PortSystem 1.0

name		xloops
version		current
revision	9
categories	science
platforms	darwin
maintainers	nomaintainer
description	A Program for Calculating Feynman Diagrams
long_description	\
		The aim of xloops is to calculate one-particle		\
		irreducible Feynman diagrams with one or two closed	\
		loops for arbitrary processes in the Standard Model	\
		of particles and related theories. Results can be	\
		returned both algebraically and numerically.		\
		All necessary tensor integrals are treated for		\
		arbitrary masses and momenta.

homepage	http://wwwthep.physik.uni-mainz.de/~xloops/

fetch.type	cvs
cvs.password	anoncvs
cvs.root	:pserver:anoncvs@cvsthep.physik.uni-mainz.de:/home/cvs
cvs.module	${name}
cvs.date	20060413

set worksrcdir	${name}

depends_lib	port:GiNaC		\

patchfiles	patch-ginsh-Makefile.am	\
		patch-fcntimer.cpp	\
		patch-ginsh_parser.yy	\

pre-configure	{
		  system "cd ${worksrcpath} && LIBTOOLIZE=glibtoolize autoreconf -i"

build.target	{ }

notes	"Not all of the two loops tests pass yet. The ones that\
do not are commented out.

Some of the functions in the cvs version take different\
arguments than are specified in the documentation.\
As always, the source code is your friend in these\

Remember, you must build your programs that include\
the xloop library with the same C++ compiler as was\
used to build xloops."

test.run	yes
test.cmd	make
test.target	check