The following modules have a new version: - folks (0.15.7 => 0.15.8) (*) - gnome-online-accounts (3.48.0 => 3.48.1) - gnome-shell (44.9 => 44.10) - gtkmm (3.24.8 => 3.24.9) - template-glib (3.36.1 => 3.36.2) (*) No summarized news available The following modules weren't upgraded in this release: adwaita-icon-theme, at-spi2-core, atkmm, baobab, calls, cantarell-fonts, cheese, clutter, clutter-gst, clutter-gtk, cogl, d-spy, dconf, dconf-editor, devhelp, eog, epiphany, evince, evolution-data-server, gcab, gcr, gdk-pixbuf, gdm, geocode-glib, gexiv2, gi-docgen, gjs, glib, glib-networking, glibmm, gmime, gnome-autoar, gnome-backgrounds, gnome-bluetooth, gnome-boxes, gnome-builder, gnome-calculator, gnome-calendar, gnome-characters, gnome-clocks, gnome-color-manager, gnome-connections, gnome-console, gnome-contacts, gnome-control-center, gnome-desktop, gnome-disk-utility, gnome-font-viewer, gnome-initial-setup, gnome-keyring, gnome-logs, gnome-maps, gnome-menus, gnome-music, gnome-photos, gnome-remote-desktop, gnome-session, gnome-settings-daemon, gnome-shell-extensions, gnome-software, gnome-system-monitor, gnome-text-editor, gnome-tour, gnome-user-docs, gnome-user-share, gnome-video-effects, gnome-weather, gobject-introspection, gom, grilo, grilo-plugins, gsettings-desktop-schemas, gsound, gspell, gssdp, gtk, gtk+, gtk-doc, gtk-vnc, gtksourceview, gupnp, gupnp-av, gupnp-dlna, gvfs, json-glib, jsonrpc-glib, libadwaita, libdazzle, libdex, libgee, libgnomekbd, libgsf, libgtop, libgweather, libgxps, libhandy, libmediaart, libnma, libnotify, libpanel, libpeas, librsvg, libsecret, libshumate, libsigc++, libsoup, mm-common, mutter, nautilus, orca, pango, pangomm, phodav, pyatspi, pygobject, rest, rygel, simple-scan, sushi, sysprof, totem, totem-pl-parser, tracker, tracker-miners, vala, vte, xdg-desktop-portal-gnome, yelp, yelp-tools, yelp-xsl ======================================== gnome-online-accounts ======================================== Overview of changes in 3.48.1 ============================= * Do not abort soup session on certificate error [!118] * Fix few memory leaks identified by static analyzers [!129] * Fix leak of GTask object [!135] * Don't check for AUTH=PLAIN before attempting an authentication [!129] * Correct unused result warning from g_string_free() [!143] * Fix build with libxml2 2.12 [!145] * Minor fixes for GoaEwsClient [!148] ======================================== gnome-shell ======================================== 44.10 ===== * Fix auto-closing FDO notifications [Florian; !3204] * Fix key getting stuck when raising screen shield [Jonas; !3231] * Fixed crash [Jonas; !3233] * Misc. bug fixes and cleanups [Ray, Florian; !2765, !3202, !3206] Contributors: Jonas Dreßler, Florian Müllner, Ray Strode ======================================== gtkmm ======================================== 3.24.9 (stable): Documentation: * Gtk::Clipboard: Update documentation * Gtk::ScrolledWindow: Update the class description (Kjell Ahlstedt) Tests: * Gdk::RGBA test: Avoid some comparisons for exact equality (Jeremy Bicha, Kjell Ahlstedt) Merge request !77 Meson build: * Donʼt fail if warning_level=everything (Daniel Boles, Kjell Ahlstedt) Merge request !87 ======================================== template-glib ======================================== ============== Version 3.36.2 ============== This release contains bug fixes only • Fix trace level define • Fix unused dlfcn.h include