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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           github 1.0

github.setup        michipili bsdowl 2.2.1 v
revision            1
categories          devel
platforms           any
maintainers         gmail.com:michipili
license             CeCILL-B
supported_archs     noarch

description         BSD Owl Make Scripts

long_description    This collection of BSD Make directives can be used to   \
                    create workflows including the following activities:    \
                    Preparation and publication of TeX documents,           \
                    Development of TeX macros with NOWEB, Development of    \
                    OCaml software, Maintenance of a FreeBSD workstation    \
                    configuration files, Preparation of a static website    \
                    with ONSGMLS.

checksums           rmd160  db48c5610a99ba001a2be009cf8c9c549d8da197 \
                    sha256  269030428efec1a554f7ce038820f218e09523d771875c2ed6b6e7cd0288f4fd

github.tarball_from releases
use_xz              yes

depends_build       port:ocaml-findlib

depends_lib         port:GraphicsMagick

# use build.type bmake when available in a released version of MacPorts
depends_build-append bin:bmake:bmake
build.cmd           bmake
build.post_args     -r