\documentclass[hyperref,publist,addack,firstparindent]{technionThesis} % OPTIONS: % hyperref Add hyperlinks % publist Add a list of publications in the front pages (update list in thesissetup.sty) % addack Add an acknowledgments page (only for final version!) % advisement Use `advisement' instead of `supervision' in front pages % spacepar Add a blank line between paragraphs % firstparindent Indent the first paragraph of a chapter/section % libertine Use libertine as the main document font rather than computer modern roman % Define your own data in the following file \usepackage{technionThesisSetup} % Use the following file to define your own macros \usepackage{technionThesisMacros} % For generating dummy text. Remove from your version. \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} % FRONT PAGES: \makeTitleEnglish \chapter{Abstract} \input{abstract} \clearpage \input{abbrev} \cleardoublepage % Each of the following should begin with \chapter{...}. \include{introduction} \include{chapfirst} \include{chapsecond} % Add more chapters as required. % In a thesis, there must be a discussion/conclusions section \include{discussion} % An appendix must appear AFTER the discussion. \begin{appendices} % Set appendix numbering \include{appendix} \end{appendices} % Setup the bibliography \bstctlcite{BIBctrl} \bibliographystyle{IEEEtranS} \bibliography{mybib.bib} \clearpage % HEBREW SECTION \makeTitleHebrew \end{document}