#!/usr/bin/perl # # mysqlsync v1.0-alpha (a.k.a the mysql-syncer-upper-script-thingy) # keep remote copies of a mysql database in sync with a master # by mark jeftovic <markjr@easyDNS.com> # copyright feb/1999 easyDNS Technologies Inc. # # All rights reserved. # # This code provided "As Is" with no warrantees express or implied. # The author and contributors are not liable for anything good or # bad that results from your use of this code. # # You are free to distribute this for free provided this notice is # included. Please forward fixes/enhancements to the author for # inclusion in the next revision. # $VERSION = "v1.0-alpha"; $MAINTAINER = 'markjr@easydns.com'; use Mysql; use Getopt::Std; use Sys::Hostname; $thishost = hostname; use File::Basename; @SAVE_ARGV=@ARGV; $script = basename($0); getopts("d:t:h:l:o:vs:bu"); if($opt_u) { print<<"EOF"; $script $VERSION (a.k.a the mysql-syncer-upper-script-thingy) email: $MAINTAINER Usage: $script -d <dbase> -h <hosts> -t <tables> \\ [ -o <operations> -l <mysql_log> -s <offset,whence> -b -v -u ] Where: -d database to keep in sync -h comma seperated list of remote hosts -t comma seperated list of tables Optional switches: -o comma seperated list of operations to sync (defaults to: update,insert,delete) -l alternate mysql_log -s start from offset relative to whence (defaults to value in \$OFFSET_LOG,0 if present, otherwise 80,2) -b fork a daemon -v verbose mode (logs operations to \$SYNC_LOG) -u this message EOF exit; } $MYSQL_DIR = "/export/mysql"; $DEFAULT_LOG = sprintf("%s/var/%s.log", $MYSQL_DIR, $thishost); $OFFSET_LOG = $MYSQL_DIR."/mysqlsync.offset"; $PID_FILE = $MYSQL_DIR."/mysqlsync.pid"; $SYNC_LOG = $MYSQL_DIR."/mysqlsync.log"; $DEFAULT_OFFSET = 80; $DEBUG_LEVEL = 0; $SLEEP = 1; # sleep value between log polls $PASSWD = ''; # chmod this script appropriately if you set this $MYSQL_LOG = $opt_l ? $opt_l : $DEFAULT_LOG; @OP = $opt_o ? split(/\,/,$opt_o) : qw(insert update delete); $opt_h ? @HOST = split(/\,/,$opt_h) : die "Need host list use \"$script -u\" for usage"; $opt_t ? @TABLE = split(/\,/,$opt_t) : die "Need table list use \"$script -u\" for usage"; $opt_d ? @DBASE = split(/\,/,$opt_d) : die "Need dbase use \"$script -u\" for usage"; if(@DBASE>1) { print "$script $VERSION does not yet support multiple databases\n"; print "run another process for each additional database.\n"; exit(-1); } if(-f $SYNC_LOG){ open(SYNC_LOG, ">>$SYNC_LOG") or die $!; } else { open(SYNC_LOG, ">$SYNC_LOG") or die $!; } select SYNC_LOG; $|=1; &logit("mysqlsync $VERSION <$MAINTAINER> starting."); &write_pid($PID_FILE); ($offset,$pos)=&get_offset(); BEGIN: open(LOG, $MYSQL_LOG) or die $!; seek(LOG, $offset, $pos); &logit("Seeking to $offset, relative to $pos in $MYSQL_LOG") if($opt_v); &init_signals; &daemon if($opt_b); for(;;) { while($line=<LOG>){ print STDERR $line if($DEBUG_LEVEL>=3); # if($line=~/\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s+(\d+)\sConnect\s+(.+)@(.+)\s+on/) { if($line=~/\s+(\d+)\sConnect\s+(.+)@(.+)\s+on/) { if(!grep(/^$3$/,@HOST)){ ${$1}{host}=$3; ${$1}{user}=$2; print STDERR "host: ${$1}{host} / ${$1}{user}\n" if($DEBUG_LEVEL); } } elsif($line=~/\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s(\d+)\sQuit/) { if(defined(%{$1})) { undef(%{$1}); } } elsif($line=~/\s+(\d+)\sInit\sDB\s+\W(.+)\W/) { if(defined(%{$1})){ if(grep(/^$2$/,@DBASE)) { ${$1}{dbase}=$2; print STDERR "dbase: ${$1}{dbase}\n" if($DEBUG_LEVEL); } # else { undef(%{$1}); } } } elsif($line=~/\s+(\d+)\s+Query\s+(\w+)\s+(.+)$/) { if(defined(%{$1})){ if(grep(/^$2$/i,@OP)) { ${$1}{op}=$2; print STDERR "op: ${$1}{op} ($3)\n" if($DEBUG_LEVEL); ${$1}{table}=get_tbl(${$1}{op}, $3); print STDERR "table: ${$1}{table}\n" if($DEBUG_LEVEL); if(grep(/^${$1}{table}$/,@TABLE)) { ${$1}{query}=sprintf("%s %s", ${$1}{op}, $3); foreach $h (@HOST) { print STDERR "$h/${$1}{dbase}/${$1}{user}: ${$1}{query}\n" if($DEBUG_LEVEL); &logit("On $h: ".${$1}{query}) if($opt_v); $dbh = Mysql->Connect($h, ${$1}{dbase}, ${$1}{user},$PASSWD); eval '$sth = $dbh->Query("${$1}{query}") || &logit("ERROR: ".$dbh->errmsg)'; &logit("ERROR: ".$@) if($@); undef $dbh; } } } } } seek(LOG,0,1); $cur_log_pos = tell LOG; print STDERR "Seeking to $cur_log_pos\n" if($DEBUG_LEVEL>=2); } $cur_log_size = (stat $MYSQL_LOG)[7]; if($cur_log_size<$cur_log_pos) { &logit("\$cur_log_size < \$cur_log_pos ($cur_log_size/$cur_log_pos), log rotated?") if($opt_v); &logit("Resetting log pointer"); close(LOG); $offset=$pos=$cur_log_pos=0; goto BEGIN; } sleep($SLEEP); } sub write_pid { my($pid_file)=@_; open(PID, ">$pid_file") || warn $!; print PID $$; close(PID); } sub get_tbl { my($op, $query)=@_; if($op =~ /^update$/i) { $query =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+set\s+.+/; return($1); } elsif ($op =~ /^delete$/i) { $query =~ /^from\s+(\w+)\s+.*/; return($1); } elsif ($op =~ /^insert$/i) { $query =~ /^into\s+(\w+)\s+.*/; return($1); } elsif ($op =~ /^drop$/i) { $query =~ /^table\s+(\w+)\s+.*/; return($1); } # select serves no real purpose in sync-ing other than debugging elsif ($op =~ /^select$/i) { $query =~ /^.+\s+from\s+(\w+)\s+.*/; return($1); } return(undef); } sub get_offset { if($opt_s) { ($offset,$pos)=split(/\,/,$opt_s); } elsif(-f $OFFSET_LOG) { $pos = 0; open(OFFSET, $OFFSET_LOG) || die $!; chomp($offset=<OFFSET>); close(OFFSET); } else { print STDERR "warning: no $OFFSET_LOG and no -s option, using $DEFAULT_OFFSET\n"; $pos = 2; $offset = $DEFAULT_OFFSET; } return($offset,$pos); } sub init_signals { $SIG{'INT'} = \&do_kill; $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&do_kill; $SIG{'TERM'} = \&do_kill; } sub logit { my($msg)=@_; chomp($msg); chomp($now=scalar localtime(time)); print SYNC_LOG "[$now] $msg\n"; } sub do_kill { &logit("Caught SIGTERM -exiting.") if($opt_v); open(OFFSET, ">$OFFSET_LOG") || die $!; print OFFSET tell(LOG); close(OFFSET); exit; } # this routine was pilfered from lbnamed -mark sub daemon { local(*TTY,*NULL); exit(0) if (fork); write_pid($PID_FILE); if (open(NULL,"/dev/null")) { open(STDIN,">&NULL") || close(STDIN); open(STDOUT,">&NULL") || close(STDOUT); open(STDERR,">&NULL") || close(STDERR); } else { close(STDIN); close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); } eval 'require "sys/ioctl.ph";'; return if !defined(&TIOCNOTTY); open(TTY,"+>/dev/tty") || return; ioctl(TTY,&TIOCNOTTY,0); close(TTY); }