#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use vars qw ( @ARGV $dbh $db_database $db_user $db_password $default_precision $default_scale $default_index_length $default_tnsnames $with_table_comments $with_col_comments $no_data $extended_inserts $complete_inserts $add_drop_table $add_locks $insert_delayed $lock_tables $nls_date_format $nls_time_format $nls_timestamp_format $verbose ); use DBI; ############################################# # # oracledump.pl - Dumps table(s) from an Oracle database to MySQL format # # Use ./oracledump.pl without args to see usage info. # You may also change internal default settings below # # # Written by Johan Andersson <johan@andersson.net>, May 2001 # # # # ### SETTINGS ################################# # # All settings here are default settings that are used if they're # not specified as argument. # # DATABASE SETUP #### $db_database = $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'} if defined($ENV{'ORACLE_SID'}); # Default Oracle SID $db_user = getlogin(); # Default username $db_password = ''; # Default password # Oracle session parameters for date/time formats. Do not change if you not # know exactly what you're doing! $nls_date_format = 'RRRR-MM-DD'; $nls_time_format = 'HH24:MI:SSXFF'; $nls_timestamp_format = "$nls_date_format $nls_time_format"; # FILE SETTINGS #### # Set default path to the tnsnames.ora file $default_tnsnames = $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'}."/network/admin/tnsnames.ora"; # DATA TYPE SETTINGS #### $default_precision = 18; # Default when precision is missing on NUMBER/FLOAT $default_scale = 0; # - " " - scale - " " - - " " - - " " - $default_index_length = 10; # This only affects indexes that contain BLOB fields. # Sets how big in bytes the index should be for those columns. # MISC. SETTINGS $no_data = 0; # Sets whether to retrieve table data or just the table structure $with_col_comments = 1; # Enable comments to be included for each column (if they exist in Oracle) $with_table_comments = 1; # Same, but for comments for each table. $extended_inserts = 0; # Use extended INSERT INTO syntax to insert # multiple rows within one statement (MySQL) $complete_inserts = 0; # Use of complete inserts adds list of table column # names used, after the INTO word in INSERT INTO # statements (MySQL) # Eg.: # complete: INSERT INTO foo (col1, col2) VALUES (1,2); # compact (default): INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1,2); $add_drop_table = 0; # Specifies if we are going to add DROP TABLE # statements in the output $add_locks = 0; # Specifies whether to use locks around insert # statements or not (MySQL) $insert_delayed = 0; # Specified wheter to use INSERT DELAYED or not (MySQL) $lock_tables = 0; # If true, all tables will be locked for read before # fetching anything from them (Oracle) $verbose = 0; # If enabled, program activities are printed out on STDERR ############################################## # Trap some useful signals to avoid seg fault, DBI handles left open etc. $SIG{'TERM'} = *interrupt; $SIG{'QUIT'} = *interrupt; $SIG{'INT'} = *interrupt; # Put auto-flush on $| = 1; # int main( void ) # Main sub routine sub main { # Parse arguments and get tables.. my @arg_tables = parseArgs(); # Create a database handle $dbh = db_connect($db_database, $db_user, $db_password); my $sth; # Use the ALTER SESSION command to change the date format used $dbh->do("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = '$nls_date_format'"); $dbh->do("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIME_FORMAT = '$nls_time_format'"); $dbh->do("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = '$nls_timestamp_format'"); # Store tables in an array my @tables; # Check if any tables are specified as argument(s) if($#arg_tables < 0) { # Fetch all tables from USER_TABLES $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM USER_TABLES"); $sth->execute(); my @row; while(@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { push @tables, $row[0]; } $sth->finish(); } else { while(<@arg_tables>) { # Check if table exists $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM USER_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = ?"); $sth->execute($_); if($sth->fetchrow_array()) { push @tables, $_; } else { warn "Table $_ does not exist\n"; } $sth->finish(); } } my $table; foreach $table ( @tables ) { print STDERR "* Checking table structure for table $table\n" if $verbose; my @cols = describe_table($dbh, $table); my %blobcols = (); # Keeps track on blob columns in indexes my @colslist = (); my $output = ""; my @quotecol = (); my $lastcomment; $output .= "\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;" if $add_drop_table; $output .= "\nCREATE TABLE $table ("; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#cols; $i++ ) { my(undef, undef, $datatype) = convert_dt($cols[$i]{'TYPE'}, $cols[$i]{'LENGTH'}); $output .= "\n\t".$cols[$i]{'NAME'}."\t".$datatype; $output .= " DEFAULT '".$cols[$i]{'DEFAULT'}."'" if defined($cols[$i]{'DEFAULT'}); $output .= " NOT NULL" if $cols[$i]{'NULL'} eq 'N'; $output .= "," if $i != $#cols; $output .= "\t# ".$cols[$i]{'COMMENT'} if defined($cols[$i]{'COMMENT'}) && $with_col_comments && $i != $#cols; # We must save the last comment if such exists, otherwise we may get # an error later since a separating comma may be printed on the wrong place $lastcomment = $cols[$i]{'COMMENT'} if defined($cols[$i]{'COMMENT'}) && $with_col_comments && $i == $#cols; # Save the insert values string if($cols[$i]{'TYPE'} =~ /^(VAR)?CHAR2?|LONG(RAW)?|RAW|DATE$/) { $quotecol[$i] = 1; } else { $quotecol[$i] = 0; } # Keep track on blob columns for indexes if($datatype eq 'TEXT') { $blobcols{$cols[$i]{'NAME'}} = 1; } # Keep a list of the columns to use when fetching data later push @colslist, $cols[$i]{'NAME'}; } # Get keys print STDERR "* Fetching keys for table $table\n" if $verbose; my %keys = get_keys($dbh, $table); # Get primary key my @pkcols = @{ $keys{'PRIMARY_KEY'} }; my $pkstr = ""; if($#pkcols > 0) { $output .= ","; # print last column comment if such exist if(defined($lastcomment)) { $output .= "\t# $lastcomment"; $lastcomment = undef; } $output .= "\n\tPRIMARY KEY ("; for(my $i=0; $i<=$#pkcols; $i++) { # Keep track on columns in the PK in a string format (used later with indexes) $pkstr .= $pkcols[$i]."-"; $output .= $pkcols[$i]; # Add index size if column is a blob column. Required by MySQL $output .= "(".$default_index_length.")" if defined($blobcols{$pkcols[$i]}); $output .= "," unless $i == $#pkcols; } $output .= ")"; } # Primary key done! # Get indexes (non-unique and unique) my $type; my @idxcols; my $idxstr; my $tmp_cols; print STDERR "* Fetching indexes for table $table\n" if $verbose; for $type ( 'UNIQUE', 'INDEX' ) { my %indexes = %{ $keys{$type} }; while( my($key) = each %indexes ) { @idxcols = @{ $indexes{$key} }; $idxstr = "\n\t".$type." ".$key." ("; $tmp_cols = ""; for(my $i=0; $i<=$#idxcols; $i++) { # Keep track on index columns in a string format $tmp_cols .= $idxcols[$i]."-"; $idxstr .= $idxcols[$i]; $idxstr .= "(".$default_index_length.")" if defined($blobcols{$idxcols[$i]}); $idxstr .= "," if $i != $#idxcols; } $idxstr .= ")"; # Check if this index is the PK index # Since the PK already is specified above we should not # include that index here.. But if the type not is UNIQUE # this index is not the PK (just a non-unique duplicate of the # PK index) # # You shouldn't be able to create such a index in Oracle # (it would return an ORA-01408 error), but since MySQL may # have duplicate indexes of different uniquenesses we do it # the MySQL way to be sure.. if($tmp_cols ne $pkstr || $type eq 'INDEX') { $output .= ","; # Append last column comment if exists if(defined($lastcomment)) { $output .= "\t# $lastcomment"; $lastcomment = undef; } $output .= $idxstr; } } } # Append last column comment if exists if(defined($lastcomment)) { $output .= "\t# $lastcomment"; $lastcomment = undef; } $output .= "\n);\n"; print STDERR "* Printing CREATE TABLE statement for table $table\n" if $verbose; print $output; if(!$no_data) { # Fetch the data print STDERR "* Obtaining locks on table $table on Oracle\n" if $verbose && $lock_tables; $dbh->do("LOCK TABLE $table IN SHARE MODE NOWAIT;") if $lock_tables; print STDERR "* Preparing SELECT statement to fetch data from table $table\n" if $verbose; $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ".join(", ", @colslist)." FROM $table"); $sth->execute(); # Put together the insert statement. Take care of complete/"compact" options my $insert_stmt = "INSERT "; $insert_stmt .= "DELAYED " if $insert_delayed; $insert_stmt .= "INTO $table "; $insert_stmt .= "(".join(", ", @colslist).") " if $complete_inserts; $insert_stmt .= "VALUES "; my $istmt_nprinted = 1; my $firstrow = 1; print STDERR "* Printing LOCK TABLES statement for table $table\n" if $verbose && $add_locks; print "LOCK TABLES $table WRITE;\n" if $add_locks; print STDERR "* Starting to print INSERT INTO statement(s)\n" if $verbose; my $rowcount = 0; while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { if($extended_inserts && $istmt_nprinted || !$extended_inserts) { print $insert_stmt; $istmt_nprinted = 0; } elsif($extended_inserts && !$firstrow) { print ","; } print "("; for(my $i=0; $i<=$#colslist; $i++) { if(defined($row[$i]) && $quotecol[$i]) { print $dbh->quote(db_escape($row[$i])); } elsif(defined($row[$i]) && !$quotecol[$i]) { print $row[$i]; } else { print "NULL"; } print "," if $i != $#colslist; } print $extended_inserts ? ")" : ");\n"; $firstrow = 0; $rowcount++ if $verbose; } print ";" if $extended_inserts == 1; print "UNLOCK TABLES;\n" if $add_locks; $sth->finish(); print STDERR "* Done! Printed $rowcount number of rows for table $table\n" if $verbose; } } $dbh->disconnect(); return 1; } # void interrupt ( void ) # This sub-routine is taking care of signals sent to the program sub interrupt { my ($sig) = @_; print STDERR "Got $sig-signal; Issuing database disconnect and program exit\n"; print STDERR "Warning: Active statements cannot be closed, exiting program now would cause a seg fault.\nWarning: Quiting \"safely\" _without_ disconnecting from the database (to avoid seg. fault)\n" if $dbh->{'ActiveKids'}; $dbh->disconnect() if ! $dbh->{'ActiveKids'}; exit(3); } # array describe_table( database_handle dbh, scalar table_name ) # Returns an array of hashes with info about the columns in the given table sub describe_table { my($dbh, $table_name) = @_; # Get columns for the specified table my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT a.COLUMN_ID, a.COLUMN_NAME, a.DATA_TYPE, a.DATA_LENGTH, a.DATA_PRECISION, a.DATA_SCALE, a.NULLABLE, a.DATA_DEFAULT, b.COMMENTS FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS a, USER_COL_COMMENTS b WHERE a.TABLE_NAME = ? AND b.TABLE_NAME = a.TABLE_NAME AND b.COLUMN_NAME = a.COLUMN_NAME"); $sth->execute($table_name); my @row; my @columns; my $length; while(@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { if($row[2] eq "NUMBER" || $row[2] eq "FLOAT") { # Set length to default precision/scale values when information # is missing in the data $length = (defined($row[4])) ? $row[4] : $default_precision; $length .= ","; $length .= (defined($row[5])) ? $row[5] : $default_scale; } else { $length = $row[3]; } # Trim default data (and remove quotes that oracle stores from CREATE/ALTER command) $row[7] =~ s/^'([^']+)'\s*$/$1/ if defined($row[7]); # Strip linebreaks in comments $row[8] =~ s/\n// if defined($row[8]); # Build hash of info about this column my %column = ( 'NAME' => $row[1], 'TYPE' => $row[2], 'LENGTH' => $length, 'NULL' => $row[6], 'DEFAULT' => $row[7], 'COMMENT' => $row[8] ); # Add the info about this column to the @columns array, # set the index to the COLUMN_ID to get the "original" order $columns[--$row[0]] = { %column }; } $sth->finish(); # Return list of hashes return @columns; } # hash get_keys( database_handle dbh, scalar table_name ) # returns hash of hashes with information of the constraints in the given table # # hash = { # PRIMARY_KEY = [ COLNAME1, COLNAME2, ... ], # UNIQUE = { # KEYNAME => [ COLNAME1, COLNAME2, ... ] # }, # INDEX = { # KEYNAME => [ COLNAME1, COLNAME2, ... ] # } # } # Since MySQL ignores FOREIGN KEY statements they will not be included. sub get_keys { my($dbh, $table_name) = @_; my %keys = ( 'PRIMARY_KEY' => [], 'UNIQUE' => {}, 'INDEX' => {} ); my ( @row, $type, $sth ); # Fetch primary key $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT a.constraint_name, b.constraint_type, a.column_name, a.position FROM user_cons_columns a, user_constraints b WHERE a.table_name=? AND a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name AND b.constraint_type='P' ORDER BY a.table_name, a.constraint_name, a.position"); $sth->execute($table_name); while( @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { $type = undef; $type = 'PRIMARY_KEY' if $row[1] eq 'P'; $type = 'UNIQUE' if $row[1] eq 'U'; if(defined($type)) { if($type eq 'PRIMARY_KEY') { $keys{$type}[--$row[3]] = $row[2]; } else { if(!defined($keys{$type}{$row[0]})) { $keys{$type}{$row[0]} = (); } $keys{$type}{$row[0]}[--$row[3]] = $row[2]; } } } $sth->finish(); # Primary key done! # Fetch indexes $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT a.index_name, a.uniqueness, b.column_name, b.column_position FROM user_indexes a, user_ind_columns b WHERE a.table_name = ? AND b.table_name = a.table_name AND b.index_name = a.index_name ORDER BY a.uniqueness, a.index_name"); $sth->execute($table_name); while( @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { # Get index type; UNIQUE or INDEX (non-unique of course) $type = "UNIQUE" if $row[1] eq 'UNIQUE'; $type = "INDEX" if $row[1] eq 'NONUNIQUE'; $keys{$type}{$row[0]}[--$row[3]] = $row[2]; } $sth->finish(); return %keys; } # scalar db_escape ( scalar string ) # Escapes a string to be used within a SQL statement sub db_escape { my($str) = @_; my $newstr = ""; for(my $i=0; $i<length($str); $i++) { my $c = substr($str, $i, 1); if(ord($c) == 10) { $newstr .= chr(92).'n'; } elsif(ord($c) == 13) { $newstr .= chr(92).'r'; } elsif(ord($c) == 9) { $newstr .= chr(92).'t'; } elsif(ord($c) == 34 || ord($c) == 92) { $newstr .= chr(92).chr(ord($c)); } else { $newstr .= chr(ord($c)); } } return $newstr; } # list convert_dt( scalar datatype, scalar datalength ) # Converts datatype to mysql format and returns it sub convert_dt { my($datatype, $datalength) = @_; ############################################ # Rules are..: # Datatype (ORA) Length Returns (MySQL) # NUMBER Any NUMERIC # DEC Any NUMERIC # DECIMAL Any NUMERIC # NUMERIC Any NUMERIC # DOUBLE PRECISION Any NUMERIC # FLOAT Any NUMERIC # REAL Any NUMERIC # SMALLINT Any SMALLINT # VARCHAR <256 VARCHAR # VARCHAR2 <256 VARCHAR # CHAR <256 CHAR # VARCHAR2 >255 TEXT # VARCHAR >255 TEXT # CHAR >255 TEXT # LONG <256 VARCHAR # LONGRAW <256 VARCHAR # RAW <256 VARCHAR # LONG >255 TEXT # LONGRAW >255 TEXT # RAW >255 TEXT # DATE - DATETIME (Since DATE in oracle can include time information!) # # List return consists of: # 1. Datatype name # 2. Datalength # 3. Complete datatype spec. to be used within CREATE TABLE statement ############################################# if($datalength eq '0') { $datalength = 32767; } return ('NUMERIC', $datalength, 'NUMERIC('.$datalength.')') if $datatype =~ /^DEC(IMAL)?|NUMERIC|NUMBER|DOUBLE PRECISION|FLOAT|REAL$/; return ('INTEGER', 38, 'INTEGER(38)') if $datatype =~ /^(SMALL)?INT(EGER)?$/; return ('VARCHAR', $datalength, 'VARCHAR('.$datalength.')') if $datatype =~ /^N?VARCHAR2?|LONG( RAW)?$/ && $datalength <= 255; return ('TEXT', '', 'TEXT') if $datatype =~ /^N?(VAR)?CHAR2?|LONG( RAW)?$/ && $datalength > 255; return ('CHAR', $datalength, 'CHAR('.$datalength.')') if $datatype =~ /^N?CHAR$/ && $datalength <= 255; return ('DATETIME', '', 'DATETIME') if $datatype eq 'DATE'; } # db_connect( scalar database, scalar user, scalar password ) # database_handle connects to the database sub db_connect { my($database, $user, $password) = @_; return DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:$database", $user, $password, { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0, LongReadLen => 0, LongTruncOk => 1 } ) or die $DBI::errstr; } # array parseArgs( void ) # returns array of tables given as argument or invokes the printError() sub-routine # if some error occurs, which exits the program sub parseArgs { if($#ARGV < 0) { printUsage(); exit; } my $tmpcmd = undef; my @arg_tables; my $got_db = 0; my $show_config_only = 0; my $use_default_db = 0; while(<@ARGV>) { my $arg = $_; if(defined($tmpcmd)) { SWITCH: for ($tmpcmd) { /^user$/ && do { $db_user = $arg; $tmpcmd = undef; last SWITCH; }; /^password$/ && do { $db_password = $arg; $tmpcmd = undef; last SWITCH; }; /^tnsnames$/ && do { $default_tnsnames = $arg; $tmpcmd = undef; last SWITCH; } } } else { SWITCH: { /^-h|--help$/ && do { printUsage(); exit 0; }; /^-u|--user=(.+)$/ && do { if(defined($1)) { $db_user = $1; } else { $tmpcmd = 'user'; } last SWITCH; }; /^-p|--password=(.+)$/ && do { if(defined($1)) { $db_password = $1; } else { $tmpcmd = 'password'; } last SWITCH; }; /^-t|--tnsnames=(.+)$/ && do { if(defined($1)) { $default_tnsnames = $1; } else { $tmpcmd = 'tnsnames'; } last SWITCH; }; /^-v|--verbose$/ && do { $verbose = 1; last; }; /^-D|--default-sid$/ && do { # Set got_db to use default database $use_default_db = 1; $got_db = 1; last SWITCH; }; /^-x|--explain$/ && do { # Just print config after args are parsed $show_config_only = 1; last SWITCH; }; /^--with(out)?-comments$/ && do { $with_col_comments = (defined($1)) ? 0 : 1; $with_table_comments = (defined($1)) ? 0 : 1; last; }; /^--with(out)?-column-comments$/ && do { $with_col_comments = (defined($1)) ? 0 : 1; print $with_col_comments; last; }; /^--with(out)?-table-comments$/ && do { $with_table_comments = (defined($1)) ? 0 : 1; last; }; /^-e|--extended-insert$/ && do { $extended_inserts = 1; last; }; /^-c|--complete-insert$/ && do { $complete_inserts = 1; last; }; /^-l|--lock-tables$/ && do { $lock_tables = 1; last; }; /^--no-data$/ && do { $no_data = 1; last; }; /^--add-drop-table$/ && do { $add_drop_table = 1; last; }; /^--add-locks$/ && do { $add_locks = 1; last; }; /^--default-scale=(.+)$/ && do { if(defined($1)) { if($1 =~ /^\d+$/) { $default_scale = $1; } else { printError("Error: You must specify a number when using --default-scale"); } } else { printError("Error: --default-scale were specified, but with no value. Please specify a integer value"); } }; /^--default-precision=(.+)$/ && do { if(defined($1)) { if($1 =~ /^\d+$/) { $default_precision = $1; } else { printError("Error: You must specify a number when using --default-precision"); } } else { printError("Error: --default-precision were specified, but with no value. Please specify a integer value"); } }; if($got_db) { push @arg_tables, $_; } else { $db_database = $_; $got_db = 1; } } } } if(defined($tmpcmd)) { printError("You have some incomplete option specified in your command line."); } elsif($db_user eq '' || checkSID($db_database)) { printError("You must specify a valid login and database name!"); } elsif($show_config_only) { my $password = ($db_password eq '') ? "<empty>" : $db_password; my $tables = ($#arg_tables < 0) ? "All tables" : join(", ", @arg_tables); print <<EOF; Configuration: (remove --explain/-x option to run with this configuration) Database SID: $db_database Database user: $db_user Database password: $password Tables: $tables Options: EOF print " --default-database Use default database ($db_database)\n" if $use_default_db; print " --with-table-comments Include table comments\n" if $with_table_comments; print " --without-table-comments Discard table comments\n" if ! $with_table_comments; print " --with-column-comments Include column comments\n" if $with_col_comments; print " --without-column-comments Discard column comments\n" if ! $with_col_comments; print " --default-precision Set to $default_precision\n"; print " --default-scale Set to $default_scale\n"; print " --extended-insert Use the faster extended insert statement\n" if $extended_inserts; print " --complete-insert Includes list of column names in insert statements" if $complete_inserts; print " --add-locks Add locks around tables in output\n" if $add_locks; print " --add-drop-table Adds DROP TABLE just before CREATE TABLE statements in output\n" if $add_drop_table; print " --lock-tables Lock all tables for read in Oracle before doing any SELECTs\n" if $lock_tables; print " --verbose Be verbose / enable logging to STDERR or logfile (combined with --log-file)\n" if $verbose; print " --no-data Do not include any INSERT INTO statements\n" if $no_data; print "\n"; exit; } else { return @arg_tables; } } # void checkSID( void ) # Checks SID (database instance) if its valid or not # Exits program through printError() on error sub checkSID { my($SID) = @_; $SID = uc($SID); if( -e $default_tnsnames ) { if( -r $default_tnsnames ) { # Grep for the SID in the tnsnames.ora file, throw STDERR away and get first part of the line (The SID) my $tmp = `grep "$SID =" $default_tnsnames 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f1`; $tmp =~ s/\n//; # Compare SID in file with the SID found in tnsnames file if($tmp ne $SID) { printError("Error: Could not find the specified SID in your tnsnames.ora file. Please check your settings.\n\nSID: $SID\nPath to tnsnames.ora: $default_tnsnames\nNote that default database is got from \$ORACLE_SID from your environment!"); } } else { printError("Error: Could not validate your Oracle SID\n(tnsnames.ora file could not be read from the given path $default_tnsnames )"); } } else { printError("Error: Could not validate your Oracle SID\n(tnsnames.ora file could not be found on the given path $default_tnsnames )"); } } # void setDefaultScale ( scalar number ) # Sets default scale value or exits with errormessage if scalar isn't a number sub setDefaultScale { my($number) = @_; if($number =~ /^\d+$/) { $default_scale = $number; } else { printError("Error: You must specify a number when using -ds or --default-scale option!"); } } # void setDefaultPrecision ( scalar number ) # Sets default precision value or exits with errormessage if scalar isn't a number sub setDefaultPrecision { my($number) = @_; if($number =~ /^\d+$/) { $default_precision = $number; } else { printError("Error: You must specify a number when using -dp or --default-precision option!"); } } # void printError() # prints an error sub printError { my($message) = @_; print STDERR "$message\n" if defined($message); print STDERR "\n(Give -h as option if you want to see the usage info)\n"; exit(2); } sub printUsage { print <<EOF; Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] database [table1] [tableN...] OR $0 [OPTIONS] -D [table1] [tableN...] If no tables are specified, all tables in the given database will be used. The database name must be a valid SID specified in the tnsnames.ora file. -c, --complete-insert Will make INSERT statements be complete with the list of column names -D, --default-sid Uses SID FROM \$ORACLE_SID if present -e, --extended-insert The faster extended INSERT statement will be used -h, --help Print this message -d, --no-data Will not include row information -l, --lock-tables Lock all tables for read -p, --password The password. If not given in command line, an empty password will be used -t, --tnsnames Specifies a path to a tnsnames.ora file not in the \$ORACLE_BASE directory tree -u, --user If left out, current username will be used -v, --verbose Tells you what's going on printed on STDERR --add-drop-table Adds drop table statement before each table --add-locks Add locks around insert statements --delayed-insert Delay inserts with INSERT DELAYED --with-comments --without-comments --with-table-comments --without-table-comments --with-column-comments --without-column-comments Enables or disables comments on tables/columns Default is --with-comments -x, --explain Does not execute anything, just prints info about the configuration given by command line EOF } # Run main subr. and return 0 if main succeeds. exit((&main) ? 0 : 1);