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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           R 1.0

# Revert to GitHub once updated there.
R.setup             cran karchjd altR2 1.1.0 cran_
revision            0
categories-append   math
platforms           {darwin any}
maintainers         nomaintainer
license             GPL-2
description         Alternative estimators to adjusted R-squared
long_description    {*}${description}
checksums           rmd160  05c8953185904fc818963422253277782936d7e1 \
                    sha256  8a678bb2b27cb0ee268b879edf26d4021b71a7fb0b354d35d85e79c6f01f1af2 \
                    size    5419
# github.tarball_from archive
supported_archs     noarch

depends_lib-append  port:R-gsl \

depends_test-append port:R-testthat

test.run            yes