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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           R 1.0

R.setup             cran herve.perdry gaston 1.6
revision            0
categories-append   biology
maintainers         nomaintainer
license             GPL-3
description         Genetic data handling and linear mixed models
long_description    Genetic data handling (QC, GRM, LD, PCA) \
                    and linear mixed models.
checksums           rmd160  c67dbaea42a3aa6ebaf9097fb43a7bda03e5016c \
                    sha256  a4279c07054766356019858a8b9d06a99a094d84e362fd8594342bdd04f7d2ce \
                    size    2094644

depends_lib-append  port:R-Rcpp \
                    port:R-RcppEigen \
                    port:R-RcppParallel \

depends_test-append port:R-knitr

test.run            yes