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PortSystem              1.0

name                    openvas-libnasl
version                 2.0.2
set download_id         619
categories              security
license                 {GPL-2 OpenSSLException}
maintainers             nomaintainer
homepage                http://www.openvas.org/
master_sites            http://wald.intevation.org/frs/download.php/${download_id}

checksums \
    md5     c6d4e9099b860a0dceda6c10eacc26f4 \
    sha1    7a4342418de2a591353a4404455ca97a49d589d8 \
    rmd160  59f583f7e91c1d7e69bd16ce4fcacccb25b49e02

description \
    Open Vulnerability Assessment System NASL library

long_description \
    OpenVAS is the Open Vulnerability Assessment System. This port \
    contains the Nessus Attack Scripting Language (NASL) library used \
    by the server component.

depends_build \
    port:pkgconfig \
    path:bin/bison:bison \

depends_lib \
    path:bin/gpgme-config:gpgme \

patchfiles              patch-configure.diff \

use_parallel_build      yes

livecheck.type          regex
livecheck.url           http://wald.intevation.org/frs/?group_id=29
livecheck.regex         ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.tar