (bsc#929960) - cib: Ability to upgrade cib validation schema in legacy mode (bsc#929960) - xml: Do not dump deleted attributes (bsc#929960) - cib: Revert d153b86 to instantly get cib synchronized in legacy mode (bsc#929960) - cib: Enable cib legacy mode for plugin-based clusters (bsc#929960) - Build: CRM_STATE_DIR is created dynamically when needed - Tools: Repair expected output for ACLs - Build: Prevent rpm packaging conflicts - pengine: cl#5130 - Choose nodes capable of running all the colocated utilization resources (FATE#313105) * Drop obsolete pacemaker-colocated-utilization.patch - Upstream version cs: 0b79da3e73fe2ced8b9602aa59d55873d857b3e7- crmd/pengine: implement on-fail=ignore without allow-fail (bsc#981731) - pengine: Prevent use-after-free in sort_rsc_process_order() (bsc#930368) - crmd: Prevent the old version of DC from being fenced when it shuts down for rolling-upgrade (bsc#929955) - xml: Fix upgrade-1.3.xsl to correctly transform ACL rules with "attribute" (bsc#929681) - crmd/pengine: handle on-fail=ignore properly (bsc#981731) - crmd: respect start-failure-is-fatal even for artifically injected events (bsc#981731) - crmd: don't update fail count twice for same failure (bsc#950450, bsc#981731) - crmd: report operation rc as advertised instead of status (bsc#981731) - xml: add RelaxNG schema for crm_mon XML output - Upstream version cs: c9ad9cd503f071391efe17d3c45d578d6f152acd- pengine: process rsc parameters during unpack (bsc#929842) - pengine: handle setting container attribute in the correct location (bsc#929842) - lrmd: move isolation wrappers to hidden directory (bsc#929842) - mainloop: resolves race condition mainloop poll involving modification of ipc connections (bsc#929835) - Upstream version cs: f47ea56b4ec23c7d8e0c129535a9b49cdbd80482- fencing: Correctly make args for fencing agents (bsc#925751) - fence_legacy: Avoid passing 'port' to cluster-glue agents (bsc#925751) - corosync: Bug cl#5232 - Somewhat gracefully handle nodes with invalid UUIDs - HealthSMART: OCF_RESKEY_drives could contain multiple values - pengine: restart master instances on instance attribute changes - spec: move report.common and report.collector to cli package - pengine: only kill process group on timeout when on-fail does not equal block. - lrmd: Hint to child processes that using sd_notify is not required (bsc#956626) - Agents: Fix the HealthSMART metadata - make targetted reprobe for remote node work, crm_resource -C -N - crmd: include remote nodes when forcing cluster wide resource reprobe - crm_mon: Support of the start from systemd of crm_mon - Upstream version cs: 195559d47b0e9186b5d131981f6f7fee96ecad76- Rebase: * pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA.patch - docker-wrapper: per resource logging of lrmd and remote client tool - pengine: Avoid trailing whitespaces when printing resource state - pengine: cl#5207 - Display "UNCLEAN" for resources running on unclean offline nodes - docker-wrapper: add reuse option for presistent containers - docker-wrapper: only override exit reason if docker daemon is inactive - pengine: handle isolated resource scenario, cloned group of isolated resources - pengine: handle cloned isolated resources in a sane way - crm_report: More patterns for finding logs on non-DC nodes - lrmd: Use original timestamps when reporting multi-step systemd operations - lrmd: report original timeout when systemd operation completes - systemd: improve unit files - PE: Turn off legacy unpacking of resource options into the meta hashtable - acl: Do not delay evaluation of added nodes in some situations (bsc#927828: CVE-2015-1867) - docker-wrapper: add demote, promote, and notify actions for multistate rsc - docker-wrapper: properly forward key value pairs during isolation - attrd: fixes double free in attrd legacy - lrmd: do not let isolation wrappers inherit the wrapper attribute, or it makes a loop - pengine: pass node name of pcmk host into isolated resources - lrmd: isolation wrappers are moved from containers to isolation OCF namepace - pengine: Fix colocation with unmanaged resources - stonith-ng: Correctly track node state - stonith-ng: No reply is needed for CRM_OP_RM_NODE_CACHE - crm_resource: Fix output format of the warning from --force-start - crm_resource: Display the locations of all anonymous clone children when supplying the children's common ID (bsc#870339) - cib: Correctly track node state - Upstream version cs: 7a2e3ae6b736621933b24f4cdc9ea260021d878d- Rebase: * bug-806256_pacemaker-log-level-notice.patch * pacemaker-NodeUtilization-RA.patch * pacemaker-colocated-utilization.patch - crmd: All peers need to track node shutdown requests (bsc#917625) - crmd: Cached copies of transient attributes cease to be valid once a node leaves the membership (bsc#917625) - crmd: Wait for all pending operations to complete before poking the policy engine - lrmd: preserve exit reason string when isolation wrappers are in use - docker-wrapper: properly separate docker and resource specific attributes - docker-wrapper: set authkey file permissions and properly set container 'node name' during start - systemd: Trick systemd into not stopping our services before us during shutdown (bsc#913251) - mcp: Allow a configurable delay when debugging shutdown issues - systemd: Kindly ask dbus NOT to kill the process if the dbus connection fails (bsc#931271) - systemd: Tell systemd not to take DBus down from underneath us (bsc#913251) - cib: Correctly set up signal handlers - PE: Do not record duplicate copies of the failed actions - lrmd: enable ipc proxy for docker-wrapper privileged mode - lrmd: properly handle poke requests in lrmd client when using ipc - spec: add docker-wrapper directory to spec file - pengine: disable migrations for resources with isolation containers - pengine: disable reloading of resources within isolated container wrappers - pengine: ability to launch resources in isolated containers - extra: docker container tech wrapper script for pcmk remote - tools: crm_mon prints Stopped clones only if --inactive was specified - tools: display node names more consistently in crm_mon output - tools: Improve crm_mon output with certain option combinations - tools: make crm_mon last updated header consistent across formats - remote: pcmk remote client tool for use with container wrapper script - crmd: Reset stonith failcount to recover transitioner when the node rejoins (bsc#921102) - systemd: fix crash caused when canceling in-flight operation - Upstream version cs: 3e93bc1dd6c1c3f2ee101f754567aa007b24bb5e- PE: Support non-actionable degraded mode for OCF - lrmd, services: interpret LSB status codes properly - tools: add crm_resource --wait option - tools: attrd_updater supports --query and --all options - attrd: attrd supports queries - pengine: remove unnecessary whitespace from notify environment variables - tools: free allocated memory correctly in crm_resource - attrd: properly write attributes for peers once uuid is discovered - cib: assignment where comparison intended - attrd: only send ack for recognized operations - attrd: make each client operation handler its own function - tools: attrd_updater supports private attributes - attrd supports private attributes (not written to CIB) - pengine: Reschedule specific monitors when resource definitions have changed (bsc#914761) - pengine: Resolve memory leaks (bsc#914761) - Upstream version cs: e32080b460f81486b85d08ec958582b3e72d858c- properly record stop args after reload - pengine: Do not reschedule monitors that are no longer needed while resource definitions have changed (bsc#914761) - Build: Fix building when heartbeat support is disabled - fencing: cl#5134 - Support random fencing delay to avoid double fencing (FATE#317136, FATE#318381, bsc#970733) - extra: Use crm_simulate for the showscores script - attrd: refresh should force an immediate write-out of all attributes - service: Leave synchronous calls to be free'd by the caller - service: Additional pointer safety - crmd: Add "on_node" attribute for *_last_failure_0 lrm resource operations (bsc#918839) - crm_mon: Fill CRM_notify_node in traps with node's uname rather than node's id if possible (bsc#918839) - pengine: ensure if B is colocated with A, B can never run without A - cib: automatically update .sig files in file backends when clients update live CIB - cib: file-based backends now detect whether file is live CIB - lrmd: add back support for class heartbeat agents - lrmd: provide fake meta data for ra class heartbeat - crm_resource: Use-after-free when restarting a resource - cli: Ensure subsequent unknown long options are correctly detected - crmd: Bug rhbz#1181824 - Ensure the DC can be reliably fenced - attrd_updater: Allow attributes to be set for other nodes - native_print: report target-role as well - membership: fix crm_update_peer_proc to NOT ignore flags if partially set - crmd: don't trigger a stonith_reconnect if no longer required - Upstream version cs: fa1311a0159588385f24cd8c3530233f4b90f3a9- Add pacemaker-Wno-format-signedness.patch to disable - Wformat-signedness added by GCC 5 and enabled by -Wformat=2- pengine: Handle ordering between stateful and migratable resources (bsc#881160) - crmd: Check "watchdog" daemon option before setting "have-watchdog" property - crmd: Correctly add the local option that validates against schema for pengine to calculate - Upstream version cs: 3021d731fdeba29e1136c117a62f3201785be6ea- crm_standby: update accepted options to match documentation - cts: Fix bashisms in LSBDummy script - pengine: fixes pengine crash with orphaned remote node connection resource - PE: Do not aggregate children in a pending state into the started/stopped/etc lists - acl: Correctly implement the 'reference' acl directive - Upstream version cs: 03ec61210c82471161f6cf3366e8afc30d737d67- pengine: imply stop in container node resources when host node is fenced - Build: Fix building if ncurses doesn't provide pkg-config files - xml: Do not change the ordering of properties when applying v1 cib diffs - xml: Do not prune leaves from v1 cib diffs that are being created with digests - Upstream version cs: 4109f1539a625bfa3e884d19ab2fc42d7a4daec4- xml: add 'require-all' to xml schema for constraints - pengine: require-all feature for ordered clones - xml: Ensure ACLs are reapplied before calculating what a replace operation changed - cib: Ensure file-based backends treat '-o section' consistently with the native backend - crmd: resolves memory leak in crmd. - pacemakerd: resolves memory leak of xml structure in pacemakerd - ipc: use server enforced buffer during ipc client send - pengine: do not recording pending migrate_to ops for pacemaker remote - crmd: never stop recurring monitor ops for pcmk remote during incomplete migration - pengine: prefer migration target for remote node connections - pengine: properly handle ordering during remote connection partial migration - crmd: Ensure remote connection resources timeout properly during 'migrate_from' action - crmd: gracefully handle remote node disconnects during op execution - pengine: Fence baremetal remote when recurring monitor op fails - crmd: Handle remote connection failures while executing ops on remote connection - remote: Treat recv msg timeout as a disconnect - pengine: properly recover remote-nodes when cluster-node proxy goes offline - systemd: Correctly handle long running stop actions (bsc#948989) - crm_resource: Include group members when calculating the next timeout - crm_resource: Ensure --restart sets/clears meta attributes - crm_resource: Clean up memory in --restart error paths - Build: Use a wrapper for realloc() which calls abort when we run out of memory - services: Prevent potential use-of-NULL - crm_resource: Memory leak in error paths - crmd: Mistake of the set of the variable. - Upstream version cs: d0139e9a00c32b9bc1d7d206d6210126045b49be- crm_node: Correctly remove nodes from the CIB by nodeid - fencing: Allow nodes to be purged from the member cache - xml: cl#5231 - Unset the deleted attributes in the resulting diffs (bsc#905641, bsc#967254) - fencing: stonith -l option for custom log - cib: Avoid nodeid conflicts we don't care about - Membership: Detect and resolve nodes that change their ID - attrd: Simplify how node deletions happen - attrd: Clean out the node cache when requested by the admin - crm_resource: Allow resource restart operations to be node specific - crm_resource: Implement --timeout for resource restart operations - crm_resource: Calculate how long to wait for a restart based on the resource timeouts - crm_resource: Implement an intelligent restart capability - crm_failcount: Better error reporting when no resource is specified - cib: tls sock cleanup for remote cib connections - Upstream version cs: 7dd90226e10035340d6707d9fd2b04f2e0141194- pengine: make resource-discovery work with location rules - services: Conditionally clean up services actions - Upstream version cs: 5093c095c5f517ab58375b2b69ecfc5516c86b5b- Drop conditional BuildRequires of system-devel: it was required one line lower unconditionally. - Replace remaining systemd-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(systemd).- pengine: exclusive discovery implies rsc is only allowed on exclusive subset of nodes - dbus: handle dispatch queue when multiple replies need to be processed - dbus ref count leaks - dbus: Ensure both the read and write queues get dispatched - systemd: Ensure failed monitor operations always return - Perform systemd reloads asynchronously - Upstream version cs: cd7c9abbcfc620aa84194ee07aade142240db15a- watchdog: Allow startup without sbd - service: Prevent potential use-of-NULL in metadata lookups - dbus: Fail gracefully if malloc fails - crmd: Prevent use-of-NULL during reprobe - crmd: Correctly obtain SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT from the environment - pengine: add #kind=remote for baremetal remote-nodes - Officially support the resource-discovery attribute for location constraints - xml: fix xml.c memleak in "missing upgrade XSLT" case - Prefer to inherit the watchdog timeout from SBD - stonith-ng: Correctly observe the watchdog completion timeout - sbd: Attempt to locate sbd via its pid file - Fencing: If configured, wait stonith-watchdog-timer seconds for self-fencing to complete - Resolve some potential issues spotted by clang and coverity - PE: Watchdog integration is sufficient for fencing - Fencing: Correctly wait for self-fencing to occur when the watchdog is in use - Fencing: Ensure the hostlist parameter is set for watchdog agents - crm_resource: Allow -M location to be reinforced with -f even if rsc is already on node - mcp: Turn on sbd integration if pacemakerd finds it running - pengine: Fix the behaviors of multi-state resources with asymmetrical ordering (bsc#899403) - lrmd: Prevent glib assert triggered by timers being removed from mainloop more than once - cib: Improved tracing of callbacks - Upstream version cs: a9c81774b89f21f990be255f9862446d1a38afee- remote: advertise default port correctly, further adjust default timeout periods - remote: report timestamps for remote connection resource operations - pengine: allow remote-nodes to be placed in maintenance mode - xml: Prevent assert errors in crm_element_value() on applying a patch without version information (bsc#900296) - pengine: prevent disabling rsc discovery per node in certain situations - crm_resource: avoid deletion of lrm cache on node with resource discovery disabled. - pengine: per-node control over resource discovery - mainloop: fix potential segfault for fd = 0 - ping: Correct metadata for attempts parameter (bsc#899324) - ping: Pass extra options to fping (bsc#899324) - ping: Remove incorrectly advertised migrate_to|migrate_from (bsc#899324) - ping: Add use_fping parameter (bsc#899324) - ping: Correctly advertise multiplier default (bsc#899324) - pengine: resource discovery mode for location constraints - cib: Ensure upgrade operations from a non-DC get an acknowledgement - lrmd: cancel pending async connection during disconnect - systemd: Ensure we don't call dbus_message_unref() with NULL - systemd: Perform monitor operations without blocking - dbus: Notice when dbus connections get disabled - pengine: allow baremetal remote-nodes to recover without requiring fencing when cluster-node fails - crmd: do not remove connection resources during re-probe - pengine: only fence baremetal remote when connection can fails or can not be recovered - ipc: properly allocate server enforced buffer size on client - remote: advertise more reasonable timeout periods for remote-nodes connections - crmd: properly update job limit for baremetal remote-nodes - crmd: Remote-node throttle jobs count towards cluster-node hosting conneciton rsc - crmd: Ensure throttle_mode() does something on Linux - systemd: Perform actions asynchronously (bsc#956500) - crm_attribute: Correctly update config options when -o crm_config is specified - crmd: Fixes crash when remote connection migration fails - pengine: fixes segfault caused by malformed log warning - Allow fail-counts to be removed en-mass when the new attrd is in operation - fencing: Use the correct define for origin - fencing: Reject actions for devices that haven't been explicitly registered yet - cts : change default cluster stack from openais to corosync (bsc#894871) - crm_resource: Ensure fail-counts are purged when we redetect the state of all resources - corosync: Avoid unnecessary repeated CMAP API calls (bsc#870771) - cib: Do not update on disk backups if we're just querying them - mcp: Allow orphan children to initiate node panic via SIGQUIT - Support machine panics for some kinds of errors (via sbd if available) - Fencing: Allow the cluster to recover resources if the watchdog is in use - crmd: If configured, trigger the watchdog immediately if we loose quorum and no-quorum-policy=suicide - crmd: Ensure a watchdog device is in use if stonith-watchdog-timeout is configured - Fencing: Advertise the watchdog device for fencing operations - PE: Allow natural ordering of colocation sets - stonith-ng: Reset mainloop source IDs after removing them - Fencing: Force 'stonith-ng' as the system name - crm_mon: Repair notification delivery when the v2 patch format is in use (bsc#909286) - mcp: Teach pacemakerd to ignore SIGHUP - Rebase bug-806256_pacemaker-log-level-notice.patch - Upstream version cs: 28aee948cebd51305a2cdc3ec4f94252ce975655/bin/sh/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfiglamb10 1575019081 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=97bf86d8aeca8dc4cfb0e5e7de95fed5f4b9a2c3, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=e1a2d232d9b69865e2578c5954fdff94e8a88c5e, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3a09622dcbd41c617376d860303203efa3e52c54, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3e6f3bb88c1e966557a375a098ac6c2a0435fbc6, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a6753adf865b5003db6e2efa61de5d6f10d3107f, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=805b1339681570c3a388fa1f5e807d76d6d85d39, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5cc2f03e8027457749eec3712f13e1c8444a6caa, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=280955d5b96164bd665627682e240919fd1f91cd, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=7482c27170dbbf72dd157645b294ad2de35f98fa, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a7f6fce9ccb3ac9508b4354a8359ed04be5c974f, strippeddirectoryASCII textUTF-8 Unicode text !<IXcu    PRR,R R RRRRRR+RR!PRRRR R RR#RR&RRRR"RRRRRR!PR%RR1R-R/R.R,R*RR RR RR RRRRR0R)R$RR+RRR!PR,RR R R RRRRR+RR!PRRR R RRRR&RRRRRR!PRRRR RRRRRR!PR,RR(RRR RR RRR'RRRR+RR!P RR,R R RRRR RRR+RR!P RR,R R R RRR RR+RRR!P RR R RRRRRR!ϧ/).f7Z`utf-8906073b28172e26225c6c0e71813a9f5bea948a36f956efde6212f166ea98c4c?7zXZ !t/HN4V]"k%k/K[id1UڧNr'ȠȵoG0Uc#ZE֑¶6+/ܽ|SLb{B("G%GR2WX_te۠1X[tc|sFYK3+=}ﳡRJK ZfP;Ѓ{ݥnk+W;N>aMoВLA _XS `BS`G˜x08vLɋ|,儥f|.tH8Y6ܶRň?ԦrqێumԴG(NEȫyP L0IJ&@Hy`'t #6 >a+裏[pQ$ɳfYъm|]XA&[#trUwڬ,ڳ_zu˾@ >[~)wQ.q&:4?IڨoqG)|txFs]Z}+ttW$ԇщXe K/\䞖V>븩89%|M/P@LIO=b=}c~n-!(@<F060foa@ F9_^͝Ƹ_ݿt !fO^(rN)OJ45AWM4 ڸ=x G`V6Bld}]MD[1ic~ 䄞]{O8clS>vIZp ѱFT%5goAGS+aF_XrؚYIqR5Z`@{}ơY,N,k4F(H2 "5g>X] Tm #ͲtTTl\ZI8?T{y :8| s٥.Mb>&%=YTR'x>ؐ~Mhnm"1'Q/Dߏ zW@wx3 HSk Nbn͞CU>Æ&Z2R ~-kBG$ym&g5Hqfĭ!NNkUŶSÊr/>ER@^uV,X{Ax{aD^k.,vw fKLJX#_LV)%H.՜A8;0<"^zD cp5bil&oÐ )΅ ݧ͙̽3>p7oeQ#ZXq kް%.\hD{6ڗ7*lh8sTxaF',“(dw7`(`RIaԁŷ淋>~+=ێ4{TŜ8;헩 j]6hU1ÄG*;5€Q#SqyIDѦ5FdTFGkx:eNMԣ׾:PI' ^K&Hܦ{Mo86~FiQ ??zh -X&MX곷_/U7da74G5ue괩L`eb6h;(Ax%P󦫦;QK]04t\BGѕf#VrRFBJ.E/ )ʚãC!ٌoڬt_(=k~fLg{t`YP!G|]9~&<[|&Ni~#A}zh]Hɴd.&ʍN83,xcoey6 t9b\q4/품FCM<> F![xjB/FɵŵCUj%&e% zlc%6URzZm&FAVVZi,OȖo+x<\}9ua!YdUf=W ܭ)rrJ,L+idgg{Zp6j)(h@(eG…*OryShf9yzٌtwnWb0P 511ɬMdZC< hO:g?@DBىΔ3ؖ=uq"}$$N-p1m4qgzgDt0 %K6MñWoFQ7e88F`xuҡ)Ot{F?jsU%xa?p-7; t^]@[X?6st_fp4CSآмU腹4soA VtK,z\3,V4Vbn;iqa!UvD1L+`D1s:g1fun>>ޙeB&`W<'6FB\5 |;q$=9mf&=L?aKa~Bu*<ܲ!&uW:&~פS5 }lƗU^۶9Zw&Qe27mMR ڴ]cJa*dx|(%.e muf\U c </cpqo)bJ-Ct0q8ւ*2q^{"n|%5٤l/`Z و_A~g5&(Vʀ~jP@KXnyDRzI z|'NaW^w̎~NRXzIQZPAQ\1Y&bwN3)"tZ޽}ב6皀챹V!!LF6Jp ] lT7$dCQF1Y[eZj'w `@2ug1iƹkWHaר,DCKO2ML[Vߴ^|`-tWժ-E'%$LbţHТyx2k~LUʾ&.&1p&_dI,3Gӓɧ@^=k#tlJI]b55M޶ }8FD LĎy5LӝX`CEPq+=b38TnlB{a]rdpܤc)KyZn&K",9I@N ԓWN.4zeW'ewmFM s]o^t돋"KC\h|MP!EmP\2 _3Tik"O_YGofa\E {~*{QDX^ٯ:1EW.5DL`4?-TOx*T5QҼjVr.RGJp$.=  }rvq@5{m4i)@%/LVI϶p\l|[OxI_nNӐwx{A8iE%}ixz5g+fև n^ʚ!{S.K t@sokY||D^2i!V7)]}*eo2&udۯ9 U9I0?yҷa1 PFp}Vhehǩ)lu%X@O*':>6@V9YW jF`eM4lg7W(?* GAx 0x ݢ~)wRtF&PSzq<(F1Lgki0]Rɮ_*ukj}}7Ӹ?N@OTw!"'q8 `1#}^e\Ie%d )/dP,/TT!)BYt>e5.^,lYCc!8ڧNz3QO˚oNJS%9iݢB3)A8ʬcLmRigro1e2r d33{^1#֖p1lFY&]?!EE娷~o*p eu8F\_\q6mtȴ 6c*S",ڝ_):# ߺa°]~:p bxDf^ ӏYSkmVo^K/՛3@5_2#o( &@n"RBqTԦ",yUP7 U3\>5鬡WsGeHL|'/W)?8"^.-lp8WWW}lcFnq'gI&[6`T! 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