Version 0.1.2

This release mostly fixes bugs and memory leaks.
Therefore, scanning for channels works much better.
Furthermore, the program guide looks much nicer now.

- Added GetDeviceGroupName method to Manager DBus interface.
- Added parameter name to AddDeviceToNewGroup method.
- Added name field to dialog to create new group.
- Added freq_left parameter to frquency_scanned signal.
- Removed GetQueueSize method from Scanner interface.
- Fixed bug	#565247: Progressbar while scanning channels doesn't work correctly
- Use only one TreeView in ChannelScanPage and display channel type as icon.
- If channel is	scrambled display emblem-readonly icon in scanner
- Retrieve network name	correctly.
- Fixed a couple of bugs in the Scanner that caused the output to change on each scan.
- GConfStore got replaced with SqliteConfigTimersStore which stores everything in a Sqlite DB.
- Dropped gconf dependency.
- Fixed crash when returning NULL string over DBus
- Cleanup correctly when process is aborted
- Add recording to RecordingsStore when	recording begins.
- Use event's short and extended description as	Recording's description
- In serialized recording save name and	description in as last two items
- Minor UI tweaks in new timer dialog
- Improved epg browser to look much nicer
