PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup xcode 1.0

name		Gomoku
version		1.2.6
categories	games aqua gnustep
license		GPL-2+
maintainers	nomaintainer
description	extended TicTacToe game
long_description	Gomoku.app is an extended TicTacToe game for GNUstep. \
			You win the game if you are able to put 5 of your \
			pieces in a row, column or diagonal. You lose if the \
			computer does it before you. You can play the game on \
			boards of different size\; the default size is 8 but \
			10 is also nice to play. The game has 6 different \
			difficulty levels.

homepage	http://www.gnustep.it/nicola/Applications/Gomoku/
master_sites	${homepage}:s \
distfiles	${distname}${extract.suffix}:s \
checksums	${distname}${extract.suffix} \
			md5 a6be66bed95483ecc6cfbde1ae746435 \
		${distname}_aqua${extract.suffix} \
			md5 0ed8a07fd4c2455651a6a5b630165b88
patchfiles	patch-Board.m.diff \
		patch-Controller.h.diff \
		patch-Controller.m.diff \
		patch-GomokuInfo.plist.diff \

post-extract	{
	file copy ${workpath}/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib \
	file copy ${workpath}/French.lproj/MainMenu.nib \
	file copy ${workpath}/German.lproj/MainMenu.nib \
	file copy ${workpath}/Italian.lproj/MainMenu.nib \
	file copy ${workpath}/Spanish.lproj/MainMenu.nib \
	file copy ${workpath}/Swedish.lproj/MainMenu.nib \
	file copy ${workpath}/GNUstep.h ${workpath}/about.png \
		${workpath}/Gomoku.pbproj ${worksrcpath}