PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup github 1.0

github.setup    ldmud ldmud 3.6.7
categories      games
maintainers     {toby @tobypeterson}
description     modern LPMud gamedriver
long_description \
    LDMud started as a project to clean up and modernize Amylaar's LPMud \
    gamedriver. Primary goals are full documentation, a commented source body \
    and out-of-the-box support for the major mudlibs, of which the commented \
    source body has been pretty much completed. During the course of work a \
    lot of bug fixes and improvements found their way into the driver - much \
    more than originally expected, and definitely enough to make LDMud a \
    driver in its own right.
homepage        http://www.ldmud.eu/
platforms       darwin

checksums       rmd160  986b2de4de9548636b0621ff2ed7e33e3d520913 \
                sha256  330c4de73a85532d7c183dfbc3c952117e6fb64546828175d8ab9bbe205fdc32 \
                size    3387912

patchfiles      patch-src__Makefile.in

depends_build   port:bison
depends_lib     port:libiconv port:pcre path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl

use_autoreconf  yes
autoreconf.dir  ${worksrcpath}/src
autoreconf.cmd  ./autogen.sh

configure.dir   ${worksrcpath}/src
configure.args  --libdir=${prefix}/var/ldmud \
                --with-optimize=no \
configure.env   EXTRA_CFLAGS=${configure.cflags}

use_parallel_build  no
build.dir       ${worksrcpath}/src

destroot.target install-driver