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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           github 1.0
PortGroup           python 1.0

github.setup        dholm voidwalker 0.1.0 v
# Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update
github.tarball_from tarball

maintainers         nomaintainer
categories          devel
description         A GDB toolbox for low-level debugging.
long_description    (void)walker is a toolbox for GDB which provides utilities \
                    for debugging software on an instruction level. It is \
                    heavily influenced by the gdbinit by mammon_, elaine, fG! et \
                    al. but opens up for a much more advanced solution by using \
                    Python instead of GDB commands.
license             GPL-3

python.default_version 27

depends_lib-append  port:FlowUI

checksums           rmd160  ef0dd9383b34d0a0b0a637edc36055666f2ffab7 \
                    sha256  1bafb20064f2071b5df82a18e9feabdf1200f8395de6afa5bf10722676009390

 notes              "Add the following line to your ~/.gdbinit to have it loaded\
automatically whenever GDB is launched:

    python from voidwalker import voidwalker

The next time you start GDB you should see (void)walker being loaded."