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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           npm 1.0

name                bitwarden-cli
version             2025.1.3
revision            0

npm.rootname        @bitwarden/cli
distname            cli-${version}

npm.nodejs_version  22
npm.version         10

categories          security
license             GPL-3
maintainers         {bochtler.io:macports @MarcelBochtler} \

description         Bitwarden password manager CLI
long_description    CLI implementation of the Bitwarden password manager.
homepage            https://bitwarden.com

checksums           rmd160  f01f0919a3877f91a0a112bf33dc5aaaaa921858 \
                    sha256  6e94530020eb0c8c2acb7508afa06886bec3c31cb7af1e9ecd44d193ca1a625f \
                    size    1573743