\documentclass[dvips,11pt,oneside]{report} \usepackage[doctor,signature]{psu-thesis} \numberbychapter \bibliographystyle{psuthesis} \raggedbottom \setstretch{1.5} \begin{document} \title{A NEW THEORY THAT WILL MAKE ME FAMOUS} \author{John Q. Doe} \firstreader{Albert Einstein}{\assocprof{Physics} \adviserchair} \secondreader{Leonhard Euler}{\assistprof{Mathematics}} \thirdreader{Rene Descartes}{\prof{Mathematics}} \fourthreader{Isaac Newton}{\prof{Mathematics}} \fifthreader{Leonardo DaVinci}{\prof{Physics} \head{Physics}} \dept{Physics}\college{Eberly College of Science} \submitdate{May 2008} \copyrightyear{2008} \thesis %\degree{Doctor of Philosophy} \principaladviser{Albert Einstein} \includecopyrightpage \includecopyrightline %\includecommittee %\includelistoftables %\includelistoffigures \listofsymbols{ \symbolentry{c}{Speed of light in a vacuum} \symbolentry{e}{Euler Number} \symbolentry{g}{Acceleration due to gravity. According to legend, one of my readers had discovered gravity because an apple fell on his head. Of course this is only shown to illustrate that multi-line variable descriptions remain in the description column.} \symbolentry{M_e}{Mass of Earth} \symbolentry{G}{Universal gravitation constant. Following symbols will have different column widths.} \setsymwidth{0.5in} \symbolentry{()'}{First derivative of a quantity. Notice that the columns have moved and since the minipage environment is used, the description is wrapped to the new column width. This might be used if both single character and longer definitions such as integral expressions, are used in the list of symbols.} \symbolentry{()''}{Second derivative of a quantity} } \dedicationtext{This thesis is dedicated to my wife Mrs. Doe.} \abstracttext{This thesis will no doubt be famous considering my committee.} \acknowltext{I would like to thank H.G. Wells for lending me his time machine so my committee could be present even though they lived over a span of hundreds of years.} \prefacetext{This is the preface} \epigraphtext{This is the Epigraph} \frontispiece{Insert Picture Here for Frontispiece} \makefrontmatter \chapter{Basic Considerations} This is a sample masters thesis. It has two skeleton chapters and two appendices with simple figures and tables so that the lists and tables are populated. There is no bibliography information. The body of the thesis would go here. Note that the placement of figures and amount of figures and text per page is controlled by the \LaTeX commands: \verb+\floatpagefraction+, \verb+\topfraction+, \verb+\bottomfraction,+ and \begin{table} \caption{Sample table in Chapter 1} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Column 1, line 1 & Column 2, line 1 \\ \hline Column 1, line 2 & Column 2, line 2 \\ \hline Column 1, line 3 & Column 2, line 3 \\ \hline Column 1, line 4 & Column 2, line 4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{table} \caption{Second sample table in Chapter 1} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Column 1, line 1 & Column 2, line 1 \\ \hline Column 1, line 2 & Column 2, line 2 \\ \hline Column 1, line 3 & Column 2, line 3 \\ \hline Column 1, line 4 & Column 2, line 4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{figure} \caption{Sample figure in Chapter 1} \begin{center} \framebox{\begin{minipage}{5in} \vspace{2in} \hfill \Huge A Figure would go here. \hfill \vspace{2in} \end{minipage}} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \caption{Second sample figure in Chapter 1} \begin{center} \framebox{\begin{minipage}{5in} \vspace{2in} \hfill \Huge A Figure would go here. \hfill \vspace{2in} \end{minipage}} \end{center} \end{figure} \chapter{Advanced Considerations} A second chapter is included to illustrate the \verb+\numberbychapter+ feature, which numbers tables and figures by the chapter number. \begin{figure} \caption{Sample figure in Chapter 2} \begin{center} \framebox{\begin{minipage}{5in} \vspace{2in} \hfill \Huge A Figure would go here. \hfill \vspace{2in} \end{minipage}} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \caption{Second sample figure in Chapter 2} \begin{center} \framebox{\begin{minipage}{5in} \vspace{2in} \hfill \Huge A Figure would go here. \hfill \vspace{2in} \end{minipage}} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{table} \caption{Sample table in Chapter 2} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Column 1, line 1 & Column 2, line 1 \\ \hline Column 1, line 2 & Column 2, line 2 \\ \hline Column 1, line 3 & Column 2, line 3 \\ \hline Column 1, line 4 & Column 2, line 4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{table} \caption{Second sample table in Chapter 2} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Column 1, line 1 & Column 2, line 1 \\ \hline Column 1, line 2 & Column 2, line 2 \\ \hline Column 1, line 3 & Column 2, line 3 \\ \hline Column 1, line 4 & Column 2, line 4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \includebibliography{ \chapter*{Bibliography} The bibliography would go here. It will not appear in the table of contents by default. The \emph{includebibliography} command adds to the table of contents and formats as single space. The built in \LaTeX\ bilbiography features can be used inside and are automatically single spaced. } \singleappendix \chapter{There Can Be Only One} \begin{table} \caption{Sample table in Appendix} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Column 1, line 1 & Column 2, line 1 \\ \hline Column 1, line 2 & Column 2, line 2 \\ \hline Column 1, line 3 & Column 2, line 3 \\ \hline Column 1, line 4 & Column 2, line 4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} A single appendix goes here. The style file changes the chapter title to "Appendix" rather than ``Appendix A'' per the thesis guidelines. The MS example has multiple appendices for illustration. A specific \verb+\chapter+ declaration is required to specify the title of the appendix. In that respect, it behaves like any other chapter and the \verb+\singleappendix+ command merely reformats so it is not called ``Appendix A'' \begin{figure} \caption{Sample figure in the appendix} \begin{center} \framebox{\begin{minipage}{5in} \vspace{2in} \hfill \Huge A Figure would go here. \hfill \vspace{2in} \end{minipage}} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \caption{Second sample figure in the appendix} \begin{center} \framebox{\begin{minipage}{5in} \vspace{2in} \hfill \Huge A Figure would go here. \hfill \vspace{2in} \end{minipage}} \end{center} \end{figure} \vita{The vita (or \emph{Curriculum vitae} for Latin enthusiasts) goes here. There are no special formatting commands for the vita.} \UMIabstract{The UMI abstract goes here. There are no special formatting commands for the UMI abstract, and it may be the same as the regular abstract at the beginning. The above information is taken from the frontmatter information and formatted automatically. Note that the UMI abstract is not bound with the thesis and hence has no page number. It is printed at the end as a convenience. By default it is spaced the same as the thesis but can be made a different spacing if desired. But for some reason it complains if the abstract is not a single paragraph.} \end{document}