PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           ruby 1.0

ruby.setup          hassle 0.0.1 gem {} rubygems ruby19
description         Makes SASS less of a hassle on read-only filesystems
long_description    \
    Makes SASS less of a hassle on read-only filesystems (like Heroku) by \
    compiling and serving it up for you.
maintainers         nomaintainer
homepage            https://github.com/pedro/hassle
platforms           any
supported_archs     noarch
license             MIT
checksums           md5     365857e030aa08e4f5bf51d714d90915 \
                    sha1    27efaa7f0136cdd540c2b1a922c0685e82f379fa \
                    rmd160  02a90c7cc5c4b9fc9c0954613e97658147db88f0

depends_run         port:rb19-haml