PortSystem 1.0

name             fnv
version          4.1
categories       devel
license          public-domain
maintainers      nomaintainer
description      FNV hash implementation
long_description \
	The Fowler/Noll/Vo hashes are designed to be fast while \
	maintaining a low collision rate. The FNV speed allows \
	one to quickly hash lots of data while maintaining a \
	reasonable collision rate. The high dispersion of the \
	FNV hashes makes them well suited for hashing nearly \
	identical strings such as URLs, hostnames, filenames, \
	text, IP addresses, etc.
homepage         http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/
platforms        darwin
master_sites     http://www.isthe.com/chongo/src/fnv/
checksums        md5 efca66eacf3fceb4da06e2ead1bef712

worksrcdir       ${name}

post-patch {
	reinplace s|/bin/true|true| ${worksrcpath}/Makefile

use_configure    no

build.args       RANLIB=ranlib

destroot.destdir DESTBIN=${destroot}${prefix}/bin \
                 DESTLIB=${destroot}${prefix}/lib \

test.run         yes
test.target      check