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PortSystem              1.0
PortGroup               makefile 1.0

name                    galaxis
version                 1.11
revision                0
categories              games
license                 BSD
maintainers             nomaintainer

description             UNIX clone of the Mac game Galaxis
long_description        UNIX-hosted, curses-based clone of the nifty little Macintosh \
                        freeware game Galaxis. The code is POSIX-conforming and was \
                        written under Linux using the ncurses library\; it should part \
                        readily to any System V. BSD sites using the inferior native \
                        BSD curses will lose some features (no color, nor arrow-key \

homepage                http://catb.org/~esr/galaxis/
master_sites            ${homepage}

checksums               rmd160  98b064f5dfce4688c122153bc1a2f9b5390f870b \
                        sha256  94059ba4f09985033a7d5f57a307063edbb0cdecc2d02898dc6ce4ce496b6856 \
                        size    10931

patch.pre_args-replace  -p0 -p1
patchfiles              patch-makefile.diff

depends_lib-append      port:ncurses