use strict;
use DBI;


foreach my $argument (0..$#ARGV)  {
        if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^h\s]*h/)  {
                # -h is HOST
        if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^d\s]*d/)  {
                # -d is DATABASE
        if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^u\s]*u/)  {
                # -u is USER
        if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^p\s]*p/)  {
                # -p is PASSWORD
        if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^s\s]*s/)  {
                # -s is SHEET
        if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^P\s]*P/)  {
                # -P is PORT
        if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^t\s]*t/)  {
                # -t is TABLE
my $file=$ARGV[$#ARGV];
$cg_db_host='' if (!defined($cg_db_host));
$cg_db_name='' if (!defined($cg_db_name));
$cg_db_pass='' if (!defined($cg_db_pass));
$cg_db_port='' if (!defined($cg_db_port));
$cg_db_table='' if (!defined($cg_db_table));
$cg_db_sheet='' if (!defined($cg_db_sheet));
$cg_db_user='' if (!defined($cg_db_user));
$file='' if (!defined($file));
$cg_db_sheet=2 if ($cg_db_sheet eq '');
&print_usage if ($file eq '' || $cg_db_name eq '' || $cg_db_table eq '');
my $dsn;
if ($cg_db_host eq '')  {
        $dsn.=";port=$cg_db_port" if ($cg_db_port ne '');

my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$cg_db_user,$cg_db_pass);
if ($dbh->err)  {
        print "Error connecting to database: ".$dbh->errstr;

sub import_xls_to_database {
        my $file=$_[0];
        my $import_sheet=$_[1];
        my $import_table=$_[2];
        my $dbh = $_[3];
        my $query_string="CREATE TABLE `$import_table` (";
        my $insert_string="INSERT INTO `$import_table` VALUES (";
	my $columns=0;
        my (@sheets);
                my %name_hash;
                foreach my $column_name (@{${$sheets[$import_sheet]}[0]})  {
                        $column_name=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9_ ]/_/g;
                        if (defined($name_hash{$column_name}))  {
                                $query_string.="`$column_name$name_hash{$column_name}` text, ";
                        else  {
                                $query_string.="`$column_name` text, ";
                $dbh->do("DROP TABLE `$import_table`");
                if ($dbh->err)  {
                        print "\nBut that's probobly OK.  Don't worry.  I'm just too lazy to fix this.\n";
                my $create_table = $dbh->prepare($query_string);
                $dbh->do("LOCK TABLES `$import_table` WRITE");
                my $insert_query = $dbh->prepare($insert_string);
                foreach my $row (@{$sheets[$import_sheet]}[1..$#{$sheets[$import_sheet]}])  {
                        foreach my $cell (@{$row})  {
        $dbh->do("UNLOCK TABLES");

sub parse_excel  {
	my $dir=$_[0];
        my $buf;
        my $excel_file;

        open FILE,$dir;
        binmode FILE;
        my $file_size=( -s $dir ); # $$
        my $find_string="W\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00b\x00o\x00o\x00k\x00";
        for (1..(64-length($find_string)))  {
        $find_string .= "\x12\x00\x02\x01\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff";
        for (1..36)  {
                $find_string .= "\x00";

        my $length;
        my $offset;
        while (!defined($offset) || $offset==-1)  {
                my $excel_block;
                if (read(FILE,$excel_block,512))  {
                        if ($excel_block=~m/\Q$find_string\E(.{4})(.{4})/s)  {
                else {
                        die("Can't find spreadsheet!");

        my @sheets=parse(*FILE{IO},$offset,$length);
        close FILE;
        return @sheets;

sub _RK_to_num {
   my ($RK) = @_;
   my $type = $RK & 0x3;
   my $val = ($type & 2) ?
      : unpack("d", "\0\0\0\0".pack ("V", $RK ^ $type))
   $val /= 100.0 if $type &1;	# /

sub _float_to_date { # F
   my ($date) = @_;
#   $date;

   my @monsum = (
      0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334,
      -1, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335

   my ($day, $month, $year, $switch, $i);

   $year = int( $date/365.2425 ) + 1900;
   $switch = !($year%4) && 12 || 0;

   $date -= int($year-1900)*365 + int(($year-1900)/4);	#/

   for($i=11; $i && ($date <= $monsum[$switch+$i]); $i--) {}
   $month = $i+1;
   $day   = $date - $monsum[$switch+$i];

   $date = sprintf("%02d.%02d.%02d", $day, $month, $year);

sub parse {
   my $sheet=0;
   my $file=$_[0];
   my $offset=$_[1];
   my $fsize=$_[2];

   my ($l, $o, $type, $buf, @sheets, @strings);
   my ($row, $col, $style, $len, $num);

   $o = 0;
   while ($o<$fsize) {
      $l=unpack ("v",$l);

      if ("\x00\x00" eq $type) {
      } elsif ("\x07\x02" eq $type) {
         my ($row, $col, $style, $data, $type) = get_struct("WWWBB", \$buf, 0);
         if ($type==0)  {
                if ($data == 0)  {
                }elsif ($data == 7)  {
                }elsif ($data == 0x0f)  {
                }elsif ($data == 0x17)  {
                }elsif ($data == 0x1d)  {
                }elsif ($data == 0x24)  {
                }elsif ($data == 0x2a)  {
      } elsif ("\x07\x00" eq $type) {
         my ($row, $col, $style, $RK) = get_struct("WWWL", \$buf, 0);
      } elsif ("\xbd\x00" eq $type) {
         ($row, $col) = get_nword(2, \$buf, 0);
         my $n = ($l - 6) / 6;   #/
         for (1..$n) {
            my ($style, $RK) = get_struct("WL", \$buf, 4+($_-1)*6);
      } elsif ("\xbe\x00" eq $type) {
         ($row, $col) = get_nword(2, \$buf, 0);
         my $n = ($l - 6) / 2;	#/
         my @style = get_nword($n, \$buf, 4);
         for (1..$n) {
      } elsif ("\xfc\x00" eq $type) {
	 my $os=0;
         my $n = get_long(\$buf, $os);
	 my $n2 = get_long(\$buf,$os);
	 my $sect_len=$l;
         my $c; my $l1; my $s;
         for (0..$n2-1) {
	    my $start = "";
            $l1 = get_word(\$buf, $os);
	    if ($c+$l1 > $sect_len)  {
                $l1 -= ($sect_len-$c);

		$l=unpack ("v",$l);

		push(@strings, $start.substr($buf,$os,$l1));
	    elsif ($c+$l1 == $sect_len)  {
      	    	push(@strings, substr($buf, $os+3, $l1));

		$l=unpack ("v",$l);

	    else  {
      	    	push(@strings, substr($buf, $os+3, $l1));
      } elsif ("\xfd\x00" eq $type) {
         my ($row, $col, $style) = get_nword(3, \$buf, 0);
         my $i = get_long(\$buf, 6);
      } elsif ("\x01\x02" eq $type) {
         my ($row, $col, $style) = get_nword(3, \$buf, 0);
      } elsif ("\x03\x02" eq $type) {
         my ($row, $col, $style, $float) = get_struct("WWWD", \$buf, 0);
      } elsif ("\x04\x02" eq $type) { # Cell: Text
         ($row, $col, $style, $len) = get_nword(4, \$buf, 0);
     	 ${${$sheets[$sheet]}[$row]}[$col]=substr($buf, 8, $len);
      } elsif ("\x7e\x02" eq $type) { # Cell: RK number
         my ($row, $col, $style, $RK) = get_struct("WWWL", \$buf, 0);
      } elsif ("\x09\x08" eq $type) {

      $o += $l;
   return @sheets;

sub get_struct {
   my @PV = packpar(shift);
   if (ref($_[1])) {
      ${$_[1]} += $PV[1];
      unpack ($PV[0], substr(${$_[0]}, ${$_[1]}-$PV[1], $PV[1]));
   } else {
      unpack ($PV[0], substr(${$_[0]}, $_[1], $PV[1]));

sub get_nword {
   if (ref($_[2])) {
      unpack ("v"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, ${$_[2]}-$_[0]*2, $_[0]*2))
   } else {
      unpack ("v"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2],             $_[0]*2))

sub packpar {
   my $str = shift;
   my $F; my $len = 0;
   $F = "C"; $len += ($str =~ s/B/$F/g) * 1;
   $F = "v"; $len += ($str =~ s/W/$F/g) * 2;
   $F = "V"; $len += ($str =~ s/L/$F/g) * 4;
   $F = "f"; $len += ($str =~ s/R/$F/g) * 4;
   $F = "d"; $len += ($str =~ s/D/$F/g) * 8;
   ($str, $len);

sub get_nlong {
   if (ref($_[2])) {
      unpack ("V"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, ${$_[2]}-$_[0]*4, $_[0]*4))
   } else {
      unpack ("V"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2],             $_[0]*4))

sub get_byte   { get_nbyte(1, @_) }
sub get_word   { get_nword(1, @_) }
sub get_long   { get_nlong(1, @_) }
sub get_real   { get_nreal(1, @_) }
sub get_double { get_ndouble(1, @_) }

sub get_nbyte {
   if (ref($_[2])) {
      unpack ("C"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, ${$_[2]}-$_[0]*1, $_[0]*1))
   } else {
      unpack ("C"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2],             $_[0]*1))

sub get_ndouble {
   if (ref($_[2])) {
      unpack ("d"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, ${$_[2]}-$_[0]*8, $_[0]*8))
   } else {
      unpack ("d"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2],             $_[0]*8))

sub get_nreal {
   if (ref($_[2])) {
      unpack ("f"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, ${$_[2]}-$_[0]*4, $_[0]*4))
   } else {
      unpack ("f"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2],             $_[0]*4))

sub print_usage  {
        print <<END_OF_USAGE;
Imports one sheet from a Microsoft Excel file into a MySQL database.

  perl (currently installed or you're looking at the code)
  Access to a MySQL server running version 3.23.* or higher

Usage: $0 -t <table> -d <database> [-h <host>] [-P <port>] [-u <user>] [-p <password>] [-s <sheet>] <file>
  <host>     = Host of MySQL server
  <port>     = Port of MySQL server if not default
  <database> = Database name to connect to
  <user>     = User name to use
  <password> = Password to use.
  <sheet>    = Number of the sheet in the spreadsheet to import (zero-based)
  <table>    = Name of new table to import to.  THIS TABLE IS DROPPED
  <file>     = Name of Excel file to import.

  -Some of the Excel parsing code was taken from herbert.
  -Some of the routines may have come from OLE::Storage (I don't remember)
  -All fields are created as TEXT fields you can always ALTER TABLE later on.
  -This program should be very easily modified to support any database
    with a DBD driver.

  This routine was written by Stephen Hurd while converting a large MS-Access
  database to perl/Tk/MySQL in a desperate effort to avoid having to re-boot
  into MS-Windows.  The MS-Access database was contantly importing/exporting
  Excel files.
  You can e-mail me at shurd\

  This program is Copyright 2001 by Stephen Hurd under the BSD license.  If
  the BSD license is not applicable due to an oversight on my part, I hereby
  release this code into the public domain.

  There's probobly gobs of them.  If you find one, e-mail me at
  shurd\ tell me the MySQL version, and attach a copy of the
  spreadsheet.  I'll have a look as soon as I can.
  As always, a patch is MUCH more welcome than a bug report.  :-)
