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PortSystem          1.0

name                wandio
version             1.0.4

categories          devel
maintainers         caida.org:alistair \

description         C library for compressed file I/O
long_description    Libwandio is a software library written in C that provides \
                    an API for transparently reading from and writing to files \
                    using a variety of supported compression methods. I/O \
                    performance is improved by doing any compression and/or \
                    decompression using a separate thread.

platforms           darwin
license             GPL-2

homepage            http://research.wand.net.nz/software/libwandio.php
master_sites        http://research.wand.net.nz/software/wandio/

checksums           rmd160  377e8aab1072ee6ec437ef7ac7c4b6f9c9a2df49 \
                    sha256  0fe4ae99ad7224f11a9c988be151cbdc12c6dc15872b67f101764d6f3fc70629

depends_lib-append  port:bzip2 \
                    port:curl \
                    port:lzo2 \
                    port:xz \

livecheck.type      regex
livecheck.url       ${homepage}
livecheck.regex     ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}