PortSystem 1.0

name			secpwgen
version			1.3
revision		1
categories		security
license			MIT
platforms		darwin
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		An utility for generating secure passphrases
long_description	An utility for generating secure passphrases. Implements \
				several methods for passphrase generation including the \
				Diceware method with 8192 word dictionary compiled in the \

homepage		http://www.core-dump.com.hr/index.pl?node_id=407
#master_sites	http://www.core-dump.com.hr/software/
master_sites	http://zvrba.net/software/
checksums		md5 ebb79a99950dc405809bcf5528f0f09e
patchfiles		patch-Makefile.proto

depends_lib		port:cryptlib

use_configure	no

variant universal {}

build.args		-f Makefile.proto PREFIX=${prefix} CC="${configure.cc} [get_canonical_archflags cc]"

destroot.args	-f Makefile.proto
destroot.destdir	PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix}