--- src/condor_utils/condor_config.cpp
+++ src/condor_utils/condor_config.cpp
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ real_config(const char* host, int wantsQuiet, int config_options)
 		fprintf(stderr,"\nNeither the environment variable %s_CONFIG,\n",
 				myDistro->GetUc() );
 #	  if defined UNIX
-		fprintf(stderr,"/etc/%s/, /usr/local/etc/, nor ~%s/ contain a %s_config source.\n",
+		fprintf(stderr,"@prefix@/etc/%s/, /usr/local/etc/, nor ~%s/ contain a %s_config source.\n",
 				myDistro->Get(), myDistro->Get(), myDistro->Get() );
 #	  elif defined WIN32
 		fprintf(stderr,"nor the registry contains a %s_config source.\n", myDistro->Get() );
@@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ real_config(const char* host, int wantsQuiet, int config_options)
 		fprintf( stderr,"Either set %s_CONFIG to point to a valid config "
 				"source,\n", myDistro->GetUc() );
 #	  if defined UNIX
-		fprintf( stderr,"or put a \"%s_config\" file in /etc/%s/ /usr/local/etc/ or ~%s/\n",
+		fprintf( stderr,"or put a \"%s_config\" file in @prefix@/etc/%s/ /usr/local/etc/ or ~%s/\n",
 				 myDistro->Get(), myDistro->Get(), myDistro->Get() );
 #	  elif defined WIN32
 		fprintf( stderr,"or put a \"%s_config\" source in the registry at:\n"
@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@ find_file(const char *env_name, const char *file_name, int config_options)
 		// $HOME/.condor/condor_config was added for BOSCO and never used, We are removing it in 8.3.1, but may put it back if users complain.
 		//find_user_file(locations[0], file_name, false);
 			// 2) /etc/condor/condor_config
-		locations[1].formatstr( "/etc/%s/%s", myDistro->Get(), file_name );
+		locations[1].formatstr( "@prefix@/etc/%s/%s", myDistro->Get(), file_name );
 			// 3) /usr/local/etc/condor_config (FreeBSD)
 		locations[2].formatstr( "/usr/local/etc/%s", file_name );
 		if (tilde) {