// Mysql c++ wrapper library version .50. // Copyright 1998 Kevin Atkinson. // You may use this header file freely in your programs. // If you distribute this header file in any way this message must appear // on it. // You may also alter this header file provided that this message stays on it // with the additional message that is was altered by xxx. // 98.04.06 Added example ; monty@tcx.se /* Here is a small example on how to use this it: #include <iostream.h> #include "mysql_c++.h" int main () { Mysql mysql("localhost", "kevina", ""); mysql.select_db("http_log"); mysql.query("select * from log limit 20"); MysqlRes mysql_res = mysql.store_result(); cout << "Query Successful Rows: " << mysql_res.num_rows() << endl; MysqlRow row; while ((row = mysql_res.fetch_row())) { cout << row[0] << " " << row[1] << endl; } } */ #include <mysql/mysql.h> typedef MYSQL_FIELD MysqlField; typedef MYSQL_ROW MysqlRow; class Mysql; struct c_base { Mysql *ref; }; struct list_dbs_c : public c_base { const char *wild; }; struct list_fields_c : public c_base { const char *table; const char *wild; }; struct list_processes_c : public c_base { }; struct list_tables_c : public c_base { const char *wild; }; struct store_result_c : public c_base { }; struct use_result_c : public c_base { }; class Mysql { friend class MysqlRes; private: MYSQL *mysql; int is_connected; public: int connected() {return is_connected;} int connect (const char *host, const char *user, const char *passwd) { if (mysql_connect(mysql, host, user, passwd)) return is_connected = 1; else return is_connected = 0; } void close() {mysql_close(mysql);} Mysql () {mysql = new MYSQL;} Mysql (const char *host, const char *user, const char *passwd) { mysql = new MYSQL; connect (host, user, passwd); } ~Mysql () {close(); delete mysql;} int affected_rows() {return mysql_affected_rows(mysql);} int create_db (const char *db) {return mysql_create_db(mysql, db);} int drop_db (const char *db) {return mysql_drop_db(mysql, db);} char *error () {return mysql_error(mysql);} char *get_clinet_info () {return mysql_get_client_info();} char *get_host_info () {return mysql_get_host_info(mysql);} int get_proto_info () {return mysql_get_proto_info(mysql);} char *get_server_info () {return mysql_get_server_info(mysql);} char *info () {return mysql_info(mysql);} int insert_id () {return mysql_insert_id(mysql);} int query (const char *query) {return mysql_query (mysql, query);} int real_query (const char *query, uint length) {return mysql_real_query (mysql, query, length);} int reload() {return mysql_reload(mysql);} int select_db (const char *db) {return mysql_select_db(mysql,db);} int shutdown () {return mysql_shutdown(mysql);} char *stat() {return mysql_stat(mysql);} list_dbs_c *list_dbs (const char *wild = "%") { list_dbs_c *info = new list_dbs_c; info->wild = wild; info->ref = this; return info; } list_fields_c *list_fields (const char *table, const char *wild = "%") { list_fields_c *info = new list_fields_c; info->table = table; info->wild = wild; info->ref = this; return info; } list_processes_c *list_processes () { list_processes_c *info = new list_processes_c; info->ref = this; return info; } list_tables_c *list_tables (const char *wild = "%") { list_tables_c *info = new list_tables_c; info->wild = wild; info->ref = this; return info; } store_result_c *store_result () { store_result_c *info = new store_result_c; info->ref = this; return info; } use_result_c *use_result () { use_result_c *info = new use_result_c; info->ref = this; return info; } }; class MysqlRes { private: MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; public: void free_result() {mysql_free_result(mysql_res);} MysqlRes () {mysql_res = new MYSQL_RES;} ~MysqlRes () {/*delete mysql_Res;*/} int eof () {return mysql_eof(mysql_res);} void data_seek (uint offset) {mysql_data_seek(mysql_res, offset);} MysqlField *fetch_field () {return mysql_fetch_field(mysql_res);} unsigned int fetch_lengths () {return *mysql_fetch_lengths(mysql_res);} MysqlRow fetch_row() {return mysql_fetch_row(mysql_res);} void field_seek (int field) {mysql_field_seek (mysql_res, field);} int num_fields() {return mysql_num_fields(mysql_res);} int num_rows() {return mysql_num_rows(mysql_res);} MysqlRes (list_dbs_c *info) {mysql_res = new MYSQL_RES; operator = (info);} MysqlRes (list_fields_c *info) {mysql_res = new MYSQL_RES; operator = (info);} MysqlRes (list_processes_c *info) {mysql_res = new MYSQL_RES; operator = (info);} MysqlRes (list_tables_c *info) {mysql_res = new MYSQL_RES; operator = (info);} MysqlRes (store_result_c *info) {mysql_res = new MYSQL_RES; operator = (info);} MysqlRes (use_result_c *info) {mysql_res = new MYSQL_RES; operator = (info);} MysqlRes &operator = (list_dbs_c *info) { mysql_res = mysql_list_dbs (info->ref->mysql, info->wild); delete info; return *this; } MysqlRes &operator = (list_fields_c *info) { mysql_res = mysql_list_fields (info->ref->mysql, info->table, info->wild); delete info; return *this; } MysqlRes &operator = (list_processes_c *info) { mysql_res = mysql_list_processes (info->ref->mysql); delete info; return *this; } MysqlRes &operator = (list_tables_c *info) { mysql_res = mysql_list_tables (info->ref->mysql, info->wild); delete info; return *this; } MysqlRes &operator = (store_result_c *info) { mysql_res = mysql_store_result (info->ref->mysql); delete info; return *this; } MysqlRes &operator = (use_result_c *info) { mysql_res = mysql_use_result (info->ref->mysql); delete info; return *this; } };