PortSystem 1.0
name		readline-5
set shortname	readline
version		5.2.014
revision	2
distname	${shortname}-5.2
categories	devel
platforms	darwin
maintainers	{kimuraw @kimuraw} openmaintainer
license		GPL-2+

description	Library that provides command line editing
		The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions	\
		for use by applications that allow users to edit	\
		command lines as they are typed in. Both Emacs and vi	\
		editing modes are available. The Readline library	\
		includes additional functions to maintain a list of	\
		previously-entered command lines, to recall and perhaps	\
		reedit those lines, and perform csh-like history	\
		expansion on previous commands.				\
		The include files are kept in PREFIX/include/readline5	\
		and the library files are kept in PREFIX/lib/readline5.

homepage	http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/readline/rltop.html
depends_lib	port:ncurses
master_sites	gnu:${shortname}	\
dist_subdir     readline

patch_sites     ftp://ftp.cwru.edu/pub/bash/readline-5.2-patches/
patchfiles      readline52-001 \
                readline52-002 \
                readline52-003 \
                readline52-004 \
                readline52-005 \
                readline52-006 \
                readline52-007 \
                readline52-008 \
                readline52-009 \
                readline52-010 \
                readline52-011 \
                readline52-012 \
                readline52-013 \

# fix an error building .dylib on Snow Leopard.
patchfiles-append	patch-support-shobj-conf.diff

checksums       ${distname}${extract.suffix} md5 e39331f32ad14009b9ff49cc10c5e751 \
                readline52-001 md5 9d4d41622aa9b230c57f68548ce87d8f \
                readline52-002 md5 f03e512d14206e37f7d6a748b56b9476 \
                readline52-003 md5 252b42d8750f1a94b6bdf086612dceb2 \
                readline52-004 md5 a32333c2e603a3ed250514e91050e552 \
                readline52-005 md5 8106796c09b789523a3a78ab69c04b6d \
                readline52-006 md5 512188e2bf0837f7eca19dbf71f182ae \
                readline52-007 md5 ac17aca62eb6fb398c9f2fe9de540aff \
                readline52-008 md5 2484c392db021905f112cf97a94dfd4c \
                readline52-009 md5 fc6eb35d07914fae5c57d49c12483ff7 \
                readline52-010 md5 7a2bf3dc7ac7680b1461a5701100e91b \
                readline52-011 md5 ef6cef6822663470f6ac8c517c5a7ec6 \
                readline52-012 md5 e3e9f441c8111589855bc363e5640f6c \
                readline52-013 md5 3e2e5f543ed268a68fd1fa839faade1a \
                readline52-014 md5 a1be30e1c6f1099bb5fcef00a2631fb8

configure.args	--libdir=${prefix}/lib/readline5 \
				--includedir=${prefix}/include/readline5 \
				--mandir=${prefix}/share/doc/readline-5/man \