PortSystem              1.0
PortGroup               compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0

name                    ccrypt
version                 1.11
categories              security
platforms               darwin
license                 GPL-2+
maintainers             nomaintainer
homepage                http://ccrypt.sourceforge.net

description             Encrypt and decrypt files and streams

long_description        Utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams. \
                        It was designed to replace the standard unix crypt \
                        utility, which is notorious for using a very weak \
                        encryption algorithm. ccrypt is based on the Rijndael \
                        cipher, which is the U.S. government's chosen candidate \
                        for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES, see \
                        http://www.nist.gov/aes/). This cipher is believed to \
                        provide very strong security. Unlike unix crypt, the \
                        algorithm provided by ccrypt is not symmetric, i.e., \
                        one must specify whether to encrypt or decrypt. The most \
                        common way to invoke ccrypt is via the commands \
                        ccencrypt and ccdecrypt. There is also a ccat command \
                        for decrypting a file directly to the terminal, thus \
                        reducing the likelihood of leaving temporary plaintext \
                        files around. In addition, there is a compatibility mode \
                        for decrypting legacy unix crypt files.

master_sites            sourceforge:project/ccrypt/${version}

checksums               rmd160  0515bdaad2dbf9f029acb6361b26be4c280d2a2a \
                        sha256  b19c47500a96ee5fbd820f704c912f6efcc42b638c0a6aa7a4e3dc0a6b51a44f \
                        size    834575

depends_lib             port:gettext

# test fails, ticket #32377
compiler.blacklist      {clang <= 318.0.61}

use_parallel_build      yes

build.target            check

livecheck.type          regex
livecheck.regex         ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.tar