% mnland.tex, landscape material for sample pages % v1.1 released 18th July 1994 % v1.0 released 28th January 1994 \documentstyle[landscape]{mn} \ifoldfss \newcommand{\rmn}[1] {{\rm #1}} \else \newcommand{\rmn}[1] {\mathrm{#1}} \fi \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} % only use the following if your dvi driver understands `landscape' %\hbox{\special{landscape}} \clearpage \setcounter{figure}{3} \begin{figure*} \vspace{144mm} \caption{Photometric comparisons in the overlap areas between the fields. The differences between photometry of individual images from different fields for the overlapping fields 52--51, 50--51, 50--28 and 30--29 are shown for the $B_{\rmn{J}}$ and $R$ wavebands. The axes are as follows. Left-hand panels: $\Delta B$ ($-1$ to 1) against $\langle B \rangle$ (13 to 21). Right-hand panels: $\Delta R$ ($-1$ to 1) against $\langle R \rangle$ (12 to 20).} \label{landfig} \end{figure*} \end{document}