# Copyright 2016-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..13} pypy3 pypy3_11 ) DISTUTILS_USE_PEP517=setuptools inherit bash-completion-r1 edo distutils-r1 flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson" inherit ninja-utils git-r3 BDEPEND=" ${NINJA_DEPEND} $(python_gen_any_dep 'dev-python/pyyaml[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]') " else inherit verify-sig MY_PV=${PV/_/} MY_P=${P/_/} S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P} SRC_URI=" https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/releases/download/${MY_PV}/${MY_P}.tar.gz verify-sig? ( https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/releases/download/${MY_PV}/${MY_P}.tar.gz.asc ) https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/releases/download/${MY_PV}/meson-reference.3 -> meson-reference-${MY_PV}.3 " BDEPEND="verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-jpakkane )" VERIFY_SIG_OPENPGP_KEY_PATH=/usr/share/openpgp-keys/jpakkane.gpg if [[ ${PV} != *_rc* ]] ; then KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~loong ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris" fi fi DESCRIPTION="Open source build system" HOMEPAGE="https://mesonbuild.com/" LICENSE="Apache-2.0" SLOT="0" IUSE="test test-full" RESTRICT="!test? ( test )" REQUIRED_USE="test-full? ( test )" DEPEND=" test? ( dev-libs/glib:2 dev-libs/gobject-introspection app-alternatives/ninja dev-vcs/git sys-libs/zlib[static-libs(+)] virtual/pkgconfig dev-build/cmake ) test-full? ( || ( dev-lang/rust dev-lang/rust-bin ) dev-lang/nasm >=dev-lang/pypy-3 dev-lang/vala dev-python/cython virtual/fortran virtual/jdk app-text/doxygen dev-cpp/gtest dev-libs/protobuf dev-util/bindgen dev-util/gtk-doc dev-util/itstool llvm-core/llvm media-libs/libsdl2 media-libs/libwmf net-libs/libpcap sci-libs/hdf5[fortran] sci-libs/netcdf sys-cluster/openmpi[fortran] sys-devel/bison sys-devel/flex dev-qt/linguist-tools:5 dev-qt/qtwidgets:5 dev-qt/qtbase:6[gui,widgets] dev-qt/qttools:6 dev-util/gdbus-codegen x11-libs/gtk+:3 dev-libs/wayland dev-util/wayland-scanner ) " RDEPEND=" !<dev-build/muon-0.2.0-r2[man(-)] virtual/pkgconfig " PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.2.1-python-path.patch ) src_unpack() { if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then git-r3_src_unpack else default use verify-sig && verify-sig_verify_detached "${DISTDIR}"/${MY_P}.tar.gz{,.asc} fi } python_prepare_all() { local disable_unittests=( # ASAN and sandbox both want control over LD_PRELOAD # https://bugs.gentoo.org/673016 -e 's/test_generate_gir_with_address_sanitizer/_&/' # ASAN is unsupported on some targets # https://bugs.gentoo.org/692822 -e 's/test_pch_with_address_sanitizer/_&/' # clippy-driver fails, but only when run via portage. # # error[E0463]: can't find crate for `std` # error: requires `sized` lang_item -e 's/test_rust_clippy/_&/' ) sed -i "${disable_unittests[@]}" unittests/*.py || die # Broken due to python2 script created by python_wrapper_setup rm -r "test cases/frameworks/1 boost" || die # nvcc breaks on essentially any LDFLAGS # https://bugs.gentoo.org/936757 # https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/11234 rm -r "test cases/cuda"/* || die distutils-r1_python_prepare_all } python_check_deps() { if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then python_has_version "dev-python/pyyaml[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" fi } python_configure_all() { if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then # We use the unsafe_yaml loader because strictyaml is not packaged. In # theory they produce the same results, but pyyaml is faster and # without safety checks. edo ./meson.py setup \ --prefix "${EPREFIX}/usr" \ -Dhtml=false \ -Dunsafe_yaml=true \ docs/ docs/builddir fi } python_compile_all() { if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then eninja -C docs/builddir fi } src_test() { tc-export PKG_CONFIG if ${PKG_CONFIG} --exists Qt5Core && ! ${PKG_CONFIG} --exists Qt5Gui; then ewarn "Found Qt5Core but not Qt5Gui; skipping tests" else distutils-r1_src_test fi } python_test() { ( # meson has its own tests for LTO support. We don't need to verify that # all tests work when they happen to use it. And in particular, this # breaks rust. filter-lto # remove unwanted python_wrapper_setup contents # We actually do want to non-error if python2 is installed and tested. remove="${T}/${EPYTHON}/bin:" PATH=${PATH/${remove}/} # test_meson_installed unset PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE # https://bugs.gentoo.org/687792 unset PKG_CONFIG # test_cross_file_system_paths unset XDG_DATA_HOME # 'test cases/unit/73 summary' expects 80 columns export COLUMNS=80 # If JAVA_HOME is not set, meson looks for javac in PATH. # If javac is in /usr/bin, meson assumes /usr/include is a valid # JDK include path. Setting JAVA_HOME works around this broken # autodetection. If no JDK is installed, we should end up with an empty # value in JAVA_HOME, and the tests should get skipped. export JAVA_HOME=$(java-config -O 2>/dev/null) ${EPYTHON} -u run_tests.py ) || die "Testing failed with ${EPYTHON}" } python_install_all() { distutils-r1_python_install_all insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles doins -r data/syntax-highlighting/vim/{ftdetect,indent,syntax} insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions doins data/shell-completions/zsh/_meson dobashcomp data/shell-completions/bash/meson if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then DESTDIR="${ED}" eninja -C docs/builddir install else newman "${DISTDIR}"/meson-reference-${MY_PV}.3 meson-reference.3 fi }