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PortSystem          1.0

name                steghide
version             0.5.1
revision            4
categories          security
license             GPL-2+
maintainers         gmail.com:cforkin
description         Steghide is a steganography program
long_description    Steghide is a steganography program that is able to hide \
                    data in various kinds of image- and audio-files. The \
                    color- respectivly sample-frequencies are not changed thus \
                    making the embedding resistant against first-order \
                    statistical tests.
homepage            http://steghide.sourceforge.net/
platforms           darwin
master_sites        sourceforge:project/${name}/${name}/${version}

configure.args      --mandir=${prefix}/share/man

patchfiles          patch-build-with-gcc-4.diff \
                    patch-MHashPP.diff \
                    patch-src-BmpFile.cc.diff \
                    patch-src-Makefile.am.diff \
                    patch-src-Makefile.in.diff \
                    patch-src-gettext.h.diff \
                    patch-configure.diff \

checksums           md5 5be490e24807d921045780fd8cc446b3 \
                    sha1 a6d204744fabfe5751ab5e2d889ac373c0b0a30c \
                    rmd160 e17507444b8bb91e6e29d46ec02fa39f7f2f44e8

depends_build       port:libtool

depends_lib         path:include/turbojpeg.h:libjpeg-turbo \
                    port:mhash \
                    port:gettext \
                    port:libmcrypt \
                    port:libiconv \