checks |
Argument type checking API. |
coroutine |
Coroutine Manipulation. |
debug |
The Debug Library. |
devicetree |
This module provides read/write access to system parameters and settings, as well as the ability to receive notifications when they change. |
global |
Lua global variables. |
gpio |
The gpio library enables to interact with GPIOs. |
io |
Input and Output Facilities. |
lfs |
LuaFileSystem is a Lua library developed to complement the set of functions related to file systems offered by the standard Lua distribution. |
log |
Log library provides logging facilities. |
lua |
Lua is a programming language used to interface with Agent services. |
math |
Mathematical Functions. |
modbus |
Implementation of modbus RTU, ASCII master. |
modbustcp |
Implementation of modbus TCP, TCP/RTU and TCP/ASCII. |
niltoken |
Module to provide Nil token. |
os |
Operating System Facilities. |
pack |
A library for packing and unpacking binary data. |
package |
The package library provides basic facilities for loading and building modules in Lua. |
persist |
This module allows to save and retrieve Lua values in table-like objects, in a non-volatile way. |
racon |
Provides interfaces with the M2M Cloud Services Platform. |
racon.asset |
Racon Application Services object used to send data to the M2M Application Services server. |
racon.table |
Racon objects handling staging database tables, to buffer, consolidate and send structured data. |
sched |
Sched is a Lua collaborative scheduler: it allows several Lua tasks to run in parallel, and to communicate together when they need to interact. |
serial |
The serial library enables communication over the serial port. |
sms |
This module provides the ability to send and receive SMS (Short Message Service) messages via the embedded radio module. |
socket |
This module provides TCP and UDP sockets as well as HTTP, FTP protocol stacks and more. |
string |
String Manipulation. |
system |
System related tasks |
table |
Table Manipulation This library provides generic functions for table manipulation. |
timer |
Timer module that supports one-time timer, periodic timer and Cron-compatible syntax. |
utils.loader |
Code loading/unloading utils. |
utils.ltn12.source |
LTN12 source utils. |
utils.path |
Path utils. |
utils.table |
Table utils. |