PortSystem      1.0

name            pwman
version         0.4.4
revision        2
categories      security
platforms       darwin
maintainers     oaf.dk:mni
description     curses based password management program
license         GPL-2

long_description \
    PWman is a curses based password storage application.\
    It uses GnuPG to encrypt and decrypt the password file.\
    The interface was inspired by Jaako Heinonen's abook.

homepage        http://sourceforge.net/projects/pwman
master_sites    sourceforge

checksums       md5     29ddc5028391e224995151b4f959c51a \
                sha1    3eb443858de5dbed10a642323ac7b1a27d2b5e08 \
                rmd160  29207d09666f51e241dbb9db04ba6500878471ba

depends_lib     port:ncurses \
                port:libxml2 \

configure.args  --mandir=${prefix}/share/man

patchfiles      clang.patch

livecheck.url   ${homepage}
livecheck.regex {/pwman-(.+?)/ChangeLog}

post-configure {
  reinplace "s|-lcurses|-lncurses|" ${worksrcpath}/src/Makefile