PortSystem 			1.0
PortGroup			ruby 1.0

ruby.setup			net-irc 0.0.9 gem {} rubygems
maintainers 		{kimuraw @kimuraw} openmaintainer

categories-append 	irc
description 		IRC library. This is mostly conform to RFC1459 but partly \
					not for convenience.
long_description 	IRC library. This is mostly conform to RFC1459 but partly \
					not for convenience.
homepage			https://github.com/cho45/net-irc
license				Ruby
supported_archs		noarch

platforms 			any
checksums			md5 9db9bf454e4d88607b0ed976a58da630 \
					sha1 23325bc5b7ec718661d8a6e92c797b3019f48abc \
					rmd160 44bcf84880f78d0d58b13a381cacb061da332697