PortSystem			1.0
PortGroup			ruby 1.0

ruby.setup			http_parser 0.1.3 gem {} rubygems
maintainers			{kimuraw @kimuraw} openmaintainer
description			HTTP Parser Library
long_description	This gem provides a (hopefully) high quality http parser \
		library that can build request information iteratively as data comes \
		over the line without requiring the caller to maintain the entire    \
		body of the request as a single string in memory.

homepage			https://github.com/stormbrew/http_parser
license				MIT

checksums			md5     ff3d1751307a665a38b829752035805f \
					sha1    3cdc579f00d1719df704f7cc6bfa537e0ae8eac9 \
					rmd160  00a5f2881b7d978556be9b1a7b396adc3e729d0c
platforms			any
supported_archs		noarch