PortSystem      1.0
PortGroup       github 1.0

name            libsdl2_net
github.setup    libsdl-org SDL_net 2.2.0 release-
categories      devel net
license         zlib
maintainers     {jmr @jmroot} openmaintainer
description     cross-platform networking library

long_description \
    This is a small sample cross-platform networking library, with a sample \
    chat client and server application. The chat client uses the GUIlib GUI \
    framework library.

github.tarball_from releases
distname        SDL2_net-${version}

checksums       rmd160 982a19be6fd440bc5acc7a8cbf01243fc6c93347 \
                sha256 4e4a891988316271974ff4e9585ed1ef729a123d22c08bd473129179dc857feb

depends_build   path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig
depends_lib     port:libsdl2

configure.args  --disable-sdltest

compiler.blacklist *gcc-4.* { clang < 211 }

post-destroot {
    xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
    xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} CHANGES.txt LICENSE.txt README.txt \