PortSystem			1.0

name				scponly
version				4.6
categories			security net sysutils
license				BSD
maintainers			nomaintainer
description			Limited shell which wraps scp/sftp
long_description \
	"scponly" is an alternative 'shell' (of sorts) for system administrators \
	who would like to provide access to remote users to both read and write \
	local files without providing any remote execution priviledges.  \
	Functionally, it is best described as a wrapper to the mostly trusted \
	suite of ssh applications.

platforms			darwin

homepage			http://www.sublimation.org/scponly/
master_sites		${homepage}
extract.suffix		.tgz

checksums			md5 0425cb868cadd026851238452f1db907 \
					sha1 d967ba69262c7675b9a0255884cf86c601d0d619

depends_lib			bin:ssh:openssh

configure.args		--mandir=${prefix}/share/man
configure.cflags-append -std=gnu89

variant noWildcards {
	configure.args-append	--disable-wildcards

variant noWinscpCompat {
	configure.args-append	--disable-winscp-compat

variant rsyncCompat {
	depends_run				path:bin/rsync:rsync
	configure.args-append	--enable-rsync-compat

variant chroot {
	configure.args-append	--enable-chrooted-binary

variant scpCompat description "Enable scp compatibility" {
	configure.args-append	--enable-scp-compat

post-destroot {
	xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
	xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} AUTHOR BUILDING-JAILS.TXT CHANGELOG \

post-install {
	ui_msg "For proper functionality, you need to add ${prefix}/bin/scponly"
	ui_msg "to /etc/shells.  Be sure to also check the documentation"
	ui_msg "in ${prefix}/share/doc/${name}"